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es, Zane said reasonably. Hes just a guy hearing all this for the first time.

He wants to believe you, but he also wants to fit in with his house. Too bad for him theyre all a bunch of wacked-out, power-crazed lunatics. James felt slightly mollified. He knew Zane was right, but he still couldnt quite regret his outburst against Ralph. So? Youre just a new guy hearing all this for the first time, too. Why arent you running off to join the Progressive Element and chant slogans? Because lucky for you, Zane said, throwing an arm around James neck, I got sorted into Ravenclaw, and they all hated Old Voldy just as much as you Gryffindors. Besides, he looked slightly wistful, I happen to think Petra Morganstern is, on the whole, just a little bit hotter than Tabitha Corsica. James elbowed Zane away from him, groa

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