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Sierra Smith Professor Upson Creating Search Statements 3 March 2014 Creating Search Statements The topic Ive chosen to research is autism. Autism to me is the process of a certain learning disability that certain children go through that makes learning tasks that are easier to some kids harder for kids with autism to learn. Autism has a wide variety of different disabilities within the spectrum. Some key words Im going to use while searching for books and articles on this subject are Down syndrome, Aspergers, chromosomes, and defect. Those are just some of the key words Ive been using to search m y topic. Some of the search statements I plan on using are Down syndrome and autism and short coming or birth defect. Those are just two of the many search statements I plan on using. When putting my key words and search statements into the library database I found different books on autism and the different aspects of autism. Autism as the key word worked best for me I found one book on autism as a whole and another book that was from a certain persons point of view who has autism. I am looking forward to the second book mostly because Im more interested in learning about autism from someones point of view that has autism. Instead of just trying to learn about autism from strictly the facts. Though when looking for articles on my topic the key word or phrase autism was too broad to find any articles I could actually use. Narrowing autism down to Aspergers or Down

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syndrome worked a lot better when looking for articles on my topic. Im debating after seeing that autism is kind of a broad topic Im now thinking about narrowing my topic even more to one of the spectrum disorders instead of just autism as a whole.

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Work Cited Goldstein, Sam, et al. A National Study of Autistic Symptoms in the General Population of School-Age Children and Those Diagnosed With Autism Spectrum Disorders. Psychology in the Schools 49.10 (2012): 1001-1016. Academic Search Premier. Web. 3 March 2014. Happe, Francesca. Autism: An Introduction to Psychological Theory. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 1995. Print.

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