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This directory contains Java examples for the XMLSpy API.

You can test it direct ly from the command line using the batch file "buildAndRun.bat", or you can comp ile and run it from within Eclipse. For details see the section "Application API" of the XMLSpy user documentation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------File list ------------------------------------------------------------------------Readme.txt - this file AltovaAutomation.dll AltovaAutomation.jar XMLSpyAPI.jar buildAndRun.bat des as parameter. .classpath .project - Eclipse project helper file - Eclipse project file Java-COM bridge DLL part Java-COM bridge Java library part Java classes of the XMLSpy API Javadoc of the classes from the two jar files

- Java example source code - batch file to compile and run example code from command line prompt. Expects folder where Java Virtual Machine resi

------------------------------------------------------------------------What the example does ------------------------------------------------------------------------The example starts up XMLSpy and performs a few operations, including opening an d closing documents. when done, XMLSpy stays open. Please, close it manually. You can modify the example in any way you like. ------------------------------------------------------------------------Running the example from command line prompt ------------------------------------------------------------------------Open a command prompt window and type: buildAndRun.bat "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.5.0_06\bin\" You may need to adapt the path to point to the binary folder of a 32-bit JDK 1.5 or later installation on your computer. Press the 'Return' key. The Java source in will be compiled and t hen executed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------Loading the example into Eclipse ------------------------------------------------------------------------Open Eclipse and use the 'Import | Existing Projects into Workspace' command to add the Eclipse project file located in the same folder as this Readme file to y our workspace. The project 'RunXMLSpy' will then appear in your Package Explorer or Navigator. Select the project and use 'Run as | Java Application' to execute the example.

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