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Grade 8 Social Aztec Social Hierarchy March 7 Period 6 52 minutes (2:26-3:18) Outcomes:

8.1.1 appreciate the roles of time and geographic location in shaping a societys worldview 8.3.1 appreciate how a societys worldview influences the societys choices, decisions and interactions with other societies

Learning Objectives: 1. Explain key points for hierarchical levels of Aztec society Materials: - printed materials/laptops - index cards - sticky notes Assessments: - attendance - observation (1) - closure observation (1) Intro: - (5 minutes) attendance activity we heard presentations about 3 of the social classes in the social hierarchy list them and tell me something about each one Body: - finish presentations - info about human sacrifice Conclusion: - (10 minutes) We Learned What activity o Students write open ended questions on index cards Get a volunteer to pick a question and pose it to the class Students discuss in partners Choose one student to share what they discussed Repeat 2 times

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