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The entire constellation weaved and turned majestically, dramatically lighting the brass Device and spilling delightful patterns of light over the entire room. Nothing so healthy as natural light, Franklyn said. Captured here, through the windows, and then condensed within a carefully calibrated network of mirrors and lenses, as you can see. The light is filtered with my own optical spellwork for clarity. The final result is, well, what you see here. Excellent for the eyesight, the blood, and ones health overall, obviously. This is the secret to your longevity? Harry asked, rather breathlessly. Oh, certainly this is a small part of it, Franklyn said dismissively. Mostly, I just prefer it to read by at night. Certainly, its more fun than a torch. He caught James eye and winked. Professor Jackson appeared in the archway. James saw him glance from Franklyn to the light display overhead, a look of tired disdain on his face. Dinner, I am told, is served. Shall we adjourn to the dining room or shall I have it brought in here? Along with Harry, James, Neville, and the representatives from the Ministry, most of the Hogwarts teaching staff was present, including Professor Curry. To James consternation, Curry told Harry all about James skills on the football field, assuring him that she would work to see that said skills were developed to their fullest extent. Contrary to his dads suspicion, the

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