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Australia, New Zealand and the group of islands in the south Pacific Ocean are called Australia.

Australia is the smallest continent in the world.

Murray Darling are the major rivers of this continent. oal, iron ore, !au"ite are the chief minerals found in this continent. #angaroos, dingoes $oalas are the uni%ue animals found in Australia. &he highest pea$ in Australia is Mt. #oscius$o. &he 'i!son desert, the 'reat (ictoria desert and the 'reat )andy desert are found in Australia. &he most common tree of Australia is the eucalyptus. Australia is rich in mineral resources.. Australia is the largest producer of *au"ite +Aluminum ore, in the world. &he country Australia is the largest in the Australian continent. -t has si" states. an!erra is the capital of Australia. hristianity is the main religion of Australia. )ydney, Mel!ourne, *ris!ane, Perth, Adelaide and an!erra are the chief cities of this country. Among these cities )ydney is the largest. .heat is the most important crop of Australia. Australia is the largest producer of wool in the world !ecause it has the world/s largest num!er of ships.

New Zealand is a small country, similar in si0e to 'reat *ritain or 1apan. .ith a population of only four million people it2s also gloriously uncrowded.New Zealand is a land of magnificent and unordinary !eauty. &his is a wonderful place to learn 3nglish, enjoy nature and go mountain4s$iing. 5 -f you are $een on active tourism, you can find all the necessary facilities for hi$ing, mountain4s$iing, rafting and many other $inds of sports here. &he country2s distinguishing characteristic is the !eauty of its nature. Ma$e your dreams come true5New Zealand culture is %uite unordinary. New Zealanders represent a mi" of 3uropeans and the Maoris. &hey are very friendly and hospita!le. A foreigner will !e surprised !y !eing greeted on the street !y complete strangers. &he atmosphere of rela"ation and peacefulness prevails everywhere in New Zealand. &he local art and culture originated !y com!ining things that cannot normally !e com!ined, hence their passing resem!lance to common cultures and arts..ellington, the capital of New Zealand, is situated in the wonderful har!or on the edge of the 6Northern7 island.

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