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Work of a Historian

1st Year History


Ordinary level 2012. picture A1 and A2 2010. picture A1 Look at first one or two short questions of each year

Higher level 2013. picture A 2009. (In part 2 documents) Document 1 Look at first one or two short questions of each year

Herodotus: father of history

Written History, using papyrus

Greek Historian


Before written sources.


Place where written documents are kept


Place where artefacts (items used in the past) are kept.


Can be:

Written, Pictorial, Oral, Artefacts Ruins.

Primary sources:

Directly from past, first hand information, from the time

Secondary sources:

Indirectly, second hand, after the time.

Fact v Opinion

Bias: using only the evidence that supports one side. Prejudice: judging before any evidence. Propaganda: using the media to promote one point of view.


The study of buildings and artefacts. Finding the sites:

Aerial photography (crop marks) Stories (Troy) Rescue archaeology (roads and buildings)


Survey Diggers (topsoil) Map Sieves and brushes Numbering artefacts Laboratory


Stratigraphy Coins and pottery Dendrochronology Radiocarbon dating

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