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March 7, 2014

vlcLorla orell, resldenL

Saleh Abbas, 1reasurer
SLudenLs for !usLlce ln alesLlne

uear vlcLorla and Saleh:

l am wrlLlng Lo advlse you LhaL !"#$%&"' )*+ ,#'"-.% -& /01%'"-&% -' '#'2%&$%$ 0' 0 '"#$%&"
*+30&-40"-*& %))%."-5% -66%$-0"%17 "8+*#38 9%.%6:%+ ;<= >?<@. As parL of Lhe suspenslon, all
prlvlleges granLed Lo recognlzed sLudenL organlzaLlons are revoked from SLudenLs for !usLlce ln
alesLlne as of Loday.

1he revoked prlvlleges lnclude buL are noL llmlLed Lo:
Access Lo SLudenL AcLlvlLy lee (SAl) funds from Lhe SCA llnance 8oard
use of Lhe norLheasLern unlverslLy brand or any logo assoclaLlng norLheasLern unlverslLy Lo Lhe
group (lncludlng soclal medla)
use of campus space of any klnd
1he ablllLy Lo recrulL new members
Access Lo any funds or accounLs wlLh Lhe SLudenL AcLlvlLles 8uslness Cfflce
AblllLy Lo hosL programs or evenLs elLher on campus or off campus
AblllLy Lo uLlllze sLudenL organlzaLlon resources of any klnd (e.g.: CSl rogrammlng Lab, CrgSync,

1he suspenslon ls Lhe resulL of a serles of vlolaLlons and demonsLraLed dlsregard for pollcles and
dlrecLlon provlded Lo SLudenLs for !usLlce ln alesLlne over an exLended perlod of Llme. 1he vlolaLlons

SLudenLs for !usLlce ln alesLlne recelved a sancLlon leLLer on May 3
, 2013 whlch requlred Lhe
organlzaLlon Lo reach ouL Lo 8oberL C. !ose, assoclaLe dean of resldenLlal, culLural and splrlLual
llfe prlor Lo Lhe 2013-14 academlc year. 1he organlzaLlon falled Lo do so.

1he sancLlon leLLer also requlred LhaL Lhe organlzaLlon submlLs a ClvlllLy SLaLemenL. upon
recelvlng Lhe ClvlllLy SLaLemenL on uecember 31
, 2013, AssoclaLe uean !ose asked for
slgnlflcanL revlslons ln order for Lhe sLaLemenL Lo be consldered accepLable. 1he organlzaLlon
dld noL make Lhe requesLed revlslons by Lhe lebruary 28
, 2014 deadllne.

Members of SLudenLs for !usLlce ln alesLlne conflrmed on 1wlLLer and Lo nuu offlcers on
lebruary 24
, 2014 LhaL Lhe organlzaLlon ls responslble for slldlng mock evlcLlon flyers under
doors ln resldence halls ln Lhe days prlor. As sLaLed ln Lhe SLudenL CrganlzaLlon 8esource Culde,
any recognlzed sLudenL organlzaLlon LhaL wlshes Lo dlsLrlbuLe maLerlal musL obLaln approval
prlor Lo such dlsLrlbuLlon (see page 67). 1he Culde also sLaLes LhaL flyers and posLers can only be
hung ln offlclally deslgnaLed areas and slldlng maLerlals under doors ln resldence halls ls sLrlcLly
prohlblLed accordlng Lo Lhe Culde (see page 63).

er Lhe sancLlon leLLer daLed May 3, 2013, your organlzaLlon was lnsLrucLed Lo aLLend Lhe
sLudenL organlzaLlon leadershlp councll meeLlngs. SLudenLs for !usLlce ln alesLlne has noL been
conslsLenLly aLLendlng Lhese meeLlngs.

vandallsm of unlverslLy properLy by placlng sLlckers on varlous sLrucLures ln Aprll 2012.

lallure Lo comply wlLh evenL plannlng and conLracL pollcles ln preparaLlon of an evenL wlLh a
guesL speaker ln Aprll 2013. 1he organlzaLlon dld noL follow procedure and dld noL formally
schedule Lhe evenL. uesplLe belng lnsLrucLed noL Lo move forward wlLh Lhe evenL as a resulL, Lhe
organlzaLlon dld hosL Lhe evenL aL anoLher campus locaLlon.

Lngaglng ln dlsrupLlve behavlor aL an auLhorlzed evenL of anoLher recognlzed sLudenL
organlzaLlon on Aprll 8, 2013.

As a remlnder, Lhe sancLlons LhaL were puL ln place on May 3
, 2013 were Lhe resulL of Lhe followlng

lallure Lo secure Lhe requlred permlL before proLesLlng aL an evenL held lnslde a classroom on
Aprll 8, 2013.

uesplLe Lhe resources and ongolng supporL offered Lo SLudenLs for !usLlce ln alesLlne by Lhe CenLer for
SLudenL lnvolvemenL, your organlzaLlon conLlnues Lo show a dlsregard for unlverslLy pollcles and
procedures. ?ou have noL shown a concerLed efforL Lo lmprove your pracLlces and educaLe your
members on how Lo properly operaLe your organlzaLlon wlLhln Lhe boundarles of unlverslLy pollcy.

1he recenL lncldenLs are grounds for formal suspenslon. As sLaLed above, Lhe suspenslon ls effecLlve
lmmedlaLely and Lhrough uecember 31
, 2014. Assumlng your organlzaLlon has noL vlolaLed any Lerms
of Lhe suspenslon durlng Lhls perlod, represenLaLlves from your organlzaLlon may peLlLlon Lhe ulrecLor of
Lhe CenLer for SLudenL lnvolvemenL Lo be relnsLaLed as an offlclally recognlzed sLudenL organlzaLlon.

Should you choose Lo reacLlvaLe your organlzaLlon upon permlsslon, Lhe followlng sLlpulaLlons wlll be ln

no currenL member of Lhe SLudenLs for !usLlce ln alesLlne execuLlve board may serve on Lhe
lnaugural board of Lhe new organlzaLlon.
1he organlzaLlon wlll be requlred Lo meeL wlLh a deslgnaLed member of Lhe CenLer for SLudenL
lnvolvemenL Lo consLrucL Lralnlngs for new members and Lo faclllLaLe LranslLlon plans LhaL wlll
ensure Lhe success of fuLure organlzaLlon leaders.
8epresenLaLlves from Lhe new organlzaLlon wlll be requlred Lo aLLend SLudenL CrganlzaLlon
AdvancemenL 8esources (SCA8) Lralnlngs ln an efforL Lo lncrease compeLency ln leadlng Lhe
lf Lhe peLlLlon for reacLlvaLlon ls approved by Lhe ulrecLor, your organlzaLlon wlll be on a perlod
of probaLlon for one calendar year from Lhe daLe of reacLlvaLlon. Any vlolaLlons durlng LhaL
probaLlonary perlod wlll resulL ln suspenslon.

?our organlzaLlon may appeal Lhls declslon ln wrlLlng wlLhln flve buslness days of Lhe daLe of Lhls leLLer.
Appeals may be dlrecLed Lo Lmlly Pardman, ulrecLor of SLudenL rogrammlng & CommunlcaLlons ln Lhe
Cfflce for SLudenL Affalrs, 104 Lll Pall.

1hank you,

!ason Campbell-losLer
ulrecLor of Lhe CenLer for SLudenL lnvolvemenL
norLheasLern unlverslLy

cc: Lmlly Pardman, ulrecLor of SLudenL rogrammlng & CommunlcaLlons
Mohammad Alam, CrganlzaLlon Advlsor
ChlqulLa 8aylor, AsslsLanL ulrecLor/CrganlzaLlon rogram Manager
Ceorge Sarlkas, ulrecLor, SLudenL AcLlvlLles 8uslness Cfflce
CrganlzaLlon llle

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