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Production Stage Auditions

What I need to do I will audition people for the main role in my web series and also for a supporting cast I will film the trailer for my web series over a few different locations I will assess the potential risks I will write a letter to verify I am allowed to film in the location

Completion date 25/3/14


April half term

Risk assessment Permission/Contracts

25/3/14 25/3/14


I will advertise my web series on a website I have created and social media
Once I have all my footage I will edit my trailer and put everything together I will come up with a budget, weighing up the costs of everything I will draw up storyboards to visualize what my trailer will look like I will video my pitch in front of a audience Getting feedback on my web series trailer



April Half term





Pitch Vox Pops

23/3/14 April half term

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