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ABC Sales I just recently accepted a position as a team leader at ABC sales and have noticed that the

six person sales team that I am leading has been struggling with results in their sales numbers recently. I have thought of two things that I think once implemented would be extremely beneficial for the team not only for their personal betterment but also for their numbers. My first idea is to increase the interpersonal communication between not only me, as their supervisor, and the team but also the team with one another. I plan on doing this by having weekly lunch meetings as well as having the team work together in pairs for certain sales pitches. My second idea to boost their sales is to implement a reward program such as for every successful sale they get they get a gold star, or something of the sort, and for every ten gold stars they get some kind of reward such as a gift card or their picture posted in the office. Both of these ideas draws upon theories from the textbook by Shockley-Zalabak. The first idea I had about increasing interpersonal communication came from Maslows Hierarchy of Needs. Specifically, from the physiological tier and the love and social belonging tier because the lunch is the basic need for food and the lunch and working with one another on sales efforts as well as the need for peer-topeer interaction. The second idea I had to increase motivation and sales numbers was some sort of reward system which is spoken about in the rewards theory by B.F. Skinner. Skinner says that, behavior reinforced through positive feedback or tangible rewards will be perpetuated, whereas behavior that does not receive positive reinforcement will be unlikely to continue. That is why I think my system of a reward system will be beneficial to my sales team and in turn our sales. I think that if I implement both of my ideas that my sales teams comrade and sales will improve.

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