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In 6th grade math, we are learning about how to calculate the amount of fat per food we eat.

For the last assignment, we have been calculating calories from fat. When calculating the fat, you need to add up all the total calories from your food, and add up the total fat from your food too. Once you have gotten those totals, you have to put the total calories from fat over the total calories in all. When you are done, then you divide the equation and that is how you get your answer. When I added up all my food, which was a ham sandwich, a bagel, an apple, and a diet soda, the total fat from it all was 140 calories, and the total calories in all are 530 calories. When I divided those numbers, I got thirty percent. So, thirty percent is the percent of fat from my sandwich, bagel, apple, and diet soda. One thing that was very difficult for me was rounding 140/530. However, a very simple thing for me was adding all the calories and calories from fat together. I learned from this assignment how to see how much fat was in the food I eat every day.

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