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Jonathan Sharman





The different styles I have chosen for my typography I quite consistent in the fact they are all bold and fit the genre of web series I am going for. I haven chosen number one due to the fact it is quite old school and retro, which also coincides with the fact I am basing my web series on American Physco. Due to the fact it was based in the 1980s the first font I have chosen fits in really well with that time period and gives it a vintage old feel. The second font I have chosen again will give the audience an 80s feel and looks quite old and retro, this font also does not directly link with the web series therefore the audience will not know the genre of the film straight away, leaving a bit of mystery while they watch an episode of my web series. The third font I have chosen has more of a horror and dark feel to it, giving it more of a link to the genre of the film, it also has an old feel to it but this time gives the audience more of an idea of the genre. The final font I have chosen is similar to number one and two, it is very bold and stands out, which means it will immediately catch the audiences attention, this font doesnt give away the type of web series of genre and is quite standard, meaning the audience will be surprised when they find out the genre is a horror/crime/thriller .

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