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Leadership Team Meeting 4/29/13 Absent: Kara Amundson, Angie Corbet, 1. & 2.).

Student groups from master list will be added. PD task force should be formed today. Add Equity to Reporting Groups. PLC should be added. Vertical Articulation & DP meetings GT should be changed to reporting group and not task force. Reviewed and revised task force action steps. Minimize problems, maximize communication, and increase consistency. Will be revisited in the fall. 3.) Tuesday meetings will be staff, dept, vertical artic, DP/MYP Task forces will be meeting as they can. Not enough Tuesdays in the month to be able to do both. PD days next year are forthcoming. DP repurposing @ vertical articulation days: Desire for increased productivity of meeting. Models and proposals created and discussed. Survey will take place in may and results will be reviewed by MYP and DP coordinators once it has been completed. How to make relevant as possible especially for DP/MYP factions. 4.) 7 period day updateBudget woefully inadequate to run a 7 period day. Proposal created to get district to do what they promised. Projected loss of 127 kids. Declining free and reduced rates. No admin intern for next year-- 2 AP's only. Initially allowed for only 1 counselor, but reinstated. Cuts will be made. Both in class and out of classroom. Electives need to be offered for 11th and 12th graders. Changes in staffing will have to happen as well. Friday is the deadline. Superintendent approval needed. It will work out. It just will take some doing.

5.). Will need to be revisited due to conflicts with HPMS schedule

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