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al individuals involved in a counterfeit Portkey operation.

More trolls were being seen in the foothills, and the Ministry was stepping up patrols to keep the troublesome idiots from venturing into Muggle territories. The new Minister, Loquatious Knapp, was preparing to give a speech on expanded trade with Asian wizarding communities, including lifting the ban on flying carpets and something called shades. In other words, Harry said, sighing, things are more or less the way they always are. Little breakouts here and there, small conspiracies and squabbles. Politics and paperwork. What you mean, Neville said, smiling crookedly, is that peace can be a pretty boring thing for an Auror. Harry grinned. I guess youre right. I should be thankful my job isnt any more interesting, shouldnt I? At least I get to spend most nights at home with Ginny, Lil, and Albus. He glanced down at James. And take on an ambassadors assignment that just happens to afford me the chance to see my boy during his first week at Hogwarts. I understand hes only been to McGonagalls office once so far, Neville commented mildly. Oh? Harry said, still eyeing James. And what for? Neville raised his eyebrows at James as if to say you have the floor. I, er, broke a window. Harrys smile hardened a bit around the edges. I l

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