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In class, we were trying to solve how many calories we eat in one meal, and how much of it comes from

fat, protein, or carbohydrates. First, we picked food off a list, then we put all the calories together, once we did that, we added up how many calories came from fat, we got this information off the food label. For how many came from carbohydrates, we divided by four because it takes four carbohydrates to make one calorie, then we added up the number of fat calories, and carbohydrate calories. After that, we subtracted that out of the total number of calories, and that is how many calories came out of protein. In the end, I learned that my usual breakfast contains 635 calories, and 41% of those calories came from fat. I learned that Calories are what you burn off when you do anything, and that it is important to make sure you know what you are eating. When my family and I are at the grocery store and we are trying to pick out something to eat, we can look on the back and see how many calories there are.

1. Introductory subordinate/phrase 2. Connecting sentences 3. Series 4. Series 5. Introductory word 6. Connecting sentences 7. Direct clause 8. Direct Clause 9. Connecting sentences

10. Direct clause 11-18 Connecting Sentences

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