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oment later, the door of the Room of Requirement seemed to open all by itself, rocking slowly on its huge

hinges. After a pause, it shut again, carefully and silently. Tiptoeing, James headed for the quarters of the representatives of Alma Aleron. James had only gotten halfway down the corridor when there was a flicker of motion. Mrs. Norris, Filchs awful cat, had darted across the passage that intersected the corridor twenty feet ahead. James stopped, his breath caught in his chest. Shouldnt you be dead by now, you ratty old carpet sample? he whispered to himself, cursing his luck. Then, worse, Filchs voice came echoing down the passage. Thats it, dearest, he said in a singsong voice. Dont let the little buggers escape. Teach them a lesson that will have their little mousey kin shivering with fear. Filchs shadow leaked across the floor of the intersection, weaving as he approached. James knew he was invisible, but he couldnt help feeling that he should hunker up against the wall. He sidled into a narrow space between a do

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