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Data Collection Classroom Set up

Description How does the structure of the classroom influence the interactions students have? Social Learning theory/psychosocial development - many of the classrooms in the junior high had individual rows of desks or small grouped rows (2/3 students in a row) - the teacher said she believed it was important to continually adjust the seating plan so that students are not always sitting with their friends but learning to work with others in their classroom - how does this relate to the creation of identity for students? - talking with one student during class, the student indicated to me that they had done similar projects before and that their older siblings had done the exact same projects as they were doing now, the student then went on to say that the teachers are not very creative or original - what does repeating the same assignment each year indicate to students? On one wall in the classroom, there was a chart that displayed self images of the students and which countries they were from. The students displayed their "life maps" on the walls of the classroom. This project outlines the significant events and memories or future goals the student has experienced and hopes to achieve.

Classroom Setup and Informal interview with teacher

Informal Interview with student

Classroom Design

Student Project

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