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1. Will the statements within the repeat until loop execute. If the condition is false initially? Why 2.

Name any four common states in the change request life cycle? In which of the states outcome of the change request validated? 3. What does a functional test script contain? 4. What is the diff between workbench and workspace in ibm rational performance tester? 5. You r creating a test using ibm rational robot. While the creating the test u want to verify that the recorded values exit during playback. Which identification method will u use to achieve this? 6. U r crating a jdbc application that connects to a DB named HR, stored in SQL server. In this application u have loaded the jdbc driver and created a connection object named con. Write the code snippet to retrieve the names of the all the tables stored in the current DB. 7. U have create a table using the following statement Create table employee ( EmpiID int identity (1,1), Empname varchar(10), salary int , join_date datetime, city vachar(10) ) Add a constrain in the preceding table to validate if salary is > 30000. Ensure that the validation should be performed only on the added records. Should not validate existing records. 8. Which is the oldest and simplest type of testing? Identify the situation under which a software tester May need to perform this type of testing. Also discuss the use of generic testing. Also discuss the requirements that must be adhered by the third party program or test before you integrate it.

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