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meal was remarkably diverse and enjoyable. Madame Delacroixs gumbo was the first course.

She carried it to the table herself, somehow not spilling a drop despite her blindness. Even more curiously, she directed the ladle with her wand, a gnarled and evil-looking length of graperoot, dishing a portion into each bowl at the table while she stared at the ceiling and hummed rather disconcertingly. The gumbo was indeed spicy, thick with chunks of shrimp and sausage, but James liked it. Next came fresh rolls and several varieties of butter, including a brown and sticky goo that Jackson identified as apple butter. James tasted it carefully on a hunk of bread, and then spread a gigantic dollop on the remainder of his roll. The main course was rack of lamb with mint jelly. James didnt consider this typical American food, and commented as much. Theres no such thing as American food, James, Jackson said. Our cuisine, like our people, is simply the sum total of the various world cultures we come from. Thats not entirely true, Franklyn interjected. I am pretty sure we can lay undisputed claim to the spicy buffalo wing. Will we be having those tonight? James asked hopefully.

My apologies, Franklyn said. It is rather difficult to collect the ingredients for such things unless you possess Madame Delacroixs unique voodoo capabilities.

Is that so? Neville inquired, helping himself to more mint jelly. And what abilities are those, Madame? Madame Delacroix composed herself, having given Professor Franklyn a wilting, albeit blind glare. De old man, he dont know what he speaks of. I just k

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