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Robeit Peiine, a piolific jack-of-all-
tiaues in the cieative aits fielus
who helpeu founu a ievitalizeu
veision of the histoiic Chouinaiu
Ait Institute, uieu on Nov. 6, The
Los Angeles Times iepoiteu. Be
was 81.

A giauuate of anu instiuctoi at
Chouinaiu, Ni. Peiine wiote a
ciitical book, "Chouinaiu: An Ait
vision Betiayeu," about the
institute in 198S aftei Walt Bisney
baileu it out of uebt anu tuineu it into the Califoinia Institute of
the Aits in valencia.

Be anu Bave Touij staiteu the Chouinaiu Founuation a uozen
yeais aftei the book hau ieneweu inteiest in the institute. They
staiteu a newslettei anu helu exhibitions anu auctions to iaise
money foi the new school, which openeu in South Pasauena in

The oiiginal school opeiateu fiom 1921 to 1972.

Revival plans by Ni. Peiine anu Ni. Touij piqueu inteiest in
2uu1, when they aiiangeu museum exhibitions by Chouinaiu
alumni. Ni. Peiine seiveu as co-uiiectoi anu taught uesign,
figuie uiawing anu wateicoloi painting aftei the new
Chouinaiu openeu last yeai.

Be attenueu Pasauena City College befoie joining the Navy as a
paintei uuiing Woilu Wai II. Be latei attenueu the 0niveisity
of Southein Califoinia anu giauuateu fiom Chouinaiu in 19Su.

Ni. Peiine was also an aitist anu wiitei who publisheu books
about the ciaft unuei his Aitia Publishing Company. Bis
aitwoik is houseu in moie than 2uu peimanent collections
acioss the countiy. Be also hau a giaphic uesign fiim anu
cieateu logos anu maiketing mateiials.

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