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GIMNASIO COLOMBO AUS !ALIANO SCI"NC" "#ALUA ION $ %OU! & '"!IO( Date : _________________________________ Name: _________________________________ Answer the below questions about the Energy:
1. Most energy that we use every day provides form A. Thewind B. Thesun C. The w ter D. Thesoil 2. Energy that produ!es motion or movement is !alled

Grade: Third

B. #otential C. Thermal D. $ineti! E. Ele!tri!

3. %rite the names of the types to energy in the !harts with the below words : Thermal

energy & Ele!tri!al energy &Nu!lear energy& $ineti! energy & 'olar energy



4. (omplete the definitions with the !orre!t word from the word ban)

)*+d ,an-: Temperature& matter& volume&energy& mass

A. The amount of spa!e an ob*e!t ta)es up ______________ B. Anything that ta)es up spa!e is _____________ C. ______________ is the ability to wor) D. The amount of matter in an ob*e!t is ______________ E. +s the measure of how !old and hot something is ____________

5. %rite the states of the matter in the lines: ,solid & liquid or gas-

." Des!ribe the properties of the matter of the below ob*e!ts in the !hart


(olor and shape



Table 1all Television !omputer pen!il

2" %rite True ,T- or 3alse ,3- a!!ording to the below statements: A" The ligth is a )ing to energy _______ 1"The ligth !an travel trough any )ind to ob*e!ts"______ ("The sound travels in waves"______ D"The propeties of the sound are : volumne and density"______

GIMNASIO COLOMBO AUS !ALIANO SCI"NC" "#ALUA ION $ %OU! & '"!IO( Date : _________________________________ Name: _________________________________
1. Look the below pictures and nu ber accordin! to the properties o" the li!th

Grade: 3ourth

1# $he li!th tra%els in wa%es 2# &hen 'ou look at a irror

3# $he process can bend the li!th

4# $he white li!th can be separated into di""erent colors

2. (atch the Colu n A with Colu n B accordin! to the e%olution o" the li!th COLUMN A
Oil lamps were invented In 1792


William Murdoch was invented the gas lighting 18th century The light Bul was invented y Thomas !l a "dison in The miners in the caves using the light o# the #ire $ Many years ago In 1879

3. %oo& the picture o# the "lectric current ' write the parts using ( attery' light ul ' switch' and wire $

)omplete the elow sentences with these words ( wire 'energy' circuits ' light ul $ The electric *************usually have a ************ to conduct the electric current #rom a source o# ************to a device' #or e+ample the **************$

4. &hich o" the below sentences is "alse)

A. $he properties o" the sound are the "re*uenc' and intensit' B. $he sound can o%e in a %acuu

C. $he sound is the result o" the %ibration o" an ob+ect D. $he intensit' is the a ount o" ener!' a sound carries

5. Answer the below *uestions about the ,olar ,'ste -

A. &hat is the bi!!est planet in the solar s'ste ) ______________________________________________________________________ B. &hat is the s allest planet in the solar s'ste )

______________________________________________________________________ C. &hat is the nearest to the sun) ______________________________________________________________________ D. &hat is the "arthest planet to the sun ______________________________________________________________________ .. Listen and co plete-

/a e - 0eocentric

odel o" _____________________

1roposed b' -________________ 1tole ' Description - __________________is the center o" the ,olar ,'ste . $he sun 2 _____________ 2 ________________and other ob+ects orbit ________________

GIMNASIO COLOMBO AUS !ALIANO SCI"NC" "#ALUA ION $ %OU! & '"!IO( Date : _________________________________ Name: _________________________________ 4ead the below te5t and answer the question: Grade: 3ifth

6" The fossil fuels li)e #etroleum& gas naturals & (oal are e5amples of : A" 3or!e 1" 'imple ma!hines (" 4enewable energy D" Nonrenewable energy

7"(omplete the paragraph with the below words : nature, geothermal , non renewable , period, energy. 'olar & wind&_________and hydropower are ___________ resour!es of ____________ be!ause !an be replenished by___________ in a short __________of time"
3. 8oo) the below pi!ture and answerthe question : %hat type to energy is 9

A. Thermal B. #oten!ial C. $ineti! and poten!ial D. Ele!tri!

:"%rite if the below e5amples are elements *+ c*mp*unds: Gold Au ___________________________

%ater ;7/ ________________________ /5ygen /7 ________________________ (arbon dio5ide (/7__________________ <"4ead the te5t about the evolution ligth and ma)e a time line with the dates &names &and pi!tures that the reading "

"#OLU ION O% &" LIG & ;umphry Davy invented the miner=s safety lamp./.0&then the sailors on ships used the ligth the stars to help them to find their way" After that the people used oil lamps and !andles in .1/2 " 8ater .134 %illiam Murdo!h !reated gas lighting " 3inally +n ./10;enry %oodward designed the ele!tri! ligthsthat we use in our homes& stores & fa!tories & offi!es and many other pla!es./13 Thomas Edison patent in!andes!ent lamp"

."4ead ea!h definition and !omplete " >se the w*+d ,an- .

,ound 2 electricit'2 a!netis non3renewable 2 !eother al

A"An ___________ is a material that emits a magneti! field when the ele!tri! passes through +t" 1" Natural gas is a _______________ resour!e" (" Energy that means heat of the Earth ____________ D"____________ moves through !ables" E" +s a form to energy resulting from vibrations that travel in the waves "

GIMNASIO COLOMBO AUS !ALIANO "#ALUACI5N (" L"NGUA6" $ CUA! O '"!7O(O DATE : ________________________ NAME: _________________________________
1. (ompleta el siguiente !uadro de a!uerdo a las partes de la ora!i?n : su*eto y predi!ado&

G4ADE: T;+4D

en!ierra sus n@!leos" /ra!i?n 'u*eto #redi!ado

El fara?n !onstruy? una gran piramide" Antonia se subi? a un rbol de naran*o una mu*er vestAa un tra*e hermoso" 8os delfines inteligentes" son muy

(olombia uno de los paAses !on mayor biodiversidad en el mundo"

2. Es!ribe 6B nombres de profesiones que terminen !on los siguientes sufi*os :

Ista 8 e+*8

d*+ E*emplo : beisbolista

__________________________________________________________________________ _____

3. 3orma prefi*os a partir de las siguientes palabras :

;a!er ___________________________ 3eli0 ____________________________ Apare!er _________________________ >nir ___________________________

Cisible ________________________ Ayer ________________________

;Droe ________________________ #residente___________________

4. Es!ribe !omas o dos puntos donde sea ne!esario :

8a do!tora Morales llegar a las o!ho en punto" Euliana mi me*or amiga vendr a almor0ar" Me gustan los helados de fresa mora y avellana Nosotros tenemos !lase de nata!i?n los dAas martes *ueves y s bado" <"8ee el siguiente fragmento y responde las preguntas: a" FA quD gDnero literario pertene!e esta le!tura9 _____________________________________________________ b" FGuD persona*es apare!en en el te5to9 _____________________________________________________ !" Es!ribe las a!ota!iones que apare!en y e5pli!a su fun!i?n en el te5to" _____________________________________________________ d" FGuD tiempos verbales apare!en el te5to9 ___________________________________________________ e" Es!ribe !omo es la estr!tura de un gui?n teatral __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ ____________ f" Elabora una historieta apartir de este gui?n teatral

TAtulo: Mi pequeHa Natalie El narrador: ,#iensa por un momento !on el l pi0 en la bo!a-IMmm J8o tengoK ,(omien0a a es!ribir- Lrase una ve0& una !hi!a llamada Natalie" ,Apare!e Natalie mientras habla- Ella era

una mu!ha!ha bonita& ,Modela !omo niHa- dul!e& gentil y amable ,Natalie !amina- De repente& apare!e un hombre& era su pap quiDn viene a hablar !on ella& le di*oI El padre: JNatalieK ,8a abra0a mientras sonrAeNatalie: J#ap K ,'e separanEl padre: ,'in soltarla de los bra0os- JTe di*e que no vayas demasiado le*osK Natalie: J8o sD pap & pero me gustarAa ir ,E5tiende los bra0os y mira ha!ia arriba mientras sonrAe- a !ono!er todo el mundoK El padre: J#ero re!uerda que en el mundo hay mu!hos peligrosK Natalie: 8o sD& pap " El padre: #or lo tanto& no puedes ale*arte de mA& FEst bien9 Natalie: ,(on mirada !abi0ba*a- Est bien" El narrador: 8uego& se vuelven a abra0ar ,Abra0a a su padre- DespuDs de eso& Dl se va seguro que su hi*a ha entendido el mensa*e" ,El narrador piensa durante unos segundosDespuDs de eso& Natalie sigui? *ugando" De repente apare!i? un an!iano !on un bast?n& la vio y se le a!er!?" El an!iano: #erdona& niHa" Natalie: ,'e da la vuelta r pidamente- J'A& seHorK El an!iano: 8o siento& peroI FMe podrAas ayudar a en!ontrar esta dire!!i?n9 ,8e muestra una ho*a de papelNatalie: /)I ,8ee el papel- JEste lugar est !er!a de aquAK ,8e seHala la dire!!i?nEl an!iano: F#uedes llevarme allA9 Natalie: ,'onrAe- 8o siento& pero mi pap me di*o que me quedara aquA" El an!iano: J#or favorK 'er r pido" Narrador: ,Natalie le vio por un momento- ,4esponde !on vo0 dudosa- /)& seHor vamos"

GIMNASIO COLOMBO AUS !ALIANO "#ALUACI5N (" L"NGUA6" $ CUA! O '"!7O(O DATE : ________________________ 3/>4T; G4ADE:

NAME: _________________________________

1. Es!ribe al frente de !ada ora!i?n si se emplean pronombres

M personales&

demostrativos o posesivos"
A. Nosotros !ompramos unos deli!iosos helados ___________________ B. Guisiera !omprara aquella !haqueta ___________________ C. El suyo es el m s pequeHo _____________________ D. Esta es muy linda _________________________ E. El !arro ro*o es mAo" ___________________

2. /bserva la siguiente infografAa e identifi!a !ada uno de los elementos que la

!onforman y !u l es el mensa*e que obtienes a partir de ella"

_________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ _____

3. (lasifi!a las siguiente palabras en el !uadro& si son diptongos & triptongos e hiatos :

A!arreador & No?logo &'alg is &Euego &Averigu is&/!e ni!o & bahAa & alegrAa & Antonio"8uego es!ribe una ora!i?n !on !ada una de ellas" Diptongos ;iatos Triptongos

4. 8a obras de teatro son obras literarias & es!ritas en forma de di logos & a quD gDnero

A. GDnero lAri!o B. gDnero dram ti!o C. gDnero narrativo

5. A partir del siguiente fragmento responde las preguntas : a. F!u les son los elementos que !onforman un gui?n teatral9

b. F(?mo se llaman las espe!ifi!a!iones de es!enografOa y utilerAa que el autor ha!e

en la obra teatral9 __________________________________________________

c. FGuD persona*es apare!en en el te5to9


d. Es!ribe que otras representa!iones !ono!es del gDnero dram ti!o9

__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ ____________

e. Elabora una historieta apartir de este gui?n teatral

Titulo: 8os pequeHos osos Narrador: Esta pequeHa obra habla sobre la amistad& la !ual niHos deben saber que es una de las !osas m s fuertes del mundo& nuestra historia se !entra en dos pequeHos osos& (hristian y EosD& quienes siempre habAan sido amigos& por eso nun!a se peleaban& su me*or amiga PNoQ/soR era una pequeHa mariposa llamada 4ebe!a quien siempre los ayudaba !uando tenAan problemas" ,8os tres animales entran a es!ena y se a!er!an al rAo& en el s?lo hay un pe0& los dos osos !orren r pido para atraparlo& ambos lo ha!en(hristian y EosD: JEs mAoK Narrador: AsA !omo pasa en todas las amistades& los osos en!ontraron algo por lo que pelear y asA lo hi!ieron" (hristian: So lo atrapD primero" EosD: JMentira& yo lo atrapDK (hristian: J#ero yo lo vi primeroK EosD: De*a de mentir& y dD*ame !omer mi pes!ado en pa0" (hristian: JEs mi pes!adoK Narrador: 'i por algo son !ono!idos los osos en el mundo es porque son animales muy testarudos& asA que la pelea duro mu!ho& mu!ho tiempoI (asi 6< minutos& hasta que 4ebe!a se desesper? y de!idi? solu!ionarlo todo"

GIMNASIO COLOMBO AUS !ALIANO "NGLIS& "#ALUA ION $ %OU! & '"!IO( Date : _________________________________ Name: _________________________________
1. 8abel the senten!es using the words in the !hart

Grade: Third

3irst then




_____________________ ambulan!es arrived at the pla!e of the a!!ident" _____________________ a !ar !rashed into a bus on /a) Avenue" _____________________ a driver !alled T66" _____________________ the ambulan!e too) the driver to the hospital"
2. %rite !omparative senten!es using the words given"

Eohn is ______________ , tall - than #eter 8i0 is _____________ , long - hair than Eane Mary is ____________ , fat - than the 'arah Mi)e is _____________ , old - than 'am

3. (omplete the senten!es about the tv programs use ,!artoons& sports& news&

!omedy& soap opera-

E5ample : Sp*+ts p+*9+ams a+e e:citin9 Q ______________________________ edu!ational" Q ______________________________ adventurous" Q ______________________________ funny" Q ____________________________ are interesting" is are is

4. (omplete the (onversation using the verbs in parentheses in 3uture with Be

9*in9 t* li)e the e5ample" ":ample :M+A: ;eyK +t is going to bemy birthday ne5t wee)K

MAU: %hat ______ you __________,do- to !elebrate it9 M+A: + ___________________ ,invite- my friends to the movies" MAU: _____you _________ restaurant9 ,eat- in a

M+A: No& we ____________________ ,not go- out" My mother ___________________ ,ma)emy favorite !a)e"

5. 8oo) the pi!tures and write senten!es using , past !ontinuous - with the below

verbs: leave & !omb & sleep& ta)e a shower & eat& get up "

1# _____________________________________________________________________

2# _____________________________________________________________________

3# _____________________________________________________________________

4# _____________________________________________________________________


5# _____________________________________________________________________

.# _____________________________________________________________________


."3ill in the bla!)s with the !orre!t form of the verb in past simple " Dinosaurs lived ,live- on earth about 7:V million yeas ago" /ne opf the most terrible dinosaurs __________,be- tyrannosaurus re5M his name means Pthye !ruel li0ards )ing"R ;e ___________ ,eat- other dinosaurs" TQre5___________ ,wal)- on two feet and _________ ,have- small arms

GIMNASIO COLOMBO AUS !ALIANO "NGLIS& "#ALUA ION $ %OU! & '"!IO( Date : _________________________________ 3ourth Name: _________________________________ 6" A" 1" (" D" 7" (omplete the senten!es using 'uperlative Ad*e!tive: #eter is ________________, +ntelligent - student in the s!hool Ni!olas (age is_________________,famous- a!tor in ;ollywood The giraffe is _____________ ,tall - animal in the *ungle My dog is __________________ ,ni!e- pet in the world (hoose the !orre!t statement & using Must or MustnWt Grade:

A" Sou _____________ ma)e noise in the library" 1" %e ___________hurry or we will miss the bus" (" Sou _____________ eat fruit and vegetables" D" The baby is sleeping" Sou _____________shout" X" 4ead the below te5t and write True , T - or 3alse , 3-

3>T>4E ;/ME' 3uture homes of !ourse will ta)e advantage of future robots to do !hores su!h as !leaning and organi0ing" 'ome of this te!hnology is happening now" Eapanese engineers have made great strides in re!ently years developing more realisti! and fun!tional roboti!s that !an re!ogni0e human spee!h and respond or do spe!ifi! tas)s around the house A" 1" (" D" the te!hnology in the future will be more advantage_________ The robots wonWt help to the people__________ the robots are dirty________ the people will use it do spe!ifi! tas)s around the house" _________
.. (hoose the !orre!t statement & using Must or MustnWt

A" Sou _____________ ma)e noise in the library" 1" %e ___________hurry or we will miss the bus" (" Sou _____________ eat fruit and vegetables" D" The baby is sleeping" Sou _____________shout"
4. (lassify the words" Chocolate beans apples coo ies sugar oil

TooMuch" $ooMan!"

."%rite the senten!es a!!ording to the a!tivities that they were doing using 'ast C*ntinu*us with the below verbs : tal)& listen & eat& paint & play "

E5ample: Mrs" Toledo was wal)ing 8u!as __________________________________________________ Augusto and 3iona: _______________________________________ EoaquAn:________________________________________________ 'ergio and Mara:_________________________________________ Edelmira:________________________________________________



Date : _________________________________ Name: _________________________________

Grade: 3ifth

6" (omplete the senten!es with for or sin!e Q Q Q Q 'imon has played the violin I" a- sin!e 6TT6" Maria has had long hairI"" They have sung in a band I"" %e have had our dogI" a-______ five years a-______3ebruary b- __for__ 6o years" b- ________ 6TTV" b- ________ si5 months"

a- ______ Eoe was four b- ________ a long time"

2. (omplete in the blan)s with the !orre!t form form of the verbs using present perfe!t"

;ave you ever ridden a don)ey9 No& + havenWt " ;ave you ever_________ dinosaurs fossils9____________ ;ave you ever _________ dog food9 ____________ ;ave you ever _________ !offee9 ____________

3. 8oo) the pi!tures an write a!!ording to the below quantifiers: bar & pie!e & !artoon& !up&

glass and bottle"

4. %rite senten!es about your diet"

Too mu!h enough

too many


E5ample : + eat too mu!h !ho!olate ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________

5. Answer the question using the words in parentheses in #resent #erfe!t (ontinuous li)e

the e5ample Q %hy is Eim tired9 , he Y wor) Y all morning ;e has been wor)ing all morning"__________ Q %hy is Eohn sweating9 , he Y run Y in the par)-


%hy is Eenny angry , she Y wait Y for you -


%hy is ;elen wet9 ,sheY swimY in the pool -


5. (omplete the senten!es" >se the superlative forms of the long ad*e!tives"

The 'har) is ________________ animal in the o!ean " ,dangerousThe Giraffe is the _________________ animal in the *ungle" , tall4io de Eaneiro is one of _________________the !ities in the world" ,beautifulMessi is the _______________ so!!er pplayer in the world , famous P8a vo0 (olombiaR is the TC show in (olombia " ,popular

GIMNASIO COLOMBO AUS !ALIANO MA & "#ALUA ION $ %OU! & '"!IO( DATE:_________________________ G4ADE: 3/>4T;

NAME: _________________________________ 6"'olve the problems : (onrad has a boo) about the outdoors& and 7Y< of the boo) is about !amping" (onrad has read 6YX of the se!tion on !amping" %hat part of the boo) has !onrad read9 Analy0e /peration 4esult

7" 8u!y !reated a design with different shapes" 'tars made up 6Y: of all the shapes in the design" VYT of the stars are red" %hat fra!tion of all the shapes are red stars"




X" During the fair& the fifth grade !lass use 6Y: of the gym" They divide the spa!e into < equal se!tions for displays" %hat part of the gym is used for ea!h display9 Analy0e /peration 4esult

:" 'olve the below multipli!ation of fra!tions :


< "(omplete the below table about polygons

Name of thepolygon

Number of sides

Number of vDrti!es










DATE:_________________________ G4ADE: 3+3T;

NAME: _________________

'olve the problems : 6" #ilar pa!)s ."6 !artons per hour" At this rate& about how many !artons !an she pa!) in 7"7< hours9




7" Mar) prints 62"< pages on his printer ea!h hour" About how many pages !an he print in 2"V hours9




X"8oo) the shapes and !omplete the below table about polygons:

Name of thepolygon Nonagon

Number of sides

Number of vDrti!es


Triangle ;e5agon 'quare 'quare


4. %hat is the perimeter of the below re!tangle9

5. %hat is the perimeter of the below pentagon9

.. %hat is the area of this re!tangle9

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