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ied about truth and history, you should be all for debate on the subject.

Maybe Tabithas right about you. James sat back, his mouth dropping open. Ralph lowered his eyes. She wants me to be in the first school debate with Team A. I assume you know the topic. Theyre calling it Re-evaluating the Assumptions of the Past: Truth or Conspiracy? And youre going to be on the team, then? Youre going to argue that my dad and his chums made the whole Voldemort story up just to scare people into keeping the wizarding world a secret? Ralph looked miserable. Nobody believes your dad made it up, but He didnt seem to know how to finish the sentence. Well! James cried, throwing up his hands. Great argument, then! Im speechless! Tabitha sure has a great partner in you, hasnt she? But maybe your dad wasnt on the right side after all! Ralph said hotly. Has that ever occurred to you? I mean, sure, people got killed. It was a war. But why is it that when your side killed people, it was a triumph of good, but when their side killed, it was an evil atrocity? The victors write the history books, you know. Maybe the truth of the whole affair has been skewed. How would you know? You werent even born yet. James threw his fork down onto the table. I know my dad! he shouted. He didnt kill anyone! He was on the right side, because my dad is a good man! Voldemort was a bloodthirsty monster who just wanted power and was willing to kill anyone who got in his way, even his friends! You might want to remember that, since you seem to be choosing to side with people like him! Ralph stared at James and swallowed. James knew, in some small, distant part of his mind, that he was overreacting. Ralph was Muggle-born: everyth

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