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FRUIT KEBABS WITH CHOCOLATE SAUCE AND CHOPPED NUTS Two Lemons Cubes of Banana Cubes of Strawberry Cubes

erry Cubes of mango Cubes of Kiwi Cherries Some Nuts Sticks for Skewers Mint Leaf Chocolate

1.- Wash and cut the fruits into cubes. Sprinkle a little bit of sugar, (If you want a special flavor) 2.- Take sticks for skewers and put the fruit alternating ones. Finish it with a mint leaf. 3.- Put the hot chocolate on the skewers. ( For this demostration we are going to use HERSHEY CHOCOLATE ) 4.- Quickly, In a bowl with nuts, we are going to dip the fruit kebabs with chocolate and shake 5.- Wait until the chocolate with nuts be cool and harden. Enjoy with your classmates.

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