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Why we have to write essays

Every teacher asks his students to write essays on different subject.i believe this has been for a long time.Even though many students think this is useless and a waste of time, writing essays is one of the best ways to develop the mental skills necessary for learning and thinking. Despite the widely held belief that human beings are rational animals, the fact is that we are no such thing--at least not naturally. What we are is capable of rational thought. We have the capacity to learn how to reason, but that capacity does not come to fruition without careful nurturing. First of all we are asked to write essays so that we learn how to write properly. The topic and content areas are secondary. Knowing how to write cogently and construct a written report that has elements like an introduction, a body and a conclusion is a useful skill to know. It is also useful to know how to construct sentences, form an argument and persuade a reader because when you leave school and get a real job, you may have to write something. A report. A letter. A policy. Whatever. You may need to convince someone that you actually know what you are talking about. You may need to show someone (your boss, for example?) you can string together ideas with some semblance of logic and coherency. On the other hand, discursive writing is a process which exercises skills needed for learning new information and for thinking deeply and carefully about important or difficult ideas: observation, analysis, classification, analogy, synthesis, verbalization, and memory. The writing requirement, both in public schools and in college, can be justified on any number of grounds, but one justification seems to me sufficient: writing discursive essays will make a person smarter.

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