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4 Feb 2014


Untold History : Mirrow Image of Istana Tebing Runtuh

Pagi ni.. En. Fahmi.. reporter yang exposed "Istana Tebing Runtuh" dalam Berita Harian lepas akan explore eastern seaboard of Bandar JB. Another forgotten Istana located in that area. Jugak di tepi laut.. on eastern seaboard.

This remnant managed to eluded coverage for almost a hundred years. Bende ni pun diberitahu oleh Cik Tiara Azlina, + few others. So... pade aku, 1 story doesn't make stories.. kalau ramai yg cakap ye,. betul lah tu. So.. credit goes to them.


Ko bace ayat aku di perenggan ke-2. Ade reason aku bagi steatement macam ni. Seems like, there is 'mirror image' of those places ; satu di Barat.. while satu di Timur. Dalam hati aku mase expose Istana Runtuh tu.. aku sure ade lagi satu on the eastern seaboard seperti Istana ni.. sebab tu aku bagi statement mcm ni..

Its like : Butterfly effect.. A adalah B

- Istana Besar : ada Dewan nya - Balai Cengkeh : ada Istana Cengkehnya - Istana Tyersall : ade Istana Wooden York nya So.. many leads led me believed.. there is a reason dorang buat pair... hidden in secrecy.. awaits to be deciphered. So.. kita tunggu update dari En. Fahmi.

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