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Raquel Fujita March 3, 2014 All is Well When You Vote for Raquel!

If you vote for me, we can have more special activities. We could have art class, drama class, and cooking classes. We can do this by talking to our principal. If we get more special activities we can learn more and have more fun. I will also try to get us more fieldtrips by talking to our teachers. We can raise money from fundraisers. When we have fieldtrips, we can enjoy ourselves at school more. We can pick where we want to go for our fieldtrips. We could also have AC in the classrooms. After recess when we are all tired and sweaty we can cool off with the AC. I can talk to the principal and our teachers. We should also have AC in the new gym when we are having P.E. All is well when you vote for Raquel! You should vote for me because, I am a hard worker. I am also a GLO winner and I am a Menehune. I would be a good MSSA president. I care about making our school better!

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