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AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS: - A OOLLECTION OF PROBLEMS, BY Composers of the THestern GHorld. woe, EDITED BY E. B. COOK, W. R. HENRY, AND C. A. GILBERG. em ~ “ Sweetest nut hath courest rind.” —_+——_ NEW YORK : ' ADELMOUR W. KING, PUBLISHER, No. 7% Fuuton Street. 18 6.8 . THE NEW YORK PUBLIC 1.;BRARY 25614A ASTOR, LENOX AND TILDEN FOUNDATIONS R 1837 L Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1968, by 2. B. OOOK, W. R. HENRY AND 0. 4. GILBERG, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern Distriet of the State of New York. Lestopatitan Chess Ch ib, Dg Second A Ave, New York, AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. INTRODUCTION. Tue most appropriate prelude to an opening of the NUTS, seems to be an account of bow these leaves have grown and borne their fruit. In February, 1859, the writer received a very inter- esting anonymous letter, calculated to excite the desire of becom- ing better acquainted with its author. “I do not know,” said the unknown, “whether you are a collector of Chess Curiosities. i hope you are not. And yet, I inconsistently enclose title and specimen pages of a Chess book that was neither printed nor _ patina, and of which the only copy is to be found in my Chess ibrary (eighty volumes, with prospects of a speedy increase to one hundred and thirty—all modern works of practical value.) This work is intended to consist of a pretty complete collection of sych problems as have appeared in newspapers, etc. It now contaius about four thousand. positions; but whether I shall have the pauunce to make any great addition to this number, I cannot undertake to say, altho gh my notation is concise enough to en- able me to copy in one evening sometimes as many as a hundred problems and their solutions.” The title page referred to was in print, and read: “Chess-Nuts; a Collection of Problems and End Games.” In the Correspondence of the Problem Department of the Chess Monthly was inserted a notice to “ Cryptograph, New York,” in which he was told that the writer “ would be delighted to see——at his residence.” This led to a second missive, signed by the real name of the mysterious correspondent. A reply to this brought a third letter, in which an offer was made to loan the ‘‘Chess-Nuts.” In answer to a suggestion, the writer says:—“If I wonder whether a large collection of problems oo would pay publishing expenses, E. B. C. must look upon himself ao X % ' vie INTRODUCTION. by Mr. Henry to obviate a defect, and is given among the four- move problems. ‘Names of subscribers came in very stragglingly—nearly all being obtained by the personal exertions of several earnest friends of the project. The lovers of Chess did not seem to realize the unremunerative character of the work, and the necessity of en- couragement needed for its publication. But two hundred and twenty-five copies were bespoken, which would have defrayed only one-third of the estimated outlay. The required support not having been obtained, and the specified time having elapsed, both editors and subscribers were absolved from their conditional con- tract. Through the friendly efforts of Herr Liwenthal, once, as is well known, a sojourner in this country, the London Chess Club, St. James Chess Club, Coffee London Chess Club, Mr. F. Healey, and Mr. T. Sutherland—with the disti ed. Hungarian him- self—entered the lists as subscribers. r. Pedro N. Palmer, of Havana, ordered a most liberal number of copies. Those who most largely subscribed within our own borders were: Dr. Samuel Lewis and Prof. George Allen, of Philadelphia; Paul Morphy, of New Orleans; George N. Cheney, of Syracuse, N. Y.; Theo. M. Brown, Penn Yan, N. Y.; New York Chess Club; Col. Charles D. Mead, James Thompson, D. W. Fiske, N. Marache, W. H. Morrell, Robert J. Dodge, and Wm. C. Miller, of New York; Miss E. 8. Torrey, New York; John Chapman, Boston; L. H. Southard, of Norfolk, Va.; John Gardner, Brooklyn; and W. H. Munday, Seneca Falls, N. Y. Included were the well-known name: Lo, d, D. Julien, J. P. Barnett, C. H. Waterbury, W. J. A. Fuller, errin, T. Lichtenhein, B. L. Raphael, and Thomas Loyd. A fal list would be given, were it not feared that very many may not still care for the work. Mr. Miron J. Hazeltine kindly copied for us the problems in the Saturday Courier, of which he had been one of the Editors. Notwithstanding the failure to obtain the requisite encourage- ment from subscriptions, Mr. Henry proceeded with having dia- grams Fm sabe as far as problem No. 960. At that time the number of problems had swollen to about fifteen hundred. The ordinary large-sized type were those adopted, the White pieces ing somewhat lightened out to make a stronger contrast with the Black; and four positions were to go upona page. In exper- imenting with Chess type, in Chess type, in electrotyping, in por- traits, &c., Mr. Henry expended over seven hundred dollars. At this juncture, the daily setting up of sixteen diagrams | and “ riding up and down in custody of two forms of Chess type,” in addition to his labors as chief clerk in a leading brokor’s office, began to affect his health; so that June, 1861, found Mr. Henry rusticating in Massachusetts, devoting himself to horticulture. Here he remained until September, 1863. During this interval, Veit & Co., Publishers of the Handbuch and Schachzeitung, were INTRODUCTION. vil. applied to without success. Mr. H., then, for the further increase of Mis strength, started for Madeira, via Jand. In England he saw 8 number of the Chess celebrities, and added many prob- lems to his manuscript collection. From England he was divert- ed to Brazil, where he remained only fortnight, returing to the valley of the Connecticut in May, 1864. In the following Decem- ber he made an excursion to Jamaica, chiefly in quest of rare seeds. At the beginning of the succeeding tember, he was in established in the neighborhood of Wall Street, New York. ‘il the while, the writer was in receipt of sparkling letters, most of which had a corner devoted to Chess. last letter from him was dated October, 1865. At the close of December one of the saddest of calamities befell him, and in January he was no more. Mr. Henry was of very peculiar mind and temperament. He was possessed of one of the keenest intellects, which was highly and variously cultivated, and was very earnest and thorough in everything he undertook. He was unsurpassed as a letter-writer. For short time he edited the Chess departments of the Saturday Press and Spirit of the Times, and wrote occasionally for other Chess organs. Mr. Henry, for a time, was affected with biblio- mania, seeking to obtain every edition of every Chess work. Later, he selected the works of practical value, and the remain- der, after being offered en bloc to the highest bidder, went into the hands of a collector in England. Every position deemed of value was copied into his manuscript book. Had the American Cuess-Nurs received sufficient encouragement, it was his design to have followed it with a world-wide collection. Mr. Henry composed but few problems; these are all excellent, and are num- bered among the Nuts. His Transcriptions of the Old Masters are admirable. After Mr. Henry’s death, the writer determined to bide his time, and wait for the “tide in the affairs of men” which should bring in an argosy from the Indies. In the beginning of 1867, Mr. J. C. Romeyn wrote to inquire about the work, and the re- sult of our correspondence led to his commencing its publication; but sickness and an increase of duties constrained him-to relin- uish the undertaking, after having progressed with an edition of fre hundred copies, as far as the four hundred and fifth problem. A few copies were bound in paper and distributed. Shortly afterward, several friends signified their readiness to co-operate with material and other aid, and the writer determined to issue a circular letter “To the Lovers of Chess.” It was stated therein, that “the white sides of the Chess-Nut leaves were again up- turned, thirsting for their dues,” and that those inclined to be- come shareholders in the work would be allotted copies, or the proceeds of their sale, if preferred, in accordance with the amounts of their subscriptions. The distribution was to be based upon the actual cost of publication, so that shareholders would be participants in whatever profits might accrue from the sale of their copies. In conclusion, it was enjoined to bear in mind, “that greenbacks are a necessity to leaves put forth to the light.” The response to the a 1 brought the aid needed for the publication of the present edition of the Nuts, but for which they would still remain “under a bushel.” As nearly as I can ascertain, Mr. Henry copied positions for the book up to May, 1861. Such as came in too late to be incor- porated into the body of the work, were to have been given in an Appendix. The opening of the doors of Janus in April, 1861, caused a fearful stampede among the adherents of the Chess Monarchs, whose heralds were soon reduced to less than a half dozen. During the war, but few original problems were pub- lished. At its close, the Chess-Nuts began again to put forth their leaves, and to spring intolife. Works by leading com of the newer times have been obtained from the authors and from newspapers, and have been added to make the work com- plete. Over three thousand positions have been inspected and culled from, since the inception of the project. This duty de- volved chiefly upon E. B. C., who regrets that his was not such as to enable him to test all positions as thoroughly as he desired. Over a fifth of the problems were found to be more or less faulty, and many others were below the required standard. After the selections were made, Mr. Henry worked considerably at re-testing. He, also, by slight retouches, rescued from oblivion some of the finer old problems. Mr. Romeyn has aided in col- lecting positions of the later times, and has re-examined over a fourth of the problems in the work. The writer's warmest thanks are due Messrs. Waterb and Carpenter for their friendly co-operation. Mr. C. A. Gilberg has earnestly exerted himsell in many ways in the service of the Nuts; has given the benefit of his counsel ; has aided largely in the irksome task of preparing the copy of solutions, and has acted as supervising sentinel over the dragon-toothed errors of the press. Notwithstanding the care that has been taken, it can hardly be expected but that worms may be found lurking in some of the Nuts. Such fruit, however, oftentimes affords even greater enter- tainment to discoverers than that which is sound. t solvers be sure - make the best defence, and to “Think gently of the erring!” In selecting problems for the book, the object was to represent leading composers by as full a collection of their works as sible, and to assign a niche to every author of merit. The older as well as the newer compositions are given, so as fairly to repre- sent American Problemists. It is not generally known that Damiano, Ercole del Rio, D’Orville, Brede, Kuiper, Bone, and. others of the older school, have sometimes built upon more than one leading defence; but such is the fact. Gems may be most INTRODUCTION. ix artistically set either singly or in clusters. Many problems are to be found in this Collection which let fall precious stones from even more mouths than belong to the Ganges. Mates, Wins, Draws, Self-Mates, Conditionals, and Oddities, are all assigned a lace. Subtleties both in few and in many moves are given. me of the Nuts will be found with shells thick enough, and having burrs with points enough, to gratify the cravings of the most ostrich-like digestion. It is customary to say that “ prob- lems in few moves are the best,” and therefore to eschew all others. Herr Capriiz says truly, that “The highest point of artistic worth is to be restricted by no maximum of moves.” Excellence is limited only by the length of the human fathom. Because, as Dr. Boteler says, the Creator never made a better fruit than the strawberry, is it wise to close one’s mouth to every other kind—includi * Chess-Nuts of a larger growth? Mr. D. W. Fiske, calling problems the poetry of Chess, prettily sa; “ Sparkling F vaca terminating in a few moves with a brilliant mate, are the Iyries of ache sareg deeper conceptions, in many moves, and requiring long study, may be properly com- pared to the stately epic.” Persons holding the vridest views, value “each after its kind.” It was decided to be best to cast aside the plates already elec- trotyped, and to use smaller diagrams, so as to avoid the bulki- ness consequent upon the number of problems; so as to make certain desirable alterations, and to lessen the expense of publica- tion. It was also concluded to give the book a simple paper cover, whereby both the cost ot its issue and the price copy would be diminished. This would, moreover, facilitate its bein, sent by mail, and its being bound in accordance with the taste o: the purchaser. "Throughout the work, unless otherwise stated, White has the first move. As in Alexandre, the words ‘“ White” and “Black” are not affixed respectively to the lower and upper sides of the diagrams, space being saved thereby, and it bei: sed that those who Boek this book will know the conventions practice. The solutions are given as compactly as is consistent with clear- ness—only the initial moves of the two-move nutlets being noted. The names of composers are arranged alphabetically under each division of problems, and, when known, the address is given the first time an author's name appears. It now remains to indicate more particularly the sources whence the Nuts have been gathered. e foreign Chess Magazines, and many leading newspapers abroad allotting space to Chess, were duly searched for American Problems. At home, the native works on Chess, and periodicals devoted thereto, published prior to May, 1561, were carefully scanned. The reader may find notices of very nearly all of these in the Book of the American Chess Congress. In the Chess Monthly for May, 1861, is an 2 x INTRODUCTION. article—which it is fair to presume is by Mr. Henry—entitled “The American Chess Colonnade,” in which notices are given of all cis-Atlantic Chess Columns, from March Ist. 1845, to April 20th, 1861. From this catalogue it appears that New York, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Louisiana, Minnesota, Maryland, Ohio, fay Sader Missouri, California, Texas, Llinois, Wisconsin, Towa, mae 7 Yarolina, Tennessee, , Rete ee peer sissippi, and Georgia—arranged according to priority of date— have had one or more Chess organs. Canada and Cuba have also supported Chess-giving pete The “Colonnade” consists of eighty-five columns. From precisely how many of these Mr. Henry copied I cannot say: his “List of Sources” iven me, contains the names of fifty-eight American newspapers. subsequent to May, 1861, many problems have been collected both from their authors and from the publications of the day. The designers of this work have striven to erect, with gems mostly chipped from those columns, a Temple to Caissa, where her votaries may find both work and recreation, and which may redound to the honor of American Chess. E. B. COOK. Hosoken, July, 1868. Perper ere eetieel ree ree cee eee ae AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. TWO-MOVE MATES. 2 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. @ Tae | ‘Mate in two movea ‘Mate in two moves. oo CHESS-NUTS. 8 Nomser 11. ‘Mate in two moves. Nomere 18. By ©. 0. Barnes. ‘Mate in two moves. Nomper 16. By C. 0. Barnes. By Ohare Nomner 12. Barnes, ‘Mate in two moves. Nomser 14. By C. C. Barnes. ‘Mate in two moves. Nomper 16. By James P. Barnett, New York. 4 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Noman 17. By J. P. Barnett. ‘Mate in two moves. Nomaee 19. Nouoge 20. Barnett, By John G. Belden, Hartford, Conn. rs er ‘Mate in two moves. Noumner 22. By J. G. Belden. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 5 Nousee 23. Nowser 2%. By Theodore M. Brown, Penn Yan, N. Y. By T. M. Brown Numer 25. Nummer 26. 6 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nemper 29.. Nomper 80. By f. M. Brown. By 7. M. Brown. ‘Mate in two moves. Nomsee 82. By f. M. Brown. ‘Mate in two moves. Nomper 84. By T. M. Brown, ‘Mate in two moves. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 7 Nonper 85. Numpes 86. By T. M. Brown. By 7. M. Brown. ‘Mate in two moves. Mate in two moves. Nomser 87. Numper 38. By T. M. Brown. By T. M. Brown, Mate in two moves, Numper 40, aM. . 8 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomnee 41. Nomper 42. By T. M. Brown, Mate in two moves. Mate in two moves, Nomper 48. Nomprr 44. By 7. M. Brown. By T. M. Brown, Tf Mate in two moves. Mate,in two moves. Nomper 45. Numser 46. By 7. M. Brown, « Mate in two moves. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS, 9 Nomeer 47. Nomner 48. By T. M. Brown. Mate in two moves. ‘Mate in two moves. Nomper 49. Nomar 60. By 7, M. Brown. Brown. 10 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. NomBer 53. By T. M. Brown. Nomper 55. M. Brown. g moves, Mate in two Numper 67. Nomper 58, M. Brown, By T. M. Brown. ‘Mate in two moves. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Bue Nomper 59. ° Nomper 60. Brown. By T. M. Mate in two moves. ‘Mate in two moves. Noumpee 61. Brown. 12 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nompse 65. * Nomper 66. By 7. M. Brown, By 7. M. Brown. Reece Mate in two moves, Nomser 67. By T. M. Brown. Mate in two moves. Nomper 70. By T. M. Brown. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 18 Nomser 71. ‘Mate in two moves. Nomser 74. By 7. M. Brown, ‘Mate in two moves, ‘Mate in two moves. Noupen 75, Numser 76. By 7. M. Brown. By T. M. Brown, 4 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomser 77. Nompger 78. By T. M. Brown. RER 79. Petersburg, Va. me BA Number 81. Nomper §2. By George B. Carpenter, Tarrytown, N. ¥. By George B. Carpenter. Mate in two moves. ‘Mate in two moves, 16 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomser 89. By G. E. Carpenter. ‘Mate in two moves. Nomper 91. By George N. Cheney, Syracuse, N. Y. ‘Mate in two moves, Nomper 93, By G. N. Cheney. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 7 Nompsr 95. Nomper 96. By G. N. Cheney. By G. N. Cheney. ‘Mate in two moves, ‘Mate in two moves. Nomper 97. Nompee 98, By G. N. Cheney. By G. N. Cheney. Mate in two moves, NumsBer 99. Nomser 100. By Eugene B. Cook, Hoboken, N. J. 18 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomeer 101. Numpee 102. Nompee 105, By EB. B. Cook, AMERICAN OHESS-NUTS. 19 Nomeer 107. Nong 108. 20 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomper 118. Nomexe 114. By E. B. Cook. By E. B. Cook. ‘Mate in two moves, ‘Mate in two moves. Nomner 115. Nomper 116. By E. B. Cook. ‘Mate in two moves. ‘Mate in two moves. Nomper 117. Nomesr 118, By B. B. Cook. ‘Mate in two moves, ‘Mate in two moves. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. a Nomper 119. Nomeer 120. B. B. Cook. ‘Mate in two moves. ‘Mate in two moves. Nomper 121, Noumeen 122. By E, B. Cook. By 2 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomper 125. Nomper 126. By E. B. Cook. By EB. B. Cook. By E. B. Cook. : By E. Bx Cook, AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nompee 186. By E. B. Cook. Nomper 140. By KB Cook, Nomper 142. By E. B. Cook. By E. B. Cook. Noumoae 141. Nomsee 189. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. B Nomper 148. By E. B. Cook. 1% AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nemses 149. Nounee 150. : By E. B. Cook. AMERICAN. CHESS-NUTS. UMBER 155. Noms By E. B. Cook, By B. B. Cook. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nope 168. ” Nompss 167. Numese 172. Nomese 171. By E. B. Cook. By E. B. Cook. ae AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nowore 1787" “Nompre 174. By &. B. Cook, By E. B. Cook. ‘Mate tn two moves. Nomper 176. AMERICAN CHES8-NUTS. 81 Nomser 179. By E. B. ‘Mate in two moves. Numper 188. By E. B. Cook, . By E. B. Cook. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomege 185. Nomper 186. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomper 192. By E. B. Cook, Nempee 191. ‘Mate in two moves. Nomegr 194. Nomper 198. Noxper 197. Nowser 196. By E. B. Cook, AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 86 Newser 203. Noumser 204. By E. B. Cook. Mate in two moves. Mate in two moves. Numer 206. J. Cook, New York. ‘Mate in two moves. Nomper 208. By J. J. Cook. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomper 209. a ih 8 |e alt & Nompee 212. Nomner 215. By L. Davidson, New York. Devrickaon. Numpee 219. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. a Nomper 216. 2y Goa H. Derrickaom, m Philadelphia, Pe. Mate in two moves. Numpue 218. Derrickson, By Jacob Elton. 88 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomper 221. NcmRER 222. By W. E. Floyd, Philadelphia, Penn. By William O. Fiske, Syracuse, N. ¥- Mate in two moves. ‘Mate in two moves. Noser 228. Nomprr 224. ‘Mate in two moves. Nomber 226. By John Gardner, Brooklyn, N. ¥. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. # is Z Nompee 282. By J. Gardner. Numexe 281. By J. Gardner. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 41 Nomngs 239. : Numpse 2%0. By J. Gardner. By J. Gardner, Nomser 248. Number 244. By C. A. Gilberg. By © A. Giiberg. «4 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomper 257. Nomper 259. Nomper 260. By J. H. Greene, Jr., New York. By George Groves, St. Catharines, 0. W. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 45 Nomnen 268, By Charles F. Johnson, Jr., Owego, N. ¥. Mate in two moves. Numper 265. Noumpre 266. By M. B. Jonas. By Denis Julien, New York, By S. Loyd. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. a7 Nomeer 275. By 8. Loyd. By 8. Loyd. Nomser 279. By 8. Loyd. Noumnge 276. By 8. Loyd. Mate in two moves. 48 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Number 232. Mate in two moves. Nomper 283. ‘Mate in two moves. Numper 285. By 8. Loyd. Nossen 267. Nt By S. Loyd. Mate in two moves. Noumper 289. By Mate in two moves, Numper 291, AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 49 Numper 288, By S. Loyd. ‘Mate in two moves. Numper 292. By S. Loyd. 5 AMERICAN CHES3S-NUTS. Nomnze 293. Nonsee 294. : By 8. Loyd. By 8. Loyd. ‘Mate in two moves. Nomezr 298. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. BL Nemper 299. ByS. Loyd. ‘Mate in two moves. Noxser 801. By 8. Loyd. ‘Mate in two moves. ‘Mate in two moves, Number 808. Noumper 804, By 8. Loyd. By 8. Loyd. AMERICAN CHES8-NUTS. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 53 Nosper 812. By 8. Loyd. Mate in two moves. Mate in two moves, Noxper 818. Numage 814. By 8. Loyd. 8. Loyd. ‘Mate in two moves, Nompap-816. By 8. Loyd. ot AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomen 817. Nowner 818. By By Napoleon Marache, New York. Mate in two moves. Mate in two moves, Numpgr 821. Nomper 322. By N. Marache. By N. Marache. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 55 Nomser 823. * Nonper 824. % Mate tn two MOVES ee a5 hy Nomper 825. Nompen 826. By a. Mate in two moves. Nomper 828. re ‘Mate in two moves. 56 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nompee 829. Nompee $30. By C. C. Moore, Rochester, N. ¥. ‘Mate in two moves, Nomser 881. Nomper 882. By Miss Dora Nesbitt, Xenia, Ohio. By E.R. P., Camden, N. J. Mate in two moves. ‘Mate in two moves. Number 888. Noumper 884, By James Patterson, Philadelphia, Penn. By Louis Paulsen, AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. oT Noumper 885. Nomen 889. By J. A. Potter. 58 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomper 841. Nomper 842. By George 4. Reed, Brooklyn, N. ¥. By @. A. Reed. Mate in two moves. Nomper 844. By G. A. Reed. ‘Mate in two m NoumBer 845. By G. A. Reed. ‘Mate in two moves. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. oo Nomper 847. Nomper 348. By G. A. Reed. Nomper 849. Reed, Yan, N. Y. ‘Mate in two moves, 50 AMERICAN CHE3S-NUTS. Nomere 294. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 51 Nomper 299. Nomper 300. ByS. Loyd. ‘Mate in two moves. Nemper 801. By 8. Loyd. ‘Mate in two moves. Nomser 804. Mate in two moves. Nomar 807. By S. Loyd. Mate in two moves. : ‘Mate in two moves. Nomper 809. Nonser 310. By 8. Loyd. i By S. Loyd. ‘Mate in two moves. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS, 53 Neumoer 811. Nonper 812. Loyd. Mate in two moves. ‘Mate in two moves. Nomase 818. Nownge 814. By 8. Loyd. By S. Loyd. Mate in two moves, ‘Mate in two moves. Numuer 815. Nompsp-816. By 8. Loyd.- ry AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomper 817. Nouweer 318. By 8. Loyd. By Napoleon Marache, New York. fa ie Nomaer 820. By N. Marache. ‘Mate in two moves. Nomper 822. By N. Morache. Mate in two moves. Mate in two moves. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomeer 828. * By N. Marache. ‘Mate in two moves. Number 827. ByN. ‘Mate in two MOCO Fe at | q, Nomper 826. 56 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Numper 829. Nowe 830. By J. Monroe, New York, . By ©. ©. Moore, Rochester, N. ¥. Nomaer 881. By Miss Dora Nesbitt, Xenia, Ohio. By E.R. P., Camden, N. J. ‘Mate in two moves. Numper 833. Noumper 334. Dubuque, Iowa. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. oF Noumper 885. Noumper 886. By Joseph A. Potter, Salem, Mass. By J. A. Potter. By J. A. Potter. By J. A. Potter. Nomper 840. by, New 58 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomper 811. Nompsr 842, aa" ‘Mate in two moves. Mate in two moves, Nomnur 843. Numprr 844, By G. 4. Reed. ‘Mate in two moves. Nomper 846, By G. A. Reed. By G. A. Reed. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 59 Nowsrr 847. Noumpze 848. By @. A. Bred. By G. A. Reed. ° AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomsee 858. By John C. Romeyn, Rondout, N. ¥. [Ae ti a a ry By J. Schlesinger. Nomser 857. By L. H. Southard. Virginia. Mate in two mover, Numer 854. wy Mate in two moves. Numper 856. By J. Schlesinger. Mate in two moves. Nomar 858. By T. H. 8, Newark, N. J. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. a Nomper 860. By J. P. Swan, Detroit, Michigan, Mate in two moves. Nomper 861. By J. Tanner. ‘Mate in two moves. Newer 868. Nomper 864. By J. Tanner. 62 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomper 865. Nompsr 866. By J.C. Warner, Philadelphia, Penn, By J.C. Warner. Nomper 867. By Chas, H, Waterbury; Elisabethport, N.J. on ‘Mate in two moves. Number 869. Nomper 870. Mate in two moves. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS, THREE-MOVE MATES. Nomper 1. Noweer 2. By H.R. Agnet Nomper 3, By H. RB. Agnel. Anonymous. ‘Mate in three moves. Mate in three mover. Nompxr 7. Anonymous. Mate in three moves. Nomper 9. ‘Mate in three moves. AMERICAN. CHESS-NUTS. Nomper 6. Anonymous. po ees Mate in three moves. Numegr 10. Anonymous, Charleston, 8. C. AMERICAN GHESS-NUTS. 6 Noumper 11. Nomper 12. Anonymous, New Orleans, La. Anonymous, New York. eaten an es a @ ‘Mate in three moves, Number 18. Nomper 14, N.Y. By A. B. Arnold, od AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomeer 17. Nomeen 18 By_A. B. Arnold. By P. A, Aveithe, Jr., Charleston, 8. C. Nomeer 20. By P. A. Aveithe, Jr. By P. A, Aveithe, Jr. ‘Mato in three moves. Number 21. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 67 68 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Numer 29. By C. C. Barnes. Mate in three moves. Nomegs 81. J.P. Bas By J. P. Barnett, Nomper 84. By J. P. Barnett. ‘Mate in three moves. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. ee Nomser 35. Nomper 87. By C. D. Belcher, Charleston, 8. C. 70 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nonpue 41. By B. Brensinger. Mate in three moves. Nomar 45. ES By E. 8. Brewster. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. a Nomper 48. 72 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. ws ‘Mate in three moves. tO Mate in three moves, AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 78 Mate in three moves. Mate in three moves. By T. M. Brown, AMERICAN CHES8-NUTS. 75 Nomper 72. By T. M. Brown. 76 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomper 77. Nomeer 78. By. M. Brown. By. M. Brown. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 7 NoumBer 83. i) AMERICAN CHE38-NUTS. NomBer 89. Numper 90. a By J. Wileoz Brown, Petersburg, Va. Nomper 92. By 0. 4. Brownson, Jr., Dubuque, Iowa. By T. P. Bult, Seaforth, Canada West. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. © 7” Nomper 95. Noumper 96. By T. P. Bull. By T. P. Bull. By L. C., Troy, N. ¥. By W. C., Baltimore, Md. a AMERICAN CHESS8-NUTS. Noumper 101. By @. E. Carpenter. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 81 Nomsee 107. Nomper 108. fi By G. E. Carpenter. By G. B. Carpenter. By G. E. Carpenter. By G. E. Carpenter. By G. E. Carpenter. a AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nompee 118. By G. B. Carpenter. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 8B Nomper 119. ‘Mate in three moves, Nomper 121. G.E. By G. E. Carpenter. ‘Mate in three moves. Numper 120. By G. E. Carpenter. ‘Mate in three moves. Nomeer 122. ‘Mate in three moves. Nomper 124. By G. E. Carpenter. Mate in three moves. Mate in three moves. Nomper 129. Nomser 130. z ‘Mate in three moves. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 85 Nomser 181. Nomser 182. 1» Mass. By J. Chapman. Nownzr 184. By J. Chapman. By J.. Chapman. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nompee 187. By J. Chapman, Nomper 140. By @. N. Cheney. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 8&7 Nomper 148. Numper 144. By G. N. Cheney. 88 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomper 149. Nomper 150. By @. N. Cheney. By @. NV. Cheney. Bigou u a oo 8 ay 2d i | ate" mt a oe ‘Mate in three moves. Nomese 151. Nomeze 152. By G. N. Cheney. By G. N. Cheney. By G. N. Cheney. By G. N. Cheney. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Ed AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomar 161. Nomege 162. By G. N. Cheney. Mate in three moves. Nonpur 168. By @. N. Cheney. g ‘Mate in three moves. Nomszr 166. By @. W. Cheney. ‘Mate in three moves. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 91 Nomser 167. 7 By G. N. Cheney. ‘Mate in three moves. Nomper 168. By G. N. Cheney. ‘Mate in three moves. Nomper 170. By G. N. Cheney. By G. N. Cheney. 2 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomper 178. Nomprr 174. By G. N. Cheney. By @. 4. Cheney. . By @. N. Cheney. asta ‘a Uda B ia A Mate in three moves. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 98 Nomper 179. By W. 0. Chewitt, Toronto, By E. B, Cook, By E. B. Cook. oe AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nowper 185. Nosser 186, By E. B. Oook. Mate in three moves. Nowser 187. By E. B, Cook, By B. B. Cook. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 96 Nomnze 191. Nowsee 192. By BB. 96 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomeee 197. Nompge 198. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 8 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomege 210. By E. B. Cook. ‘Mate in three moves. Nomere 214. By BE. B. Cook. By B. B Cook. ‘Mate in three moves, AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomper 216. By E. B. Cook. Gy yy y ‘Mate in three moves. SiS OS 2 |oa re (Me (ore 2 nay gee 1 @ B) Nomper 218. Number 217. By E. B. Cook. ase a a a ra o ano i Nomper 219. By E. B. Cook. 100 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomper 221. By E. B. Cook. By E. B. Cook. Nomper 226, By E. B Cook. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 101 Noumser 227. 102 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Noumpee 288, : Nomnee 284. By E. B. Cook. By E. B. Cook, Mate in three moves. Numper 285. By E. B. Cook. By E. B. Cook. ‘Mate in three moves. ‘Mate in three moves, Nomper 287. Numer 288. By E. B. Cook. Femara Mate in three moves. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 106 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomeer 245. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 105 Nomarr 251. AMERICAN OHESS-NUTS. 106 - Nomeer 262. By E. B. Cook. Baa ae ee i 4 4 a Batt a a) : Meet am |? sim gf cs EE & 2g eS TRS Besa @ 8 sf o AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 107 Nompea 264. 108 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomser 269. Nomeee 270. By E. B. Cook. By E. B. Cook, ‘Mate in three moves. ‘Mate in three moves. Nompyr 271. Nomser 272. ‘Mate in three moves. Nomsee 274. By E. B. Cook. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 109 Nomper 275. Nomper 276. By E. B. Cook. * Mate in three moves. [UMBER 285. By B. H. Courtenay. By E. H. Courtenay. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. m1 Nomper 267. By B. H. Courtenay. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 12 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 18 Nomper 299. By 8. E., New Haven, Conn, Mate in three moves, Nomuer 808. By J. Elon. Noumper 802. By J. Elson. ‘Mate in three moves. Nomper 804. By J. Elson. 14 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Noumper 305. Nomper 806. By J. Elson. By J. Elson. ‘Mate in three moves. Mate in three moves. Numpxr 807. Nomper 308. By J. Elson. By J. Elson. ‘Mate in three moves. Mate in three moves. Nomaer 809. Nomper 810. By J. Elson. By J. Elson. ‘Mate in three moves. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 115 Noweer 811. Nomege 812. By J. Elson. By J. Elson. By J. Elson. By J. Elson, Nomper 816. By J. F., Baltimore, Ma. 16 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomper 817. Nomper 818. By Daniel W. Fiske, New York. By W. 0. Fiske, Mate in three moves, ‘Mate in three moves. Nompxr 819. Nomper 820. By W. 0. Fiske. By W. O. Fiske, Mate in three moves. Mate in three moves. Nomper 821. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 117 Nompee 823. By W. 0. Fiske. Noumper 824. By W. 0. Fiske. Numer 826. By Theodore French, Ci ‘Mate in three moves. Mate in three moves. Nomper 827. Nomner 823. * By T. French. By H. J. G., Philadelphia, Penn, 116 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomper 817. Nomper 818. By Daniel W. Fiske, New York. Nomper 821. O. Fiske, 120 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomper 341. ‘Mate in three moves. Nomper 845. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 124 Nowner 847. Nompen 848, By J. Gardner. By J. Gardner, eee By ©. A. Gilberg. By C. A. Gilberg. ‘Mate in three moves. Noumper 8651. Numper 862. By C. A. Gilderg. By C. A. Gilberg. ~e S y AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. a Nomper 858. 128 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Numper 860. Nomen 859. By C. A. Gilderg. By C. A. Gilberg. Ea Sag]? Nombre 864. By 0. A. Gilberg. Nomeee 861. By ©. A. Gilberg. Numpsr 863, By C. A. Gilberg. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 125 Nomeer 871. By J. H. Greene, Jr. By J. H. Greene, Jr. i AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. By J. Elson. By J. Elton. Mate in three moves. By J. Elson. By J. Elson. ‘Mate in three moves. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 115 Nomeer 811. Mate in three moves. Nomeer 818. By J. Elson. Nomser 812. By J. Elson, ‘Mate in three moves. Nomper 814. By J. Elson, Slate in three moves, Nomper 815. By J. Elson. Nomesr 816. By J. F., Baltimore, Md. ‘Mate in three moves. By L. C. Hendricks. By L. C. Hendricks. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 128 Noumper 895. By W. R. Henry. Nomser 897. By E. P. Hotchkiss, Milwaukee, Wis. Mate in three moves. Nomser 899, Mate in three moves. Nonper 896. By W. P. Hoopes, Baltimore, Ma. ‘Mate in three moves. Numer 898. By Charles F. Howard, Boston, Mass. By F. T. J., Toronto, 180 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomper 401. Noumpee 402. By @. A. Jenks, St. Lowis, Mo. By C. F. Johnson, Jr. By C. F. Johnson, Jr. By William W. Johnson, Owego, N.Y. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 181 Nomser 407. Mate in three moves. ‘Nomper 410. 122 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomper 853. Nomper 834. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 128 Nomser 359. By C. A. Gilberg. Mate in three moves. Noumser 868. By C. A. Gilberg. | Mete in three moves Nusueper 860. By C. A. Gilberg. ‘Mate in three moves. Nomper 862. By C. A. Gilberg. ‘Mate in three moves. Nomper 864. ByC. 14 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomper 865. Nomper 866. By 0. A. Gilberg. yi ‘Mate in three moves, Mate in three moves, Noumser 368. By C. A. Gilberg. ‘Mate in three moves. Noumper 869. By 0. 4. Gilberg. ‘Mate in three moves. 125 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 5 8 E % Number 875. 186 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Noumper 487. Nomper 488. 4 By J. A. Lalaue. Mate in three moves. Noumper 489. Nomper 440. By Frederic Leake, Troy, N. ¥. By F. Leake. ae Mate in three moves. Nomarr 442, By 8. H, Lombard, Winona, Min. Mate in three moves. ‘Mate in three moves. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 187 188 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomper 449. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 189 Numper 455. By 3. Loyd. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. g 8 : z Nomper 464. By 8. Loyd. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 14 Noumper 467. 142 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomeer 478, Nomper 474. By 8. Loyd. By 8. Loyd. By 8. Loyd. By 8. Loyd. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 14 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 145 Nomeer 491. Nomper 492. ‘Mate in three moves. Numper 494. Mate (m Rhoee mover, 148 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. NomseEr 609. By S. Loyd. By 8 Loyd. 149 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomper 516. Numper 515. oyd. Nomerr 518. Nomeer 517. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. R588. : Noxser AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nunser 589. ‘ Nowsi & & AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 167 Nomeer 564. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 158 Numper 570. Nomper 569, By S. Loyd. By 8. Loya. Nomper 572. By 8. Loyd. Nompee 574. By S. Loyd. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 189 Nomper 575. Nomper 576. & Loyd. By 5. Loyd. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 161 Nonnar 587. Numper 588, By S. Loyd. By 8. Loyd. 162 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomsre 598. By Thomas Loyd, Florence, N. J. we AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 168 ‘Mate in three moves. Number 604. 164 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Numper 606. By Charles A. Maurian, New Orleans, La. AMERICAN OHESS-NUTS. 165 Nomper 611. Noumpge 612. By J. Meunier, New Orleans, La. By J. Meunier, Noumper 618. Nomser 614. By Henry A. Miles, Wareham, Mass. By H. A. Miles, Number 615. Nomeer 616, By H. A. Miles. By 8. L. Mitchell, Jr., New York. 166 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 167 Nomper 628. 168 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 168 Nomper 686. By F. E. Morancy, Milliken’s Bend, La. Numer 689. By H. N., of Toronto, Ca. By 8. Newoomb, Cambridge, Mass. 170 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nompee 641. Numser 642. By J. 8. 0., Griszly Hill, Cat. g a ‘Mate in three moves. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. lit AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. BER 658. 172 m4 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Numer 665. By J. A. 175 AMERICAN CHES8-NUTS. sé S a 8 z a 176 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomper 677. Nosper 678. By @. A. Reed. By G. A. Reed. Nomper 682. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 7 Nomper 688. By 0. F. Reed. Mate in three moves. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 182 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomese 718, Nowegr 71é. | By J. Schlesinger. By J. Schlesinger. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 719. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 185 Nomaer 781. Mate in three moves. ‘Mate in three moves. Mate in three moves. Nomper 786. By J. Tanner. : By J. Tanner. 186 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomper 787. Nomper 738. By Frank H. Thurber, Providence, R. I. By Quincy, Ts. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. jUMBER 748. 188 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Noumper 749. Nomper 750. By J.C. Warner. ‘Mate in three moves. By J. 0. Warner. Mate in three moves. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 189 Nompee 755. Nomper 756. Mate in three moves. ‘Mate in three moves. 190 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomper 761. Nospee 762. By ©. H, Waterbury. By C. H. Waterbury. Mate in three moves. Nomper 764. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 191 Nomner 767. By Edwin J, Weller, Boston, Mass. Nomen 770. By W. 8. Wheelwright, New York. ‘Mate in three moves, Noumaer 772. Mate in three moves. 2 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomser 779. Nompee 788. By J. Wilkinson, Jr. + Bys. Wkinson, Jr. 164 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nowser 785. Nompen 786. By J. Wilkinson, Jr. Mate in three moves, Numer 787. Nomser 768. By J. Wilkinson, Jr. By W. P. Witherow, Princeton, I | i | ! | AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. FOUR-MOVE MATES. 196 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Number 5. H.R. A Mate in four moves. Nomped 10. By H. B Agna. 197 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomper 12. Mower 11. By H.R, Agnal. Anonymous. Noumpee 14. 198. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomper 17. Newser 18, Anonymous. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 199 Numer 28. f Nompzr 24. Anonymous, Lowisville, Ky. Anonymous, Newburg, N. ¥. Mate in four moves. Noumper 26. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. AMERICAN CHES8-NUTS. UMBER AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. jUMBER Bs AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. BER 58. Nomi By J. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 205 NomBer By F. EB. Brandt, New York. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomeer 71. By E. &. Brewster. Mate in four moves. Mate in four moves. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS 208 Nomper 88, Nowper 84. By T. M. Brown. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. a1 NomBEe 95. Nomper 96. By T. M. Brown. By T. M. Brown, AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 218 Nomege 107. Noumper 108. By G. E. Carpenter. By G. E. Carpenter. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 25 Nomper 119. Noumper 120. ‘Mate in four moves. ‘Mate in four moves. Nonper 121. Nomper bod By By J. Chapman. By GN. Cheney AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Now AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 27 Nomper 181. Noumeer 182. Mate in four moves. Nomser 186, By GN. Cheney. ‘Mate in four moves. 28 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomser 187. Nomen 188. By G. N. Cheney. By G. N. Cheney. By G. N. Cheney. By G. N. Cheney. By G. N. Cheney. 29 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS Nomper 144. By G. N. Cheney. Nomper 146. By G. N. Cheney. Noumper 148. By @. N. Cheney. Number 145, By G. NV. Cheney. Number 148, 220 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomperr 149. By @. N. Cheney. By 4. Clapp, Dryden, N. ¥. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 221 Nomper 155. Nowper 156. 222 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomper 161. Nope 162. By E. B. Cook. By E. B. Cook. Mate in four moves. Numer 166, By E. B. Cook. By B. B. Cook, AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 228 Nomper 167. Nomper 168, By E. B. Cook. By B. B. Cook. ‘Mate in four moves. Number 169. By E. B. Cook, By E. B. Cook. ‘Mate in four moves. ‘Mate in four moves. Numsee 171. Nomese 172. By E. B. Cook. By E. B. Cook. Mate in four moves, 24 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomeer 178. Nomper 174. By E. B. Cook. ‘Mate in four moves. Mate in four moves. Nomeper 175. Nomper 176. By E. B. Cook. By E. B. Cook. By E. B. Cook. AMERICAN CHES8-NUTS. 225 Numer 179. By E. B. Cook, By E. B. Cook. 226 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Numper 186. Noxnen 185. By E. B. Cook. ‘Mate in four moves. Nomere 188. a ‘Mate in four moves. By E. B. Cook. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. a7 Nomen 191. Nomper 192, By E. B. Cook. By B. B. Cook. Nomeer 194. By E. B. Cook. 228 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomeer 197, Nomser 198. By B. H. Courtenay By M. M. Oooke. ry. Nomprr 201. By A. N. Crane, &t. Lowis, Mo. By A. N. Crane, SS ery ce at (Vereen —_-_— =e OO Mate in four moves. Nomaee 207. By J. Elson. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. ER 209. jOMBER AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. BI 5. ‘Nom 282 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Noumper 221. By W. 0. Fiske. ‘Mate in four moves. By W. 0. Fiske. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nose 228. Nomper 227. ‘Mate in four moves. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Ty AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 85 Number 240, By J. Gardner. By J. Gardner. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. ER 25. NumBes AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 237 Nomser 251. Nomper 252. By C. A. Gilderg. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 289 Noumser 268. JW, a NoumBer 266, By R. @. Greene, East Cambridge, Mass. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. jUMBER 270. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. “1 Nomper 275. NuMBER 276. dyn, N. ¥. By George H. Howard, Boston, Mass. By @. H. Howard. By G. H. Howard. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomar 286. By W. 7. Johnson, Augusta, Me. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 8 Nomper 287. Nomper 288, cog AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 5 Nomper 299. By D. Julien, Nomper 804. By D. Julien. By D. Julien. cod AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomper 294. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 245 NomBer 299. Numer 800. By D. Julien, By D. Julien. By D. Julien. By D. Julien, By G. 8. Kellenberger. By W. W. Kelley, Mate in four moves. Nomper 807. Nomprn 808. By $8. 4. Kennedy, Philadelphia, Penn. ByJ. Knows. The first American Diagram. ‘Mate in four moves. By J. Knows. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. uz Nomeee 811. Nouuper 812. By J. Knows. By J. Knows. Mate in four moves. Mate in four moves, By J. A. Lalaue. By J. A. Lalawe. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 9 NomBeEr 828. 250 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomeper 830. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 251 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 268 Noumper 347. By S. Loyd. 254 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 206 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 27 260 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Numper 889. Nomper 890. By 8. Loyd. ‘Mate in four moves, Nomper 898. By S. Loyd. By 8. Loyd, AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomeer 895. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. juMBI AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomser 409. Dy 8. Loyd. pit Nomper 412. Nomper 411, 264 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomper 413. AMERICAN CHES8-NUTS. 265 Nomnee 419. 266 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomper 425. By S. Loyd. By 8. Loyd. By 8. Loyd. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. juMB! AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 370 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS.’ Nompgr 449. Numpee 450. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS, 25 Nomex 455. Nouspze 456. By N. Marache. By N. Marache, By N. Marache. By N. Marache, 22 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. ‘Mate in four moves. Noumper 468. NY. Marache. Mate in four moves, Nomper 467. By S. L. Mutchell, Jr. Nomper 471. Nomper 472. By C. C. Moore. By C. C. Moore. 274 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomprr 478. Nomper 474. By C. C. Moore. By C. C, Moore. L ‘Mate in four moves. Nomexr 475. By . C. Moore. By C. C. Moore. Mate in four moves. Nompee 478. By J. 1. Morrison. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 25 Nomegr 479. Nompsr 48), By 8. Newcomb, Boston, Nomeer 484. By P.N. Palmer. 276 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomper 485. Nomper 486. By J. Patterson. By J. Patterson. ‘Mate in four moves, * Nomper 490, By J. Patterson. By J. Patterson. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. MBER 491. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 79 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. UMBER 509. ER 510. 4 JA. AMERICAN. CHESS-NUTS. 281 Nowere 515. Nomeee 516. By W. V. V. Rapalje, New York. By 0. ¥. Reed. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. jUMBER 521. Nomper 5: AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nompee 528, By J. 0. Romeyn. Nomper 527. By J. C. Romeyn. Nomper 529. By J.C. Romeyn. Zz Nomper 581. ByI. BS. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomprr 588. By C. F. &, Cincinnati, 0. Number 536, AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Sc esa | a-2 (fen 8 236 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. | Noumper 545. Nomper 546. By W. H. Shaver. ByC. H. Stanley. ‘Mate in four moves. ‘Mate in four moves. By 0. H. Stanley. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 287 Nomper 551. Noumper 552. By C. H. Stanley. ‘Mate in four moves. ‘Mate in four moves. Nomeer 558. Nomper 554. 290 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS: Nomper 569. Noumper 570. By J. Tanner. By F. H. Thurber. Mate in four moves. Nomper 572. By Duncan 8. Walker, Washington, D. C. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 201 Nomper 575. Nomper 576, Nomaze 577. Nomper 578. By ©. H. Waterbury. By ©. H. Waterbury. Mate in four moves, ‘Mate in four moves. Nomser 570. Nombre 590. By C. H. Waterbury. 294 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomper 593. Nowper 594. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. FIVE-MOVE MATHS. Noumpee 2. 296 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomepes 5. Nomper 6. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 5 eee ay Zz 208 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. ae Nomper 24. By T. M. Brown. a a ee eet a7. ee. | ae mala | (eta Nomper 28. By T. M. Brown. 800 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomper 30. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 801 Nomper 85. Nomser 36, By G. WN. Cheney. a | ee | ae ‘py 1 a SS ee Se" AMERICAN OHESS-NUTS. Noumege 47. By @. N. Cheney. By E 3. Cook Nomese 48. By G. N. Cheney. By E. B. Cook. 804 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomper 54. ‘Mate in five moves. ‘Mate in five moves. Nomsre 57. By E. B. Cook. | i my @ wines Bee oe AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. jUMBER AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 307 Nomper 71. Nomsee 72. By E. B. Cook. By B. B. Cook. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 809: Noumper 83. By E. H. Courtenay. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. pee 89, om J. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. oe 8 et a a as a Nomper 98. By C. A. Gilberg. Nowpen 97. By J. Gardner, ‘Mate in five moves, Nomar 100. By. A. B12 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nompee 101. Nomper 102. aaa D. Fulien. 2 By D. Julien. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. ald AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. B15 Nomper 120. By I. 8. Loyd, Jr. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. et Nome: AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 817 Nompgr 181. Nomper 162. By 8. Loy. By 8. Loyd. By 8. Loya. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. R187, 818 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. MBER 14 Nomper AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. BER ee eee iam AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomaer 155. By Q. B. M., Newburyport, Mass. Nomper 156. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Now AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 838 Nomper 167. Nomper 166. om AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomner 178. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 825 Nomegr 179. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. BER 185. lUMBER 1} TA. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 87 Nomeze 191, Nomper 192, By J. Schlesinger. By J. Schlesinger. “Mate in five moves Nomper 196. 828 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomser 197. Nomper 198. By W. Walton, New York. in five moves, ‘Mate in five moves. Nomper 208. AMERICAN CHESS-NOUTS. Nomber 210. By J. H. Wescott. Numper 209. By E. J. Weller. Nomper 211. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS, SIX-MOVE MATES. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. jumBEE 5. BP. 884 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Noumper 17. Numer 18. By G. N. Cheney. By @. N. Cheney. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 885 NumBeEr 28. Nomper 24. By E. B. Cook, By EB. B. Cook. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. BER 41. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 839 Nomerr 47. Noumper 48. By @. C. Nichols, By J. P. Ourdan. By J. A. Potter. By J. A. Potter. 340 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 842 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. By C. H. Waterbury. ‘Mate in six moves, Nomper 68. By Paul Whitehead, Petersburg, Va. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS, MATES OVER SIX MOVES. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomper 5, By E. 8. Brewster. Mate in seven moves. ‘Mate in seven moves. Nomper 7. Number 8. By T. M. Brown. By T. M. Brown. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. jUMBER AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Numpse AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. WINS AND DRAWS. Numper 1. By P. B. Clark, New York. 850 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 861 Nomeer 11. Nowser 12. By 8. Loyd. fy Nomper 14. By W. @. Thomas, Philadelphia, Penn. ‘White to win, Anonymous, AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. ‘UMBER 17. Nomepee 18. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. BER 28, ows: zB. 864 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. ~ NompBer 29. Nompxr 80. ‘White to draw. White to draw. AMERICAN. CHESS-NUTS. SELF-MATES. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. ry 2 a mee z oe zm Nope 8 Nomser 7. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 857 Nompee 11. Nomper 12. By T. M. Brown. Self-mate in two moves. Nomerr 16. By B. H. Courtenay. 858 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomeer 17. Nouwper 18. By H. B. Agnel, By H. B. Agnel. By H.R. Agnel, By f. M. Brown. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Numer 28. By T. M. Brown. By G. N. Cheney. By C. A. Gilberg. Numer 24. 360 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Noose 80. By A. E. Patch. Either to force self-mate iu three moves. Numper 84. By J. Wilkinson, Jr. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 861 Nomper 85. By W. 7. Banning. Self-mate in four moves. Self-mate in four moves. 962 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomper 41. ‘Self-mate in four moves, ‘Self-mate in four moves. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 363 Nomar 47. Noumper 48. By T. M. Brown, By T. M. Brown. 864 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. NomBer 58. NompBxr 54. By D. Julien. By 8. Loyd. Self-mate in four moves. Self-mate in four moves. Nompge 55. Nomper 56. * Self-mate in four moves. Nunper 58. By N. Marache, By C. C. Moore. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 866 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nunper 65. J. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 367 Noumper 71. By T. M. Brown 3868 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomeer 77. Nomeee 78. T. M. Brown. By T. M. Brown, By T. M. Brown. By T. M. Brown. Self-mate in five moves. ‘Self-mate in five moves. Self-mate in five moves, ‘Self-mate in five moves. Nowser 85. Nouwper 86. By @. N. Cheney. By BH. 870 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomper 89. Nompxr 90. C. A. Gilberg. By 0. A. Gilberg. Belf-mate in five moves. Nomogr 91. — By N. Marache. Self-mate in five moves. Numer 95. By C. C. Moore. 872 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Noumpee 101. Nompxr 102. By J. Schlesinger. By J. Wilkinson, Jr. Self-mate in five moves. ‘Gelf-mate in five moves. Nomper 106. . Nompse 106, By J. By C. C. Barnes, AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 878 Nomex 107. Nomesr 108. By T. M. Brown. Self-mate in six moves, Self-mate in aix moves. Numpsr 111. Nomeer 112. By T. M. Brown. 874 AMERICAN CHES8-NUTS. Nomege 114. By T. M. Brown, Self-mate in eix moves. Nomaer 118. AMERICAN CHES8-NUTS. 875 Nomen 119. Nomper 120, By E. H. Oourtenay. By N. Marache, 876 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Numper 125. Nomper 126. By J. Schlesinger. Self-mate in six moves, NumBer 129. AMERICAN CHES8-NUTS. 878 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Numexe 188, i); z. an a “ei ee 5 ie i ae ai aoe ra ‘Self-mate in seven moves. Nomper 140. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 879 Nomper 143. Noumper 144. Nomper 148, By T. M. Brown. By W. E. Cameron. 380 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nompen 149, Nompur 160. By G. E. Carpenter. 2 Self-mate in eight moves. Nomerei51. | By G. N. Cheney. Self-mate in eight moves. Nomper 164. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 881 Nomepee 155. Nomper 156. By N. Marache. By P. Ric\ardson. Self-mate in eight moves. Self-mate in eight moves. Nomper 157. Nomper 158. By T. M. Brown. By E. B. Cook. 882 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nompee 1¢1. Numasr 162, By ©. 4. Gilberg. Self-mate in nine moves. By 0. F. Reed, AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 888 Nomper 167. Noumper 168. By T. M. Brown. Self-mate in ten moves. Self-mate in ten moves. By G. E. Carpenter. By @. EB. Carpenter. 884 AMERICAN CHES8-NUTS. Noumper 178. Nomper 174. By E. B. Cook. By E. B. Cook. Noumper 176. ByC. J.C. R.A. G. By C. A. Gilberg. Self-mate in ten moves. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 886 Noumper 179. Noumpeer 180. By J. Schlesinger. By H.R Tft. By T. M. Brown, Self-mate in eleven moves. Number 184. By T. M. Brown. By T. M. Brown, 886 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomper 185. Nompxr 186, By T. M. Brown. By EB. B. Cook. Nomen 187. By J. Schlesinger. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 387 NomBer 191. Nomper 192. By N. Marache. By G. E. Carpenter. By E. B. Cook. By N. Marache. Self-mate in seventeen moves. Self-mate in eighteen moves. Numpee 195. Number 196. By P. Richardson. By G. B. Carpenter. Belf-mate in elghteen moves. Self-mate in nineteen moves. 888 AMERICAN UHESS-NUTS. Nowser 197. * Nompun 198. By J. P. Barnett. By 0. F. Reed. Self-mate in twenty moves. Nomnkrr 200. By J. Schlesinger. By T. M. Brown. ‘Self-mate in twenty moves. ‘Self-mate in twenty-two moves. Numeer 201. Nomper 202. y-Hi- Bees By B. B. Cook. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. CONDITIONALS, ETO. Nomper 2. Self-mate in five moves. Nomber 3. By F. Bowly. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomper 6. Nomper 5. By T. M. Brown, By 7. M. Brown, Nomser 8 ‘Mate with K.KUP. in eleven mor ves, without captaring Rook, Nomper 10. By T. M. Brown. By T. M. Brown. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 891 Nomper 11. Nomper 12, By T. M. Brown and C. H, Waterbury. Self-mate, without eaptaring, in thirty-aix moves, Nomper 14, Self-mate ov adverse K.R. aq. in sixty-two moves, ‘Mate {n four moves without Queening any Pawn. Nomper 15. Nomosr 16. By E. B. Cook. By E. H. Courtenay. #1 Remove the Prom KP and place KA ow KAR. 8 | Remove the P. from. 1. om KR. 8, then mate with BLP. lass moves, 52 892 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nompee 17. Nompxr 18. By C. A. Gilberg. Mata with Q.RLP. tn coven moves, without taki a ‘the Rook. * Noms 19. By D. Julien. ‘Mate with Pawn in fire moves. Nomper 22. By D. Julien. Mate with K-B. ta elght mover, without moving It AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 898 By 8. Loyd. Number 24 By J. Knows. ‘Mate with B. ta eight moves, without moving it. NomBer 26. ae ete Be AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nompee 29. Nomex 80. By N. Marache. By N. Maracke, Mate with a Pawn in six moves. By N. Marache, By N. Marache, ‘Mate with a Pawn in seven moves, Nomper 88. Nonese $4. By N. Maracke. By Ernest Morphy, Quincy, Ill. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 895 Noumser 85. Numer 86. By J. P. Ourdan. ‘Mata In five moves. ‘Mata with K.P. i alx moves. By J. A. Potter. Number 40. By J. Van Oedel, Chicago, Ii. Male ip fee moves; remove While K. to OR. olémats in fourien moves) remove Wie {eigrey ate bbe crac move, ibe taktag on Ke hla, Bhp 396 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. ENTRE-MET. THE QUEEN’S TOUR. By 8. Loyd, On what squares of the chessboard can the Queen be placed where she can pass in fourteen moves over every square, returning to the position whence she started ? Black. Mate in 4. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. CURIOSITIES AND FANCIES. 898 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomper 5. Numper 6. wa By G. N. Cheney. “L'Eafant Perda.’” “La Crinoline.”” Noumper 7. By G. N. Cheney. Diamant.” “le By E. B. Cook, whyrr By W. ©. Chewitt. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Numner 11. Nowaer 12, AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. BER 17. Oo ai oi Me! : S gegem=| |p a-8-8 : ag e zal ES | a AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. UMBER 28, UMBER P. J. Doyl . AMt a ones, Nomper 27. 402 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nompre 80. Ta how fow moves can White mate! Nomper 81. By S. Loyd. ‘White to retract his lat move, and mate. Numer 83, By S. Loyd. By 8. Loys. Nowaer 36. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. lng where he can be inaled ia three moves, Gy Place the Black Ki 404 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomper 42. By C. C. Moore. “FAITH.” ‘Mato in three moves. Nomper 48, By ©. C. Moore. "The Pe TRANSCRIPTIONS OF WORKS OF SOME OF THE OLD MASTERS. By W. R. Henry. Numwprr 2. Lucena, 1498, Mato tn nine moves. Number 6. Salvio, 1604. SOLUTIONS TO AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. TWO-MOVE MATES. (Only the initial moves of the Two-Move Mates are given.) Noa, Now. 1. BtoK 8, i 92, Bto Keg. 2. QtoQB7. 38. Qto K Kt 8. B. QtoQR4. \ 84. R the B. 4. QtoQ 8. 85. QtOKB4. 5. Q tke Kt. 86. RtoQ 5. 6. QtoKB6. | 87. Bto QBaq. 7. RtoKBS. 38. QtoKR6. & RtoKB3. | 29, Kt to KB 5, dis. ch. 9. Kt to QB6. | 40. Qto KB8. 10. Bto Kes. | 41. RoKBS. 11. BtoQKt7. ' 2, Qw QRS. 12, KtoR4. 43, Rto KBo. 18. PtoQBé. 44. Q to QR oq. 14. Bto K 5. 46. Q to Kt7. 15. RtoQ5. 46. QtoR6. 16. Q to Q Kt 54. 47. K Kt to QB5. 17, Qto K Kteg. 48. QtoQR65. 1%, Qto K BB. 49. QtoKB 4. 19. Rto K Bo. 50. Q to QKt8. 20. Kt to QKt3. 51. RtoQKt 4. 21. RtoQB4. | 52. Q to KB aq. 22. RtoKB2 | 58. RtoKR4. 28. Q to K Kt eq. . bh QtOKRA. 2. Qto Kt a. 68. RtoQR 5. 25. PtoR 8, claiming Kt. | 56. BtoK7. 26. Q to Kt 2. 57. QtOKBA. 2%. Rto QBs. 58. Rto K Req 28, Q ths Kt. 39. BWOKRS. 2. RKB. 6. Qt K7. BO. Qt QRi. ' 61. R to QB 2, dis. ch. 81. QtoQRE. 1 62 QtoQKt aq. 54 408 Nos. 68. B to Q aq. 64. B ths Kt. 65. Q to K Raq. 66. Q ths K RP. 67. KtoQs. 68, R tks P. 69. BtoK x. TM. QwoQRa 71, RtoQs. 72. BtoQs. 78. Qto KKts. 74. RtoQKt3. 75. Qt KR6. 76. Kt toQBe. Ti. QtoK 4, 78, RtoQ3. 79. B tks K Kt P. %. QtoKB7. 81. QtoKBR. 82. Bto K Raq. 8. PtooKB4. HL. QtOQRE &. Bto K Bq. 6, Kt to K BS. 87. QtoQR&. a. PtoKB7. 9. Qt KR. 90. Q to QB7. 1. KttoQ6. 92. QtoK Kta. 98. Q to K Kt 4. . Qt KR8. 5. K to Kt7. 96. P to Kt 4. 97. Qto K Kt 4. 98. Q to K aq. . Qto K Rts. 100. P to Kt, claiming R. 101. QtoQR2 102. Q to K Kt 6. 108. P to B 8, claiming B. 104. Q to K Kt 6, ch. 105. K toR7. 106. Q to QR ay. 107. RtoBé. 108. Q to QEt7. 109. R tks P. 110. BtoQB2. 111. RwQR3. 112, Q to K Rag. 118. BtoR 8, 114. QtoQB4. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 13%, 189. Kt to QB ii, M0. Q to K 7. 141, R to B2. 142. Qt0QB2 148. K to B7. 4. Q to QB. 145. RtoQB4. 146, Q to QBA. 147. Kt to K Bi. 148. R to Kt 5. 149, Kt to B4. 150, R to Q 6. 151. Q to Qi. 152. Q to Kt 4. 168, Kt to Kt 2. los. K to Rt 6. 155. R tke Kt. 156. P to R 8, claiming Kt. 137. K to Req. 158. P tke P. 159, Kt toQ 7. 160. P to K 4. 161. Qto KB 3. 162. RtoQB7. 168. B to Kt 7. 164. P to B4. Qtoga | . Q to Kt2, Nes, 167. RwQBE. 168. Kt to Kt 3. 1sy. K to R 2. . QRtwKB2. . Ro QKes. . Q to Q7. . Rto K 4. |. QO KR. . Ro Qs. Kto kta. . Rtke Kt. .§ QtoKz . KRwoKs. . QKtto KB 4. QtoKs . QtoQBi. |. PtoQB4. . QtoQs. i. Qto K Kt 6. 7. K to Kt 2. . Rto Kte. K to Ktz. RtoK Kt to Qs. . Q to Kt 5. QtoB3. PtoKt4. Q to Ray. RtoQs. . QtoK Kt 4. . Kt to Q Kt 6. QtwQR my. RtoQ3. Kt to Bs. . QtoQKi. . Ro QRS. . RtoQs. RtoQe. . QKtto KB A. 27. RtoK RA. 2m. QtoK Ra. 20, K to Q 6. 210. Rto K 3. 2. RtooKR4. 212. Bto K B38. 213, B to K 2. 214. Q tke QB. 215. Rto K 6, ch. 216. QW KR. 27. Qt KBE. 218. QtoKB2. . KR toQ Kt aq. SOLUTIONS. Now. 219. 220. 221. 222. ; 269, 270. Qwae Q to Q aq, ch. Kt toQ3. - QtoKs. . RtoK 2. |. QtoKR8. . RtoQKt2. |. Qo BE. = Oto Qs. | PtoKB4, BtoKB4, . Rto KBB. . Qto Kt2. . Qto KBs, . Q the P. . Rto K Kez. . BtoK BS » KttoQ4. . Bto Ks. . Kt to Ro. QtoK Kt7. Qtogs. . QtoKRs. BwQB7. . Qto RS, |. QtoK Rg. . Bto KB 6. . Bto KB 6 + Q tke Kt, BtoQBs, BtoQBE. . QWKRS. - RtoQRi. RtoQs. . Rto Ks, . Bto K aq. . Qt KB i. Rto Kez. / QtoQKts. . QtoR4 . Qto KB 3. . Qt Kz, QtoK BS. . Kt toQB3. . Qo Q4. . RtoK Kez. . RtoQKt3. BtoK 3, ch. R ths B, cb. QwQbx QwKRE Qo Ka ch 410 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Now. Now. 71. KROKBA. 821. Kt toQ 2. 272. Bto Qh, ch. 822. Q to Kt7, ch. 278, Q to QR aq. 228. R to Q 6. 274. RtoK BB. 324. Q to K sq. %5. K toK 2 325. B to QKt 8. 276. QtoK6. 26. Rto K 8. %7. Kt to K Rta, 327. Bto K7. 278. QtoKR8. 32H, BtoK B7. 279. QtoKR7. 329. BtoQB4. 280. BtoR 2, 830. Q to Q Rt 8 281. QtoQKt4. 831. Q to B 4, ch. 282. QtoR 8. 382, P the B. 288. Q to QR8. 838. Q to Q Kt 5g. 284. Q to K 5. . RtoK 4. 285. Q to QR8. . Kt to QB 8. 286. Q to QR 8. B tks P. 287. BtoQR8. . RtoQBe. 288. Rto K Kt 2. : RwQs 289. RtoK 3. | a9. RtoK B4. 290. K to K7. ' 340, P to Q 8, claiming R. 291. Rto K 4, ch. . Ktto Qa. 292. Kt to B 4. Ktto K 5. 2B. Q to QBS. QwKR3. 294. Q to Kt 4. , BH. Kt toQ 65. 295. Rto KB 4, | 845. KttoK 4. 298. Kt to B8, 6. Qo K7. 297. B to Raq. ' 847. K to BZ. 298. Kt to R 8. . Q to QB3. 299. Bto B2. . Qto QKt 6. 800. Q to QR 8. 30. B to QB 4. 801. Q tks P. . Bto QB sq. 802. Kt to Q4 QwQBz. 808. K to B 4. QwKRs. B04. Q to K Kt 4, ch. |. Q to Q 5, ch. 305. B to QB aq. Bto BS. 806. Bto K 8. Q to QKtz. B07. Q to QBS. R to QKt 04, 808. R to Q Kt 2. Kt to K 5q 809. Q to Q Kt 8. RtoK 4. 810. RtoQBé. QwQRe. B11. RtoOKR8. QtwoK Ke. 812. BtoKB4. PtoB4. 818. Q to QRS. PtoQs, 814. B to K 5. Q ths BP. 815. Bto QBaq. | Qt QB3. 816. P to K 4. : Rto QBS. 817. P to Kt 8, claiming Kt. QtwoKB4 318, B to K Kt »q. QtoK Kt3, 319. R to K 6. Qto KB5, ch. 320. Q to. Q 8. . BtoQ Kt 2. SOLUTIONS. THREE-MOVE MATES. Nummer 1. White. Black. 1, KttoK Kt4. PtoK5. 2. BloQR6 P moves. 8. B mates. Nomar 2. 1, PtoKRS. Kt to B3. 2. BtoQR7, ch. K tke Kt. 3. PtoQ4, mate. Nomeer 8. 1. PtoK3. PtoQa. 2 RtoKB4. P tke R. 8B. BtoQ 4, mate. Nowper 4. 1. KtoQB3. K the Kt. 2. QtoQB4, ch. K to R65. 3. Q to R 6, mate. Nomuer 5. 1. Q tke R, ch. Kt the Q. 2. PtoKB4. Kt moves. 3. Kt to B3, mate. ) 1. KtoK4. 2. Q the P, ch. K moves. 3. Qor Kt mates. Noaprr 6. 1. RtoKB7. Moves. 2 PtoQs « a. Ror B mates. Nomper 7. 1. RtoQB4. B tke R. 2. QP tks B, ch. K toB3. 8. Kt to Kt 8, mate. Newner 8 1. KtoB6 PwQrs. 2 QtoKta. K tks Kt. 8. Qto K 4, mate. 8, Kt to Rd, mate. a1 Nous 9. White. Black. ' LRtkeKtatK6. BtoQ8,ch,ete. 2. KtoB4,dis. ch, Moves. 3, B mates. ‘Nompen 10. 1. Q the KBP. K to Q6. 2, Kt fo K Kt 2, dis. ch. K moves. 8. Q or Kt mates. ) L P tke Kt. 2, Ke tke P. Moves. 3. Q to Q 2, mate. Neumark 11, 1. QKttoQa. KttoQBa. 2. Q to K 5, ch. Kt or P tke Q. 3. R mates. (A) 1 KtoB4. 2 Q to Baq,, ch. K moves. 8. Q mates. ®) L Kt to K3, or 5. 2. Ro RG, ch. KttoB4. 8. Q to K 4, mate. Nespen 12, 1. RitksP, ch. P tks R. 2 Q tke R. Any. 8. Q or Kt mates, . Neoer 13, 1. QtoQa. P to R8 (Kt). 2. Q tks KtP, ch. Kt tks Q. 3. Kt to R2, mate. Nusprr 14. 1. BQ’ KtoBa 2. Kt to R 5, eb, Kgs. 3. P to K 4, mate. @ L R tke R, 2. PtoK4, ch. K to B3, 412 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nemper 15. 1, BtoK BA. Moves, 2. Ktto B8, ch. “ 3. B mates. Numner 16. 1, KttoKR3. Kt0Qe. 2 KttoQKt2, ch. = KtoK 5. 3, Kt to Kt 5, mate. (A) 1. Any other. 2. Ktto Kt 6, ch. KtoQe. 3. Q or Kt mates. Newner 17. 1. KttoK 3. P tke Kt. 2. B tke P, ch. K ths B. 3. Qto Kt 5, mate. (A) 1. P tks Q. 2. Kt to Q 5, ch. B tks Kt. 3. Kt tke B, mate. (B) , 1 R takes Rt. 2. Btks R, ch Kt interposes. 3. B tks Kt, mate. We) 2 Kt to Q 6, ch. 3. RtoK &, mate. Nowper 18. 1. QtoK 4, ch. K toQ7. 2 Btokt3. K to Bs. 3 Q to B2, mate. Nompre 19. 1. Q tks R, ch. BtoB3. Kt to K i, dis. ch. Any. 3. Q the B, mate. (A) i Q ths Q 2 Kt tke P, Kt to B6. 3. B tks Kt, mate. Numer 20. Pt Ka. Ptokts. 1, RtoKR2. . Kt to K 7. 8. Kt to Q 5, mate. Noumea 21. 1. RtoKB4. R to Q aq, ete. 2. Q tke R, Any. 3. Q mates, (a) 1 Any other. 2 PtoQs, ch. K tha R. 3. QtoQ2, mate. NuMBER 22. 1. Kt toQBo, KtoBs. 2 QtK2. KtoB4. 3% Qt K 5, mate, A) 1 KtoKe. 2 Kto Rta. KtoK 5. 3. Qto KB 3, mate, (B) 1 KtoBa. 2 QtoK Kt 4, ch. K to B38. 3. Q to Kt 6, mate. Nomper 23. 1, Bu KB2 KwQspe 2, B tke Kt. Any. 3. Qto QKt3, mate. (A) 1. KtwoB4. 2. B tke Kt, eb. BwoQs. 3. Kt toQ 7, m B) i: PtoQi. 2. Q ths Kt, ch. Moves. 3. Q mates. Numner 24. 1, B tka Kt P. P moves. 2. Kw B aq. P moves, 3. Ke mates, (A) K to Kt 7. BtoQ4, ch. KwR6. 3. Kt to Kt aq, mate. Nummer 25. 1, KttoKB4. PtoB4. 2 BtoK Kt. Any. 8. Q mates. s eer per . Q to Q4, mate, NumBer 26. BwQre. KtoBa QtoRs. Moves. Qor P mates. (A) PtoBs. . Qt K7. KtoBa. 1. Q to Kt 7, mate. Neumper 27. B tks Kt. KtoQe. . Q to Kt aq, ch. K moves. . Q or Kt mates. ) QP ths Kt. . Q to K 2, cb. K moves. . Q or Kt mates. (B) K to Bs. . Q to K 2. Any. . Q mates. (C) BP tke Kt. . Q to K 2, ch. K moves. . Q mates. Numper 28. . R tks B. K tke R. . Kto B 6, Moves. 3. Kt or B mates. (A) K tke Kt. . Kt tks P, ch. K moves. . Ror B mates. (By PwKs. . QKt ths P. PtoBa. Mates. Numer 29, . Kt to Ke7. PtwoQe. 2. B tks P. Moves. 3. Q mates. (A) PtoQBs. . K to Kt 3. Moves. SOLUTIONS. er 418 @®) 1. PwoKB4. 2 QtoK 2, ch. K moves. 3. Qor Kt mates. (Cc) 1. KtoKs. 2 Qto Bs, ch. KtoQa. 3. QtoK 6, mate. Nomper 30, 1. QtoK Kt4. R tks Q. 2. Kt to Q7, ch. KtoB4. 3. Kt to K 7, mate. (A) Kt toK 3. "2 Q the P, ch. K toB3. 3. Q tke Kt, mate. (B) 1 KtoB3. 2. Kt the P, ch. KtoK4. 3. Q to B 4, mate. Numper 31. 1. RtoQé K tke R. | 2. KttoQB7. Any. 3. Q mates. (a) 1 PtoKKt i. | 2% QtwQ4, ch. KtoBd. 3. PtoK Kt 4. mate. Number 32. “1 PtoKBs B tke Kt. 1 2 BtoQB4, ch. K moves. 3. Q mates. (A), 1 K tks K Kt, ete. Qto K 6, ch. K tke QKt. Q mates. (By 1 Any other move. 2 BtoB6, ch. K the Kt. 3. Q to B 3, mate. Nomerr 33. 1. RtoQBe. K ths R. 2% QtwoQ4 Moves. 3. Kt mates. 414 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. (4) 1 PtoK4 2. QtoB5, ch. KtoKs. 3. Q tks KP, mate. (B) 1. KK. 2. QtoK 8, ch. Moves. 3. Q mates. Nummer 84. 1. Kt toQs. P tke Kt. 2. Q to Kt 5, ch. K moves. 8. Q mates. () 1 K the P. 2, Kt to B6, ch. K moves. 3. Q mates. (B) 1 K t Q3, ora. 2. Qto Kt4, ch. Moves. 3, Mates. Numer 35. 1. BtoK Kt 6. K ths P, ete. 2. Kt to Q3, ch. Any. 3. Q mates. Numpen 36. 1. QtoQB4, ch. K tks Q. 2. Rto Q Kt3. Any. 8. Bor Kt mates. (a) 1. . K to K5, or 6. 2 RtoKts. Any. 8. Q tke QP, mate. Nomper 37. 1. BR to. Q6, ch. P tke R. 2. Ktto Kté. P moves. 3. P tke P, mate. Nomuer 38. 1. BtoQB6. K moves. 2. Ktto K 4. kK « 8. Q mates. Nomper 39. 1. KttoKB&, K tks B, or P. 2. Kt to Q7, ch. KtwoQ4. 8. Kt to B 3, mate. (A) 1 RtoK B5, ch. 2. Kt tke R, ch. K moves, 3. Kt mates. @) 1 RB ths B. 2 Q ths R, ch. K moves. 3, Kt mates. Numper 40. J. QR to Q 6, ch. P tks R. 2. R tke Q. Any. 3. Bto B6, mate, Numper 41. . BtoQKti. KtoKs. . Qto KR7. K moves. . Q to K 4, mate. (A) . KtwQs. . Q to B2. K moves. . Q to K 4, mate. (B) 1. KtoBs. 2 QtoKKts. K moves. 3. Qto K 4, mate. Numnen 42, 1. Kto Kes. Ktoke. 2 Qto Kt. K moves. 8. Q mates. @ 1 KtoB4. 2. KttoQB4. K moves. 3. Q mates. Nomuer 43. 1, RwoBs K the Kt. 2 RwQs K moves, 3. Bto K BS, mate, Nemper 41. 1, Ro KBz, K tke R. 2. Kt to Kt7. Any. 3. Pto K 8 (Kt) mate, (A) 1. Buokt7. 2 ROKBS&, ch. Ket tke R. 8. P tke Kt (Q) mate. Noumser 45. 1. QtoQRB. Kt to K 8. 2 Q tke P. Any. 8. Q mates. () 1 KttoR2. 2 KtoKto. Any. 8. QtoR 8, mate. Noumpee 46. 1. QtoQ aq. Bto Kt7. 2. KtoQ2 Any. a. Mates. Nomper 47. 1. BtoKt3. K ths Kt. 2. QtoB3, ch. KwKks. 3. Q toQ8, mate. @ L Kt moves. 2. Qto B4, oh. K tke Kt. B. QtoQ 5, mate. Nomerr 48. 1. Btks RP. PBs. 2 Qto Bi, ch. Kt tke Q. 3. Bto Kt 8, mute. (Ay 1 KwQs 2. Q to QB 4,ch. K tke Q. 3. Kt to K 3, mate. (B) 1. PtoQs 2. QtoQR6, ch. KtoB2. 3. Qto K Kt 6, mate. Nomper 49. 1. R tks B. K tke R. 2 QtoK4. K moves. 8. Q mates. (Ay 1 BtoQ3. 2 QtwoK3 Any. 3. Q or B mates. (B) L BtoQBe 2 QtoK 4, ch. KtoB4. 8. QtoQB 4, mate. por > SOLUTIONS. 415 Nomper 50. . QtoQKt 4. Kt the Q. KttoQ4. Any. R dis. mate. (A) BtoR 4, ch. . Rto Kt, KtoB4. . Kt to R 4, mate. Nomper 51. . Rtks Kt. PwQkte. . BtoKR4. Any. . R, Kt, or B mates. (ay R tks B. . Rtke Kt. Any. R or Kt mates. Nomen 62. . BtoQ Kt 4. Q ths B. QtoKB4. Any. Q or Kt mates. (A) PtoK4. R ths Q, ch. K to K3. Q ths P, mate. Numer 53. . Bto BS. B ths Q, ch. . K tke B. Any. . R dis. mate. () B tks B. Q ths B. Any. R dis. mate. (B) RtoQBeq Bik B. Q the B, mate. ©) Keto B 6, dis. ch. RtoKteg, dis. ch. B tks B. Q the B, mate. Noawer 54. QtoBE. K ths R. PtoK 8. ‘Any. Q mates. (ay i K toga. 2 QtoQs, ch. KtoBs. 8. Q to Q 4, mate. Nesper 55. 1. Qto Kt 8. B tks Q. 2 BtoB4 Any. 3. Bor Kt mates. (a) 1 Rt tks Kt. 2 QtoQR8, ch. K toga. 8. QtoQA, mate. (By 1. B to K 8q, ch. 2 Q the B. Any. 3. Q to B6, mate. Number 56. 1. BtoK Kt 6. P ths BP. 2. B tks KtP. Any. 8. Q or R mates. (ay 1 RtoQBa. 2 QtoQR2 Any. 8, Q or R mates. @) 1. RP tks B. 2 QtoR’ ‘Any. 8. Qto K 8, mate. ©) 1. BP tks B. 2 Q ths RP. Any. 8. Q to Q7, mate. @) 1 Kt tks Q. 2 Btks BP. Any. 8. BtoK 8, mate. (E) 1 Kt tks R. 2 QtwQe Any. 3. Q mates. Nompun 57. 1. Q tks QKtP. Q tks Q. 2 BtoBé, ch. K the R. 8, B the K P, mate. ye ee = ere (ay P to K 6, dis. ch . Q the Q. Any. Q mates. (B) BtoBA . R to B 5, ch. K toQ5. }. Q tke B, mate. Numper 58. |. ROKR6. K the R. . Rto R4, ch. Any. . B mates. 7) KttoK 8. . B to B 6, ch. K the R. . R to R4, mate. @) PtoBS. . B tke P, ch. KtoB4. RtoK B6, mate. Nomper 69. . Ro Qs. PtoR6. BtoQB2. Any. . Ror B mates. Nowper 60. . Kt toQB2. B tks Kt. Kt toQB4. Any. . Q or Kt mates. Nomusr 61. . KttkeQBP, ch. KtoBa. . Q to BE. Any. . Kt or B mates. @w KwQs. . Q to Q7, ch. Any. . Q or Kt mates. Numser 62. K ths B. Kttks Kt, dis. cb. . Rto QB, dis. ch. Any. Q mates. (ay QtoK BS, ch. . RtoQ 3, Any. }. Q or Kt mates. Neswen 68, 1. RQs P tks R. 2 BtoQBa K ths Kt. 8. B to B 6, mate. NumBer 64. 1. QtoK Kt7. K tha R, ete. 2 QtoQ4, ch. K moves. 3. Q mates. (A) 1 K or P tks B. 2 QtoQkt7. Any. 3. Q or Kt mates. Nomser 65. 1. Q to K oq. B tks Q. 2, B tks B. Any. 3. Kt mates. Nuwpen 66, 1. K to Kt 5. K moves, dis. ch. 2. Kt to QB. Any. 3. B, Kt, or R mates. Nomsse 67. 1. BtoQB7. K tes RB. 2 PtooKB4 KtoQs. 3. B to Kt 6, mate. Nowsee 68. 1. Qt Kz. Moves. 2 Bogs. “ 3. Q mates. Numpxr 69. 1, RtoQBi. Kt to Kta. 2 QtoB6, ch. Any. 8. Kt mates. (A) 1. KttoK 4. 2, Ke the Kt. KtoQs 8. Ktto KB 4, mate. @) 1. KtoQ4. 2 QtoK Bey. Any. 3. Q or Kt mates, « 1. KtoB2, 2. Qto Kt 7, ch. Any. 8. R or Kt mates. SOLUTIONS. Al7 Nomper 70. 1. KttoKB6 Poe 2 QtoQ4, ch. K tks Q. 8. Kt to B3, mate. . (A) 1. K the Kt. 2 PtoB4 Any. 8. QtoKB7, mate. (B) 1. KtoBs. 2. Q ths QP, ch. Ktokt4. 3. Kt to R7, mate. Numaae 71. 1, BtoQ Rts. BBs. 2 Rok Any. 8. Q mates. () a Q ths Kt, ete. 2. Kt to QB7, ch. Any. 3. Q or R mates. @) 1. B ths Kt P. 2, Q ths Q, ch. Boks, 3. RtoQ 4, mate. «) a Q to BS, ch. 2 Q tks Q. Any. 3. Mates, LY) 1. Q to Bz, ch, 2. B tke, Any. 3. Ke or Q mates, Nusexe 72, 1. Qto Kt4, ch. KtoQ4 2 QtoKKts PtoK 5. 3. Q to Kt 8, mate, Nomore 73, 1. BKBt KttoK3. 2. Q the R. ‘Any. 3. Q or R mates. a) 1 Rto Kt3. 2. Q tha R. Any. 3. B mates. 418 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomser 74. PtoR4 P tke R. 1. RtoQR4s. 2 RtoKBS. 3 B the P, mate. Nomagr 75. 1. Kt toQ3. Btok8. 2. Q to QBB, ch. Any. 3, Kt mates, Nomser 76, 1 QtoR7. K tks R. 2 QtoK 4, ch. K tksQ. 8. Kt to B8, mate. @ 1. KtoQ2. 2. Q tks P, ch. Any. 8. Q mates. Nomsen 77. 1, BtoQKt7. Any. 2 QtoQ6, ch. Kt ths Q. 8. BtoB 4, mate. Noueze 78. 1. QtoR8. BtoQs. 2 RtoQB4. Any. 3. Mates. ) 1. K tks R. 2. Kt to B 8, ch. KtoK4 3. Qto K6, mate. (B) 1. KtoB3. 2 Qto Bs, ch. K moves. 8. Q mates. Numeen 79. 1. KttoQKts. Bto Kts. 2 RtksQP. Any. 8. Q mates. @ 1 P the Kt. 2, B tke P. Any. 3. Q mates. (B) 1 PtoQs. 2. KttoR 3, eh. Any. 8. Q mates. ©) 1 K tke Kt. 2 Qto BS, ch. K moves. 8. Q mates. Nomper 80. 1. Bto Kt 7. K tks R. 2 Bto Ktaq. Any. 3, Bto R 2, mate, Nomuee 81. 1. QtoRS. K tks Kt. 2 KttoK 6. Any. + 3. Q mates. (A) 1 Kwke. 2 QtoQ2, ch. Any. + 3. Kt mates. Numuer 82. 1. QtoKt7. R tks Q. 2. RtoK Kts, Any. 3. Ror Kt mates. Nomper 83. 1. BtoR5. K te P, _ 2 BtoKB Any, 8. Q mates, () 1 K the Kt. 2. Q to Kt ay, ch. K the P. 3. Qto Kt, mate. (B) 1 Kt to R 5. 2 QtoK sq. Any. 8. Q mates. te) 1. Kt to Ba, ete. 2. PwB6,disch. KttoKt3. 3. Mates. Nunper 64. 1, R tks P. RoR4. 2 KttoKBS. Any. 3. Qor Kt mates. (A) 1, B tks R. , 2 KtroQz Any. "8, Kt or Q mates. © eer er e6 (B) K tke R. KKttwoBe. Any. Mates. (©) KttoB2 . _K Kt to B 6. B tke R. Qt Kt6, mate. Nomprr 85. Qto kts. QtoR6. QtoB8 Any. Q mates. (A) Q tks Q. BtoR7, ch. K movos. Kt tks Q, mate. Nomeer 86. QwK3. P tke Q. RwoQs. Any. B, R, or Kt mates. Nomper 87. BtoR?. BtoBs. QtoKts. Any. Qor B mates. () R tke B. QtoKt2 Any. Q mates. (B) BtoR5. Rto Q4, ch. K moves. Q mates. Numper 88. Kt to Kt 5. P the Kt. RtoBe Any. Q mates. (A) KtoB5. Qt0Q3, ch. K tks Q. Kt to Kt 2, mate. (B) R tks Q Kt. QtoK4, ch. K moves. Q mates. SOLUTIONS. 419 (cy L K ths P. - 2 Rtke P, cb. K moves. 3. Q mates, Nompre 89, i 1. RtoQBaq. PtoBe. 2 QtwQ2 Any. 8. Q or P mates. : a) 1 P tks Kt. 1 2 PtoB4, ch. K moves. | 8 QtoB8, mate. Nope 90. ' 1, RtoQB4. KwQe. + % QtoKt2 K tks R. ' BQ toQ 6, mate, (A) i KtoBé. | 2 RtoQBaq. KtoK7. 8. Qto K 3, mate. @®) 1 K tke P. 2 KtK4 KtoK7. | 8. RtoB2, mate. : | Numper 91. |. Pes BtoB4. 2. PtoR4. Any. | 8 Kt mates. Numpre 92. j } Bok Rts K moves. 2 QtoKB2. Any. ' 8, B mates. i Nomper 93. | 1. KtoK7. PRs. ' & KtoQ7. K moves. 8. Q mates. | @ ia K toB3. 2 Qto Kt 5, ch. K moves. 3. Q mates. : Noumper 94. ' 1. QtoKRS KtoQs. 2 QtoBB. KtoK 6. 1 8 QtoK 5, mate. 420 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. (A) 1 KtoB4. 2 Qto Kez. K moves. 8. Q mates. (B) 1, KwKé. 2 QtwoQkt2. K moves. 3, Q mates. Nomper 95. 1. QtoKs KtoQs. 2% QtwoKs. Any. 8. Mates. Nomsse 96. 1. QwQBa K moves. 2 QUKBs. kK“ 8. QtoQKt 4, mate. Nomper 97, 1 QtwQée RtoB5, ch. 2 BtoB8,dis ch. K moves. 8. Q to Q 6, mate. @ 1. KtoQe. 2 BtoK4, ch. Any. 8. Mates. (B) 1 Rto Kt 3. 2. Bto BG, dis. ch. K moves. 3. QtoQ 5, mate. Nomser 98, 1, RtoK aq. B tke R, 2 BoQs. Any. 8, Kt mates. Nomper 99. 1. QBS KtoK4. 2 QtoRs KtoQs. 8. Q to Q6, mate. Nomen 100. 1. RtoQB2. P tks R. 2 QtoQkt4. Any. 3. Kt mates. a (4) 1 RtoBé. 2. Rte R. Any. 8. Q mates. 1 Nomen 101. | 1. Qt KBS P the Q. 2 BtoQs. P tke B. 8. Pto B 6, mate. Numare 102. 1, BtoQKts. P the R. 2. Q the P, ch. ‘Any. 8, Mates. i ) ao PtoB5. 2. Ke tke BP. Any. | 8, Mates, (B) 2 Any other. 2 Q to K aq, ch. K moves. 8. Q mates. Nomeer 103. 1. BtoB4. B moves. 2. QtoR8, ch. kK“ 8. Kt or Q mates. (4) pa PoBs 2 Q to Kty, ch. KtoR4. 8. Q to Kt 5, mate. : 2) 1 Kt toB4, or 6. 2 QtoBS, ch. KtoR5. 8. Bto Kt 8, mate. : ©) 1 Kt to Kt 3. 2. B ths Kt. Any. 8. Q mates. Nempgr 104, 1, Bto Kt 3, R ths B. 2 Rto Kt 5. Any. 3. Q mates, (A) 1. BtooB3. "2, Q tke B, ch. Pte. 8. Kt to Kt 4, mate. (B) 1 P tks Kt, ete. 2, Rto Kt6, ch. , & QtoKt?, mate. KtR2 SOLUTIONS. 41 ! (a) 1. R the P. 1. PKs 2. Kt the B, ch. KtoR4. 2 BtoRS. Any. 8. Q to BB, mate. 8. Q or R mates. Nomper 106. @) 1, RtoKKte. K to Kt 7. 1. P to Kts. 2 BtoKs. Any. 2. B ths P, ch. KwKk4. 3. B mates. 8. Q tks P, mate. ey © L KtoK7. 1. P ths B, cte. 2 BtoB4. K moves. 2, Q to R7, ch. K moves. 3. B mates. 8. Qto K 4, mate. Nomen 106. Nowe 110. 1. BtoK4. Kt toK 4. 1. QR tks P. K the P. 2. RtoB4, ch. Any. , 2 KttoQBa. Moves. 8, Mates. 3. Q mates. (a) | (A) 1. K tks B. 1 K to K6, or B7. 2. Q the B, ch. Any. 2 QtoR6. Any. 8. Ror Kt mates. 8. Q or Kt mates. @) ® 1 BtoQBe. . K the Kt. 2. KttoB6, dis ch. Kt the R. 2 Q to Q aq, ch. KtoK6. 3. Q tks B, mate. 8, B to B aq, mate. Nospen 107. Nomper 111. 1. RtoR& K the R. 1. QtoR6 K ths P. 2. BtoK6. K moves, 2 QUKB6, ch. K moves. 3. Ror B mates. 8. Q or Kt mates. @ ® 1. KtwK4. 1. Kt Kes. 2. Rto K& ch. K moves. 2 QtoKR6. Any. 3. Kt or B mates. 8. Q mates. Nomper 108. Nomper 112. 1. QtoR5, ch. K tks Q. 1. Kt toKt4. P tke Kt. 2. KtoBs. Kt moves. 2. Q tke P, ch. Moves. 3, P mates. 8. Q or R mates. A) ' (ay 1. K to Kt 2. ae Kt ths B, ete. 2. B to B8, ch. K moves." 2 Qto Kt7. Moves. 3. Q the Kt, mate. 8. Mates. Nomper 109. Noman 118. 1. PtoBs. KtoK i. 1. BtoQB6. K toKt4. 2. PtoQ4, ch. K moves. 2 BtoQR4. Any. 8. Q mates. 3, B mates. 422 (A) 1 KtoK3. 2 Btok 8. K toBs 8. BtoQ7, mate. Nespen 114, 1. KttoKBeq,ch. KtoQ6 2 QtoKR7, ch K moves. 3. Mates. (Ay 1 K tke Kt. 2. Q to Kt aq, ch. K tks Q. 8. R to K aq, mate. (B) ee KtoQe. 2. B tks P, ch. KtoBs 8, R to K sq, mate, (©) a Kt the R. 2 QtoK 3, ch. K moves. 3. Q mates. Nompen 115. 1. QwQa. B tks Q. 2 RtoQ6, ch. K moves. 3, Kt or B mates. (A) a Bto Kta. 2. Kt checks, KtoQs. 3. Bto K 6, mate. (By 1. Por R the Kt. 2 RtoQ6, ch. K ths R. 3. BtoK 6, mate. Numwer 116. 1, BtoQKta. Any move. 2. R(frK 2) toK 5. Moves. 8. Mates. Nomper 117. 1. RtoK7. K tke R. 2. Bto Kt 4, cb. K moves. 3. Kt to B 6, mate. (A 1. KtoB4. 2 RtoKs K moves. 3. B mates. AMERICAN CHES8-NUTS. Nowner 118. 1. Qto Bag. KwK4 2% BwKBS Any. 8. Q mates. (a) 1. KwQeé 2 Btokta, Any. 8. Q mates. Nomere 119. 1. QtoK6, ch. KtoBo. 2 RtoKB8, ch. Any. 8. Q mates. (A) K ts Q. 2. KttoQBe. Moves, Noumpsr 120. 1. Kt to QBs. P ths Kt. 2 RtoB2 P the Kt. 8. RtoB8, mat Newper 121. 1. QtoQBa K the Kt. 2. R to K 4, ch. K moves. 3. Q mates. (a) 1 KtoK2. 2 QtoQ7, ch. Moves. 3. Mates. ‘ @) 1. KwQi. 2. Kt to Kee. Moves. 3. Mates. Nemnen 122, 1, RtoQe B tks R. 2% QtoQ4, ch. Any. 3, Mates. @) 1. K ths K Kt. 2. Q tks P, cb. K moves. 8. Qor B mates. (B) 1, Ror P tke R. 2. Qto K 3, ch. K tke Kt. 3. Q to K 7, mate. SOLUTIONS. 423 © © 1 K tks QKt | L Ror B tke Rt. 2. RtoB8, ch. Moves. ' 2, PtoK8(Q),ch. ‘K the Kt. 8 Mates. | 8. QtoR6, mate. @) j @) 1 PtoQs. 1. R tks BP, ete. 2 QtoB5, ch. K the Kt. | 2. KttoBs,ch. Moves. 8. Q mates. 8 Mates. Nomper 128. Nomper 127. 1 QtoK5, ob KtkeQ | 1. KttoQs, KthsR. 2 Rto Kt 6, eh. K moves. 1% KttoQBsch = K tks R. 8. Kt mates. | 8. Q to Kt 3, mate. @ @) 1 K the Kt. 1 Q tks R. 2. BtoB4, — Moves. 2 QtoR7, ch. K to Kt4. 8, Mates. 3. PtoR 4, mate. Nowwer 124, | Nowere 128. 1. KoK2 K moves. | 1. RtoKBeq. K the B. 2. Q to K Kt eq. K*“ 2 Kt(frQ8)toKt7. KtoQ2. 3. Mates. 3. Rto B7, mate. Numper 125. (a4) 1,.KtoK2 Kgs. ok KtoB2. 2 QtoKts. Moves. + 2 RtoQKt aq. K moves. 8. Mates. * 8, RtoKt7, mate. 4) ‘ Nomar 129. 1. KtwoBo. 1. Qto Kt aq. BtoB7. 2 Kt toBe. P tks P. 2. B tks P, ch. Any. 8. Qto Kt 4, mate. 3. Mates. . ® | @ 1 P tke P. by KttoB4. 2. Q tke P. K moves. 2. QtoK4, ch. K tks Q. 8. Qto K 8, mate. 8. B tke P, mate. Nomage 126. i @) 1. KttoKB6, K the K Kt. 1. Kt to Bs. 2. Q to Kt 7, ch. Moves, | 2. Kt to K 8, ch. K ths P. 8. Mates, | 8. Qto Kt, mate. () ©) 1 K tks Q Kt. L K ths Kt. 2 QtoQ8, ch. Moves. 2 KtoR2. Any. 3. Mates. 8. Q mates. ®) @) 1 KtoBb,ete. | 1. PtwoKs. 2. QtoR6, ch. Moves. 2. R tke R, ch. Any. 8. Mates. | 8 Ktor R mates, 56 44 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomper 130. 1, Rt Kt K moves. 2 PtoQs8(Q). Moves. 3. Mates. Nomper 131. 1. KtoR sq. QtoQs. 2 Rtke BP. Any. 8. R or Kt mates. Nomper 132. 1. BtioK 3, ch. Q tke B. 2 Boke. Any. 8. Kt mates. Nomprr 133. 1, KtoR4. P tke P. 2. B tke B. P moves, 8. P to Kt 8, mate, () 1 B tks R. 2 B tks P. Any. 3, P mates. @) 1 BtoR sq. 2 RtoRB. Any. 8. P mates, Number 184, 1, B tke B. Q tke R. 2. KttoQB4. Moves. 3. Mates. @ L Q tks Kt. 2 PtksQ. Any. 8. P to BG, dis. mate. (B) L Q tks P, ch. 2. P tks Q. Any. 3. Mates. Nomngr 135. 1. Rtks BP. Q tks R. 2 BtoR2. Any. 8. PtoQ4, mate. Noumner 136. 1, P tke Kt. P tks P. 2 K to Kt4. B moves. 8. P to B 4, mate. Nomper 187. 1. KttoR7. RtoR3. 2 Qto kts Moves. 8. Qto KR 8, mate. (@) L P to Kt 8 (Q). 2 Qtks R. Moves. 3. Mates. Nomper 138. 1. Kt to Q 8, ch. Kt the Kt. j 2 KttoQs Any. 8. Kt or B mates, Nomper 189, 1. P tks Kt (R). PtoB3s. 2 RwoKkts P tks R. 8 P to B65, mate. Nompsr 140. L RtoK Kt oq. Kt toR2. 2 Rto kts. Moves, 8. Mates. () 1 B tke B. 2. Rto Kt 6, ch. KtoBs. 8. Ktto Kt 2, mate. Nomper 141. 1, Q tks R. KttoR6. 2. QtoQKt7. Moves. 3. Mates. @ - 1 KtoB3. 2. Kt to Q7, ch. Moves, 8. Q mates. Nomper 142. 1. KttoK Ba. B tke Kt. 2. RtoK B aq. Moves. 3. Mates. Number 143. 1. Kt to Qa, ch. Kwks. 2, RtoQB2. Moves. 8, Mates. (A) 1. Ktokt4. 2 RtoK Kt2, ch. KwBs, 8. R toR 6, mate. Nowper 144. 1. Qto Kt4, ch. K toR3. 2. KtoR4. Any. 3. Q mates. Nomper 145. 1. P to Kt8(R). R tks 2. B tks R, ch. Any. 3. R mates. . (4) L K toB8. 2. R to Kt aq, ch. Moves. 8, R mates. (B) 1 K toR7, or B7. 2. RtkeR. Moves. 3, Mates. Nomper 146. 1. B to QKt2, ch. KtoQa. 2. Qto B7, ch. Moves. 3, Bor P mates. @) 1. Kt to B6. 2. Q ths Kt, ch. Any. 3. Q mates. @) 1. KtoBs. 2. Q to Kt4, ch. Ktoke. 8. Kt to B 4, mate. «) 1. KtwoQi. 2. BtoK6. Moves. 8. Mates. Nomper 147. 1. QtoKRR P toR8(Q). 2 QtoQRaq. Any. 8, Kt to B8, mate. @ 1 B tka B. 2 Q tks Q. Moves. 8. Mates. Nummer 148. 1. Kt toQB5. K ths Kt. 2. BtoBs. P moves. 3. Bto Kt 6, mate. SOLUTIONS. 425 @ 1. KtoK4. 2 KttoK 6. Moves, 8. B to BZ, mate. Nomper 149. 1. PtoQ4, ch. P tha P en pas. 2 KttoQBa Any. 8. P to B4, mate. Nomper 150. 1. RtoK Ktaq. Moves. 2. KttoR4. bes 3. Mates. Nomper 151. | 1. RtoR8, ch. Q tke R. 2 KttoR7. Q tks Kt. 8. P tks Q, mate. Nomper 152. 1. Q ths P, ch. KtksQ 2 PtoKt3. Kt moves. 8. B to Kt 6, mate. (@) 1. Ktokté, 2. KttoK 3. Any. 8. QtoR 2, mate. Nomper 158. 1. BtoQ sq. KtoR4. 2 PtoR4. B moves. 8. B tks P, mate. @ 1 B moves. 2. B tke P. BY 8. P mates. Nomar 154. 1. RtoQKet 8, KtoQi. 2. BtoQz. ’ K the Kt. 8. B to K 6, mate. Nomper 155, 1. RB. P ths R. 2. Kt(frK2)toKt8. Any. 8. Kt or P mates, Nomper 156. 1, QtoKR5. K tks B. 2. Q to Q aq, ch. K moves. 8. QtoQ 5, mate. 426 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomper 157. 1. RtoR2. B tks P. 2 QtoR8. Moves. 8. Q mates. () 1. BtoK7. 2. Q to Kt oq, ch. BtoKt5. 8. Qto K 8, mate. «@) 1. BtoR6. 2. R tke B. K moves. 8. Q to Kt 2, mate. Nomper 168. 1. Qto Kes. KttoR2. 2 QtoQKts. Any. 8. Mates. Number 159. 1. P to Q8(B), dis. ch. K toB5. 2, BtoKR4. Any. 3. Kt or B mates. Numer 160. 1. BtoR6, KtoR3. 2. Bto Kt6. P tks B. 8. QtoR4, mate. @) 1. K tks B. 2. Q tke P. Any. 8. Q to Kt 4, mate. Nomeer 161. 1. BoQR3. K to B38. 2. B tke Kt. KtoK4. 8. B to Kt 7, mate. Number 162. 1. BoQR4. KtoKt5. 2 Pto Kt 3, K moves. 3, Mates. Nomsre 163. 1. QtoR8. R tks Q. 2. RB tke B. Moves. 3. Mates. @ 1. B tke B. 2. RtoQ6, ch. Any. 8. Q mates. «B) 1 PtoBs. 2. Kt tke B. Moves. 3. Mates. Nomper 164. 1. KttoR6. K tks P. 2. R to QB, ch. K moves. 3, Kt mates. (a) 1. KtoKs. 2. Kt to Kt, Any. 8. P to B 4, mate. Nomver 165. 1. ROKES. B tks R, etc. 2. Kt to B6, ch. K moves. 3. Mates. Nomper 166. 1. BtoQ2. PtoBe. 2. BtoK 8, ch. KtoBs. 8, Kt to Q 6, mate. @ 1 P to Kt6, oh. 2. K tke P. P moves. 8. B mates. Nomper 167. 1. QtoRS. PoBe. 2. KttoQB6. KtoB7. 8, Kt to Kt 4, mate. Nowner 168. 1. BtoQR8. P tke P. 2. K to Kt7. KtoQ4. 8, Rto Q 8, mate. @ 1 PtoBs. 2 BtoK4. P moves. 8. Rto Qs, mate. Nowper 169. 1. R to K oq, ch. PtoQ8(B). 2. Q tke QP. P tksQ. 8, Kt to Kt 8, mate. @) 1, PtoQ8 (Q). 2 QtoK7. Any. 8. Q mates. SOLUTIONS. Nowsre 170. 1. R tke B. P tks R. 2. QtoB4 ‘Any. 8. Q or Kt mates. (4) 1 B to Kt 8, ch. 2 KtoRaq. Moves. 8. Mates. @) 1, BtoR6. 2. Q the P, ch. BtoB7. 8. Q tks B, mate. Nomen 171. 1. QtoKKt4. B tks Q. 2. R to Bag, ch. KtoK7. 8. B to B4, mate. @® 1. Bto BG, etc. 2. Q to Kt eq, cb. Moves, 3. Mates. Nomper 172. 1. RtoQs. P tks R. 2. B tke B. P moves. 8. B tks P, mate. ) 1 B tks B, ete. 2. RtoQeq. Any. 3, K to B 2, dis. mate. Nompee 178. 1. Q to K aq. R tks B. 2, RtoQBaq. Any. 8. Q mates., @ 1 K to Kt7. 2, RtoB4, Moves, 8. QtoB 8, mate. Nomper 174. 1, RtoKB6, K tke R. 2. BtoK 6, ch. K the B. 8. Q mates. Nomper 175. 1. PtoR4 K ths Kt. 2. Bto Kté. P tke B. 8. R mates. (A) K tks P. KtwR4. 1 2. RtoR3. 8. RtoQR8, mate. Numusr 176. PtoBs. KtoK5. RtwoKBS. Rto Kt 4, dis. ch. . Bto Q 8, mate. @) KtoK5. KtoQo. BtoQ8, ch. Rto Kt 4, mate. @) 1 Kt to B 6, ch. 2. B tke Kt. Any. 8, R mates. Per © KttoK4. RtoK B4, ch. Moves. R or Kt mates. = Nompger 177. B tks R. B tks R. 1. ROKRS 2, Rto Kt7. 8, Bto K 8, mate. () 1 Bto Rt 6, ch. 2 K tke P. B moves. 8. Rto Kt 6, mate. Nomsge 178. R tks Q. K moves. 1. QtoR8. 2. Ktto BS, ch. 8. PtoQ4, mate. 1 R to Kt 6, ch. Ke ths B. 1. Kt the B. 2 QtoR7, ch. Any. 8. mat © 1. BtoKBs. 2, Kt the Q, Any. 8. Q ths QR, mate. 428 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nompen 179. 1, BtoB. K ths Kt. 2. B tks P. K tks Kt. 3. Bto B65, dis. mate. Nome 180. 1. QtoQR4. P moves. 2 QtoK Kt4. Pp 3. Q to Ba, mate, Nowper 181. 1. Kt to Q7. K toB3. 2 QtoRs. K moves. 3. Q mates. @) 1. KttoR4. 2 QBs. Moves. 3, Q mates. Noser 182. 1. QtoK7, ch. K tks Q. 2. PtoQB8(Kt), ch. K tks P, 3, PtoK B8 (Kt), mate. @) 1 K toB3. 2. PtoQB8(Q).ch. K moves. 3. Q to B7, mate. Nomper 183. 1. PtoKB8(R). K moves. 2. P to QB 8 (R). K « 8. RtoQB6, mate. Nomper 184. 1. PtoK8(B). K moves. 2. PtoB8(B). Kk « 8, B to Q7, mate. Nomper 185. 1. Qto Kt4, ch. K the Kt. 2. QwB8, ch. K moves. 8. Q mates. Nomar 186. 1. BtoQR5. K or P moves. 2. Bto K 6, ch. Any. 8. Ror B mates. Nomper 187. 1. Kt to B5, ch. KtoQs. 2. Bto K 3, ch. K moves. 3. Q mates. Peo ® KtwK4. Qt0Q7. KtoB3. Qto K 6, mate. Nomper 188, . KttoR4. KtoKt4. . BtoK Ba. K moves. . B mates. @ KtoR2 . B to Kt 8, ch. K moves. . Kt or B mates. Nompex 189. . Kto Kt. K moves. . Kt to B 6. a) . Q mates. Nomper 190. |. QtoR6. BtoB. BtoK7. Any. Qor B mates. ) Bor P tks Q. B tks P. Any. B mates. Nompxr 191. BwoKB3. Pto Kt4, . K tke P. KtoK4. Q to Q 6, mate. @ Kto kts. . Q to K 8, ch. K moves. . Q mates, Numper 192. QtoQz Kt to K 2. Kt to KB5. Moves. @) B tks RP. Kt to Qaq. Any. Q mates. (B) B tks BP. . B checks. KwK4. QtoB 8, mate. 1 PtoB7. 2. BtoQ6, ch. K tks P. 8. QtoQ4, mate. @) 1. Kt to Kt 8. 2. B to B5, ch. K the P. 8. Q to Q 4, mate. Nomper 193, 1. PtoRB. K toQ8, or B2. 2, Ktto Rts. Any. 3. Q mates, @ 1. KtoQ4 2, QtoK 5, ch. K moves. 3. Et mates. @) 1. KtoKt4. 2. QEtto KS, K moves. 8. Q or Kt mates. Nompes 194. 1, KtoR2. P to Kt8(Q), ch. 2. Q tks Q. Any. 3. Q to QR sq, mate. @ 1. KttoB5. 2. Q the Kt, cb. K tks Q. 3. Rto B2, dis. mate. Nowper 195. 1. QtoBa. BtoQ3, ch. 2. R tks B. Any. 8. Q or Rmates. @ : 1. K to K 4, etc. 2. R tka B, ch. K moves. 3. Q or B mates. @) 1 BtoK4. 2. Q tks Kt. Any. 3. Q or R mates. Nomprr 196. 1. QtoKes. KtoKts. 2. QtoKR2 Any. 8, Kt mates. SOLUTIONS. () 1 Kt to Kt. 2 QtoKKts. Any. 8. Q mates. Nemprr 197. 1. Kt to Ke. KorP toQs. 2 QtwKGE Any. 8. Q or B mates, @ 1 KtoB4, 2. BtoB7. ‘Any. 8. Q mates, Nomper 198. 1. KttoKt4, KtoK 5, 2 QtoBeq. KtoQ4 8 QtoQB4, mate. @) 1. Ktokts, 2. Kt to K5, eb. K moves. 8. Q mates, @) 1 K tke Kt. 2. Qto BB, ch. KtwoR6, 8. Q to R3, mate. ©) 1 Ktoks. 2. Kt to B7, ch. KtoQ2 3. Kt to K 5, mate. Nomper 199. 1, RtoKB7. K tke P. 2 QtoQKts. Any. 8. Q mates. (@) 1 KtwK5. 2. Ktokts. ‘Any. 8. Rto K 7, mate. @) 1 PtoBz. 2 QtoK6. Moves. 3, Mates. Nomper 200. 1, Rto Kta, Kt to Kt 5. 2. Q tke Kt. PtoR6. 8. RtoK 3, mate. 480 AMERICAN OHESS-NUTS. rc) ® 1 PtoR6, 1 K moves. 2 QtoQz. Any. 2 KttoKB7. Moves. 8. Q or R mates. 8. Mates. @) ®) 1. KttoBé,or8, | 1 P tks Et. 2 QtoKt2. Any. 2 PtoK 4, ch. KtoQ3. 8. Q mates. 8 Rto QB, mate. (©) ©) 1 PwBse 1L PwKKts. 2 QtoKtes. Any. 2. KttoK B4, ch. KtoQa 8 QorB mates, 3. Kt to B7, mate. Noumper 201. Nowezr 204. 1. BtoKBE. Any move. 1. RtksQRP. Ktokte. 2 RtoBs Moves. 2. R tke RP. Moves. 8. Mates. 3. Mates. Nowsre 202. (A) L BtwRts. PwK7. 1 Bto Kt7. 2 QtoQé, ch. Any. 2 QtwQB2 Moves. 8. Q, R, or B mates. 3. Mates. (A) Nomper 206. 1 Kt tks QP. 1. BtoQs KtwKs. 2 QtoBs. Any. 2 Q tks RP. Ptog4. 8. Q the Kt, mate. 8. Qto Kt 4, mate. :)) (A) L Kt to QB eq. 1 KtoKa. 2 PtoQ6, Moves. 2 QtoBs. P moves. 3. Mates. 3. Q to BG, mate. (C) @) 1. BtoKts. 1 KtoBs. 2. Q ths P, ch. Moves. 2. Qto B4, ch. KtoKt2. 8. Mates. 8. Qto BS, mate. @) Nomper 206, 1. KwBe 1. RtoB4, PtoKt4. 2 Q the Kt. Moves. 2 BoKR8. P the R, 8, Mates. 8. B to Q7, mate. ® « L KtwQs. 1 Ktokt4. 2. B to B6, ch. K moves. 2, RtoBeq, dis.che KtoR5. 3. Q mates. 8. Rito Raq, mate. Numper 203, Nompre 207. 1. KttoK 6. P tke R. 1. Kto Kt 4. R tks Kt, ch. 2. Kt tks BP, dia. ch. K moves. 2 KtoBs. Any. 8. R mates, 8. Q or B mates. @) SOLUTIONS. 1 RtoK 8, ete. 2 QKtto Bs, ch. Moves. 8. Mates. @® 1 P tks P, ote. 2. QtoRB5, ch. Moves. 8. Mates. Nomper 208. 1. BtoQB7. B to Kt6, ete. 2. Kt to QBa, ch. K moves, 8. KttoKB8, mate. @ L B to B6, ete. 2. KttoKB3. Any. 8. Q Kt mates. ® 1. KttoK 6 2. Kt to QKté, ch. K moves. 8. Kt to B 3, mate. Noumper 209. 1. P to Q6, dis, ch. KtoR5. 2 QtoK5. re 8. Q mates. @ 1 KtoR3. 2 PtoR4 Ptwkta 8. Q tks P, mate. @®) 1 PtoKt4. 2 QtoKB5. K moves. 8. Q mates. Nompen 210. 1, RoKB KtoR7. 2 KtoB2 KtoR8 8. B tks P, mate. ) 1 KtoR& 2 Kto Kes. Any. 8. R to K aq, mate. Numper 211. 1. Q tks Kt. Pts QRP. 2 Qto Kt7. Moves. 8. Mates. () L Pts KRP. 2 QtKR& Moves. 8. Mates. @®) 1 Q tks B, 2. QtksQ. Moves. 8, Mates, Nomere 212. 1. QtKB5. KtoR6. 2 QwuKB2 P moves. 8. Q tks P, mate, @ 1 P moves. 2. PtoRs. rp“ 8. Q to Kt4, mate, Nome 218, 1. Kt the R, ch. K ths P. 2. K oB7. Moves. 8, Mates, ® 1 KtoB4 2. Q tks QP. Moves. 3. Mates. zs Nomorr 214. 1. RtoR7. KtoBs. 2 PtoRs Moves. 8, R mates. @® 1. Pos. 2. PtoR4, ch. KtoBa 8. BtoB7, mate. Nomuere 215. 1. KttoQBe. K moves. 2 Bto K Bag. Moves. 8, Mates. Nompar 216. 1, B tks Kt, ch. KtoQe 2. RtoK 8, cb. KtoQ7. 8. Q to Beg, mate. « 1. KtwBe6. 2 QtoK Kteg. Moves. 8. Mates. 57 482 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. @) 1 K tks R, 2 P to K 8(Q), ch. KtoBs. 8. Q mates. Numper 217. 1. BtoQBs. PtoR6 2 R(frBs)toB4 Any. 8. Mates. eee @ 7 Qtw KB, ete. R(frB5)toQ5. Moves Mates. @) L QtoKte. 2 PtksQ. Moves. 8 Mates. Nomere 218, 1. Rtks KP. Q tks BP. 2 QtoK4, ch. Q tks Q. 8. Kt to B8, mate. @ 1. K ths R. 2 QtoK4,ch. K moves. 8 Pto K 8 (Kt), mate. @) 1 P tks R. 2 QtoQ4, ch. K moves. 8 QtoB5, mate. Nomarr 219. 1. Kt the Pat R. K ths R. 2 PtoKt4. Any. 8. Bor Kt mates. @ 1. B tks Kt. 2. BtoK 3, ch. KtoQ4. 8. PtoB4, mate. @) L KwQs. 2. RtoQ6, ch. KtoBs. 8. Kt tke P, mate. Nomar 20. 1. Q tke R, ch. K the P. 2. Pto Bs (R). K moves. 3. R mates. @) 1 K ths Q. 2 BtoRs. K moves. 8. Rto B65, mate. Nomper 221, 1. RtoQBaq. Q ths Kt. 2. R to Qagq, ch. RwoQs. 8. Kt to B 4, mate. @ 1 RtoQBo. 2. P tks R, ch. K ths Kt. 8. QtoB7, mate @) 1 Kt to Q 2, etc. 2. Kt tke R, ch. Moves, 3. Mates. © 1. KttoK 3. 2 QtoQ7, ch. KtoK5. 8 Rto K sq, mate. @) 1 BtoK 3. 2 Qto BS, ch. K moves. 8. Kt mates, Nomper 222, 1. PwQs. BP tke P. 2 PtoKts. Any. 8. PtoB4, mate. (A) 1 KP the P. 2 PtoBs. Any. 8. PtoK 4, mate (B) L BtoQ sq. 2 PtoQs B moves. 8. Kt mates, ©) L Bto kts. 2. Kt toB6, ch. K moves. 8. PtoQ 4, mate. Nompsr 228, 1, RtooK Kts, K moves. 2. Ktto R65, ch. Kk“ 8. P or Kt mates, SOLUTIONS. 488 Nomper 224. @ 1. Q tks Kt, ch. K tks 1. Any other. 2. Kt to Qa. Any. 2 QtoBs. Moves. 8. P mates. 8. P to Kt 8, mate. @ Nomegr 228. 1 oe 1. Kt toKt7. P tks R. 2. Kt ths KP, ch. K toB3. 2 KttoBe. a 8. PtoQ8 (Kt), mate. 8. Kt mates. (@) (A) L KtoBs. 1. KtoR5. 2 PtoQs(Q). Moves. 2 Rto kes. Any. 3. Mates. 8. Kt to B 6, mate. Nompxr 225. Nomarr 229. 1. RtoQs Q ths Q, ete. 1. QtoQR7. Pogs. 2. Ktto B6, ch. Any. 2 QtoQBs. Any. 8. P mates. 3. Q mates. () (a) L K ths Kt. L K to Kt4, ete. 2. Qto BS, ch. KtoK4. 2 QtoK8, ch K movos. 8. P mates. 8. Q mates. @) Nowper 280. 7 Riko Kee. 1. RQ7. RtoK 8, ete. 2. Kt tke BP, ch. K moves. 2. pal ch. Moves. 5. Q mates, 8, Mates, © (A) L BtksR. 1. KtoK8. 2. Kt to Kt4, ch. Moves. 2. RtoQKt7, dis. ch. K moves. 3. Q mates. 8. Ror Kt mates. ®) Nomazr 261. 1. P to K 8(Q), ch. 1. Rtke B. PoR4. 2. Q the Q, ch. K tke Kt. 2 RtwKs. ae 8. Rto B4, mate. 3. Q the Kt, mate. Nomoer 226. (ay 1. RtoKR4. KtoBa. 1 P tke R. 2 PtoK4, ch. K moves. 2. Pto Kt4. KtoKt3, 3, B mates. 8. Q the Kt, mate, (a) @) 1. KwQs. 1 K tks R. 2. BtoQs. PtoR6, 2 Q the Kt. Moves. 3. Pto B 4, mate. 8. Qor P mates. Nomper 227. Nome 282. 1 QwK6 Ktokt4. 1. Kt to K eq. K moves. 2 PtoRs. Any. 2. Kt to B8, ch. Kk “ 8. Q mates. 8. P mates. 484 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomere 283. 1 Blogs. Kt the R. 2 KttoBs. Moves, 8. Kt mates. @® 1. Kt the Kt, ete. 2. RtoK5, ch. KtoBs. 8. R to B65, mate. @) 1 Pto BG, ete. 2, Kt toQB&, ch. K moves. 8. Mates. Nowser 234, 1. BtoQR7. Q tks R. 2, R tks Q, ch. K moves, 8. Mates. “® L KwK4, 2 PtoQ4, ch. Any. 8. Mates. @) 1 PtoK4. 2 BtoK Kt 8, ch. RwoKs 3. P to B 4, mate, (©) 1 PBs, ete. 2. Rto BS, ch. K moves, 8. B dis. mate, Nomen 285. 1, KttoR4. K tks B. 2 KtoQ4 Poke. 8. P ths P, mate. @® 1. PtoKté. 2. P tks P. PtoR7. 8. R to K 7, mate. Nompun 286, 1. Ktto Kt 4. Q tks R. 2. Bto B6, ch. Moves. 8. Mates. @® 1 K tks R. 2 QwQs, ch. KtoBs. 8. Qto.Q7, mate. @) 1 Q tks B. 2. Kt to B6, ch. Ktoks. 8. R to Q 8, mate. ' ©) 1 Kt to Q8, etc. 2. QtoQ3, ch. KtwoBs. 8. P to Kt 8, mate. @) 1 KttoK4 j 2 R tke Kt, ch. KwQs. 8. Qto QB 4, mate. Numper 287. 1. KttoK 8. K moves. 2 QtoBs. Moves. 3. Mates. @ 1. PtoBs: 2. KKttoBé. Moves. 8. Q mates. Nomner 238. 1 BtoR2. KtoQa. 2. QwKR7. K moves. 3. Q to Q 3, mate. @® 1 KtoK6. 2. QtwQ7. KtoBe. 3. Qto K B65, mate. @) L KtoBs. 2. Q to BS, ch. KtwQge 8. Kt to B 2, mate. Numer 289. 1, Kt to QB65, ch. KtoB4. 2. QtoK Kt7. Any. 8 Qto Kt 5, mate. @) a K tQ8, or4. 2 Bto Kt7. Any. 8 Qmates. Nomser 240. 1. QtoQKt4. KtoK2, ete, 2. Qto Kes. Moves. 8. Mates. SOLUTIONS. 435 @ Nowper 244, 1 K to B2, ete. 1. BtoQaq. PwKs. 2, KttoKB7. Any. 2. QtoQ4 Any. 8. Q mates. 8. B mates. Nomssn 21. “™ 1. Qto.Q2, P tks P. 1. KtoBa 2. Q to Q sq, ch. K ths Kt. 2. BtoQKts. Moves. 8. Ktto Kt 4, mate. 3. Mates. wo ® L K the P. 1 BtoK5. 2. KKt to Kt4. Moves. 2. Q tke B. Any. 8. Q to B2, mate. 8. R tke P, mate. @) © L Pto kts. 1 Bto Kt. 2. QKt ths P. Moves. 2. B tks B, ch. Moves. 8 Q to K 8, mate, 8. Mates. © Nowerr 245, L RtoRs. 1. BtoK2. Q to B 5, ch, eto. 2. Kt toQB4. Any. 2. BtoB 6, ch. Any. 8. Matos. 8. Q mates. Nowe 242. () 1. QKttoKB2, Poke 1 QtoR4, ch. 2 QtoKts. Any. 2. Q tks Q, ch. KtoBs. 8. Q mates. 8. Qto K 5, mate. @ Nowper 248. 1. KtoK7. 1. QtoK Req. K oR 8, dis, ch. 2 QwQ4. Any. 2. Kt to B7, ch. K to Kt3. 8. Q mates. 8. R to Q6, mate. @) (a) L BtoQ4. 1 K to B8, dis. ch. 2% QtoQz Moves. 2. Q the B. Any. 8. Q mates, 8. Q mates, Nowesr 248. @) 1. QtoQaq. BtoQBa. 1. BtoKt5. 2 QtoKR5. Any. 2, BtoB7, ch. KtoBs. 8. Q mates. 8. Q to QR eq, mate. «® Nomen 247. 1 BtoKB2, etc. | 1. BtoQB8. K Kt moves. 2 QtoBs. Any. 2. Kt to Kt, ch. K moves. 8. Q mates. 8, Kt mates. @) @® 1 PtoKts. 1 QKt moves. 2. Qto K Bog, ch. BtoB? 2. Kt to B65, ch. K moves. 8. Q tks B, mate. 8. Kt mates, 436 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. @) 1 Pto kts. 2. B tks Kt. Any. 8, B mates. Nowexr 248, 1. QtoQBaq. QtoK Raq. 2. Rto Kee. Any. 3. Q mates. @ 1 QtoR2 2. PtksQ. Any. 3. Qto K Raq, mate. Nomser 249. 1. RtoB7. P to. Q8, otc. 2, Rto B8, ch. Moves. 8. Mates. @ 1. PtoQ4, ete. 2 BtoQ7. P moves. 8. Kt mates. Numezr 250. 1. QtoQaq. Kt the R, ete. 2. Q tks K Kt, ch. KtoKt3. 8. Kt to K 6, mate. @® 1 RtoR6. 2. Qto K Bag, ch. Kt to B7. 8, Rto BG, mate. Nowere 251. | 1, RtoQ7. K tks R. 2, BtoB, ch. K toQeq. 3. Q to Q 6, mate, ) 1 B tks B. 2 QtoQ6, ch. KtoB4. 8, Kt to Kt 8, mate. @) 1 RtoR3. 2 Q ths Kt, ch. Kt ths Q. 8. P to B 8 (Kt), mate. Nomper 252. 1. RtoK7. PtoQs. 2. Kt toQB7, dis. ch. K moves. 8. Kt to Q 5, mate. @® 1 2. Ktto KKt7, dis. ch. 8, Kt to B65, mate. @) L 2. Kt toQB7, dis. ch. 8 Ror Kt mates. © KttoK Kt4, dis. ch. Kt mates. per PtoBs. K moves. KtoK4a K moves. KwK6, ete. K moves. Numer 258. 1. RtoQe. 2 Rtgs. 8. B, Kt, or P mates, @) (B) @) 2. B tke P at Kt 4. 3. Mates. Kt toB5. Any. Kt to Bs. Moves. Kt tks Kt P. Moves. Pto Kes. Any. Nomper 254. 1. BtoQKta. 2. B ths P, ch. 8. Kt to Kt 7, mate. ® 1 2 PtoBS. 3. Mates. @B) 1 2. R tke KP, ch. 8. Kt or R mates. ©) BtoQB2. K ths R. PtoR3. Moves. Btks RP. Any. Bto Kt 8. Moves. SOLUTIONS. Nompue 255. Nompae 259. 1, RtkePatKB4 KtheR 1. BtoKt7. BtoR2. 2. R tks BP, ch. K movee. 2 Bto Keq. Moves. 8. Kt or B mates. 3. Kt mates. @® @® 1. BtoKt2. 1 K to Rts. 2. QR tks BP. BtoB aq. 2. Kt toQ 5, ch. K moves. 8. B to Q6, mate. 8. Bor B mates. @) Nompes 260. 1. . B to Bag. 1. KttoQKts. Qanywhere. 2. QB tks QP. Any. 2. Captures Q. B moves. 8. B mates. 8. Kt mates. © ao Nomoze 261. 1. toB4, 1. KttoK4. BtoKts. oe Any. 2, RtoK 6, ch. K ths Kt. . Bor B mates. 8. BtoK 8, mate. Nuwour 266. (A) 1. KttoQ7. Ktoks. 1 BtoB4. 2. Kt toQ 4, ch. KwQs. 2, Kt to B 3, ch. KtoBs. 8. Bto K 5, mate. 8. Rto K 3, dis. mate. @® (B) 1 Ktokts,or5. | 1. BtoQs. 2. BooK4. K moves, 2. Kt to Kt 4, ch. KtoBs. 8, Kt to B6, mate. 8. Rto Kt 6, mate. Noumprr 257. (©) 1. KtoBz. KtoBs. 1 BtoK6 2. KttoK 6, ch. K tke P. 2. BtoQ6, ch. K ths Kt. 8, B mates. 8. B to Kt 6, mate. w® @) L P ths P. 1 : Bto Bz, or R7. 2. BtoK 8, ch. K moves. 2. K the B. KtoBs. 8. Kt mates. 8. Rto Q6, dis, mate. @) Nomerr 262. 1 KtoR5. 1. RtoQe. K to B4or5. 2. Kt to B 6, ch. K moves. 2, KttoR7, K moves. 8 Bmates. 8. Kt or R mates. © @ 1. Kt to Kté. 1. KtoKt8,orR3. 2, P tke Kt. Any. 2, KttoK 4,, Moves, 8, BtoK 8, mate. 8. Mates. Nompre 258, Nompen 268. 1. RtoR 3, ch. K to Rts. 1, KttoR2, R tks Kt, ete. 2R(f&R8)toR5. Kt moves. 2. QtoBa, ch. Any. 8. B mates. 8. Qor R mates. 488 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. @® 1 K tks Ktat Kt 8. 2. QtoQ kta. Any. 8. Bto Rag, mate. Nompun 264. 1. K the P. B to B 6, ch, ete. 2 Btokts Any. 8. Qor B mates, @) 1 BtksK Kt. 2 RtoQ2, BtoKt7. 8. Q tks B, mate. Noumper 265. 1. Ke the Kt Q anywhere. 2. Captures Q. B moves. 8. Kt to Kt 6, mate. Nompgx 266. 1. Pt K Ets. P tks P, ete. 2 RtoK7, ch. K moves. 8. B or R mates. Nomazr 267. 1. KttoB6, K ths either Kt. 2 Kt to Kt8, ch. K moves. 8. Qto BB, mate. @® 1 BtoK3s. 2 Q tks B, ch. K tks Kt. 8 Kt to Kt 8, mate. Nomen 268. 1. Kt to Ke6. BtoKt4. 2. Kt tks P, © _K ths P. 8. Kt to R 5, mate. @® 1 B tks P. 2 KttoQ6,disch. KtoKts 8. Kt to B7, mate. Nowper 269. 1 PwoQs. B tks P. 2 Rok As he can. 8. R, Kt, or B mates. @ 1 KttoB2, 2. RtoQ6, ch. Kt ths R. 8, Bto K 6, mate. @®) 1. BtoB. 2. Bto B83, ch. BtoKs. 8. B tks B, mate. Numprr 270. 1, RB tks B. Kt KR. 2. Q to Kt 8, ch, Moves. 8. Q or R mates. @® L K tks QR. 2 QtoQ5, ch. ‘Any. 8. Q tks P, mate. @) 1 ‘Any other. 2. QR tks P, ch. KtoKs. 8. Q to Q 5, mate. Nomser 271. 1. R tks P, ch. Btks R. 2 RtoQKt4. Any. 8. B or R mates. () 1. K toKt7. 2. R tks B, ch, KtoRs. 8. R to Kt eq, mate. Numzze 272. 1. Kt toQB4. B tks B. 2. KttoKKt6,ch. K tka P. 8. Kt to K7, mate. @ 1 P ths P. 2 Kt to Kt 2,, K moves. 8. Kt to K aq, mate. Nonwer 278. 1. Kt tks QP. B tks Rt, ch. 2. Q ths B, ch. Moves. 8. Qor R mates. ® 1. P ths B. 2. QtoK6, ch. KtoBa 8. Q ths P, mate. @) 1 QtoK 8, ete. 2 RtoK 5, ch. K the Kt. 3. Kt to B7, mate. () 1. Q tks P. 2. Q tks Q, ch. Moves. 8. Q mates. Nomesr 274. Ror Kt tke Q. KtoBb. 1. Kt the KP. 2. Kt to QB6, ch. 8. R to B 5, mate. (a) K tks R. KtoBs. L 2. Kt to B6, ch. 3. Bto K 7, mate. @) L RtoB3. 2. Kt to B7, eh. Moves. 8. Mates. Nomper 276. 1, QKt to B38. KtoK4. 2. Kt to K B6, dis. ch. K moves. 8. Kt mates. () 1. K tke R. 2 KttoK2, PtoBé. 8. R tks P, mate. SOLUTIONS. 489 Noworr 277. 1. QtoB8, ch. RtoKt7. 2 QtoQRs. K the P. 8& QtoKR&, mate. @ 1. K ths P. 2 Q to B2, oh. Moves. 8 Qor Kt mates. Noweer 278. KtoB5. K to Kt 5. 1. BtoR2. 2. Kt to R65, dis. ch. 8. Kt to B6, mate. «® 1. P tks Kt. 2. KttoB5, © K moves. 8. Kt mates. @) 1 P tks P. 2. Kt to QB oq, dis. ch. K moves. 8. Kt toQ8, mate. Nomper 279. 1. P tke QBP. Qto BS, ete. 2. QtoBS. Any. 8. Q or P mates. @® 1. Kt tke P. 2. PtoB5,ch. K or Q ths P. 8. Q mates. @) 1. Kt toQB2. 2. B ths Kt, ch. Any. 8. Q mates. © 1 QwKs. 2. Q ths B, ch. QtoK2. 8. Q ths Q, mate. @) 1 QtoKB4. 2 Q tks Q. Moves. 8. Mates. ®) 1 Q tks QBP. 2, BtksQ. Moves. 8. Mates. 58 440 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomper 280. 1. PtoQa. KtoQs. 2 QtoQKt2, ch. Ktok6, 3. QtoK B2, mate. ( 1 K the Kt. 2 PtoQs KtoB4. 3. Q to B38, mate. (B) 1. KtoB4. 2. KttoK6. KwoK4. 3 QtoR5, mate. Nomner 281. 1. QUOKRA, K the QKt. 2 QtoQR8, ch. K to Kt 3. 3. P to R 5, mate. @) L K the K Kt. 2. Qto Kt 8, ch. K toB3. 3. Q to Kt 6, mate. (B) 1. P tke QKt. 2 KtoBo. Any. 3. Q mates. ©) 1. P ths K Kt. 2. BtoK4, ch. Any. 8. Q mates. @) 1. P tke P. 2 Qto R65, ch. Any. 8. Q mates. Nomser 282. 1. BtoR8. K tks R. 2. QtoB5, ch. KtoK3. 3. Qto KB, mate. @) Ll Kttobé. 2. Q to Kt4, ch. K tks R. 8. QtoK 4, mate. @) 1 K to Rte. 2. Q to Kt 4, ch. Any. 3, Q to Kt 2, mate. een 1 2 3. L 2 8. 1 Pa 8. . QtoQRR . QtoK RA, Any. . Q or R mates. . Q to R 4, ch. . Q mates. . K to Kt 2. . KttkePatKB7. Any. Bto Kt 3, ete. QtwoKa. Moves. Mates. NemBer 283. . R (fr R4)toR 5, ch. P tke R. KttoR4. Any. }. Kt or R mates. (A) KtoBs. . Kt to Q 4, Any. . R or Kt mates. Nomerr 264. PtoK4. (A) K to Q5, ete. Moves. () KtoK 4 . Qto KB8. Any. . Q mates. Nomper 285. KtoK5. Q Kt, or B mates. (A) BtoR5. K the Ke. Moves. Qor R mates. (B) B tks Kt. Kt tks B, = PtoK 4. Kt to B5, mate. ey BtoB, ch. Kt tke B, = K to K 5. Kt ths P, mate. @) P tks Kt. Q tks P, ch. K to Kt5. Kt to B 6. mate. SOLUTIONS. 441 Number 286. @ 1. PtoQRs KwQ4 1. BtoB6 2. QtoB5, ch. K moves. 2, KttoQ8, Any. 8. Q tke P, mate. 8. Kt or B mates. (A) @) 1 KttoQ4. eo RtoR5, ch. 2. Qto Kt2, ch. Any. | 2 KttoKt4,, PtoQ4. 3. Q mates. 8, B tks P, mate. @) Numper 290. L P tke P. 1, BtoK BS. K ths B. 2. QtoQB4, ch. KtoBe. 2 Bto Kt3. Any. 8. QtoK Kt 4, mate. 8. Kt to Kt 7, mate, () () 1 BtoK2. L KtoBa. 2. Ket tke B. Any. 2 Kt to Kt 6, ch. K ths B. 3. Q to B 5, mate. 3. Kt mates. @) (B) 1 PtoQs 1 KtoQs 2 Qto K 2, ch. K moves. 2 PwQs Moves. 8. Q mates. 8. Ror B mates, Number 287. ©) 1. RtoBs. B tks R, ete. 1 PtoKks. 2. Q to K 8, ch. Moves. 2. Kt to Kt 6, ch. KtoQs 3. Mates. 3. Bto K 4, mate. @ @) L Kt ths Q, ete. 1. BtoBaq. 2, Kt to B6, ch. Moves. 2. Rto Kté, ch. KtoBs. 8. Mates. 3. Kt mates, Nomper 288, Nowsxr 291. 1, BtoK B6, dia. ch. KtoRt5. 1, RtoBe. K ths R. 2 Qto KR6, ch. Any. 2. Kt to K 4, ch. KwKs. 3. B or Qmates. 3, Kt ths P, mate. @ @® 1 KtoBs. 1 Kt the R, ete. 2. P to Kt 8(Q). Moves. | 2. Kt to B8, ch. Moves. 8. Q mates. 8. Mates. @) @) 1 KtoK3. 1. RtoQz. 2 Qto Qa, ch. K the B. 2. R tks P, ch. K moves. 8. Pto Kt 8 (Kt), mate. 8. Q mates. Nomper 289. ©) 1. QtoQRaq. KtoRt2 1. K tke Kt. 2. Q the R, ch. Moves. 2. Qto Rag, ch. Any, 8. Mates. 8. Q or Kt mates. 442 AMERICAN OHESS-NUTS. Nowpze 292. 1. Q tks Kt, ch. K tks Q. 1. Q ths Q, ete. 2, K tks P. P moves. 2. B tks R, ch. B the B. 8. P tks P, mate. 8. Rto B 5, mate. @ 1. K ths P. L R tks R, ote. 2 RtoQRs. P moves. 2. Kt to QB6, ch. Any. : 8. Q to Q 6, mate. 8. Q mates. Nomsxe 293. 1. RtoK 3. KttoBs. 1. KtP the BR. 2. P tks P, dis. ch. Kt tks R. 2 QtoR2, ch. BtoBs. 8, R tke P, mate. | 8 Q ths R, mate. ® | Nompee 298. 1 Ptogs. 1, KtoB2 P the Kt. 2. BtoK BS, Any. ‘ 2, Ktto Kt7. Moves. 8. Bor R mates. , & Bor Kt mates, @) ‘ 1 P tke P. 1 K ths Kt 2 R tks P, eb. KwQs 2. Kt to B 6, ch. K moves, 8. RtoK 4, dis. mate. | 3. BtoK 4, mate. Nomare 204. Nomper 299, 1. QwQKt2 PRE | 1. Qto Rag, eb, Kto kts. 2 QwK2 ch. KwQs. 12 BtoQz. ‘Any. 8B. Qto K 4, mate. 3. Q to R 5, mate. Noupze 295. Aeueas 0 1. Pt0Q4, ch. Kgs Pea hella 2. B the R. Poke : : on 7 8, R tks P, mate. 8, Kt to QB7, mate. : @ Numpre wl. 1 PtksP,enpas. | 1. QtoKeq. PwQs 2, PtoB4, RtoB6. 2% QwoKRaq, ch. Kwa. 8, B tks R, mate. 8. QtoR4, mate. Nompze 296. 1. RtoK 6. Ptokt4 1. PtoBs. 2. BtoK4. P the B, 2 QtoQKtaqch KtoQs 8. Rto Q 6, mate. 8. Q to Kt 4, mate. @) Nompen 902. 1 Pto Rts. 1, RtoR6. Robs 2. Rtks P. K tks Kt. 2, KttoQs. Moves. 8. R tks P, dis. mate. 8, Mates. Nompre 297. Nomper 908. 1. Rtke P. PtoQ4,ete. 1. QtoR8 R tks BP. 2 QtoRs B the B. 2, PtoQ4, ch. KtksR 3. B to B4, mate, 8. Qto R4, mate. SOLUTIONS. @ 1 Rts Qp. 2 QtoQB8, ch Any. 8. Q or R mates. @®) 1. PwoQs 2 QtoRe. Moves. 8. Mates. Noumpre 304. 1. RtoQaq. Qk te BR 2. R tks P, ch. K moves. 8. QtoQ7, mate. @® 1 KRtksR. 2. Boks Any. 8. Qor R mates. Noumsxe 805. 1. BtoQ4. B tks B. 2 PtoKts. Any. 8. Kt mates. Nombre 806. 1, B tke KP, ch. B tks B. 2 KwB4 Any. 8. Kt to K 8, mate. Nomper 807. 1. RwQe Kt tks R. 2% QKttoKBs. Any. 8. Pto Kt4, mate, Nomaze 808, 1. QtoQKt4, PwKs. 2% QtwoKR4. PKs. 8. Q to B 2, mate. Nomper 309. 1. QtwoQBs. R tks Q. 2. BtoQ&, ch. KtwKt4. 8. Kt to Q 6, mate, Noms 810. L QtoKt4, ch. R (at Kt6)tkaQ. 2. K to Q8, dis. ch. Btks R. 8. RtoK 4, mate. ) 1 R(at Kt 4) tks Q. 2. KtoQ6,, BtkaR. 8. B mates. Nowore 811. 1. KKttoQs,ch = Ptks Kt. 2. Bto Kt6. Any. 8. Kt mates. Nook 812. 1. B tke P, ch. K ths B. 2, PwK 8 (B). Kwks. 8. B to B 6, mate. ® 1. K to K aq. 2, RtoB&.ch. KtoB2. 8. P to K 8 (Q), mate. Nownze 818. 1. QtoK Kt, ch. P tks Q. 2. Kt to B7, ch. KtoBs. 8. BtoB 6, mate. Nomaze 814. 1. PtoK6. B tks P. 2 Kt0Qs. Any. 8. Ror B mates. Nope 815. 1. RtoR6 BtoR2 2 QtoKR8, ch Any. 8. Q or R mates. @) L K ths Kt 2% KtoQe Any. 8. Q mates. Numper 816, 1, BtoQR2. B to B8, etc. 2 Keto Qa, ch. K moves. 8. b to B 4, dis. mate. Numpee 317. 1. QtoKReq. P ths Kt. 2 BtoQea Kt ths Kt 3. K to Kt, dis, mate. Nomper 818. 1. P to Kt 8 (B). K moves. 2 BtoK6. kK“ 8. Q to Kt 2, mate. Nompes 819. 1, Rto Kt6, ch. P tks R, ete. 2 QtoR8, ch. K moves, 8. QtoK 7, mate. 44 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. @ «®) 1. KtoQz 1, BiK7. 2 QtoBs. Any. 2. Qto Bi, ch. Any. 8, Q mates. | 3. Qor Kt mates. Nomper 320. : Nowper 328. 1, PtoB6, ch. KtoQs. | 1. QtoR7. K moves. 2. Kt the P. KtoB4. 2. Q tke P. K« 8. Qto QKt 4, mate. 8. Q to Kt 5, mate. @) ‘ Nomper 824. L K to Bag. | 1. BtoQBs. P ths B. 2 QwQkts Any. 2 QwuBs. P moves. 8. Q mates. 8. Q to K 5, mate. (B) (A) 1. K toQaq. 1 Kto K 5, ete. 2. Q tks P, ch. KtoBaq. 2. Qto K8, ch. KwQs 8. Qto K8, mate. 8. Kt to Kt 6, mate. Nomper 321. Numper 825. 1. KttoB3. KtoBs | 1. QtoQs. Ktokt5. 2 QtoK 4, ch. K the Q. 2. Qto Kt, ch. KtoB5. 8. Kt to Kt 5, mate. | 3. Q to Kt 3, mate, ( Number 826, 1 KtoRi. | 1. BtoK Kt, KttoK 2, 2 QtoKKtsqch, K tks Kt. belt ealg rath K to B oq. 8. Q to Raq, mate. 3. Bto R6, mate. Nomper 822. i (a) 1. QwKEte. K tks R. Hts K to Beg. 2. Qto BQ, ch. K moves. 2% BroKB6. Any. 8. Q to R 4, mate. 8. Rto Q 8, mate. (a) ‘Nomper 827. 1 RtoQ4ete. | 1 RtoQKt7. KtoR7. 2, QtoQRG, ch. K the R. 2. Kt to Ba, ch. K movea. 8. Qto B 4, mate. 3. Ror B mates. @) ‘ @ a BtoR4. 11 Bto Kt6. 2 Qto K4, ch. ‘Any. 2, Bto Kt, ch. KtoR7. 8. Q or Kt mates. 3, Kt to B 8, mate. © Nomper 828. 1 R to Q6, ch. 1. QwK6. RtkeQ. 2. Q tke R, eb. K ths R. 2. R tks P. R moves. 8. Qto Kt 5, mate. 8, R mates. @) Nemper 829. i RtoK3,ch. , 1. KttoK 3, ch. P ths Kt. 2. Q the R, ch. P tks Q. 2. Rto Qsq, ch. Any. 8. Kt to Q 2, mate. | 3. Q or B mates. (A) 1 2. QtoQ7, ch. 3. Q tke R, mate. (@) 1. 2. Q to B8, ch. 3. Q tks B, mate. NompBer 1, KtoBe. 2. BtoQ4, ch. 3. Kt toQ 2, mate. (a) Kt tks B. }. Mates. (B) . Kt the R, cb. . R to B 4, mate. Numper 1. Qt KKte. KtoQs. QtoK 4, mate. (A) . B tks R, ch. . Q to BG, mate. Nunser BtoK Kt aq. BtoR2. Mates. pret () x P the P, ch. BtoR2, mate. » @) 1 2. Kt to B38, ch. 8. Bto R 2, mate. Q ths Kt. RwoQs. K to B3. BtoB2. 830. B tks R. KtoK5. B tks P. Moves. R tks P. KtoKs. B31. P to Q5, ch. Any. B tks P, ch. KtoK8. RtoQs. P ths B. 382. B tks Kt. Moves. P to BS, ch. KtoK4. RtoB 3, ete. KtoK4. SOLUTIONS. Nomper 383, 1. RtoBs. 2, Ktto K 2, dis. ch. 8, Kt toQB8, mate. @ 1 2. Kt to Kt 2, dis, ch. 8. B tks Q, mate. (B) 1 2, Kt to R 6, dis. ch. 8, B tke P, mate, BtksR K tks P. Qto Kt 5, ch. Q covers. PtoBs PwBs5. Noumngr 334. 1. BtoQs. 2. QtoB4, ch. 8. Qto BS, mate. @ 1. 2% QtoQ4, ch. 8. Qto K 4, mate. @®) 1 2 8. R ths B, ch. Qto B 5, mate. . (ec) QtoK 3, ch. Qor P mates. Pee PtoK Kt 5. K ths B. PtQBs. KtoB4. RtoKR5. K tks B. Any other. K moves. Numper 885. QtoB2 B tks Q, ch. B tks P, mate. eter (A) Kt to B6, ch. B tks P, mate. err RtoQBeq. PtoK4 Pok4 Q ths Kt. Nomper 336. RtoQkts. R tks K BP, ch, Kt to Q 6, mate. (4) cree 1 2 KtoBs. 3. Pto Kt 4, mate. PtoKk4. P tks R. Ptks RP. Any. 446 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. ® 1 BtoQ2, ete. 2. RtoK Kes. Moves. 8. P mates. Nowsre 887. 1, PtoQs. P tke Kt P, ch. 2, Kt tks P, ch. R tke Kt. 8. Bto K 38, mate. @ L PwKBA, etc. 2. BtoK8, ch. Moves. 8. Mates. @) L BtoBb5. 2. Kt tke R, ch. B tks Kt. 8. RtoQ 6, mate. Nomper 838. 1. QtoQB6. PtoR8(Q). 2. Qto B4, ch. KtwK4. 8. Kt to B7, mate. @® 1. P tks Kt. 2, B tks B, ch. Kt covers. 8. Qor B mates. ® . 1. B tks P, ch. 2. R tke B. Moves. 8. Mates. © 1 KttoB4. 2, Kt to B8, ch. KtoBe. 8. Q tks Kt, mate. @) 1. KttoK4. 2 QtoQ6, ch. K moves. 8. Q tks QP, mate. @®) 1 P to Q8(Q), ch. 2 R tks Q, ch. K moves. 8. Mates. ® L R tks KP, ch. 2. Kt tks B, ch. KtoK4 8. BtoB 4, mate. Nove 899. 1. QtoQB7. QtksQ. 2. Kt to B5, ch. K tks P. 8, Kt to K 6, mate. () 1. K tks P. 2. Ke the Kt. Moves. ®) ” KttoKe. . B tke Kt, ch. P the B, ch. . Q ths P, mate. Nompar 340. . Kt to Qaq, dis. ch. R tks B. 2. Q tke Kt P, ch. KtoKs. Kt to B 8, mate. @ 1 PoBe. 2. Q ths BP, ch. K moves. . Q to Q 4, mate. (B) 1 KtoK5. 2. RtoB4, ch. P tks RB. 8, Kt to KB 2, mate. pre » Noxurr 841. 1. Bogs. Q tks B. 2. Q tks Q. Any. 8. Q mates. ® 1 RtoR6. 2. BtoK 8, ch. R tks B. 8, P tks R, mate. Nome 842. 1. BtoK B4, dis. ch. B to K aq. 2. Q tks B, ch. KtoKe2. 8. Qto K7, mate. @® 1. KtoK2. 2. Qto Kt7, ch. K moves. 8. Q or B mates. @) 1. Ktokt2. 2, BtoR6, ch. Any. 8. Q mates. SOLUTIONS, Nomeer 448, 1. BtoK7. PtoBs. 2. R tke KP, ch. K tke RB. 8. K moves, dis. mate. @ L* Ke ths B, ete. 2 RtoK Bag. Moves. 8, B or Kt mates. Nome 844. 1. QtoKt8, ch. Pogs 2. Kt to Kt 6, ch. K ths Kt. 8. Rto K7, mate. @® Qto BS, ch. 2. Q tks Q, ch. Any. 8. Q mates. B) 1, es Q ths Q. 2 KttoKt6, ch. Any. 8. Kt or P mates. Nompen 845, 1. RtksP, ch. K tks R. 2 QtoKKta,ch = Any. 8. Q, Kt, or B mates. Nomper 846, 1. QtoQKts. Q to BS, ch. 2, BtoK8,diach. Any. 8 Q mates. : @ 1. RtoQ8, ch. 2 BtoQ2,disch. Any. 8. Q to Q 4, mate. @) 1. PtoB8(Kt), ch. 2. Btke Kt, dis. ch. = Any. 3. QtoQ4, mate. © 1 KttoKB 4. 2, Kt to B8, ch. KtoK4. 3. QtoK B4, mate. Nowsee 347. 1. Q tks B, ch. Ror Kt ths Q. 2, Kt tks BP, eb. Kgs. 8. Kt to QB 2, mate. 447 ® 1 K tks Q. 2. Kt to B8, ch. K mbves. 8. Kt mates. Nomper 348. 1. QtksQ. PtoQs 2 BtoQKt4, ch. KtoKes. 8 Q to Kt 8, mate. @® 1. Kt tks Q. 2 BtoQkKt7. Any. 8, R, Kt, or B mates. Nowszr 849. 1. KttoKR6 R tks Kt. 2 Qt Bé ch B tks Q. 8. B tks B, mate. @ 1. RtksQ. 2. B tks R. Any. 8. B or Kt mates. Noms 850. 1. QtoQR8. BtoQRs. 2 QtoKR8. B tks P. 8. Q to Kt2, mate. ® 1. RtksQ. 2. B tks P, ch. BtoBa. 8. B tke B, mate. @) 1 RtoR8, ote. 2. Q tks R. Any. 8. Q mates. © 1 B tks R. 2 QtoBG, ch. BtoB5. 8. Q tks B, mate. Nomper 851. 1 KtoQ2 K the Kt. 2. Qto BB, ch. KtwoQ4 3. Kt to QB 7, mate. (4) 1. Ke the Kt. 2 QtoK 6, ch. K ths Kt. 8. Q to K 4, mate. 59 “48 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. ® 1. Kt to BG, ch. 2 QtksKt: . Any. 8. Q or Kt mates. © 1 PwokKs. 2 KtoQs Any. 8. Q mates. Numper 852. L QtoQ7. BtksQ. 2. KtoQs. 8. Kt to K 4, mate, @® L Kt ths R. 2. QtoQB7, ch. Kt toQs 8. Q the K Kt, mate. @) 1. Btks KP. 2. Q ths Kt, ch. K moves. . 8. Kt or Q mates, Nomper 853. 1. BtoK Kt4. Q tks R, ch. 2. P tke Q, ch. K ths P, 8. Kt to B 6, mate. @ 1. Q ths B, ete. 2 Kt to B6, ch. Moves. 8. Kt mates, @) 1. Kwk3. 2. Kt to B8, ch. KtoQs 8. Kt to B 8, mate. © 1. BwKs. 2. BtkeQ Any. 8. Kt to B 6, mate. Numpxe 854, 1. Btks BP. P tks B. 2. Qto Kt & ch. QtsQ . 8. Kt to K 5, mate. @® ae . Any other. 2 BtoK 6, ch. Moves. 8. Q, R, Kt, or B mates. Nowner 855. 1. BtoKR aq. PtoB4. 2, Q the B, ch. Ke tks Q. 8. Kt tke BP, mate. ie 5) 1. PtoQ7. 2. P tke Kt, ch. Any. 8. Q mates. @) L QKt moves. 2. Ke tke BP, ch. B tks Kt. 8 QtoK 4, mate. © 1 BtksQ. 2. B tke B. Any. 8. Kt tke BP, mate. @) 1. BtoK8, ete. 2. Q tks BP. Any. 8. Q or B mates. Nomar 856. 1. K to Kt4. B tks B ch. 2. Kt tks B, ch. KtoBo. 8, Q tks BP, mate. @ . L B ths R. 2. Qt QB4, ch. KtwoB4s 8. Qu K Kt4, mate. (B) 1. Kt tke Q, ete. 2. RtoKB8, Any. 8. Kt the BP, mate. (©) 1 R tke B. 2 RtoK8,ch. KtoBs. 8 Q tks BP, mate. Noumpee 367. 1. RtoKB6. Kt ths R, ete. 2. Kt to Kt4, ch. K moves. 8. Kt or B mates. (A) 1. P ths QP, ete. 2. R tke B, cb. K moves. 8. Kt or P mates. SOLUTIONS. “9 Nowzer 858. © 1. RtoQ7, = BtoQ5. 1 Kt ths QP. 2. BtoQRs. Any. 2. B tks B, ch. KtoBe. 8. Bor Kt mates. 8. Kt to Kt 5, mate. Noumpse 859, @) 1. QtoQR8. Bto K5, ch. 1. Any other. 2 Q tks B, oh. Kt tke Q. 2, Kt toQ 6, ch. B tke Kt. 8. Kt ths BP, mate. 3. Bto K 5, mate. : ® Nomere 362. 1 ' BtksQ. 1. QtoKB8. K ths R, ete. 2. Kt the BP, ch. KtoK 5. 2 Q the Kt. Moves. 8. Rto Q4, mate. 3, Mates. @) ® L Any other. 1 PtoKKt4. 2 QtoKR8, ch. Moves. 2. QtoK B65, ch. Any. 3. Q mates. 3. Kt mates. Nowpen 360, ® aon 1 t 1 Req. B tks R. - anus ide rene 2. Q ths Kt, ch. K tksQ. 3. Qor R mates. 8, Kt to Kt 5, mate. @® «) 1 BtoK 5, ete. 1 Kt tks K R, ete. 2. Kt to B4, ch. KtoK4. 2. Kt to Kt 6, ch. Any. 3, RtoK 4, mate. 3. Ror P mates. @) : Nowern 868. L PtoK 4, ete. 1. QtoKKte. B tks Q. 2. RtoKRS. Moves. 2 RtoR5, ch. Any. 8. Mates. 8, Kt mates. © (a) L Kt to B3. 1 RB tks P, ch. 2, KttoK7, ch. KtoK4. 2, Kt the B, ch. KtoBs. 3. PtoB 4, mate. 8 Kt to Q 5, mate. Nomaen 361. (B) 1. QtQRB. K the R. 1. KtoBs. 2. KttoQ6, KtoB4. 2. Kt to Q65, ch. Ktok4. 3. BtoR8, mate. 8. Q tks R, mate. ) Nowper 864, 1 Kt tke QR. 1. QtoQB8. KttoK 8. 2. RtoKt4, ch. Any. 2. Kt tke Kt, ch. Any. 3. Kt or P mates. 8. Q to Bag, mate. . (B) @ 1 KttoQ 5. 1 B tks B, ch. 2, KttoQ 6, ch. Any. 2, Kt the B, ch. KtoKt3, 8, Ktto K Kt 5, mate. 8. Q tke P, mate. 450 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. @) Nowpen 867. 1 RtoK 80r4. 1. KttoQB5. BtoKB4. 2, Btks RP, ch. Any. 2 RtoK4, ch Any. 8. Q mates. 8, Kt mates. Numan 865. @ 1. BtoQB4. K the B. 1 B tks B, ch. 2 QtoQ6, ch. ‘Any. 2. R tke B, ch. K the Kt. 8, Kt or Q mates. 8, Kt mates. (A) (B) L R tha B, ete. ons K ths Kt. 2% QtoQaq. Any. . . Any. 8. Q mates, or 3, Kt to R 6, mate. (¢:)) (c) 1 B tks Kt P. 1. PQs 2. Qto Kag, ch. K moves. 2. Blo K 5, ch. K the Kt. 8. Qor Kt mates. 8. Kt mates. ©) @) 1. P ths Kt. 1 RtoQs. 2. P tks B, ch. K ths B. 2 BtoQB2. Any. 8. Kt to K 5, mate. 8. B, Kt or B mates. ) Nomper 368, 1 RtwKs5. 1. QtoKe. Kt tks Q. 2 PtkaB, K tke RB. 2. BtoQ7, ch. K moves. 8. Q to Q Raq, mate. 8, Ror Kt mates. Nomper 366. ; w RRs : to plougie eae 2, RtoKt 8, ch. KtoR6. . KtorBu . . 8. Kt to Kt 2, mate. (4) (@) L BtksQ. 1. P ths B, ote. 2. B tks Kt P, ch. KtoQs. 2. Qto Kt 6, ch. K moves. 8 KttoQ8, dis, mate. 8. Q mates. @B) Nomper 369. 1. PtoQKt4. 1. RwoQs. Btks Rat Qs. 2 QtoKy7, ch. K moves. 2. Kt to Q 8, ch. K moves. 8. QtksQP, mate. © 3, Kt to B 4, mate. ©) C9) 1. PBs L Kt tks R. 2 KttoQs. Any. 2. Kt to Kt 5, ch. K moves. 8. BtksB P, mate. 3. Kt to B 4, mate. @) @) 1 Pgs 1 BtoQB2. 2 Qto Kt 8, ch, KtoQs. 2. R tks Bat Q7. Any. 8. Kt to Q 8, mate. 8. Bor R mates. SOLUTIONS. 451 © @) L BtoQBa. 1 KtoB4. 2 Kt toQs, ch. KtoK4. 2 KtoK 8. Any. 8. Pto BY, dis. mate. 8. B, Kt, or B mates. @) © 1 KttoQ4. 1 PtoQB3. 2. P the Kt, ch. KtoBs. 2. Kt the P, ch. Any. 8. RtoKB4, mate. 8, B mates. Numeze 870. @) 1. QtoKR7. Kt tkeQ. 1 PwQss 2, Kt the QP, ch. KtoKs. 2 RtoQkt4ch = Ptke R. 8, Kt to B2, mate. fF EtG mae (a) Numer 878. 1 B ths Kt, ote. 1. RtoQkt3. Any move. 2 QtoR3, ch. KtoK5. 2 RtoKe7. Moves. 8. Kt mates. . 8. Q mates. @) Nomoer 874. 1 BtoR8. 1. Q to Q6, ch. K tksQ. 2. BtoQ4, ch. KwQs. 2 PtoQa(Q),ch. Kmoves. 8. Kt to K 8, mate. 8. Kt or Q mates. © @ 1. BtoB6, ch. 1 Kt the Q. 2 B tks B. 7 2 PtoQ 8 (Kt). Kt moves. 8. Qor Kt mates. 8. Kt mates. Nome 371. Nomene 875. 1. RtoKRB. BtoKt4. 1. Q tks P, ch. K tksQ. 2 KttoR6. Any. 2 EttoKs. Any. 8. Ke, B, or P mates. 8. B mates. () Number 876. 1 K ths Kt, 1 QwQe BtksQ. 2, B tke QP, ch. K to Kt 5. 2 Kt the B. Any. 8. Kt tke BP, mate. 8. Kt to B 7, mate. Mee “ 1 B tks Kt. 1. BtoKKt2. 2 BtoQBS, ch. Any. ooo | 2 940968 ch BtoB eq. Nomper 872. @) 1. RtoKKte. B tks R. 1. BtoB6, ch. 2. RtoQ6, ch. Any. | 2. Kttke B. Any. 8. B, Kt, or R mates. 8, Q mates. @) (©) 1 Kt to Kt 4, ete. 7 BtoKt6, ch. 2. Kt to B6, ch. KtwoB4. 2 Q the B. Any. 8.Q 8. B to Kt 4, mate. 452 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nompee 877. 1. Q tks KP. PtksQ « 2. Kt to Kt7. Any. 8. Kt to K 7, mate. @® 1. K ths Kt. 2. QtoB3, ch. K ths P. 8. Qto B7, mate. Nomen 878. 1. PtoQKt4. P moves. 2, Kt toR5. K ths P. 8. QtoQB65, mate. Nowpzr 879. 1. KtoB4. PtoK4,ch. 2. KtoKt4. K ths Kt. 8 K to Kt 6, dis. mate. Nomner 880. 1. BtoQBaq. KtoQe. 2. QtoQ2, ch. KtoK5. 8. QtoQ 5, mate. (A) 1. KtoBd. 2. Q tks RP, ch. K moves. 8. Q mates. (B) 1 K to B6, ete. 2. QtoB4, ch. K moves. 8. Q mates. Numnse 881. 1. BtoQKts. KtoB4. 2% QtoQs. K moves. 8. Q mates. @ 1. KtoK4. 2. BtoQBs. K moves. 8. Q mates.” Nompxe 382, 1. Rto K 6, ch. K ths R. 2% QwQ7. Any. 8. Q, Kt, or B mates. () 1. K tks Kt, ete. 2 QtoKs Any. 8. Qor R mates. Nompze 883. 1. QtoK5, ch. KtsQ 2 RtoKt4. Any. 3, B mates, ® 1 KtoQe. 2 QtoBB, ch. KtoKs. 8. Rto Kt 4, mate. Nomesr 884. 1. KttoK4. R tks Kt, ete. 2. KttoBs. Any. 8. Q mates. (A) 1. K tks Kt. 2 KttoQBe. Any. 3. Q mates, @) 1 KtwBs. 2. Kt to K2, ch. K tke Kt. 8. Q mates. Noman 885. 1. QtoR8& B tks Q. 2 RwoR6 BwoQs. 8. Kt to Q 8, mate. Nomper 886. 1. Kt toQ4, ch. Ket tks Kt. 2. Qto Kts. Any. 8. Q or B mates. Nome 887. 1. Kt to Kt 5. KtoBs. 2. Kt to Q6, ch. K moves. 8. Q mates. Nomen 888. 1. QtoRS. K B tks B. 2. BtoQ7, KtoQs. 8. Q to QBS, mate. @ 1. P to Kt 8 (Q). 2 BtoKt4, BtoB. 3. Q ths B, mate. ®) 1 F QRtksQP. 2. B tks R, dis. ch. B covers. 8. Q tks B, mate. SOLUTIONS. 458 ©) : © 1 ; B ths P. 1 Kt to Kt 6, ete. 2. BtoK4, ch. Any. 2. Q ths B, ch. K moves. 8. Q mates. 8. Q mates. Nomper 889. Numper 895. 1. QwK6. PtoB4. 1. QRtOKB4 K to Q4, ete. 2 QtoKeq. KtoKts. 2 RtoQ4, ob. K moves. 8. QtoR4, mate. 8. Ror Kt mates. «@) (A) 1. P tks P. 1. Kt moves. 2. QtoK 5, ch. KtoKts. 2. Rto B65, ch. kK « 8. Q the P, mate. 8. RtoQ3, mate. : Nomnn 890. @) 1. Qto KBB. PtoR4. 1 BtoKte. 2, KttoBe. K tke Kt. 2. RtoK 8, ch. K tks R. 8. P to Kt 8 (Q), mate. 8. Rto K 4, mate. Nomper 891. © eae 1. QtoK Kt2, KtoKs. - : Sourms seas. 2. Kt ta Kt6, ch. KtoQ4. & Motes. 3. Rto QB 4, dis, mate. «® @) 1. RtoQ2 Lo. K to K 4, ote. 7 _ 2, Kt tke R, ch. K moves. oa K moves. & RtoK dis. mate. Numpee 892. Nommer 396. 1. BtoK6. K movos. 1. Q to Kt aq. PtoK4. 2. P to Kt8(Q). K « 2. Q tks RP, ch. K tks. 8. Qor B mates. 3, Rto R 2, mate. Nomsee 893. ® L PoRB 1. KttoQ7. Moves. 2 Ke(trQs)toKs. “ 2 QtoQRte Any. 8. Mates. 8. Q mates. Nonpen 894. Nomerr 397. 1. KttoKR7. : 1. QtoK5. KttoKB2. 2 Qtke Rt. ite 2, QtoK7, ch. K moves. 8. Q mates. 8. QtoK 8 mate. @) w . 1 Kt to Kt oq. 1 B moves. 2 QtoKB8, ch. Any. 2 QtoKR8 Any. 3. Qto BS, mate. 3, Q tks Kt, mate. (B) Nomser 398, 1 Kt to Q aq. 1, RtwoK5. K tks R. 2 QtoQb, ch. KwK2 2 QtoB7. Pto Kt4. 8. Q to B 6, mate. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 44 Nowsxn 899, 1. PtoB6,dich KtoQs. 2. PtoBi,dinch. PtksR 8. P tks B (Kt), mate. Nomen 400. 1. PtoR4. K toB5. 2. K the P. KwBe. 8. QtoQ4, mate. : ® 1. KtoK4. 2. QtoQBe. KtoB4. 3. Q the P, mate. Nowper 401. 1. BweQ2 Q to Kt2, ch. 2. QKt to Kt 2, dis. ch. K to Kt 6. 8. BtoB 4, mate. (@) 1, Kto Kté. 2 QKttoB 65, ch. B ths Kt. 8. Kt the B, mate. Nomper 402. 1. KttoK7. PtoR5. 2 QtoK Kts, ch. B tks Q. 8. Kt to Kt 6, mate. @) 1. Kwkt2, 2. Ktto Kt6, K ths Kt. 8. Q mates. @) 1 KttoK3. 2. Q ths Kt. Any. 8. Q mates. Nompre 403. 1. BtoQBs. PtoQs. 2. B tks QP. KtoQ4 8. BtoB 8, mate. «® 1. K tks P. 2. BtooKB3. P moves. 8. P tks P, mate. Nompxe 404, 1, BtoKBB. Q tke R, ch. 2 Kt to Kt 6, ch. P tke Kt. 8, P tke Q, mate. }® 1 R moves. 2. Rto Kt 8 ch. Q the R. 8. Kt to Kt 6, mate. @) 1 QwKs. 2. P tks R(Q), ch. Q covers. 8. Q tks Q, mate, Nompre 405. 1. BtoB&, ch. KtoBa 2 Rooks Moves. 8. Mates. Nomaze 406. 1. Ke tks Kt. P the Kt 2. BtoQBs Moves. 8, Mates. @® L Ke ths B. 2 KKttoBa, ch. K moves. 8. Ktto K 8, mate. ® 1 KwQé 2. QKt to B8, dis. ch. K moves. 8. Bor P mates. Nomser 407. 1. KttoR4. QP tks R, ete. 2. Kt to B8, ch. K moves. 8. B mates. @® 1 BP ts R. 2. KttkeKtP,ch. K the P. 3. B tke BP, mate. Nomper 408. 1. PwoK7. Ke ths P. 2. RwQ6, ch. KtoR2, 8. R the B, mate. ® 1. KtoR2 2. Kt to B&, ch. B tke Kt. | & P tke B (Ks), mate, Nomere 409. 1, RtoQs. B ths R. 2 PtoK4 Any. 8. Q mates. SOLUTIONS. @ 1. Pwks. 2. Qt0Q4, oh. KtoB4, 8. RtoK B83, mate. @) 1 K tks P. 2. RtoBs, ch. KtoK4 8. Q to B 5, mate. © 1. RtoRs. 2. BtoQ4, ch. KtoKs. 8. RtoK 8, mate. Newer 410, 1. Btks KBP. P ths B. 2. Qw Kté. Moves. 8. Q mates. @ L KtoBs. 2. BtoQ6, ch. Any. 8. Q mates. @) 1. K tks B. 2. QtoKB2, ch. KtoK4. 8. Q to B 6, mate. © 1. Poké. 2. Q tks P, ch. K tks B. 8. P to Kt4, mate. @®) 1 PtoQs. 2 QtoB7, ch. K moves, 8. Q or P mates. Nomepse 411. 1. Q ths B. Rooks 2. Q tks P, ch. KtkeQ 8. R tks P, mate. Nomser 412. 1. BtoB8, eh. Q tks B. 2 QtoKR2 Any. 8. QtoR 8, mate. Nome 418. 1. QtoQKts. PtoBs. 2, Qt KBB. Ko Kt4. 8. QtoK Kt 8, mate. Nowsrr 414. 1, Kt to Kt 8, ch. KtoQ4 2 KKttoBs. Any. 8. R or B mates. Noumpee 415. 1. QtoKB2. BtoKB5. 2. QtoQKte. Any. 8. Q mates. Nomerr 416. 1, Kt to Q5, ch. Kt R. 2. QtoQkte. Any. 8. QtoB7, mate, Nomper 417. 1. KttoR7, ch. Kwks. 2 BtoQs. Any. 8. Q or Kt mates, Numprr 418. 1. KttoB8,, RB tks R. 2. Qto K Kt 4, ch. Kt the Q. 8. B to B7, mate, «) L Ktto B4, ch. 2. B tks Kt. Any. 8. B mates. Numpzs 419. 1, KttoBa B moves. 2. Q to Kt 8, ch. KtwQs. 8. Q to Q 8, mate, Numszr 420. 1. KttoK4. KtwoKe. 2. Q to B aq, ch. KtwoQe. 8. QtoB 8, mate. Nomore 421. 1. KttoKKt6,ch. Rtks Kt 2. BtoKBaq. Any. 8. Rto K 8, mate. Nomene 422. 1. RtoQB&, ch. Any. 2. Qto K7, ch. KtoQ4 8. Kt to B 6, mate. Nomper 423, 1. KttoQRe6. Any. 2, Kt to Kt 2 ch. P tke 8. B to Kt 8, mate. 60 456 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomper 424. 1. KttoQ6. Kt to Kt 4. 2, Kt tke B. Any. 8. Kt mates. Nomeze 425, 1. BtoKR7. K to Beg. 2, BtoKB5. K toQ oq. 8. P to K7, mate. Nomerr 426. 1. Kt to B7, ch. KtoK2. 2. QtoQ7, ch. K moves. 8. Q, R, or P mates. @® L K to Bag. 2. P to B 6, dis. ch. Kto Kt2. 3. Q to B 6, mate. Nomser 427. 1. BtoR4. Pto Kt7. 2 KtoB2 KwQs. 8. K to B 8, dis. mate. Numpxe 428. 1. BtoQB5. KtoB5b. 2. BtoKB2. KtoK4. 8. Bto Kt 8, mate. Nowser 429. 1. QtoK Rag, ch. BtoBs. 2 QtoQR8, ch. Bto Kt aq. 8. QtoQR sq, mate. Numper 490. 1, RtoQs. PtoB4. 2. Btks RP. P moves. 8. B or B mates. @® 1. PtoBs. 2, BtoKBS. P moves. 8. B tks P, mate. Nomess 431. 1. BtoQR6. Q tke B. 2 QtoR8, ch. K tks Q. 8. Kt to B7, mate, A) 1. Kt to B 5. 2. Qu KKt8, ch. QtwoQm. 8. Q tks Q, mate. Nomare 482, 1. QtoK Rag. Kt the BP. 2. R tke B. Any. 8. Kt mates. @ 1. B to Q8, ete. 2. Kt tke BP, ch. Ke the Kt. 8. Q the Kt, mate. @) 1 PtoQkte 2. Q the Kt. Any. 3. Q or Kt mates. Nowe 488. 1. KttoQ5, KtoBa. 2% QtKB& Any. 8. Q mates. @ 1 KtoQs. 2 QtoK 8, ch. KtoBs. 8. Q to QB 8, mate. Nomeen 484. 1. KttoK2. Ptogs. 2 KttoKB4. Ptoge. 8, Kt to K 6, mate. Nomner 485. 1. BtoQte. Kt toQB7. 2. BtoQB7. Moves. 8. Mates. @) 1. RtoBo. 2. Ktto K 8, ch. KtoKk4. 3. BtoQ4, mate. @) 1. QtoQBe. 2. Q tks Q. Any. 8 Qor Kt mates. () 1 RtoBe, 2. Kt the Q, ch. Any. 8, Ror Kt mates. Nowaxn 496. 1. Btks QP. K tn B. 2. Q ths P, ch. K moves. 3. Q to QKt 5, mate. SOLUTIONS. Nomper 487. 1. QtoKR7. B to Kay, ete. 2. QtoK Req. Moves. 3. EB dis. mate. ® 1. BtoQKt4. 2. Kt to Q Kt4, ch. KtoB4. 8. QtoQR7, mate. Number 438, 1 Bogs. Bto KB8, ete. 2. KttoK 5. Any. 8. Kt or B mates. Nomper 489. 1. BtoKB7. Kt to Kt 6, ch. 2. R tke Kt. K tke Kt. 8. B tks P, mate. Noumper 440. 1. Rto Kt8. PtoBs 2, PtoKB4 P tks P, en pas. 8, B ths P, mate. Nomeze 441. 1. KttoQ2. KtwQs. 2 RtoB7. KwQs. 8. RtoQ7, mate. Nomerr 442. 1. BtoKt6, KtoBs. 2. BtoR7. KtoK5. 8. R to Kt 4, mate. Nomper 443. 1. QtoK4. Kt tks P. 2. Qto KS, ch. KtoBs. 8. QtoQ Kt 6, mate, @® L KttoQ4. 2, Pto Kt4, ch. Any. 8. Q mates. @B) 1 KtoQs. 2. Qto K6, ch. KtoB4. 8. Pto Kt4, mate. Nomage 444. 1. QtoK4, ch. KwQs 2 QtoK Reg. Any. 8. Q or P mates. Noxsen 445. 1. BoQs. KtoK4. 2. KttoQKt2. K moves. 8. Kt or B mates. Nomper 446. 1. KttoQs. KtoQé. 2. Kt toK 6. Any. 8. Kt or B mates. ® 1. KtoK4 2 RtoR5, ch. K moves. 8. RB or Kt mates. @) 1. KtoB4 2, Kt to K 6, ch. K moves, 8. B mates. Nomper 447. 1 QtoR2 Q tks Q, ete. 2 KR ths Kt. Any. 3. RB dis. mate. ) 1. KtoQs. 2. RtoR4, ch. Any. 8. B or B mates. Number 448. 1. QtQ4, ch. KtksQ. 2 Rto K sq. Any. 8. RtoK 4, mate. ® Parsee KtoBe. -2, Rto K B sq, ch. K moves, 8. Q to Kt ag, mate. Nomaze 449. 1. Kt toQB7. B tks Kt. 2. Kt tke P, ch. KtoBe. 8. Qto K Kt 2, mate. @ 1. KtoBo. 2. QKt to K 6, ch. K moves. 8. Q mates. @) 1 K the Kt. 2 QtoK2 Any. 8, Kt mates. 458 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nowssn 450. @) 1. QtoKR4 K moves. 1 R ths R, ote. 2. KtoBS Moves, 2. K tks P. Any. 8. Mates. 8. QtoQ8, mate. @® Nowser 458. 1 BtoB 4, etc. 1. RtoQB8, ch. KtoQs 2 Q tks KP, ch. KtoBe. 2. KttoB4. Any. 8. Kt dis. mate. 8, Kt mates, ®) Nowsue 454. 1 Kt the P, ete. 1. Qto Bag. KtoB4 2 Q ths B, ch. KtoR6 2. Q tke BP, ch. K ths Kt. & QtoR4, mate. 8. Kt tks Q, mate. © (): L R to Kt 6, eto. 1. RtoKRG 2. Q to K aq, ch. KtoBs. 2, Kt tke KP. Any. 8. Kt to R 4, mate. 8. Q mates. Newser 451. @) 1. QtoK Raq. Q tks Q. 1 Any other. 2. P tks P, ch. K moves. 2, Q tks KP, ch. Moves. 8. Kt to B 8, mate. Mates. a) Numsen 455. 1 KtoQ4, ete. 1. B to QKt8, ch. KtoBs. 2 RtoKe. Any. 2. BtoQKt4. Ktokt4. 8. Q or Kt mates. 8. Q to Kt 7, mate. @) @ 1 B to Kt aq, eto. 1 KK. 2. RtoK sq. Moves. 2 QwKB2 KtoQe 8, Mates. 8. Qto BB, mate, (c) @) 1 Q to Rag, ch. 1 KtoQs 2 Q tkeQ Moves. 2. Q to Kt 6, ch. KtoQ2. 8. Mates. 8, B to K 6, mate. Nomper 452. Numaze 456. 1, KtoKt7. P ths Kt. 1. BtoQB4. B tks B. 2, KttoQB5. Any. 2 QtoR4s K moves. 8. Q, Boor Kt mates, 8. Q mates. @ ® L K the Kt. 1. Boge 2, BtoQB2. ‘Any. 2 Books Any. 8. Q mates. 8. Q mates. : @) @) 1. PtoB4. 1 BtoK7. 2 Qtks BP. Moves. 2. BtksB. P moves. 8, Mates. 8. Q tks P, mate. SOLUTIONS. © 1. Bto Kt7. 2. Qto Kes. Any. 8. Q to B 8, mate, “ Nummmn 457. 1. R the Kt, ch KtsR 2 Q tks P, ch. K moves. 8. Kt to B 6, mate. ® 1 KtP the K. 2% QtoQ7z. Any. 8. Q mates. @) L KPtsR 2% QtoKR7. Moves. 8. Q mates. Nomame 458. 1. PtoQKt4s. R tks P. 2. RtoKB7. Any. 8. Ktmates. @ 1. Bto Kt2. 2. Rtks P, ah. KtoBs 8. Kt to R7, mate. @) L P the P. 2 KttoR7. Any. 8, B tks P, mate. Nomeme 459. 1. Qto Kt7, ch. Et to Ba. 2 PtoK4 Any. 8. Q mates. «® L KtoQs. 2 PtoQB7. Any. 8, P toB8 (Kt), mate. @) 1. K ths P. 2 QtoK7. Moves. 8. Mates. © 1. KtoBs. 2 BtoQs Any. 8. Q mates. ®) 1 KtoB4. 2. BtoQs. Any. 8. Q mates. ‘Nomear 460. 1. BtoR2,disch KtoQs. 2 Bto K Kt aq. Moves. 8. Mates. Numpze 461. 1. KttoR6. BtoB2. 2. BtoQkts. Any. 8. Q or Kt mates. Nomeae 463. 1. Qto Kt7. PtoBs. 2 QtoQKt7. Any. 8. Q mates. @) L PtoB8(Q). 2. QtoK 5, ch. K moves. 8. Q mates, ® 1. KtoBs. 2 Q tks BP. ‘Any. 8. Q mates. © L KtoQs. 2. Qt0Q4, ch. K moves. 8. Q toQ 6, mate. Nomper 468. 1. KttoK 8. RtoK4 2. Kt to Be, Any. 8. Ke mates. @® 1 Q ths B. 2 KtwoQe. ‘Any. 8. Kt mates. Nomper 464. 1. QtoK aq. P ths P. 2 QtoQRs. Any. 8. Q or Kt mates. 8) 1 PtoBs 2, Kt tks BP, ob. B ths Kt. 8, Q ths P, mate. 460 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. @) 1. P ths Kt. 2. QtoQaq. Any. 8. QtoK BS, mate, Nomone 465. 1. Kt tks QP. P the Kt. 2. PtoB4. Any. 8. Q mates. 1c) 1. KtoBs. 2. QtoK6, ch. K moves. 8. Kt or P mates. Nonoen 466. 1. QtoKa Rto Kt2,ch. 2. KtoK6. Any. 8. Q or Kt mates. ® L B to Q eq, ch. 2. K tkeR Moves. 8. Mates. @). 1 B to B sq, ch. 2. KtoQe. Moves. 8. Mates. Nomage 467. 1. QtoQRt7. KtoBs. 2 Q ths Q, ch. K ths R. 8. Q to B 2, mate. @ L Q ths Q. 2 KttoK 6, ch. K moves. 8. Kt to K 5, mate. @) L Qto Kt 4, ch. 2. Q tks Q, ch. KtoQs. 8. QwB6, mate. © L QtoR 5, ch. 2 K tksQ Any. 8. Q mates. @) 1. Kt to Kt 6, ch. 2. Kt the Kt, ch. KtoBs. 8. Kt to K 6, mate. Nomper 468. 1. QtoB2. KRtsQ 2. KttoK7. Any. 8. Kt mates. . @ 1. QB tks Q, ote. 2 KrtoQRs. Moves. 8. Mates. @) 1 RtoKB4 2 QtksR Any. & Q mates. © 1. BtoKKt3. 2. Q tks KR, ch. BtoK5. 8. Q mates. @) 1 RtoK5. 2. Q ths BP, ch. Rooks 8. Q tks R, mate. Nomnrr 469. 1. QKttoKteq,ch. KtoBs. 2 BtoQR3. ‘Any. 8. P dis. mate. 7 @ 1 Ktwke. 2. Kt tks QKt, ch. Moves. 8. Mates. @® L KtoB7. 2. PtoKts, KtoBs. 8. BtoR8, mate. © 1 R tks Kt. 2, Q ths Kt, ch. KtoBs. 8. Q to Q aq, mate. Nomex 470. 1. KttoQBQ, ch. K tks B. 2 QtoQs. Any. 8. Ror Q mates, ) L Q tks Kt. 2. B tks Q. Any. 8. R to Q aq, mate. SOLUTIONS. Nowver 471, 1. QtoQe. KtoKaq. 2 QtoK5. K moves. 8. P to K 8 (Q), mates. @® L K to Kt2. 2, P Queens. KtoR2 B. Q toto K Kt 6, mate. Noumpgr 472. 1, RWEK6 Kt tke B. 2. Btok7. Any. 8. Q or Kt mates, @ 1 R tke Kt. 2 RwoKS. Moves. 8. Q mates. @) 1 Ke tke Kt. 2. QtoR2, ch. KtoB4. 8. B tks R, mate. ©) 1 RtooQs 2. RtoK 4, ch. Any. 8. Kt to K 8, mate. Nompsr 478. 1. RWQEt3. KtoK4 2. RtoK3s. K moves. 3. Q mates. Nompee 474. 1. KttoQs KtoK65. 2. KttoQKt7. K moves. 8. Kt mates. Noumper 475. 1. Kt to Qs. KtoBs. 2 KtoKk8 KtoBe. & RtoQB6, mate. ) 1 KtoK5. 2. K to Bs, KtoK6. 8. BtoK 5, mate, Numpre 476. 1. BtoQB7. KtkeeR 2 BtoQKts. KtoB4. 8, Rto K 5, mate. @® 1 Ktoke 2 BtoK Ets. KwKks. 8. RtoK 5, mate. Nomper 477. 1. KtoBe B tks Kt. 2 QtoK4, ch. Q tks Q, ch. 8. Kt to Q 6, dis. mate. ® L R tks Q, ete. 2, Kt to Kt 5, oh. Moves. 3. Kt mates. ® 1. PtoQz7. 2. Kt tka Q, ch. K ths Kt. 8. Qto K 4, mate. : © 1. K tks Kt. 2. Kt to Kt 5. Any. 8. Q or Kt mates. Noumpzr 478. 1. QtoBs. K tks Kt. 2 BtoBa. Any. 8. Q to B 5, mate. @ 1. PtoK4 2 BtoQ7. K tks Kt. 8. Q to Q8, mate. @B) L PKs. 2. BtoB 3, ch. KtoB4 8. QtoK B6, mate. Numpes 479. 1. Btooks. KtwK4 2 PtoK4. K moves. 8. Q mates. Nompsr 490. 1. RtoQB3. K to K 4, ote. 2 QwQs. Any. 8. Q or Kt mates. @® 1. K to Kt 4, ete. 2. QtoR8. Moves. 8. Mates. 8. Qt Q8, mate, 102 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. . Nomesgr 481. Nomper 484. 1. QtoK7. PtoB4s. 1. Ke tks QP,, K ths Kt. 2 PtoB4, ‘Any. 2 KtoKts. Any. 8. Q mates. 8. Q to BG, mate. @) @ L K ths P, ote. 1 KtksB 2. Q the BP. Moves. 2 PtoBs, ch EK moves. 8. Q mates. 8, Kt mates. @) Nowsze 485. L Pts KP. 1. PtQR?. P tks P. 2 Q tks KP, ch. K ths RP. 2, PtoB8 (Kt) Mores. 8. QtoB8, mate. 8, Mates, Nomen 482, @ 1. KttoKB5. 7. 7 mae eS reasne Cee 2. PtoK 8 (Kt) ch. Moves 8. Kt or P mates. 8. Mates. 2 1. ” Ks 1. R the Kt, . ¢ moves. 2. KttoKt7. ‘Any. 2. PtoR8(Q)ch Moves. 8. Kt mates, f Maree ®) © 1 QP moves, L 7 2. KttheR. agit 2. PtoK8(Q),ch KtoB2 4. Kt mates. " 8 PtoR 8 (Kt), mate, © Numpur 496. L Rtgs. 1. BtoQ7. * Rte KEP. 2 KttkeR. Any. 2 PtoQé. Moves. 8. Kt to K 6, mate. 8, Mates. : @) Nomper 487. 1 Kt to QKts. 1, KtoQ3, = P to Kt 8 (B). 2. KttoK7. Any. 2 K to Keg. B ths Q, ch. 8, Kt mates. 8. K tks B, dis. mate, Nompge 488, ) 1 RtoR8. Kto kts. 1 P to Kt 8 (Kt). 2% QtwQRs Any. 2 BooQsq Kt moves. 8 Q mates. 8, B tks Kt, mate. (4) @) L KtoQo. 1 P to Kt 8 (Q). 2 KtoBe ‘Any. 2, RtoK Beg. Q ths BR. 8. Q mates, 8. Q ths Q, mate. @) Nompen 488. 1 Pwkts. 1. BtoQKts. BtoQB?7. 2 Qto KB eq, ch. K moves, 2. PtoQ4, ch. -P ths P, en pas. 8. Kt to K 4, mate. (A) 1. BwQs. 2, KtoK 5. Any. 8, B mates. @®) 1 Pegs. 2. KtoK7. Any. 5. B mates. ' ; Nemper 469, #1. KttoKB4. K tks Kt. 2. Qto K oq. K to Kt. 8. Q to Kt 8, mate. () 1. KtoK6. 2 QtvoQs. K the Kt. 8. QtoQ 4, mate. (B) i KtoQo. 2. KtoB3. KtoBs. 8. Q to Kt 4, mate. Numper 490. 1. Q to Bag. KtoQ3. 2, R to Q 3, ch. Moves. 8. Q orKt mates. @ 1 QtoK 6, ch. 2. Q tks Q, ch. K moves, 8B. Q mates. . (B) 1. Q tks QBP. 2 RtksQ. K moves. 8& Q mates. : Co) 1. Q the Kt P. 2 Qto Kt, ch. K moves. 3. Q or Kt mates. @) L QtwK Kes. 2 QtkeQ. K moves. 8. Q mates. Nowxr 491. 1. BtoKReq. Any move. 2 QtoKBS. Moves. 8 Q mates, SOLUTIONS. 468 Nope 492. : 1. KttoB4, ch. KwK4. 2. PtoB7. Moves. 8. Mates. (A) 1. K the R. 2. Q the KtP, ch. K to B sq. 8. Kt to K 6, mate. Nomper 498. 1. PtoK8. BtksP,,ete 2 KtoR3 Any. 3. Q or Kt mates. @® 1. RtoR6 2. K the Kt. Moves. 8, Mates. (@) Kt toB6. 2. K tke Kt. Moves. 8. Mates. Nomper 494, Pto Kta. Any. 1 Kt to Q 8, ete. 2. QtoRt 6. Moves. 3. Q mates. @) 1 KtoBs. 2. Q tke BP, ch. KwK8. 8. Q to B2, mate. (©) 1. PtoBs. 2 QUKKt6. Moves. 3. Q to K Kt eq, mate. Nomper 495. White. 1, Q the QKtP. Kt the BP. 2. Q ths Kt. Any. 8. Q mates. () 1. K to K eq. 2 QtoK2, ch. K moves. 8. Qto K7, mate. 61 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 4e4 @®) 1. QtoB2. 2 PtoKts(Q)ch. QtksQ 8. Q the Q, mate. (c) 1 Q ths QP. 2. PtoB7, ch Moves. 8. Mates. Black. 1. RWKBS. P to B7, ch. 2. KtoK og. Any. 3. B dis. mate. Nomper 496. 1. Kt toB7. KtoB4 2. RoBs K to B65. 8. RtoKB6, mate. @) 1 Ktoks. 2. BioK4. K moves. 8. Ror B mates. @) 1 K to Kt3. 2. BtoKt4. K moves. 8. B or B mates. Nowser 497. 1. QtoK Kt aq. Q ths Q. 2. B to B8, ch. Any. 8. Ror Kt mates. (A) 1. B tke QP. 2. Q to Kt7, ch. K moves. 8. Q or Kt mates. @) 1. KtoB4. 2. Q to Kt 6, ch. Kwksé 8. QtoK 4, mate. Noaer 498. 1. KttoR& ch. K the P. 2. Q tke R. Moves. 8. Mates. () 1 K to Bag. 2. RtoR&, ch. Moves. 3. Q or R mates. L 2 8. 1. 2 8. 1 = 8. 1 2 3. err 1 2. 3. 1 2 a i —— ali salt aed 1 2 3. 1, 2 8. @) R tka Kt. QtoQ7, ch. K moves. QwQKt7, mate. Nomper 499, KttoQs. BtoB Kt to Bag. Any. Kt mates. @ BtoQs. Q ths B, ch. K moves. Q or Kt mates. @) Kt moves, ete. Q to K 5, ch. Moves, Mates. Nomner 500. PtoB8(R). Pose. B tks P. RB moves. R dis, mate. ) P tke P. R to Q8, ete. P moves. B dis. mate. Nomner 601. RtwKKta K moves. RtoKt7. cee Mates. Nomper 502. Kt tke BP, dis. ch. K moves. B to K aq. Any. Qor Kt mates. Numpyr 503, Qto K aq. KtoK8or5. QtoKR aq. Any. Qor P mates. @ K to B8 or 65, QwQRs. Moves. Mates. Nemper 504. QtoQRaq. Qto Kt7. Kt ths B, ch. Any. Qor Kt mates. SOLUTIONS. 465 «@ Noweze 508. 1 BtoQBe. 1. BtoKB5. BtoR4. 2. Kt the B, ch. Moves. 2. QtoR6, ch. Any. 8. Mates. 8. B mates. @) @ 1 RtoQs. 1. B tks B, ch. 2. Q ths R, ch. KtoBa. 2. Q the B, ch. K moves. 3. PtoQ8 (Kt), mate. 3, B mates. i" © (B) 1. KtoBs. 1 KtoBa. 2 PtoQa(Kt),ch. KtoQ4. 2. QtoKt6, ch. KK. 8, KttoK BG, mate. 8. BtoQ BS, mate. @) Numper 509. 1. KwKo. 1. Qto Req, ch. KBs 2. Kt to B 6, ch. K moves. 2 QtoK 5. Any. 3. Qor R mates. 8, B dis. mate. Nomare 605. « 1. QtoK2. K ths B. L K wae 2. KtoQ8, K moves. 2 QtoQaq, ch. KtoBe. 8, Q mates. 8. Kt to R 4, mate. (a) Nomper 510. 1. Rto Kt 6, ch. 1. BtoQ4. KttoQBa 2. KtoB2, Any. 2 Kt tke P. sear 8. Q or Kt mates. 8. Qor B mates. Numper 506. ® 1. BtoKt4. Any move. 1 BtoB&, etc. 2 QtoR7. Moves. 2. KttoKts. Any. 3. Qmates. 8. Qto K 2, mate. Nonwer 607. @) 1. RtoK Ets. RtoK sq. 1 Kt to B4. 2. R tks BP. Moves. 2. KttoB2. Moves. 3. Mates. 8. Q or Kt mates. () ©) 1 Rto Bag. 1. PtoB7. 2 Q tks QR. Any. 2. QtoB2, ch. Kgs. 8. Q, Kt, or B mates. 8. Q tke B, mate. @) @) 1. Qto Kt6, ch. 1. Kt to Q4, ete. 2. Kt tke Q, ch. Kt the Kt. 2, BtoB2, ch. KtoBa 3. Qto.Q8, mate. 8, Kt to Kt 8, mate. © Nomere 611. 1 Q tks Kt 1. BtoQB4, ch. Kt ths R. 2. QtoQ&, ch Q covers. 2. Q to Kt 6, ch. Any. 8. R or Kt mates. 466 @ 1 K ths R. 2. RtoKB4, ch. K moves. 3B. Q mates, Nomper 512. 1. RtoKRA K tks R, ete. 2. Kt tke P, ch. K moves. a, R mates. (A) 1. KttoK 6. 2QKttoK Sch = K tke P. 8. RtoR4, mate. Numorr 513, 1. KtoK sq. P moves. 2. Kt to Kt sq. Moves. 8. Qor Kt mates. (Ay 1. KtoR4. 2. Kt toB4, ch. K moves. 8. Q mates. Noumpre 514. 1. Q tks QKt. Kt toQr. 2. Q the Kt. Moves. 3. Mates. (a) 1. PwKe. 2 QtoQ4, ch. R tks Q. 3. Kt to B 3, mate. @B) 1 RtoBe. 2. Q ths R. Any. 8. Q mates. Nompen 615. 1. R tke QBP. P tke R. 2 Q tke R, ch. Kt the Q. 8. B to Q 5, mate. (A) 1 R tks Q, ete. 2. K to Kt7. Any. 8, R mates, @) 1. B tke R, ete. 2. Pto Kt4, ch. P tks P, en pas. 8. Q to QR aq, mate. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. ©) L BtoR7. 2. K R tks P, ch. K tke R 3, R tks RP, mate. @) 1. P tke Kt P. 2. Q to K aq, ch. Ptokts. 3. Q tke P, mate. «) 1. Any other. 2. QR tks RP, ch. Moves. a. Mates. Nomaer 516. 1. Qt KR K to K &ete. Kt to Q sq. K moves. 3. Q mates. : (A) 1 * Ktokte. 2. QtoR4, ch. K ths Q. 3. Kt tke P, mate. Nomper 517. 1. K the P. PtoKt3. 2. BtoQ7. Any. 8. QKt mates. (A) 1. K toBa. 2. QtoK 5. Moves. 8. Mates. (B) 1 Kt to Qe. 2 QtoK4, ch. K ths Q. 3, B tks P, mate. «c) 1. Kt toB7. 2. QtoB3, ch. K tks Kt. 8. Q to QKt 8, mate. @) 1. Pto Kt4. 2. Kt to Kt6, ch. KtoB3. 8. Q to BZ, mate. Numaex 518, 1. Rto QR aq. Bto K Kt eq. 2. PtoK Kt7. Any. 8, P the R(Q), mate. « 1 BtoQBb. 2. Kt tke BP, ch. KtoQ4. 3. B tke KP, mate. @) 1. BwQs 2. Kt to B2, ch. KtoBs. 3. Bto B aq, mate. ©) L RtoQKtax, ete. 2. R tks B. . 3. QKt mates. ®) 1 BtoKB2 2. P tke B. Any. 8. Kt mates. Nomser 519. 1. PtoQKt7. K ths R. 2. BtoQ7, ch. K moves. 3. Q mates. (A) 1 R tks B, ete. 2. RtoQKte. Any. 3. Q mates. (B) 1. KttoB5. 2. P to Kt 8 (Kt). Moves. 3. Mates. Numper 520. 1. KttoQ5. K ths Kt. 2. R tks KP, ch. Any. 38. Q mates. @® L R to Kt 8, ch. 2 Rtke R. ‘Any. 8. Q mates. Nomees 621. 1. PtoQKt5. P tks R, ete. 2. RtoK 6, ch. Moves. 8. Mates. @) 1. Bto Kt7. 2, RtoK 4, ch. K tks R 8. Kt tke RP, mate. ” SOLUTIONS. 467 (B) 1. PtoR8. 2. K tke Kt P, ch. Ke the Kt. 8. BtoB 5, mate, () 1 K Kt moves. 2. RtoB5, ch. P tks R. 8. R tks P, mate. Nomesze 522. 1. Bto Kt7. KtwQs 2 BtoK 8 K moves. 8. Q mates. Noumper 528. 1. BtoQB4. KtoB4, 2 QtoK kts. K moves. 8. Q or B mates. «® 1. K tks P. 2. Qto B4, ch. K moves. 8. B mates. Nomprr 524. 1. Qt KR7. KtoB5. 2 QtoB2, ch. KwQs. 8. Q to BG, mate. a .- 1 Pto Kté. 2. Qto BS, ch. K moves. 8. Q or B mates. @) 1. KwQ3. 2 QtoKB7. P moves. 3, Bto R 8, mate. © 1. KtoK3. 2, KtoB6 Any. 8. P to Q5, mate. Nomeer 525. 1. QtoQB2. RtoR®, ch. 2. K the R. Moves. 3. Mates. @) 1. R to QKtag, ch. 2. K tke R. Moves, 8, Mates. 468 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. @) 1 Kt to Kt 8. 2. Kt to Kt 4, ch. R the Kt. 8. Q to B6, mate. ©) 1. Kt to B2. 2. Kt to K7, ch. R ths Kt. 8. Q mates. Nomper 526. 1. PtoKt7. K to Kt3. 2. BtoKB8. Moves. 8. P tke Kt (Kt), mate. @ 1. K toR6, ete. 2. QwKB3. Moves. 8. Mates. Nomper 627. 1. Qt0K& K to Q6, ete. 2 QtoQR4 K tke Kt. 8. Q to Q eq, mate. @ 1. K to B4. 2. Kt to Kt 8, ch. K moves. 8. Qto KR 5, mate. (B) L K the P. 2. KttoQB&, ch. K moves. 8. Qto QKt5, mate. Nomper 528. 1. RtoQKt2. RtoQ2 ch. 2. Q ths R, ch. BtoQ4. 3. Q tke B, mate. () 1 R the Kt. 2. Q ths R, ch. KtoBé. 3. Q to K 5, mate. @) 1 R tkaQ. 2. Kt to BS, ch. KtoBé. 8. Kt to R 4, mate. Nomar 529. 1. Q to QKts. KtoQ4, or5. 2. PtoK 4, Any. p Q mates. @® 1 P tks P, cte. 2. Q tks P, ch. K moves. 8. Mates. @) 1. KtoB4. 2. Bto RB, ch. K moves. 8. Q mates. Nomoer 530. 1. Q tks P at B 5. QR tks Q. 2 PtoQB4. Any. 8. QKt mates. ) 1 ER tks Q. 2 BtoQs. Any. 8, K Kt mates. (B) 1. -KttoK 4. 2. Q tks P, ch. K tks Q. 3. B tks P, mate. © 1. Qto K Kt sq. 2, QtoKB5. Moves. 3. Mates. @) 1 QtoRs 2. B tks B. Any. 8. Kt to Kt 2, mate. ®) 1 BwQs 2 QtoK7, ch. Moves. 8. Q or Kt mates. Noumper 531. 1. BtoQR4. Kt to Kt 3. 2 KtoQ4 Moves. 8. Kt or P mates, (A) 1, Bto Kt 3. 2. KttoQe. Any. 3. Kt the QBP, mate. @) 1 RtoR2, 2, Kt to Kt 6, ch. KtoQ4 3. Kt to B7, mate. Nomper 582. 1. K to Kea, B the B, dis. ch. 2. KtoB4. Moves. 8. Mates. ) 1 Bto K 4, ch. 2. Q tks B, ch. K tks Q. 8. Kt tke P, mate. (B) 1. PtoQ7. 2. Qto Kt 6, ch. KtoK4. 8. Kt tke BP, mate. Numer 633. 1. BtoQR&, dis. ch. Any move. 2 BtoQRé6. Moves. 8. B to B 8, mate. Nomner 681. 1. Qto Ks. Kt tks P. 2. BtoQs Any. 8. Qor Kt mates. () 1 K tke Kt. 2 QtoQs. Any. 8. Q or B mates. @) 1 KtwoQBa. 2. B tke Kt, ch. Q ths B. 8. Q to Q8, mate. Nomper 635. 1. Qto.Q5, ch. K ths. 2, K to Kt5. PtoK3. 8. B to Kt 7, mate. @ 1 K to Kt 3, ete. 2. Q to Kt7, ch. K moves. 8. Q mat Nomper 536. 1. RtoKB6, dis, ch. K tks P. 2. RtoKt6, Any. 8. Kt or B mates. ) 1. KtoBs. -2, KR the B. Any. 8, Ror Kt mates. SOLUTIONS. @) 1 KtoBé. 2. Kt to Kt 5, ch. KtoBs. 3. Kt to Q 8, mate. © 1. QtoQBs 2. B tks Q, ch. Moves. 8. Mates. Noumper 587. 1. QtoR4, ch. K ths Kt. 2 BtoQs. KttoB2. 8. B to B 6, mate. @® 1 KtoB2. 2. BtoQ8, ch. K moves, 8. Q mates. Nompxe 588, 1. Kt to K 5, eh. RB the Kt. 2 QUKB4. Moves. 3. Mates. Nomper 539, 1, KttoBs. Any. 2 QtoKBS. Moves. 8. B mates. Numer 540. 1, KttoKt4, KtoR& 2 QtoKR2, ch. P tks Q. 8. Kt to B2, mate. (A) 1 KtoR6. 2 KttoR2 Any. 8. Q or R mates. @B) 1. KtoBe. 2 QtoQB2. PtoKt7. 3. Q to Q3, mate, 7 ©) 1. Kto kts. 2 RtoQRs. Any. 3. R to B aq, mate. Numper 541, 1. Rto Bag, ch. KtwB7. 2, Rto K sq. P tks Kt. 8. Kt to Q 3, mate, 470 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. @® L KtoR7. 2. KttoR4. P moves. 8. Kt to Ba, mate. Nomser 542, 1. Qto QEts. R tks Q. 2. KttoK 6. Any. 3. Kt mates. Nomper 543. 1, KtoB2. K ths P, dis. ch. 2. Kt to B3. K moves. 8. Q mates. @® 1. KtoKt4, 2 KtoKrs, Moves. 8. Qor Kt mates. @) 1 RtoQ4. 2. Kt to Kt 2, ch. K moves. 8. Q mates. Noumpen 644, 1. Q to QRaq, ch. K tke Q. 2, Kt tke R. BtoR7. 8. Kt tke P, mate. @ L K to Kt 6. 2 QtoB3, ch. K moves. 8. Qor Kt mates. Nomper 543. 1, Rto Kt 5. RtoRs. 2, Rto Kt2. Any. 8. R mates. @) L RtoQR7. 2. R tke RP, ch. K tks R. 8. Rto R3, mate. Nomper 546. 1. KtoB7. Kt to Kt2. 2, R tke KtP. Any. 8, R mates, (A) 1 Kt to K 8, ch. 2. R tke Kt. Any. 8, Rto K 8, mate. Nomper 547. 1. RtoQRs. PtoR8. 2. QR tks P. K to Kt sq. 3. KR to Kt 6, mate. @) 1. Ke R. 2 KtoB7. P moves. 8. RtoR6, mate, Nompen 548. 1. KttoR 3. P the Kt. 2. KtoB2 PtoR?. 3. Kt to Kt 3, mate. Nomar 549. 1, KttoK6. BtoKB eq 2, Kt the B. BtoR7. 8. Kt tks P, mate. Nomper 550. 1. PtoR4. PtoR4. 2 QtoBs. Any. 8. Q mates, ® 1 PtoR3. 2. PtoR5. PtoQs. 8. Q to B 8, mate. Nowpen 551. 1. Bogs. K tks P. 2 RtoQ2, ch. K moves. 8. B or Kt mates. Nompre 552. 1, BtoK2 Q ths 2 QtoBa. Any. 8. Q mates. Nomper 558. 1. Kt toQB3. KwQs. 2 KEttoQs. K moves. 8. B mates. (CN) L KtoBB. 2 QKttoQ5,ch. K moves, 3. B mates. Nomper 554. 1. Kt to Kt 8, ch. P tks Kt. 2 QtoKs Any. 8. Q mates. SOLUTIONS. 471 Nompus 555. "© 1. PtoK4. Bto Kt4, 1 BtoB2. 2. QtoQ aq. B moves. 2. QtoKB8, ch. KtoBs. 3. Q mates. 8. QtoQ8, mate. @ Nomper 568. 1 BtoQ4. 1. KtoR5. K moves. 2. PtoBe. B moves. 2. BtoKBS. Any. 8. Q mates. 8. Q mates. Numpsr 556. Nomper 659. 1. KtoBa RtoKB4 1. QtoQRaq. K to Kt eq. 2. KROK8, ch. K wB5. 2. KttoBs. K ths Kt. 8. P to Kt 8, mate. 38. QO KRA, mate. @ @) L Rog. 1. KtoR3. 2. QRto K 3, ch. Kgs. 2. QtoR8, ch. KtoKts. 8. PtoB8, mate. 8, Kt mates. (B) Nomar 560. 1. " RtoKR4 1. BtoQB5. Ke tks B. 2. BtoK Kt5. Moves. 2. QtoQR7. Kt moves. 8. Mates. 8. Q to K Kt oq, mate. (©) () 1 RtoQkt4. 1 Kt to Q8, ete. 2. BtoQBS. Moves. 2. Qw0Q7. Kt moves. 8. Mates, 3. Q to Q aq, mate. @) Noumper 561. 7 eee 1. BioKR4 R ths B. 2, BtoKB6. Moves. 2 QtoQBS. Any. 3. Mates. 8. Q mates. @® w 1. Rtks QBP. PL RtoR4, ete. 2. BwQe. Moves. 2 Qtks RP, ch. as 8. Mates. ed Nomper 657. Number 562. 1. KttoQBe. R to Kt2, ch. 1. P tks B (Kt). RtoQRa. 2. KwKk8. Any. 2. KttoQkté. ‘Any. 8. Q or Kt mates. 8. Q mates. () (a) 1 K tks Rt. 1. R to QB3, ete. 2. QW QB4, ch. K to Kt2. 2.QtoQRaeq,ch. — Reovers. 8. Kt to Q 8, mate. 8. Q tke R, mate. ‘ @B) Noumner 568. 1. B tke Kt. 1. Qt KKts. Bto QB, ete. 2. QtoQ8, ch. Ktwok4 2. RoQs. Any. 8, PtoB4, mate. 3. Q mates. 62 472 ) L " PtQ4s 2 QtoKKts. Any. 8. Q mates. (B) 1 BoKBe. 2. K tks B. P moves. 8. Q to Kt 2, mate. Nomper 564. 1. KttoK5. Q tks QP, ch. 2. KtoR5. Moves. 3. QorKt mates. (A) 1 K ths Kt. 2. QtoK 3, ch. K tks P. 3. Q to K 7, mate. (B) 1. Q the KtP. 2 QtoB2 ch. K ths Kt. 3. Q to B 6, mate. Nomser 565. 1. BtoK 4. R tks B. 2. Kt tke KtP. Any. 8. Kt mates. @) 1 B tks B. 2 KttoK 5. Any. 3. Kt mates. @B) 1 P tke Kt. 2 Rtgs. Any. 8. Ror B mates. Numper 566. 1. PtoR8(B). K to Bsa. 2. PtoKts(Q),ch. KtoB2. 8. Bto Q 5, mate. (4) 1. K to K aq. 2. KtoK6. K moves. 8. P to Kt 8 (Q), mate. @) 1 K to Kt oq. 2. KtoKte. K moves, 3. P Queens, mate. Pre gen rr sph bad Nompeg 567. PtoB8(R). Kto Kes. PtoR8(R). Ktokr2. R mates. (a) K tks P. K to B6. KtoR8. Rto KR 8, mate. (B) KtoR38. PtoR8(Q) ch. KtoKt3. R mates. Nomper 568. P to Kt 8 (Kt). K moves. P to B8(Q). K moves. Mates. Nemper 569. Kt toQKt2. P tks Kt, ete. QtoQ&, ch. K moves. Q mates. (A) K to BB, etc. Qw Kz. Any. Q mates. Nomser 570. BtoKR7. KtoQ3. BtoKts. KtoQ4. KP dis. mate. (a) K tks R. RtoRs. KtoBe. RtoQBa, mate. Nomure 571. RtoQs. KtoK5. RtoQs. Moves. Mates. (A) R moves. RtoKB8, ch. K moves. }. Mates. Numer 572. . KttoR6 RtoQ Kt, ete. BtoKts. Moves. Qmates. SOLUTIONS. 478 @ 1. R tks B. 2. Q ths R. Any. 3. Q mates, Nummer 573. 1. Kt(frBa)toKs,ch. KtoR4. 2. KttoQ7. Moves. 8. Mates. Nowper 674. 1. RtoQ7. PtoKté. 2. BtoKR7. K tks P, 8. BtoB 6, dis. mate. @ 1. RtoKte. 2. P tks P, dis. ch. RtoR6 8. Q mates, Nome 675. 1, KttoR5. K tks Kt, ete. 2. Qto BE. Moves. 8. Mates, @ 1. KtwB4. 2 QtoK8, ch. KtoQa. 8. Q to K7, mate. Nonbes 576. 1. RtoQBs. BtoQ2or4. 2. RoQs. B moves. 8. R to Q2, mate. ) 1 Bto QR ag, ete. 2 PtoBe B moves. 8. Mates. @) 1. BtoR5. 2. RtoQBaq, ch. K to Kt 6, &, RtoB 3, mute. © 1 B to Kt 2or4. 2 RtoQkts. B moves, 8. R to B oq, mate. Nomper 677. 1. PtoBs. BtoQ4. 2 RtooKs. Moves, 8. R or B mates. @ 1 BtoKt3. 2. Bto Kt 8, ch, KtoKes. 8. PtoB4, mate, @) 1. B ths B. 2. K tke B. Moves, 3. Mates. Nospzr 678. 1, Bto K Kt aq. Kt moves. 2. RtoKB2. Any. 3. RtoB 8, mate. Nomper 679. 1. Qt KR6 Kto kts. 2 QtoQBaq. K moves. 8. Q to R 8, mate. @ 1. KtoR4. 2 K to Kea. P moves. 8 Qto Kt 6, mate, Nonwer 580. 1. RtoQ7. RtksR. 2 Rto Bs. Any. 8. Q or R mates. @ 1. BtoBe. 2. P tks R, ch. KtoBa. 3. Q to B7, mate. @) 1. Kt ths R, ete. 2 Qu Kt4, ch. Moves. 8. Mates. Nome 681. 1. BtoQB4,ch. K tks B, ete. 2 KKttoQ4. * Any. 8. Kt or R mates. @ 1. K ths Kt. 2. RtoR7. Kt moves. 8. R to QB7, mate. Nomose 582, 1. Kto Kt 2, K to R65, dis. ch. 2 KtoBs. Any. 3. Q mates. @ 1 RtoB4a. 2 Q to Q aq, ch. Any. 8. Q mates, @) 1. Kt to B aq. 2. QtoB8, ch. KtoR 6, ch. 8. Q to Kt 8, mate. (©) i Kt to Ba. 2. Q ths Kt. Any. 8. Q mates. Nowsse 683. 1. KtoQ2. Qto K ag. 2. BtksQ. Moves, 8. Mates. @ 1 Qo Q4, ch. 2. Ket ths Q. Moves. 3, Mates. @) 1 Qto Kt7, ch. 2. Kt ths Q. Moves. 8. Mates. () a Q ths P, ete. 2. Bto Kt4, ch. Kt ths B. 8. R to R 5, mate. @) 1. Q to B 6,ete, ch. 2. K ths Q. Moves, 8. Mates. NomBer 684, 1. Rtks BP, ch. P tke R. 2. R to Q aq. Any. 3. Q mates. ) 1. K ths R. 2. RtoB6, ch. KtoK7. 3. Q to Q 2, mate. @) 1 KtoKi. 2. Qto K3, ch. KtoQs. 3. Q to Q2, mate. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Numpee 585. 1. QtoKts. RtoR2. 2 QwRi. Any. 8. Q or R mates. @ 1. RtoR3. 2. Qto kts. Moves. 8. Mates. (B) 1 KtoR7. 2. Q tks P, ch. KtwoR& 3. Q ths R, mate. Nowser 586. 1. Kto Kee. RtoK sg. 2% QtoQ2 Any. 8. Q mates. @ 1 KtoK2. 2. Q to Kt 4, ch. Moves. 8. Q mates. Numer 587. 1, RtoQKts. R tks R. 2 QwKs Any. 8. Q mates. (A) 1. PtoKB4. 2. BtkeBP, Moves. 8. Q mates. (B) 1. BtoQé. 2. Q to K aq, ch. K tks B. 8. Q to Kt 8, mate. Nomper 588. Since publication, this problem has been found to be impossible of solution. If Black plays: 1. B tke P, followed by 2. Bto Q 8, White cannot effect the re- quired mate. The following is the author's intended solution :— 1. PtoK 5. B ths P. 2. KttoKB8. K moves, ete. 8. Q mates. SOLUTIONS. 45 ~ @ w 1. Any other. L QtoKs. 2. Kt toB6. Moves. 2. Q to QKt bq. Moves. 3. Mates. . 8. Mates. Nomaer 589. @) 1. QUER4 Q moves. «} 2 P to Q7, dis. ch. 2. Captures Q. Moves. 2. Q the Q. Any. 3. Q or Kt mates. 8. Q mates. (c) Nomnee 590. : = a Qtwoks. 1. QtoK Ets. R tks Q. 2, BtksQ, Any. 2 Boks. Any. 8. Kt mates. 8. Ror Kt mates. @) ee 1. Qto K sq. 1 RB tks P. 2 QtoKB8. Any. 2. Q the P. Moves. 8. Q or Kt mates, 8, Mates. Nowe 593, @) 1. QtoQ6, ch. K tks Q. 1 KttoB4. 2. Pto K8 (Kt), dis. ch. K moves. 2. RtoK 3, ch. Any. 8. Kt to QB.7, mate. 8. R or B mates. ° © 1. RtoQ2. oe on L Any other, 2 Bwgs Kwke 2. Q tks R. Moves. ae : o 8. BtoK Kt 5, mate. oe LR NE pea ip Ks eee Bugs. 2BtoKte | Ktke Kt. 2. Q toQ8, ch. B to Kt aq. a BeBe wale 8. Q tke B, mate. : “ Ser Nomper ie : i See 2 toms Kus 2% QtoQReq ch BtoR2. Ra : 3. Q tks B, mate. see @) Nowper 597. 1 Btokt2. 1. RtoQ5, ch. K tks R. 2 QtoK7. Moves. 2. B tke Kt. KtoBe6. 8. Q tks B, mate. : 8, R to Q 2, dis. mate. (c) Nomper 598. 1. B to B8or6, 1. BtoQ2. KtoQs. 2. Q ths B, ch. K to Kteq. 2 QtoQkts. KwKo. 8. Q to Kt 7, mate. 8. QtoQ 5, mate. Nomper 592. Nomper 599. 1. QtoK Bag. QwoKs. 1. KttoK5, KtoB5. 2. QtoKB4. Any. 2. Pto Kt. K the R. 8. Q or Kt mates, 3. B to Kt 5, mate. 476 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Numbers 600. 1, RtoKKt5. K tke R. 2. KtoBa. KtoR5. 8. B to K 7, mate. Newser 601. 1, Bto KB8, ch. QtoKt2 2 BtoKBS. Q tks B. 8, RtoKR7, mate. Nompze 602. 1. BtoKBS8. KtoBs. 2% RtoQ7, Q tkaQ. 3, Bto Kt7, mate. () 1. Kt to Q3. 2 RtoR4,disch, KtoQ4. 3. QtoQ 4, mate. @) 1. QtoQB2 2 RtoQB4, KtoQ4. 8. Q mates. Nomser 608. 1. Bto Keq. Ptokts. 2 BoKR4, K tks R. 8. B to Q 8, mate. Nomper 604. 1. Q the B. R tks Q. 2. KttoK 4. Any. 8. R, Kt, or B mates. Nomper 605. 1, RtoKKt4. P tks P. 2. R tks Kt P. P ths B. 3. R to R6, mate. Numper 606. 1. QtwK8. Moves. 2, RtoK Kt. Any. 8. Q mates. Noumper 607. 1, RtoB2. PtoBe. 2. R tks BP. ‘Any. 8. R or B mates, Numer 608. 1. Qto Kt 5, ch. PtoQ sete. 2. Kt tke KP. Any. 3. Q mates. (A) L K tks Q Kt. 2. Kt tks QP. P moves. 8. Qto B4, mate. Nomszr 609. 1. B tke Kt, ch. RtoK2. 2. QtoK 6, ch. P tks Q. 8. Kt to R 6, mate, Nowser 610. 1, QtoB6, ch. Kt tks Q 2. Kt to B6, ch. KtoQs. 8. P to K 6, mate. Nompar 611. 1. QtoQs. K to Kt 4, ete. 2. KttoQBs. Any. |. 8. Q mates. @ 1 KtoKte. 2. Kt to B aq, ch. K moves. 3. Q mates. Nomssn 612. 1. RtoR4 BtoQBs. 2, R tke B. Any. 3. Q, R, or B mates. (a) 1 BwoK2 2 PtoK 4, ch. Kooks. 8. Q the B, mate. Numnsr 618. 1. BtoK6,, Q ths Q. 2 BtooQKts. Any. 8, B tke QP, mate. ) L RtwoKBs. 2. Q tke R. KtoKs. 8. Q to B4, mate. Nomezs 614, 1, PtoQKt4. B tke Kt, 2 QtoB5, ch. KtoK3. 8. Q to K 7, mate. (@) 1 BwK2 2 R tks R. Any. 8. Q to B5, mate. SOLUTIONS, Numper 615. 1. QtoKKte. KtoK4 2 QtoQkte. KwBs. B. Q to K 8, mate. (A) 1. K to B6. 2. QtoQB2 KtoBs. 8. QtoKB6, mate. Nomuze 616. 1. Q to QKt7, ch. RwQs 2 QtoKR7. Any. B. Q to Rag, mate. Nosaer 617. 1. B tks P, ch. K tks R. 2. Bw B8, ch. K moves. 8. Q mates. Nomazr 618. 1. Kt to QB 6, dis. ch. Any. 2. Q to B4, che Moves. 8B. Q or B mates. Nomper 619. 1. Q to K 6, ch. KtksQ. 2. R tke Kt. Pwkt4. 3B. P to B 5, mate. @ 1 KwB4 2. RtoR65, ch. Kto Kt 6. 8. B to B8, mate. Number 620. 1. BtoK 5. K moves. 2 BwoQ4. kK“ 8. Bto KG, mate. Nowner 621. 1. Q tke KBP, ch. KtoK 5. 2. Qto B83, ch. KtoQs. 8. R to B 4, mate. Nowpre 622. 1, KtoR4 K tks P. 2 QwQ6, ch. KtoBs. 8. P to Kt 8, mate. @ 1. KtoQ4 2. Q ths P, ch. KtoBo. 8, P mates. 477 Numer 628. 1. BtoK Kt4. Kto Kt. 2. RtoQ6, KtoRs. 8. RtoR6, mate. ; () L K tks P. 2 PtKR4 KtoBs. 8. RtoQ 4, mate. Number 624. 1. Qt B3, ch. KtoK5. 2 RtoQBo. KtoB5. 8. QtoKB 8, mate. Number 625. 1. Q to QR aq. PtoQ7. 2 QtoQ4s. Any. 8. Q mates. Nomper 626. 1, K tke BP. PoQs 2 QwK6. Any. 8. Q mates. @) 1. KtoBo. 2 QtoQR4, ch. PtoQs. 8. Q tks P, mate. Number 627. 1. QtoK4 KtoKteé. 2. K to Bag. K moves. 8. Q mates. Nomare 628. 1. PtoQ5, ch. B tks P. 2 QwQs. Any. 8. Ror B mates. Noumper 629, 1. KttoK 8. BtoQB5. 2. Bto B8, ch. Moves. 8. Qor B mates. ® 1. BtoQ4. 2. R tks P, ch. K to Kt 3. 8. Kt tks B, mate. @B) BwB2 2. Q tks B. Moves. 8. Q mates. 478 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. ©) 1 Kt moves. 2. Bto Kt 5, ch. P the B. 3, P tke P, mate. Nomper 680. 1. RtoB4. KtoK7. 2. Q to Kt ag. Any. 8. Q to KB sq, mate. @ 1. KtoB7. 2 Qto Kt2, ch. Moves. 8. R or Kt mates. Noneer 631. 1. QtoKB2. Kt to Kta 2 QtoKB5, ch. K to Q3. 8 QtoQ5, mate. @ 1. Kt to B6. 2. QtoQB5. Moves. 8 Q to K 7, mate. @) 1. K Qa. 2. QtoB8, ch. KtoK8. 8. Q to K7, mate. Nomper 632. 1. RtoKR6. PtoKR3. 2 RtoQRs. PwR4. 8. Rtks KRP, mate. Nomper 688. 1. RtoK& K toB7. 2. Q the Pat Q4. K to B8. 3. Rto QB 8, mate. Nomere 634. 1. Kt to Q eq. KtoK4. 2. KttoK 3. K toB3. 8. Q to K 7, mate. Numper 635. 1. Kt toQ 8, ch. K Qs. 2 QtoQ2, ch. Q tks Q. 3. K Rt to B 2, mate. @) 1. Kto kts. 2. Q to QB aq, ch. Q tks Q. 8. Kt to B 8, mate. Nomper 686. 1. BtoKB7, ch. KtoK2. 2. QtoQKt4s. Moves. 8. Mates. Nonper 687. 1. BtoQBb. P ths Kt. 2, P tke P. Koga. 8. Q the BP, mate. @) L K ths Kt, etc. 2 QtoK7. Moves. 8. Mates, ®) (4) 1. Kt to B 2, ete. 2. QtoQKt5, ch. Moves. 3. Mates. (B) ‘ KtoB3. . Kt to QB 3. Moves. 8. Mates. re (C) 1. KttoQBs. . Bto K B7, ch. KtoK5. Kt to Q 2, mate. 3 Numerr 639. 1, BtoQB5, ch. K the B. 2. Kt(fr Kt8) toK 4,ch. K moves. 3. Kt to KB 3, mate. (A) 1 Kt the B. 2. Kt tke P, ch. Q tke Kt. 3. Qu KB4, mate. Nome 640. 1. RtoQre. P Queens. 2 QtoQRaq. Q moves. 3. Qor R mates. @ 1. P to Kt 8(B). 2 QtoK Kt7. B moves. 8. Q to Kt 2, mate. Nomper 641. * 1. RtoKR7. KtoB4. 2. BtoKB3. KtoKes. 8. Bto K 4, mate. (4) 1 KtoR6. 2. PtoBa. KtoR7. 8. B to B 2, dis, mate. Nowpur 642. 1. P ths P. Any move. 2. PtoKt7. Moves. 3. Mates. Nomper 648, 1. PtoQs. PtoBs. 2 QtoQB2, ch. Any. 8. Q mates. (A) 1. PoQs. 2. Qto Kt, ch. Any. 3. Q mates. Nomaer 644, 1, RtoQeq. KtoBo, 2. Rio K 0g. KtoK4. 8. KtoB 8, dis. mate. Nomper 645. 1, Kt the Kt P. P ths Kt. 2. B to Kt 8, ch. KtoK4. 8. Qto Kt 5, mate. @ 1 KtokKs. 2, Kt to B8, ch. K moves. 8. Q mates. Nomner 646. 1. QtoKB7. P to Q6, dis. ch. 2. Ktto K8, K moves. 8. Q mates. Numper 647. 1. BtoK Rte. P tks B, ch. 2. K tke P, Any. 8. Q mates. SOLUTIONS. 479 Nomenr 648. 1. RtoK sq. Kt tks BP, ch. 2. K to B 4, dis. ch. KttoK5. 8. R tke Kt, mate. ® 1 BtoQ2. 2 QtoQKts, ch. Kt covers. 8. Q tks Kt, mate. @) 1 Kt tke Kt P, ch. 2, P the Kt. Moves. 8, Mates. Nomprr 649. 1. QtoQR8, ch. Kt tks Q. 2 PtoQ3. Kt moves. 8. Q Kt mates. @® 1. KtoBs. 2. QKt tke Kt, ch. K moves. 8. Q mates. Nomar 650. 1. QtoQB7. B tks Q. 2 PtoQs. Any. 8. Kt to Q 5, mate. (4) 1. RtoR3. 2 QtoKKt7. Any. 8. Q mates. @) . 1. Ktto Bs. 2. Q ths B, ch. KttoK 4. 8. Q tks Kt, mate. Nomper 651. 1. KttoK6. B to B aq, ch. 2 Q tks B, ch. K tks R. 8. Q to B8, mate. ; () 1. BtoK4,ch. 2. R tks B, ch. KtoBs. 3. Q mates. @) 1. R tks P. 2 QtoB7, ch. Moves. 8. Mates. 63 (©) 1 BtoBS. 2. Rto B4, ch. RtksR. 8. Qto Ke6, mate. @) 1. Rto Kt3. 2. Kt the B, ch. Any. 8. Q mates. «®) 1. K tks. 2. KttoQ4, Any. 8. Q mates, Nomere 652. 1. BtoQBSs. P moves. 2 Q to QKt8, ch. Any. 8. Q or Kt mates. (A) 1. R to Kt 4, ch. 2 KtoBe, Any. 8. Qor Kt mates. (B) 1 KtoR3. 2 QtwQB7. Any. 8. Q mates. Nomeee 658. 1. QtoQReq. B tks Q. 2 KttoKR6. Any. 8. Kt mates. . @ 1 Bto K 6, ete. 2 KttoQKt4,ch. KtksP. 8. Qto K Kt aq, mate. @) L Kt to BG, etc. 2. Q tks QB. Any. 8. Q tke Kt, mate. ©) 1. BtoRé 2. Kt to K 7, ch. K tks P. 8B. Q tks P, mate. Number 654. 1. QwQ2. P tks Q. 2 RtoK2, ch. Any. 3. Ror Kt mates, () 1. Kt to Q4, ch. 2. Q tks Kt, ob. K tks Q. 3. Kt tke R, mate. @) 1. R ths B. 2. Q tke P, ch. K moves. 8. Q mates. Nomper 655. 1. BtoK3, KtoK 4, or 5. 2. Bto Kt4. K moves. 8. B to B aq, dis. mate. (A) 1 KtoK3. 2 BtoK Kté. K moves. 3. Mates. Nomper 656. 1. KttoK B6. KttoK 4, 2. KttoQ4. + Any. 8. Q or Kt mates. Numer 657. 1. PtoQ8 (Kt). K tks R. 9, Kt (fr Q 8) to B 6,ch. K to B 6. 3. Bto Q Kt 4, mate. @) 1. KttoQR4. 2 BtoQBs. Any. 8. Kt mates, Nowner 658. 1. BtoKB4, KtoKe. 2. Rtks R. Moves. 8. Mates. (4) 1 RtoQ2 2. R tke R, dis. ch. BtoB5. 8. Q tks B, mate. @) 1, Rtks R 2. Q tks R, ch. KtoK2 3. Q to Q%, mate. Nompen 659. 1. KttoQKte. B tks Kt, ete. 2 Qt0Q3, ch. K moves. 8. Bor Kt mates. @) 1. K tks Kt. 2. QtoK 6, ch. K the Kt. 8B. QtoQR 4, mate. Numpey 660. 1. BtoQB7. K tke Kt, ete. 2 QwEB4 Any. 8. Q mates. (a) 1. KtoB4. 2. Qto QB aq, ch. K moves. 8. QtoQB4, mate. @) 1 B tke Kt. 2. Qto BS, ch. KwQs. 8. QtoK 5, mate. Nomper 661. 1. BtoK Bb. R to Qaq. 2. QwK5, eb. Any. 8. Kt or B mates. (a) 1 Q tks P. 2 PtksQ Moves. 3. Mates. (@B) 1 Quai 2. Kt to K 6, ch. Q ths Kt. 3. QtoQ4, mate. Numper 662. 1. QtoKB4. B tks Q, ete. 2 RtoK7. Moves. 3. Mates. @) 1 Kt to K 4, ete. 2. BtoK4, ch. K ths Kt. 8. Q to B 5, mate. @) 1. RtoK7, ete. 2. QtksPatQ4,ch. K tke Kt. 8. Kt to B 8, mate. Nompen 663. 1. Qt QKts. P tks Q. 2. BtoQkt2. K moves. 8. B mates. SOLUTIONS. 481 @® ae PwoBe. 2 Bogs PtwoBz7. 8, Kt to B 8, mate, Numper 664. 1, RoKB6. KwQs 2. QtoQKte. Moves. 8. Qor Kt mates. _@® ha Kt ths R. 2. Q tks Kt. Any. 8. Q mates. @) L Kt to B5. 2. KtoB6. Any. 3. Q mates. ‘Nupur 665. 1. RtoR8, ch. K tks R. 2. KtB2 KtoR7. 8. Rtks P, mate. @) 1. K to Kt7. 2. QR tks P. K to Kt 8. 8, R mates. Nowper 666. 1. KtoBs, BtksQ. 2 PtoQé Any. 8. Kt or P mates. @® fe Kt toB2. 2 QtoBS, ch. Kt to Q sq. 8. Q ths Kt, mate. Noumper 667. 1. KttoR4, -K ths Kt. 2. KtoB5. KtoR4. 8 RtoR3, mate. @® 1, KtoR7. | 2 BtoQeq. KtwoR6, 8. R to QR aq, mate. Nomper 668. 1. RtoK 6, ch. K Kt ths R. 2, Kt to Kt 6, ch. K ths B. 8, Kt to Q 6, mate. 482 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. ® Nompee 674. 1 QKt tks R. 1. QtoR7. Kt toQ 5, ch. 2. Kt to Q 5, ch. K tks B. 2. Q the Kt, ch. K moves. 8. Kt to Q6, mate. 8. Q or Kt mates. Nummer 669. @® 1. QEtto Bo. P tke Kt. 1 KtoB S, ete. 2, KtwQ2. ‘any. 2 QtoK8, ch. Moves. 8. Q mates. 3. Mates. . @® ® L Kt tke Kt, ete. 1 KB. 2 QtoB7, ch Moves. 2. Q tks QP, ch. K moves, 8. Q mates, 8. KKt to Q 5, mate. @) ©) 1. BtoK4. 1 PtoK Kt5. 2, Ke ths Kt, ch. Any. 2. Q to BS. ch. K moves. 8. Q mates. | 8. Qor Kt mates. Nowner 670. ‘ Nomper 675. 1. Q the Kt. B tks Q. 1. Q tke BP, ch. K tke Q. 2 RtoKé. Moves. 2 BtoBE ‘Any. 8 Kt or B mates. 8, Kt or P mates, 4 co Numpee 676. 7 to Qs. 1 1. QtwQ2 Q tks Q, ch. i See Moves. 2. KttoK 8, Moves. 8. Mates. Nomere 671. @ 1. KttoQ6. Kt to KB7. fe P to K8, dis. ch. 2. Qto BS, ch. Ke tka Q. 2. Q ths B, ch. Kt to K eq. 8. B to Kt 3, mate. 8. Q mates. (a) | @) aes BiB Sei A; Kt to K 8, ch. 2 QtOKs,ch K ths Kt. |g) Ke tks Kt, ob. KtoK aq. 8. Q to KZ, mate. 8. Q tke B, mate. | Number 672. 1 Nomner 677. 1. Q tks PatQ4,ch. K tke Q. | 1 RtoR4. Q tks R. cure Any. 2. Kt to KB3. Any. se ecient 8. Kt to Q 4, mate. Nomerr 673. a) 1. RtoB7. Ktokes. 1. QtoK kts. 2. R tke P. KtoR3. 2. Kt to K7, ch. KtoKts. 8. RtoB7, dis. mate. | & BtoB6, mate, ' @) @) 1. PtoRs. ioe Kt to Kt 9q. 2. Btks P, ch. KtoR4. 2. P to Kt 6, ch. K ths P. 8. RtoR7, mate. 3. Kt tke R, mate. SOLUTIONS. © 1. Kt tke P. 2. Ke ths Kt, ch. Ktokts 8. B to B6, mate. Numpee 678. 1. Qto Kt6, ch. K tksQ. 2. Books. Any. 3. Kt dis. mate. @® L K to Kt aq. 2, Kt to BG, ch. K to Bag. 8. QtoQ8, mate. Nomper 679. 1. RtoQBaq. PtoRs. 2. BtoR4, ch. Ke the B. 8. Kt to K 5, mate. «a 1 Kt toQ4. 2. R tks Kt. P moves. 8. Mates. Numprr 680. 1. Kto Kt3. R tke B, ete. 2. Qto Ka, ch. K moves. 8. Kt to Q 6, mate. @® 1. K tks P. 2. Kt to Q 6, ch. K moves. 8 Qto Kt 2, mate. Nomper 681. 1. Kt tks QP. K tke Kt. 2% BtooQB4, K tks Kt. 8. R to Q8, mate. @) 1 KtoK3. 2. KtoBo. K tke Kt. 8. Bto B 8, mate, @) 1 KtoQs. 2 Kt to Kt 6, ch. Kgs 8. Bto QB 4, mate. Noumpee 682. 1, KttoK Bo. Ke tks P, ch. 2. Kt ths Kt. Any. 3. Q mates. @® 1. KtoKs. 2 QtoK7, ch. K moves. 3. Q mates. @) LW P tks QP. 2. QtoBe. Moves. 8 Qor Kt mates. Noumser 683. 1. Ktto Q4, ch. BP ths Kt. 2. R tke B. K tks Kt. 8. B to Kt 6, mate. @® 1. KP tke Kt. 2. R tks P, ch. Any. 8. R mates. @) 1, K tks Kt. 2. B to Kt 6, ch. K ths Kt. 8, R tks B, mate, Nomper 684. 1. BtoKB2. K toKt7. 2. Q to R8, ch. K ths Q. 8. Kt to B 4, mate. @) 1 Kt ths B. 2, K ths Kt. ‘Any. 8. Q mates. @) 1 PoKB4 2. Q to QR aq, ch. K to Kt7. 8. Q to KB aq, mate. ©) 1. KttoK 6. 2. Kt the Kt. P moves. 8. Q mates, @) 1. Kt to RB. 2. Q the P. ‘Any. 8. Q mates. NuMBER 685. 1. BtksQRP. Kt to Q5. 2. QtoKB7. Moves. 8. Mates, AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 484 @® 1 KKttoBs. 2. Qto Q Raq, ch. Kt covers. 8. Q tks Kt, mate. : @) L R to QKt aq, ch. 2. B ths R, ch. KtoQs. 3. Q to B 2, mate. ©) 1. QKt to Kee. 2. Kt to QB6, ch. K ths B. 8. Q to QB4, mate. ‘Nomper 686. 1, KttoQ4. P the Kt. 2 Qt K aq. Any. 8. Q mates, () 1. PtoK5,ch. 2. KtoB3. Moves. 8. Q mates. ®) 1 KtoB4 2. Q tks BP, ch. KtoKt5. 8. Qto B38, mate. Nomen 687. 1. Bto K aq. KtoQs. 2. RtoQ sq. Moves. 8. Bor P mates. @ 1 K to Kt5. 2 PtoQ4, KtoKt6. 3. BtoQ R4, mate. (B) L Kt moves. 2. BtoB2, ch. KtoKt6. 8. R to Q Kt aq, mate. Numper 688. 1 Rt? P tks R. 2 PtoKB4. KtoQs. 8. B to Kt 6, mate. Nompex 689. 1. RtoR7. BtoQs. 2. B tks B, cb. K moves. 3, Kt or B mates. (A) 1. Bto Kt sq. 2 RtoR5, ch. K moves. 8. Mates. (B) 1 K moves. 2 RtoR5. Moves. 8. Mates. © 1 P moves. 2 R tke B. Moves. 8. B mates. Noumper 690. 1. RtoK Kt7. KtoK4. 2. Kt to Kt 5. * K moves. 3. B mates. Nomsexr 691. 1. BtoK BS. P the B. 2 BoKB4 P tke Kt. 8. Kt to B 6, mate. @ 1. P ths P, etc. 2 PtoK8,ch. K moves. 3. Kt or B mates. » Numer 692. 1, RtoR 6. K tks Kt. 2. BtoQs. K moves. 3. Ror B mates. @ 1. KtwoQs. 2. KttoK 3. P moves. 3. Rto R 4, mate. Nomeer 698. 1. Qt KKEt7. KtoK 3. 2. BtoQB3. KtoB4. 3. Qto Kt 4, mate. @® 1. KtwK5. 2, Q to Kt 4, ch. KwKk4. 8. B to B 8, mate. Nomerr 694. 1, KttoK6. K the Kt. 2. Kt to B7, ch. KtoK4. 8. B to Q 6, mate. SOLUTIONS. 485 Nomsrr 695, @® 1. KttoQKt&ch. KtoQd 1. PtoBs. 2. KKttoBo. Any. 2. P tke B. Moves. 3. B mates. 8. Bor B mates. Numer 696, Nowere 701. 0, 1. Kt to Kt7. Ket tks B, 1. Qto Q Kt oq. Any move. 2. PtoK 8 (Kt), ch. Rtke Kt. 2. RtoBa. Moves, 8. Kt the QP, mate. 8. RtoR4, mate. Nowner 697. Numpen 702. 1. QtoQ7. KtoK5. 1. QtoQ6. P tke Q, ete. 2. Qto QKts. K moves. 2, Kt(frKsq)toB3, ch. Moves. 8. Q mates. 8. Mates. (A) @ 1 KtoBb. 1. Kt to K 2, ch. 2. QtoKBS. K moves. 2. Q ths Kt. Any. 8. Q mates. 3. Q or Kt mates. Numer 698. Numer 708. 1. Qtke KP. B ths Qt. 1, BtoKR4. K tks Kt, ote. 2. Q tke QP, ch. Moves. 2. Q the P. Moves. 3. Mates. 3. Q or Kt mates. “@ (A) 1. Ke the Kt. 1. K to Kt aq, ete. 2. Q tke Kt, ch. B tks Q. 2 Qto Kt 3, ch. K moves. 8. B tke B, mate. 3. Q or B mates. @) Numage 704. 1 B tks Q. 1. KttoQR4. KtoKt4. 2. K Kt to B4, ch. B tks Kt, 2. BtoQB5. K moves. 3. Kt tke B, mate. 3, B mates. ©) (4) 1 B tks B. 1 KwQs. 2. QtoK 4, ch Q ths Q. 2 BtoB4, ch. K moves. 8. Kt to B 7, mate. 8. Kt or B mates. Nomper 699. Nomper 706. 1. QtoK6, ch. KtoB3. 1. KttoK7. KtoK4 2 QtoKB5. KtoB2, 2 BtoB. K moves. 8. QtoQB&, mate. 3, Kt mates. @) @ 1. K to kts. 1 PtoK 4. 2. QtoKs. KtoR5. 2 BtoQ7. P moves. 3. QtoQR8, mate, 3. Kt to B4, mate. Nomper 700. Nomper 706. 1, ROK P ths R. 1. QtoQ’e P tks Kt. 2. P the P. Any. 2 Q to QKt 6, ch. Any. 8. Bor P mates. 3. Q or P mates. @® 1. KwKk4 2. KttoKBé. Any. 3. PtoQ4, mate. @) al KtoB4. 2. Bto K 3, ch. KtoB3. 3 Kt to K 7, nate. Nomeee 707. 1. KttoQs. P ths Kt. 2 QtoKR5. Moves. 8. Q or Kt mates. ) 1 K tke Kt. 2. Bto Kt 6, ch. Any. 8. Q mates. @) L Q ths P. 2 Q to QB sq. Any. 3. Qor Kt mates. © 1 Pto K 6, ete. 2. Kt to K 6, cb. Q ths Kt. 3, Kt tke Q, mate. Nomper 708. 1. PtoK Kt7. K ths Kt, ete. 2. Qto Kté. Any. 8. Q mates. (A) 1 P tks P. 2. R tke P, ch. KtoQe. 8. Q to Kt 6, mate. @) 1 Kt tke Q. 2, Kt to K 8, ch. K tks Kt 8. B tks B, mate. Nomper 709. 1. QtoK Kt4, P tks Q. 2, Kt tke KP. Any. 8. Kt to B6, mate. (A) 1. RtoR5. 2. KttoQb. Any. 8. Q or Kt mates. @) 1. KtoQ2. 2 Q tks P, cb. K moves. 8. Q or B mates. Nomeer 710. 1. KttoQ 5. K ths Ke. 2 Qto KB eq. K moves. 8. Q mates. () ik KtoB4. | 2 QtoR3, ch. K moves. 8. Q mates. (B) 1. KwQe. j 2% QtoQsq, ch. K moves. 3. Q mates. i Nomere 711. | 1. KttoQe. PtoK7. | 2. Ktto Baq. P the Ke. 3. Rto K 4, mate. | Nowpes 712. 1. Kt to Kt 6. P ths P. 2. RtoR 8, ch. KwKe. | 8. Kt to B 8, mate. @) 1 B tks P, ch. 2, KtoB7. ‘Any. 8. PtoQB7, mate. Nomper 718. 1. BtkeKtatKt8 © B to Q8q, ch. 2. R tks B, ch. KtoK 3. 8. Q to Q6, mate. : (@) 1. BwKk2. 2 Qto.Q4, ch. K to K3. 3. Kt to B4, mate. (B) 1. B tks R. 2. Q tke P, ch. KtoK5. 8. Qto QKt7, mate. (©) 1 BtoQB5. 2. PtoK 4, ch. K moves. | 8. Q mates. SOLUTIONS. @) 1 BtoK 6. 2. B tke Kt, ch. PtoKte. 8, B tks P, mate. @ L Pto Kes. 2 QtoQ6, ch. K moves. 8. Q mates. ® 1 Any other. 2. Q ths B. Moves. 3. Q mates. Nompre 714. 1. KtoB4. K ths B. 2. Kt tke KtP. Moves. 3. Q mates. Nomper 715. 1, BtOKB6. RwoK4. 2. Kt to B3, ch. KtoQs. 8. Kt to B 5, mate. (A) 1. KtoQ4. 2, Kt to B4, ch. K moves. 3. Ktor B mates. Numoer 716. 1. QtoQ4, ch. KtoBe. 2, Rto Kt2. Moves. 3. Ror Kt mates. @) 1 KtoB4. 2, Kt to R4, ch. Any. 3. Q mates. @) 1 KtoR4 or 6. 2 QtoKR4, ch. Any. 8. Q or R mates. Numeer 717. 1. Btke R. K tks R, ete. 2. Q the P. Moves. 8. Q or Kt mates. : @ 1. K tks Kt. 2 RwBe. Any. 8. Q tks P, mate. Nomozn 718, 1. BtoKts. Koga 2. QtoR6. K moves. 8. Q tks P, mate. C9) 1 K to Beg. 2. KtoK7. Any. 8. QtoR8, mate. i @) a PwoK4 2. QtoQb, ch. K to Bag. 8. Qt0.Q 8, mate. Nowese 719. 1. QB tks B, ch. KtoB2, 2. Bto Kt6, ch. Moves. 8. Mates. @) i R ths B. 2. KttoQ7, ch. KtoB2. 8. K Kt to K 6, mate. (B) 1 QtoB4. 2. Q tks Q, ch. Any. 8. Q mates. Noses 720, 1. KtoR5. K moves. 2. Kt to Kto. x“ 8. RtoKB7, mate., Nowezs 721. 1. Qt QBaq. KtoQs. 2, BoK7. K moves. 8. Q mates. Nomen 722. 1. Qw KERB, ch. K tks Q. 2. Ktokt7. Any. 8. Kt to B 6, mate. Nowper 728. 1. Qt K6, ch. K to Kt4. 2. QtoQR6, ch. K tke Q. 8. Kt to BS, dis, mate. Nowpen 724. 1. PtoKt4, ch. KtoBs. 2. BtoR 8. KttoK2, 8. B to Kt 2, mate. 64 488 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nompen 725. Nomexr 784. 1. Kt to B6, ch. KtoQaq. 1. BtoQR2. Any move. 2. Q to Qea. Any. 2 Bto QKteq. Moves. 8. Kt to QB6, mate. 8. Pto QB 8, mate. @ Nowpee 786. 1. KtoB2. 1. KttoKs. KtoK 5. 2. Q to Kt 6, ch. K to Bag. 2. BtoK7. KtoK4 8. Q to Kt 8, mate. 8. Q to Q 6, mate. Nomper 726. @® 1. Bto R6, ch. K ths R. L KtoBs. 2. K tke Kt. BtoKt2. 2% QwQ5. KwKts. 8. Bto Kt 5, mate. 8. QtoKB 5, mate. Nomner 727. Nonper 786. 1. RtoB5, ch. Kt tks R. 1. BtoK 5. P tks B. 2 PtoK 4, ch. K ths P. 2. P tke P. Any. 8. B to B 6, mate. 8. Kt dis. mate. Nomper 728, @ 1. BtoK2, ch. K tks R. 1 RwKi, ch 2. RtoK6, ch. KtoQ4. 2 KttoK3, PtoQ4. 8. Bto QB4, mate. 8. B tks P, mate. Nowzer 729. Nompur 787. 1. BtoR4. Kgs 1. BtoQa,, © Any move. 2. BtoKt 5. Any. 2. Bto QKts5. Moves. 8. Bor P mates. 8. B mates. : Nowene 780. bah amen 1, Kt to Kt 6. Pto Kt 8. 1, QKttoB6. Ktwka 2. RtoB2. P the R. 2 QtoQ4 Any. 8. PtoQ4, mate. - 8. Q mates. Nomexer 781. () 1. QKttoB8, ch. K tks B. 1. KwB2. 2 Bt0Qs ren 2 QW BB. Any. 8. RtoQ 4, mate. 8. Qto QKts, mate. Nomeme 782. Numer 79. 1. KtoQeq. P moves. 1. KttoQs. K the Ke. 2, RtoKBS. KtoQe. 2. PtoKB3. Any. 8. B toQ5, mate. 3, PtoQB6, dis. mate. Nomper 788. Nomper 740. 1. KEttoK2, R tks Q. 1. BtoKB8, ch. Kt tks RL 2. PtoK4. Any. 2. P to Kt8, ch. KtoK5. 8, Kt dis. mate. 3. BtoB 5, mate. @ Nomuer 741. L KtoBs 1. R tke P. P tks R. 2. QtoB4, ch. KtoKts. 1 2 BoQs P ths P. 8. Q tke R, mate. | 8, KttoR4, mate. SOLUTIONS. 489 Nomere 742. @) 1. RtoK ts. RtoReq. 1 KtoKe, 2, B tks P. B moves. 2. BtoK2. K ths Kt. 8, Rmates. : 8. QtoK 5, mate, @ Numer 749. 1. RtoKt4. 1 RtoQkts. PwoKs. 2, RtkeR. P moves. 2 RioKts. PtoQ7. 3, Bmates. 8 KtoB4, dis, mate. Nomper 748. Nomper 750. 1. Kt toK Kt7, KtoQs 1. RtoQKte. P tks Kt, ch. 2. BtoK 6, ch. K moves. 2. Kto Bb. Moves. 8. Kt to B 5, mate. 8 QRtoK 6, mate. Nomper 744. Numezr 761. 1. Btks B. Q tks Q, ete. 1. QtoQ2 * RtksQ. 2 QKtwQs. Moves. 2, Kt to BQ, ch. R tks Kt. 8, Mates. 8. PtoK 8, mate. Noper 745. @ 1. QtoQKts. KtoQs. 1. B tks P, ote. 2, KtoB4. P ths Kt. 2. Q to Kt 4, ch. Any. 8. Qto K 5, mate. 8. Kt mates. ° @® Nomszr 752. L PtoQs. 1, Btks KBP. RtoQBaq. 2, PtoB4, ch. Kgs 2. QtoQBe. Any. 8. Q mates. 8, R or Kt mates, Nomper 746. () 1. Q to QBaq. PtoQs. 1. R to QB4, ete. 2. Bto Kt2. KtoK7. 2. Q tke R, ch. Any. 8. B to B aq, mate. 8. Kt to B 2, mate. @) (B) 1 K moves. 1. P tks B. 2. KttoB5. Moves. 2. Kt tks P, ch. R ths Kt, 3. Q mates. 8. Q to K 4, mate. Nomper 747. Numpze 758. 1, RWKB6. Q tks R. 1. RwK5. Rt to B7, ete. 2. RtoB 8, ch. P tks R. 2. Rto QBS, ch. P tke R. 8. B mates. 8. Bto K 6, mate. @ @® 1. P to Q6, dis. ch. | 1. Kt to Kt2. 2. B ths Q, ch. Any. 2. BtoK 6, ch. PtoQgs. 8. B mates. 8, Rto K 4, mate. Nomar 748, ® 1. QtoQB7. K the Kt, 1 Pogs 2. QtwoB2 KtoKe 2. RtoK 4, ch. Moves. 8. Mates. 8. Qto K 4, mate. 490 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomper 754. @ 1. K the P. Qto Kt8, ch. 1. Kt(atK 2) thkeQ. 2 BtoKt5,disch. Any. 2. Kt to Kt 6, ch. K moves. 8. Bto B 6, mate. | 8. Mates. @® @) 1. BtoK4ch ! 1 P tks Q. 2. BtoB4, dis ch. © Moves. 2, RtoKR6, ch. K to Kt 5. 8. Mates. 3, RtoB 2, dis, mate. () (c) 1 Q tks Q. 1 Bto K 4, ete. 2, BtoB4, © Moves. 2, RtoKR8, ch. K tks R. 8. Mates. 8. Qto Rag, mate. © Numpes 758. 1 PtoR5,ch. | 1. KtoKt5. K moves. 2. Q tke P, ch. Moves. 2 QtoR& kK“ 3. Mates. 8. Q mates. Noxsre 765. Nomper 759. 1. Q to QBeq. K tks B. 1. Kt to Q3, ch. K moves. 2 QwKReq. Any. 2. B tks Kr. Moves. 8 Q mates. 3. Ror Kt mates. (a) Nompzr 760. 1 P tke Kt. ' 1 RtK5, ch K tks R. 2. Q to QRaq. Any. 2 QtoQ6, ch. K moves. 8. Q mates. 8. Q or Kt mates, @) Noweer 761. 1. BiB. 1. KtoKt4, KtoBs. 2. Kt toQ7. Moves. : 2 KttoQB7. Any. 8. Q or Kt mates. 8. Q mates. Noaper 756. ! (A) 1, KtoK8. Q ths Q. ie RtoK 5, ch. 2. QRtoB6, B tks B. | 2. Q tks R, ch. K tks Q. 8. RtoK B65, mate. | 8. Kt toB 6, mate, (A) NumBer 762, 1 Qto R6, ch. 1. Qto K Kt 6, ch. KtoK2. 2. RtoKB8,, KtoQs. 2. BtoB7. K to Bag. 8. BtoR8, mate. 8. B to Q6, mate. @) re) 1. BtoQ6, ch. 1 KtoQa. 2. R tks R, dis. ch. B tks B. 2. QtoK 4, ch. Kgs. 8. Rto K6, mate, 3. Qto K 6, mate. Nomper 757. @) 1 QtoQs. Kt(atK 6)tkeQ. | 1. KtoK4. 2. Kt to Kt2, ch. K moves. 2 KtoKs. Any. 3. R dis, mate. 3. Qto KG, mate. SOLUTIONS. 491 Nouere 768. Nomper 768. 1, Bto KKt3. Kt tke PatQs. | 1. RtoQ4,ch. KtK4. 2. BtoK 5, ch. K ths B. 2. KtoB7. P tke Kt. 8. Kt to Kt 4, mate. 8. Kt to B 8, mate. Nomoer 764. « 1. Kt to Q8. R tks Kt. 1 KtoKt4. 2. P tke R (Kt). Any. 2, Kt to Kt 8. PtoK4. 8. Q mates. 8. Kt to B 8, mate. «) Nomprr 769. 1. R to BB or4, 1. KttoQ4. P tke Kt. 2 QUWEBS. Moves. 2 QtoKB3,ch. KwK4. 3. Q or Kt mates. 8. Kt to B7, mate. @) @ 1. RtoKteq, ete. | 1. K ths Kt, ete. 2 P ths P. Any. 2. Kt tke P, ch. K moves. 3. Q mates. 3. Q mates. (©) Nomper 770. 1. RtoB2. 1. KtoQs. KBs. 2. Pike R Any. 2 QtoKRS. PtoQ4. . Q mates. 8, BtoK 8, mate. Nomen 765. Nowoer 771. 1. QtoKB4, ch. K tke Q. 1. QtoQ bch. KusQ. 2. KttoB4. KtoBs 2. Kt to Kt4, eb. K moves. 8. RtoB 8, mate. 8. BtoB 8, mate. w” a) 1 Ktogs 1 Ko B2, 2, RtoQKts. - K the Kt. 2, BtoR6, ch. K to Boq. 8. Q to K 5, mate. 8 QtoKts, mate. Nompeg 766. @) 1. KttoKB6. KtoK6. L KtoKts. 2. Kt to Q 6, ch. K moves. 2. Q tks QP, ch. KtoKt4. 8. Kt to K 5, mate. 3. Q the Kt, mate. ® (c) 1. K to B5, ete. 1. Ko Kt. 2. Kt to K 5, ch. Moves. 2. PtoR4, ch. K to Kt 8. 8. Mates. ' 8. Q tks P, mate. Nowwer 767. Nouer 772. 1. KtoBs. B tks R. 1. QtoK5. BtoKB7. 2. BtoQKts. B moves. 2. Qt0Q BB, ch. KtoK7. 8, Pto Kt 4, mate. 8. BtoK Kt 4, mate. (A) () 1. BtoKt4. 1. Kt toQB7. 2. RtoR 8, ch. BwR6. 2. R tks Kt, ch. Any. 8. P to Kt 4, mate. 492 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. ®) 1. Qto Kt 8. 2. QtoK 3, ch. KoQe 3. Q the B, mate. Nome 778. 1. Kto Kt. PwQ4 2. Kt to QB8. PoQs. 8. Kt the QP, mate. Noor 774. 1. RtoQKt2. KtoQe. 2. BtoQs. KtoQs. 8, Rto Q 2, mate. (A) 1. KtoQs. 2. RtoQ2, ch. KtoB6. 8. Bto R6, mate. Nompee 775. 1. KtoB2 P Queens. 2, BtoQs. Any. 8. B or P mates. Nomper 776. 1, R tks R, ch. K tks R. 2. Q to Beg. Any. 8. Mates. @ 1. K to Rt2. 2. R tke P, ch. Moves. 3, Mates. Noper 777. 1. RtoR4, ch. Kt tke R. 2 QtoKB oq. Moves. 8. Q or P mates. Nowoer 778. 1. RtoK4. PtoQ4. 2. BioKKt4. P tks R, 8. Bto K 6, mate. (A) 1. KtoQs 2RtoK5,d’blech, KtoB5. 3. B to Q 5, mate. Nomeer 779. 1. Qtks KP. P moves. 2 QtoQR5. Kt moves. 8, Q tks BP, mate. Nomar 780. 1, Po QKts. KtoBb. 2, Bto Kt, ch. K to Kt 5. 8, BtoB 3, mate. @® 1. Pts R 2 Pto Kts. P moves. 8. BtoK 4, mate. Nomssn 781. 1. PtoB3,, KtoQ4. 2. B tks B. Any. 8, Kt to K 3, mate. @ 1. KtoKts 2. Rto Qt 6, ch. B ths R. 8, B to Q7, mate. Nomper 782. 1. Q to QB 65, ch. KtksQ 2. Kt to Kt7, ch. K moves. 8. B mates. Nowsenr 788. 1. QtoQR8. PtoR4, ete. 2 QtoK Raq. Moves. 8. Q mates. @ 1. KtoR4. 2% QtoQs. Moves. 8. Mates. Nowusn 784. 1. QtksQRP. K 0 Q 4, ete. 2. BtoQBs K moves. 8. Q mates. ® 1. KtoB2 2. & to RG, ch. K moves. 8. Q mates, Nomser 785. 1. Q tks Q Kt, ch. Qwas 2. Q tke Kt. Any. 8. Q or R mates. Nomper 788. 1. KttoK 2, RtoBi. 2. Rto Kt2. Any. 8, Kt or B mates. Nompzr 787. 1. RtoKB6. K ths R, 2, PtoKB4. Any. 8, Bto QB 2, mate. Nomper 788. 1. Rtke KB. K tks R, ete. 2. BtoQs. Moves. 8. Pclaims Kt or R dis. mate. SOLUTIONS. FOUR-MOVE MATES. Nomeee 1. White. Black. 1. Kt0Q38 P moves. 2 BtoBs. Pa 8. BtoQ P ths B. 4, Mates. Noere 2. 1, Rts. K tks R. 2 RtoQe. P moves. 8. RtoQs P tks R, 4, Mates, Nomper 3. 1. KtoBe. K ths P. 2, K to Kt6. K moves. 8. KttoK 3. Pp“ 4. Mates. Noumere 4. 1. K to Kes. P moves, 2. Bto QEt aq. Poe 8. BtoB2. P ths B. 4, Mates, Noumeze 5. 1. QtoR6, ch. K tks Q. 2. P to Kt 4, ch. K moves. 8. B to K Kt oq. ‘Any. 4. Mates. Nomanze 6. 1. PtoB8, ch. K moves. 2 PtoRS. Kt to B38. 8. BtoB7, ch. K tke Kt. 4, Mates. Noxezr 7. 1. RtoQs P moves. 2 BtoQKteq. K tke B. 8 RwQB4 K moves. 4, Mates. Nomper 8. White. Black. 1, Qt QEtS, ch. K moves. 2 QtoQ8, ch. kK“ 8. Qtks QP, ch. P tksQ. 4. Mates. Nomen 9. 1, Bi Kt6. P moves. 2, BtoK8. rae 8. BtoQR4. K tke Kt 4, Mates. Nomoze 10. 1. KttoR4. Any. 2, PtoR3. “ 8. BtoKt2, P moves. 4, Mates. Nowses 11. 1. BtoR8, ch. K tks B. 2. Qto Kt 4, ch. K moves. 8 QtoB8, ch. K ths Q. 4, Mates. Nowsen 12. 1, BtoKt4. K moves. 2. Bto Qaq. K« 8. B to Kt 4, ch. K « 4. Mates. Noween 18. J, BtoK Kt 6, ch, KtoB4. 2 RtoK 6, ch. K ths R. 8. QtoRS. Any. 4. Mates, Nowser 14. 1. Q to QB7, ch. R tks Q. 2 RtoQe Q tks B. 8. PtoQ4, ch. KtksR 4. Mates. 494 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomorr 15. 1. KttoKB4, ch. Q ths Kt. 2 KttoKB2,ch. K moves. 8, Kt to Kt 4, ch, Any. 4. Mates. Nompee 16. 1. RtoK4, ch. R tks R. 2, Kt tke Kt, ch. Q tke Kt. 8. Q to B6, ch. Any. 4. Mates. Numer 17. 1. QtoKB6 K moves. 2. RoQs K moves. 8. K to Kt3. K moves. 4. Mates. Nomper 18. 1. RtoK5. P moves. 2, KtoB2. K tke R. 8. R tks P. K moves. 4. Mates. Nomar 19. 1. RtoBa. R tks Q. 2. RtkaQ, ch. K tks R. 3, B tke R. Any. 4. Mates. Nompee 20. 1. QtoBB. BtoQs. 2. Q tks QP. R ths P, ch. 3. Kto R8, ch. Any. 4. Mates. @) 1. QtoQBe. 2 Rto Kt 5, ch. KtoQs. 3. P to K 8, ch. R tks P. 4. Mates. 2. QtoB4. 8. Q tks QP, ch. Bto Qa. 4. Mates. Noneer 21. 1, Ktto Kt 5. K ths Kt. 2. B tks QB lst P. K moves. 3. BtoQ4. P moves. 4. Mates. Numer 22. 1. QtoQBE. KttoQ2. 2 QtoKR&, ch. Ktto Bs. 8. Q the K Kt. Any. 4. Mates. Nomper 23. 1. Qw0QB. K moves. 2 BtoKBaq. K to kts. 8. QtoK2 K moves. 4. Mates, Number 24. 1, Bto Qs. Kt to Kt 5, ch. 2 KtoR7. Kt tke R. 8. KttoK4. ‘Any. 4. Mates. Nummer 25. 1. Q the Kt P, ch. KtoK4. 2 Q ths R, ch. K ths Q. 8. P tks B, bec. Kt, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. Nomper 26. 1. Qt R7, eb. KtksQ. 2, Kt to QB6, ch. K to Kt. 3. B tke P, cb. Any. 4. Mates. (a) 2 KtoR3. 8. P to Kt 5, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. Nomsee 27. 1, KtoB2. P claims Q, etc. 2. Kt tke Q, ete. PwK7. 8. Kt to Bag, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. Nomerr 28. 1. QtoKR8. K toB6,ch. 2. Kt toQ 8, ch. Ktoqz. 8. Q to Kt 2, ch. Qinterp. 4. Mates. Nomper 29. 1. PtoR5, ch. KtoBs. 2, Kt to QBs. RtoKB5. 3. B tke R. Any. 4. Mates. Nompze 30. 1. BtoK7. K moves. 2. Kt to Kt 6, ch. K to Kt 5. 8. BtoBs. K ths P. 4. Mates. Nomper 81. 1. Kt to Kt 6, ch. K to B4. 2. Bto K6, ch. K ths B. 3. Q to Q6, ch. K tks Q. 4. Mates. Noweer 32. 1. QtoQ3. K to Kt2. 2. Q to Q Kt 5, ch. Any. 3. Kt to BB. Any. 4. Mates. “® 1. K toB2. 2. Qto.Q7, ch. K to Kt eq. 8. KttoBo. Any. 4. Mates. Nomser 33, 1. BoKB3. P moves. 2. BtoK Rag. Pp 3, P tke P. K 4, Mates. Nomper 34. 1. Rtks Kt. Qto KBs. 2. Btks Q. K tks R. 8. Kt to B eq, ch. K the Kt. 4. Mates. Numeer 35. 1. Kt to Kt 6. P tke Kt. 2 PtoR3. K moves. 3. Bto Kt3, kK « 4. Mates. @) L P elsewhere. 2. Kt toQ7, ch. K moves. 8. Bto ts. Poe 4. Mates. Nomper 36. 1. RtoQs. R tks R. 2. BtoB7. QwKks. 3. BtkeQ. Any. 4. Mates. Nomper 47. 1. Q the Kt, K ths B. 2. QwWK6 PtoQ8(Q). 3. B tke P, ch. K ths R. 4. Mates. SOLUTIONS. @ 1. P Queens. 2 BtksQ. KtoQz. 3. Qto BY, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. Numeer 33, 1. QtoKKtsq,ch. Kt toBs. 2. Qto Kt2. Kt to Kt 6. 3. QtoB3. Any. 4. Mates. Numper 39, 1. QtoQKts. KtoB4. 2. K toQ7. K moves. 3. KtoQ6. kK“ 4, Mates. Nomar 40, 1. Bto K 6, ch. K ths B. 2. Q to QB8, ch. KtoQ4. 8. QtoQB 4, ch. Any. 4. Mates. () 2 KtoB2. 8. Q tks Kt, ch. K tks Q. 4. Mates. Nomper 41, 1. RtoQB8, ch. KtoQ2 2, Bto K 6, ch. K tke B. 3. RoQs. P moves. 4. Motes. Nomser 42. 1, RtoR8 K moves. 2 RtoKR&. kK « 3. Rto Raq. K “ 4. Mates. Nowser 43. 1. BtoB7. KtoQ4. 2. PtoB4, ch. K tks P. 8. Qto QKt3, ch. K tks Q. 4. Mates, Nomper 44. 1. RtoK8. K moves. 2, KttoK6. Kk 3 RtoQ4, ch. P tks R. 4. Mates. 65 1, KttoK6. K moves. 2. RtoB7. ) eel 3. BoQs. Ra 4. Mates. Nomuer 46. 1. Qw B&, ch. KttwoQ2. 2. Q to B4, ch. BwQs. 8. PtoK4, ‘Any. 4. Mates. Nomsen 47. 1. BtoQKte. B tks B. 2 RtoQKt sq. BtoB4. 8. Rto Kt 4, ch. B tks R. 4. Mates. (A) 1. BtoK2. 2. B tke P. BtoB8. 8. BtoQB5. Any. 4. Mates. Nomesr 48. 1. K Kt to Kt 8, ch. Kt tke Kt. 2. Q tks P, ch. K tks Q. 8. Kt tke Ke. Any. 4. Mates. 2 K tke P. 8. Q to BG, ch. K moves. 4, Mates. «® L P tke Kt, ch. 2 KtwK3. PtoK4 8. PtoKt7. Any. 4. Mates. Nomser 49. 1. QtoK BS. PQs 2 BtoK7. KtoQ6. B. QtoB2. Any. 4, Mates. 2. Kt to B4, ete. 8. Kt to Q7, ch. K moves. 4, Mates. @ 1 P the Kt 2 BtoB6, ch. K moves. 8 QtoQKt7. Any. 4, Mates, KwQs. 2 QtoK 4, ch. K tke Kt. 8. RtoRS, ch. K moves. 4, Mawes. Nomper 50. 1. Bto QBeq. KwBa. 2. Qto K 4, ch. K tks Q. 8. Rtke P, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. 2 KtoB3. 3. Q ths P, ch. K moves. 4, Mates. () 1 Rt Kez 2. Qto Kt 5, ch. KtoR2. 8. Q tks RP, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. Nomper 51. 1. QKtto Kt2. QBP tks P. 2 Qto B65, ch. K tks Q. 3. Kt toQB5. Any. 4. Mates. @® L KwQ4. 2. QtoBS5, ch. KtoQs. 3. Q to QB5, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. @) 1. KtwQs. 2. QtksP, ch. . KtoK6. 8. Qto K B4, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. (c) 1 R ths Ke. 2. Kt to Bag. KtoQs, 8. QtoQB4, ch. K moves. 4, Mates. 2. RwQz. 8. Q to KB 4, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. Numer 62. 1. KttoKs B ths Kt. 2 KttoB4. K the Kt. 3 QtoKB. Any. 4, Mates. Pto kts. QtoQ6, ch. K tks Kt. Mates. @® 1 KtoQs. 2 QtoK 8, ch. KtoK4 8, Kt the P, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. B) 1. Pto Kt 6. 2 Qto.Q6, ch. KtoKt3. 8. Q tks BP, ch. K moves. 4, Mates. Noweer 53. 1, BtoK Kteq. PK. % RtwoK4 K tks R. B. P to Q3, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. @) 1. PtoRs. 2 QtoR8, ch. KtoBo. 8. Q tks RP, ch. K moves. 4, Mates. Nowper 54. 1. BtoR2. KtoKts. 2. Kt to K6, ch. P the Kt. 8. QtoR5, ch. K moves. 4, Mates. Pa Q ths Kt. 3. QtoR6, ch. K inoves. 4. Mates. (A) 1 Pgs 2. QtoR6, ch. K moves. 8. Qto K8, ch. K « 4. Mates. ®) 1. QtoQ4. 2 QtoR7, ch. KtoK8. 8. Kt tks P, ch. B ths Kt. 4. Mates. SOLUTIONS. 497 © 1. Q tks B. 2 QtoR6, ch. KtoK 5. 8 QtoQBS, Any. 4. Mates, 2 KtoK3s. 8. Kt ths P, ch. Either. 4, Mates. Nompee 55. 1. BtksP. KtoQ6. 2 BtoK6. Ktoke. 8 BtoQB4. K moves. 4. Mates. ( L KtoB4. 2 Q to Kes. K moves. 8. BtoKB7. K “ 4, Mates. Nomen 56. 1, Pto Kt 5, ch. Q the P. 2. R tks P, cb. QKt ths R. 3. Q to QKt 6, ch. Kt tks Q. 4, Mates. Nomeze 57. 1. PtoQ4 R tks P. 2 Q tks R, ch. Kt tks Q. 8. B tks Kt P, ch. Any. 4, Mates. Noumper 58, White. 1. Q to B6, ch. KtoK2 2, Kt to Bé, ch. K toB aq. 8. QtoKR6, ch. Any. 4. Mates. Blaok. 1. Kt to Kt 6, ch. K to Kt 8, 2 RtoQKt7, ch. K ths R 3. Q to Q2, ch. Any. 4, Mates. Nomper 59. 1. Kt tke BP. Pwogs. 2. P to B8 (Kt). PtoQs. 8. KttoQ6. P tke Kt. 4, Mates. 498 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Numer 60. : Nomusr 65. 1. KttoKB3ch. KtoQ4. 1. BtoK 4, ch. K ths B. 2. PtoKt4. PtoKkts. 2 QtoQ4, ch. KtoB4. 3, KtoQ2. K tks Kt 8. QtoKB4, ch. Kt tks Q. 4. Mates. 4. Mates. Nowmrr 61. Nonser 66. 1. B tks P, ch. KtoQs. 1. BtoB2. K moves. 2 QtoQKtz. K anywhere. 2, Rto Kt eq. Ktokt4. 8. BtoK 4. K moves. 8, Bto Kt 2. K tks Kt. 4. Mates. 4. Mates. () Nomser 67. 1 KtoBs. 1. Kt toQB4. Kt tke Kt P. 2 QtoK Kt2. K moves. 2, Kt tke KP, ch. Kt tke Kt. & KtoR2. fe 38. BBE. Kt moves. 4, Mates. 4. Mates. @) Noumpee 68. 1 KtoK6 1. QtoK 5, ch. K tke P. 2 QtoKKt2 K moves. 2. QtoK 8 ch. K tke Q. 3. K to Kt eq. =a 8. Kt to Q 3, ch. K moves, 4. Mates. 4. Mates. Nomner 62. « 1. B tha P. K moves. L K tks Q. 2 QUWKB4. P moves. 2. Kt to K Kt 6, ch. KtoQs. 3. B to Q aq. K tke B. 8. Rto K5, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. 4. Mates. Numagr 63. 2 KtoB3. 1. KttoQR4. KtoQs. 3. BtoQ 8 ch. K moves. 2. RtoQ8, ch. KtoK 4. 4. Matea. 8. KtoQ7. K moves. 4. Mates, Numer 69. 1. RtoBi. KtwoQa. Nummer 64. 2 QtoK 8 Kt the Q. 1. R tke Ke, ch. K the R. 4. P tke Kt. Any. 2. QtoQb, ch. K tks Q. a 3. R to QB8. B moves. 4. Mates. @® 1 KtwoQs. (A) 2 QtoK 8, ch. KwBs. 2 K tha P. 8. R tks Kt, cb. Any. 8. RtoQKt8, ch. K moves. 4, Mates. 4. Mates, Numper 70, (B) 1. QKt toQ8. PtoKks. 2 Ko kts. 2 PtoQs. QBP ths P. 3. Q to Kt3, ch. K moves. "8. Q tke Kt. Any. 4. Mates. 1 4. Mates. SOLUTIONS. ® Nomerr 76, 2. B ths B. 1. Kt to Q7, ch. KtoQ4. 3. Kt to Kt6, ch. K moves. 2 KtoB3. 4. Mates, 8. Q to QBS, ch. R tks Q. 4. Mates. Nomper 71. 1. QtoQ6, ch. P tks Q. Noumper 77. 2 RtoK 6, ch. P ths R 1. KtoK8. K moves. 3. KttoR 5. Any. 2 RtoQs. “ 4, Mates. 8. Kw Q7. “ 4. Mates. Numer 72. 1. RtoKR4, ch. B tks R. Nomser 78. 2. B to Kt6, ch. Ke the B 1. QtoK6, ch. K tks Q. 8. Q to BB, ch. K moves. 2. RtoQs. K tke R. 4. Mates. 3, K toQ7. P moves. 4. Mates. Nompee 78. : 1. QtoKe. B tke Q. Nonper 79. 2. Kt to Q 6, ch. KtoQ4. 1, B tks Kt, ch. K ths P. 3. Kt toQs. Any. 2. Q tke B, ch. P tks Q. 4, Mates, 8. Rto B8, ch, K moves. 4. Mates. Nomper 74. . . 1. KKttoK6 K Qa. eaee te 2 QtoKB5. KtoQBs. 1. QwB2 PtoQBs. 2. Q tke QBP. K to Q8, ete. 8. Qt0Q3. K moves. 4, Mates. 8. Q to QBS, ch. K moves. 4, Mates. «) 2 B tkaQ. 1. KtoQa. 8. Kt tka B, ch. K moves. 2 QtoQ38, ch KtoK4, 4. Mates. 8. QtoQs. K moves. 4, @ 1 Kt to Kt 5, ete. 2. K toBs. 2, Qto B8, ch. KtoQ3. 3. K moves. K moves. 8. Q tke P, ch. K moves. . Mates. 4. Mates. Nomper 75. Nompen 81. 1. RtoK Kt6. RtoKR5. 1. KtoReq. BtoK6 2, KttoQBs. R tks Q. 2. Q tke B, ch. K tks R. 8, RtoK Kt 5. Any. 8. QtoBS, ch. K tke Q. 4. Mates. 4. Mates, ® @) L Bog? 1. Kt tke R. 2. Rto Kt 4, ch. B tks R. 2 QtoQ4, ch. KwB4. 3. Q tks BP. Any. | 8. Bto Ktag, ch. Kt to K 5. 4. Mates. 4. Mates. 500 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomen 82. 1. Qt0.Q6, ch. K ths Q. 2 RtoKs. B the Kt. 8 RtoQ6, ch. P tks R. 4, Mates. None 83. 1. Q ths B. P to B7, ch. 2. K to Bag. Q the Kt. 8. QtoK Kt, ch. Any. 4, Mates. @® 2 Ke the B. 3. Kt to B&G, ch. Q tks Kt. 4. Mates. Nomerr 84. 1. Ktto K6, ch. KtoR4. 2 RtoB6, ch. BtoKt4 8. BtoQBB. Any. 4, Mates. Nomper 85. 1. RtoB2. K moves. 2. BtoK 6 Po“ 3. KtoB2. K tks Kt. 4. Mates. Nomper 86. 1. RtoK4, ch. K tks R. 2. Ktto QB 65, ch. KtoK4. & QtoB6, ch. K tksQ. 4, Mates. Nompee 87. 1, Kt to Ré, ch. KtQ2 2. RtoQ 6, ch. K tke R. 8. QtoQ 5, ch. K tks Q. 4. Mates. Nomeer 88. 1. BtoK 4, ch. KtoB4 2 QtoQ4, ch. K tksQ. 8. Bto K 8, ch. K tks B. 4, Mates. Noumper 89. 1, Kt to QB 4, ch. KtB4. 2. Kt to K 8, ch. P tke Kt. 8. QtoB4, ch K tks Q. 4, Mates. 1 KtoKk2 2, Ke the Kt B moves. 8. QtoQ7, ch. kK“ 4, Mates. Nowpzr 9. 1. Q the Kt, ch. P tks Q. 2. B tks B. Pmoves. 3. BRA P« 4. Mates. Nowper $1. 1. QtoR6 Rts Q. 2 R tke R. Q tks R. 8, Kt to Kes. Any. 4. Mates. Nompee 92. 1. Kt toQ5, ch. K to Rt 3. 2. Q to K B6, ch. R tks Q. 8. KttoKB4,ch = P tka Kt. 4. Mates. Nomrr 98. 1. BtoQ2, ch. KtoK4. 2 QtoK4, ch. KtksQ. 8, KttoQB6. Any. 4. Mates. Nowpar 94. 1. KttoK4. Kt to B7, ch. 2. Q the Kt. B tks Kt. 8. Q tks B, ch. K tks Q. 4. Mates. Novus 95. 1, Kt0Q7. Btks KP, ch. 2. KttoQ6. Any. 8, Accordingly. . 4. Mates. Nomerr 96. 1. Q tks B. KtoQs. 2, RtoB7. KtoK4. 3. Q to QB aq. Any. 4, Mates. 2 KtoB2. 8. Qto Kt7, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. SOLUTIONS. @ 1. KtoQ aq. 2 QtoQR8, ch. Kt to Bag. 8. KttoQs. Any. 4. Mates. @) 1. KtoB aq. 2. R tke Kt. KtoQaq. 8, Kt to Qs. Any. 4. Mates. Nomexr 97. 1. KttoKB4 PBs. 2. QtoR8. R tke Q. 8 KttoQ4. Any. 4. Mates. None 98. 1. KttoKB4. PtoBe. 2. BtooR6. PtoBz. 8. BtoBeg. Any. 4. Mates. @ 1 Pgs 2. BtoBS. P moves. 3. BtoRB. Any. 4, Mates. Nonner 99. 1. RtoK8, ch. Kt tks R, ch. 2. KtoQ2, ch. Kt to B7, ch. 8 KKttoB4,ch RtksQ. 4. Mates. @ 2. KtoBe. 8, Kt the R, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. Nomnes 100. 1. KttoQ4. K moves. 2. RoR P the B, ch. 8. K the P. Any. 4. Mates. @® 1 P the B, ch. 2. K the P. K moves. & RtR& Any. 4, Mates. Nomper 101. 1. KttoK 2, ch, KtoKa. 2. BtoKt7. KwKk2. 8. KttoQ4. KtoQaq. 4. Mates. . Nomesr 102. 1. RoK8. Kt to Kt4. 2, RtoQRs. EttoR2. 8. K ths QB Ist P. Kt moves. 4. Mates. Numpee 103. 1. Bto Kt, ch, KtoBs. 2 RtoB4, ch. RtoQs. 8. KttoK 5. Any. 4. Mates. ® 1 Rtgs 2, Kt the P, ch. KtoBs. 8. Kt the P, ch. KtwK5. 4. Mates. Nomper 104. 1. B tke P. P moves. 2 KttoQ6. “ 8. KttoK 4. 7 4. Mates. Numpzg 105. 1. QtwQé. P to B6, ch. 2. KtoQsq. PtoBs. 8. Q to QB. K moves. 4..Mates. Noungr 106, 1. Rto Kt 6. B ths R. 2 QtoR8. Bto Kes. 8. R tks P, ch. P the R. 4, Mates. Nomsen 107. 1. BtoQ4, ch. K ths P. 2. Qto K4, ch. K tksQ. 8. BtoB6, ch. ‘Any. 4, Mates. 2 KtoBs. 8, BtoB 6, ch. Any. 4. Mates. 2 KtwQ7. 8. BtoB8, ch. Koga 4, Mates. @) re KtoQ7. 2. Q to B oq, ch. K the Kt. 8. Kt to Kt 2. Any. 4, Mates. 2 K tks P. 8. Rto Kt 3, ch. Any. 4. Mates. . Nomser 108. 1. RtoQaq. K ths R. 2. Q to Bag, ch. K moves. 8. Qto QKt eq. Any. 4. Mates. Nomper 109. 1. Q tks BP, ch. K tke Q. 2. R tke Kt P, ch. P tks R. 3. Ktto Kt 3, Any. 4. Mates. @) 1 KtoQé 2. Qto BS, ch. KtoQ7. 3. BtoQ5, ch. KtoBs. 4. Mates. Numper 110. 1. QtoQB2 Pto Kté. 2 QwQBe. Kwge. 3. QtoK Kt2 K moves. 4. Mates. Nomper 111. 1. PwoBs. Kt to K7, ch. 2. Q tke Kt. BtwoQe. 8. Q tks RP. ‘Any. 4. Mates. 2 Q ths P. 3. R tks Q, ch. Ke tke R. 4. Mates. 2 P Queens, etc. 8. Bto Q4, ch. ‘Takes R. 4. Mates. @® 1 BwQse. 2 QtoK4,ch. K tks Q. 3. B to Kt 2, ch. K moves, 4. Mates. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 2 aS 2 8. 4. 1 2. 8. 4. Sp pee 1 2 8B. 4. BiksQ. R tks Kt, ch. Any. Mates. K ths R. Q ths B, ch. Any. Mates. Nomper 112. Q tks QP. RtkeQ. KtwBs. R tks R. RtoB7. Any. Mates. ) Kt the KtP, ete. RtksR Any. Mates. Nompee 113, BtksPatR5,ch. P tks R. BtoQRaq. P tke P. RtoQkt2. K moves. Mates, @® K ths B. Rto Kt. P tks P. . BtoB7. PtoR4. Mates. Nomwer 114. R tks P. K tks R. . RtoQB4. K tks R. . Bto K Kt 8, ch. K moves. Mates. KwK3. RtoQBs. K moves. Mates. @) K toB2. . Rto QB 4, ch. K to Kt 2. BuwKi. K moves. Mates. Noumpee 115. RwR4. KtwK4. Kt tks Kt. QP Queens. Q to K 6, ch. Any. Mates. SOLUTIONS. 8 @® Nomser 119. 2 BtoBs. 1. Kt the Kt, Kt to K 4, ch. 8, RB tks B. Any. 2, B tks Kt, RtoR6, ch. 4, Mates. 8. P tke R. Any. 4. Mates. Nowsge 116. Numeze 120. 1. KttoKB7. K ths Kt. 1. RtoQBé P tke P. 2. RtoKts. K moves. 2 KtoBe. KtoK5. 8. P Queens. 7 8. BtoKRS5. K moves. 4. Mates. 4. Mates. @ Noeer 121. 1. KtoB4. 1. BtoK7. Kt moves. «2 KttoK5. Any. 2. B tke Kt. BO 8, P Queens. Any. 3. Pto 5. Any. 4. Mates. 4, Mates. Nouvsn 117. Nowpes 122 1. Kt toBe. PtoQ4. bees age ae rgmece Rive [PERE Retina 8. B to Kt, ch. Ri : y Pe m 4. Mates. @ @® 2 Kt tks P, ch. 1. KttoBé. 8. B tks Kt. Any. 2 QtoQ5, ch. Kt tke Q. 4. Mates. 3. Bto Kt3. Any. 4. Mates. Nomper 123. 1. Kt to Q6, ch. P tke Kt. (By 2. RtoKB7. Ptog4. L PtoBe 8, BtoB2. P tks B. 2. Qto R8, ch. KtoB2. 4. Mates. 8. Bto Kt3, ch. Pog. 4, Mates. Nomper 124. 1, B tke Kt, ch. KtoR3. Nomper 118. 2 QtoKB4. Q tks Q. 1. KttoK4 K tks P, pe head oe 2. KttoQ 4, ch. K tke Q Kt. : 8. RtoK 3. Any. 2 RtoQs, ch. 4. Mates. 3, P tks R Any. 4, Mates. 2. K the KKt. 8. Kt to Kt3. Any. 2 pened 4. Mates. 8. Q to K B sq, ch. ny. 4. Mates. @) @) 1. K the Kt, ote. 1 K tks BP. 2. QtoB4, ch. K tke P. 2. Qto BB, ch. KtoQ4. B. Q to Q 6, ch. K moves. 8. QtoK B65, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. 4, Mates. 66 504 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. * Nomorr 125. 1. P ths B, bec. B. Kt to Bs. 2. RtoRs. Kt to Rs. 3. B ths Kt. Any. 4. Mates. @) 1. Rt to K2. 2 BoQRs. Kt toQR5. 3. R the Kt, ch. P interpoees. 4, Mates. Nomper 126. 1. RtoB3. BtoK 6. 2. R the P. BtoQB4. 8. Bto RB, ch. B the R. 4. Mates. Nomper 127. 1. BtoB PtoKt4. 2. KtoKt3. P tks B, ch. 3. K ths P. K moves. 4. Mates. Nomeer 128. 1. PtoB7, ch. KtoB5. 2. Q to B3, ch. K ths Q. 8, P tks B, bee. R. K moves. 4. Mates. Nomser 129. 1. P tke Kt, bec. RP moves. 2 RtoBa. P tks R. 8. PtoK6, ch. K ths P. 4. Mates. Nomper 180. 1. QtOKR8. QBP bec. Kt. 2. QtoQKt2. KBP bec. Kt. 8 QtoQ2, ch. Ke the Q. 4. Mates. @) 1. QRP Queens. 2. KP moves, ch. RtoK7. 8. QtoKReq,ch. —_P interposes. 4. Mates. Nomerr 181. 1. Kt to QB4, ch. KtQBe 2. Kt to Q 8, ch. K toB7. 8, BtoK2. Kt to Q7. 4, Mates. Nownze 182. 1. Kt tks QP, ch. KtoK4. 2 KttoQKts,ch. RtoQs. | 3. Rtke KP, Any. 4. Mates. Nomuer 133. 1. QtoR8. Kt to Kt 6, ch. 2. K tks B. Kt toR7, ch. 8. K to Kt oq. Any. 4, Mates. Nowper 184. 1. PtoB8,bee.Q KttoQs. 2, Kt the Kt. K to Kt 3. 8 QtoQR8. Any. 4, Mates. (a) 2 P ths Kt. 3. Q to BB, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. Nowper 135. 1. Bto Qt 4, ch. RtoK2, 2 BtoK 6. P ths B. 3. Kto Kee. P moves. 4. Mates. ) 2 PtoR7. 3, Btks BP. Any. 4. Mates. Nomosr 136, 1. QtoR2, ch. KtoQs. 2. Qto Raq, ch. KtoK7. 3. Q tks BP. ‘Any. 4, Mates, Nomser 187. 1. KttoQBs. QtoBs. 2. Kt the RP. Q tks Kt. 8, R to Rts. Any. 4. Mates. a Q the B. 8. Kt to Kt 8, ch. KtoBs 4. Mates. @ 1. Kt P the Kt, | 2 Bethe Kt. P tks B. 8, P tke P. Any. 4. Mates. SOLUTIONS. 505 @) Nomper 140. L QP ths Kt. 1. KttoKB5. P the Kt. 2. Ktto K 6, ch. Koga. 2. Kto Kt. P to BB, ch. 8. QtwoB7. Any. 8 KtoR8 PtoKé. 4. Mates. | + Matos (C) @) 1 QtoK7. 1 BtoKBSs. 2. Kt the RP. QtoK sq, ch. | % Kt tks KP, ch. KtoR8. 8. K tks Q. Any. } 8. Rtks KtP, ch. KtoR2. 4, Mates. 4. Mates. Nomser 138. Nomegr 141. 1. RB to Kt oq. B tke Kt. 1. Ke the P. K tke Kt 2 BtoQRS. Rto Raq. 2. KtoB2 KtoR8. B Rtokte. ‘Any. 8 Kt to Beg. PtoR7. 4. Mates. 4. Mates. 2. B tke B. Nomper 142. 3. RtoKt& ch. KtoB2. 1. QtoQBaq. P Queens. 4. Mates. 2, B tks P, ch. Ke tke B. 2, Rw Kt2. ero ae 3. PtksR. Any. 4. Mates, «@ i. 1 P tks Q, bee. Kt. @ 2. KtoQs. Kt to BS, ch. 1. Bto Kt 5. 3. KtoB6. Any. 2. R tke B. K the Kt 4. Mates. 8. KtoK7. Any. 4. Mates. Nomper 148. 2. Rto Req. 1. B tks Kt, ch. RtoB7. 8 KttoKs. Any. 2. K to Kt3. K tks Kt. 4, Mates. 8. RtoQ 8, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. Nompee 189. an 1. Qto.QB2 Q tks Q. eee 2 PtoKt4, ch. PtksP,enpas, | 1 Qt0Q2 ch. P the Q. 3. KtoKt7, Any. 2. P to B4, ch. KK. 4, Mates. 8. Kto Kt. Any. 4. Mates. @® L P tks Q. Nomper 145. 2. KtoR6 Pw0Q6. 1. BtoR4, ch. KtoB2. 8. Kt to Kt7, ch. KtoQs. 2. B to Q8, ch. K ths B, ete. 4, Mates. 8. RtoB 8, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. @) 1. BtoKts, @ 2 Q tke Q. B tks Q. 2 KtoBs. 8, KtoR6. Any. 8. PtoKt5, ch. KtwoBs 4. Mates. 4. Mates. 506 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomeze 146. @ 1. PtoB4A. P ths P. 1 KtwKé. 2. BtoB 8, ch. P interp. 2. B tks Kt. Any. 8. BtoKR6. Any. 8. BtoB4. ‘ 4. Mates. 4. Mates. «@ @) L BtkeP. 1. KttoK4 2 PtksB. P tka P. 2. BtoR6. Kt to B6, ch. 8. BtoB8, ch. P interp. 3. P tke Kt. Any. 4, Mates. 4. Mates. 2 Kt toKts. Nomesr 147, 8. P tks Kt. ‘Any. 1. Kt to Reg. BtoR7. 4. Mates. 2. Pto Kt4, ch. P tke P, en pas. 8, K to Kt2. : © 4. Mates. 1 Kt to Kt 4. 2. B tke Kt. Pto 7, ote. @® & BtoR6. Any. 1 Bto Kté. 4, Mates. 2. Kt tks B, ch. P tks Kt. 8, KtoQe. Any. @) 4. Mates. 1 PtoKt4. 2, BtoR6. Kt the B. Nomper 148. 8. KttoB5. Any. 1. QtoR8, ch. K the Kt. 4. Mates. 2. QtoK 5, ch. K tke Q. 8. R tke Kt. Any. Nowzer 161. 4. Mates. 1. Q to Kt 5, ch. Kt tks Q. 2. Kto Ka. Kt the Kt. Nomper 149. & BtoK2, ch. K tks B. 1, BtoK6. Ke the B. 4. Mates. 2 KttoQ4. Kt tke Kt. 8, BtoKB2. Kt moves. a) 4, Mates. 1 BtoB5. to Kt aq. P tks 2 Kt toQB4. 3 fur Any. . 8. Kt to Kt 5. Kt moves. 4. Mates, 4. Mates. 2. QtoR2. (a) 3, B tke P, ch. K moves. 1 Kt to Kt 2. Sos ei 2. KtoB7. Kt moves. 2 R tks B. 8. BtoQ3, ch. Kt interp. 8. Q tks P, ch. K moves. 4, Mates, 4. Mates. NuMBER 150. Nose 152, 1. BtoQBeq. PtoR7, etc. | 1. Q tks Kt, ch. P tks Q. 2. Kt to B38. PtoR3. 2. KtP bee. Kt. PtoQs. 3. BtoKR6. Any. 8. KttoK7. K ths P. 4. Mates. 4. Mates. SOLUTIONS. 37 Nomex 168. Numan 160. 1, RtoKag. P moves. 1. Bto BS, ch. RwoQs 2 BtoQa. P tke Kt. 2 QtvoQs. R the R. 8. RtoK2 K moves. 8. Q tks Kt, ch. K tks Q. 4. Mates. 4. Mates. Nomen 164, «® 1, RtoK8, ch. K tks R. 2 KtoBo. 2, BtoB 4, ch. K tks B. 8. Kt tke R, oh. ‘Any. 8. Q to Kt5, ch. K tkeQ. 4. Mates. 4. Mates. @®) Nompze 155. 2. KttoK BA. 1. KttoB7, ch. B ths Kt, 2 BioQ5ch. haan f ee eso K moves. 8. QtoQ7, ch. Any. — 4. Mates. Nouess 161. Nomar 156. 1. R to K aq, ch. B tks R. 1. RtoK6, ch. QtksR. 2. RtoK 8, ch. R tks R. 2. QtoK Kt7, ch. Kt tks Q. 8. Q tks RP, ch. Q tks Q. 8. KttoB4, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. 4, Mates. Nomper 162. Nomeer 157. 1. KttoKB4,ch, KtoQs. 1. Bto R8, ch. R tks B. 2. Q to QBaq. K moves. 2 Q tks B, ch. Kt ths Q. 3. Q to BB, ch. K tke Kt. & RtoQ6, ch K ths R. 4. Mates. 4. Mates. Noweer 168. @ 1. Qto BB, ch. K tks Kt at Q5. 1 Kt to Kt 5. 2, KtoKt4. P Queens. 2, B tke Kt, ch. KtoBa 8. Qt QBS, ch. K moves. 8. Q tke R, ch. Kt ths Q. 4, Mates. 4, Mates. @ Nomen 168, - Ktok4 1, KBP bee. R. KtoQs. 8. KtoBs. P moves. 2 QBPbec. Kt,ch. K toB4, etc. 4. Mates, 8. QKtP bee. B. K moves. 4, Mates. Nomere 164, (@ 1. BtoR7. KttoB7. 2 Ktwks. 2. Kt to Qs. Q to Keg. 8. Kt to B4, ch. K moves. 8, Kt to Kt 2, ch. P ths Kt. 4. Mates. 4, Mates. Nompue 189. ® 1. KtoKtaq. P moves. 1. BtoK6 2 RtoReg. P moves. 2 QtoK 4, ch. B interp. 8 KtoR2. K moves. 8, Ktto Kt 8, Any. 4, Mates. 4. Mates. 508 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Noweer 165. 1. QtoK Req. PtoB4. 2. QtoQRs. Kt to B3. 8B. QtoK R8, ch. Kt interp. 4. Mates. é Nomper 166. 1. Qto Kt 65, ch. B tks Q. 2, BtksQBP. B tks Kt. 8. BtoQKt6, ch. K tks P. 4. Mates. Nomar 167. 1. R tks KBP. P tks R, etc. 2. KttoK B38. Kt to Kt 6, ete. 8. RtoK Kt eq. Kt moves. 4, Mates. @) 1 Poked. 2. KR ths Kt P. Kt ths R. 8. Kt to BB. Any. 4, Mates. Nomper 168, 1, RBs. PtoB7. 2. Bto B6, ch. KtoBs. 8. Btks RP, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. 2 KtoB4. 8. BtoQ8, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. @) 1, KtoR4. 2. KttoK 4. Pto kts 8. RtoBé. Any. 4. Mates. Nomeer 169. 1. KtoR2 -P Queens. 2. K tkeQ. B moves. 8. BtoBSs. Any. 4, Mates. Nomeze 170. 1. BtoQKt4. P tks B. 2. RtoQR5. P moves. 8. PtoQBS. P« 4. Mates. Nompre 171. 1. BtoR7. P moves. 2. Kt to Bb. KwKks. 8. Kt toK 7, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. Numexre 172. 1. RtoQRB, ch. K moves. 2 KtoBé ia 8. BtoQ8, ch. ‘Any. 4. Mates. Nomeer 178. 1, KttoB3. P the Kt. 2. Kt to Q 6, ch. K tks B. 8 PtoQ4, ch Any. 4, Mates. ® 2 KtoKkt4. 8. QtoQ8, ch. K the P. 4. Mates. Nomex 174. 1. KttoKB7, ch. PwQs. 2, Btke P, ch. KtoQ2 8. RtoK 8. P moves. 4, Mates. 2 KtoKks. 8. KtoB6. P moves. 4. Mates. 2 K toK aq. & KttoK 5. Any. 4. Mates. @ : 1. KtoK3. 2. Kt to Kt 6, ch. KtoK4. 8. PtoKt4. P moves. 4. Mates. @) 1. KtwoK eq. 2 KttoK5. PwQs. 8. B tke P. Any. 4. Mates. Nomeze 175. 1. Kt tks P, ch. KtoK4 2, KttoQs. KtoK3. 8. KttoK B4, ch. K moves, 4. Mates. SOLUTIONS. 508 @ © 1 K the P. 1. P to Kt7, ete. 2. Books. P ths Kt. ; 2. BtoB4, ch. K ths B. 8. PtoQs P moves. 3. QtoQ2, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. 4. Mates. . Nomors 176. Nomerr 179. 1. QtoKR5. RtoB4, ch. 1, Btks RP. P ths P. 2. Kto Kt6. Kt to B5, ch. 2 KttoKB4ch KtoK2 8. P tks Kt, ch. K moves. 3. QtoQ6, ch. Any. 4, Mates. 4, Mates. ® 2. KtoBs L B tks P, ch. 8. Bto B8, ch. P interp. 2. K to Kt 4, ch. BuKt4. 4. Mates. 3. Q the B, ch. Any. (a) ie 1 PtwoKs. Noweer 177. 2, Bto B8, ch. KK. 1. RtoQ3. BtoQs. 8. Q to QB8, ch. K moves. 2. KR the B. R ths R, ete. 4. Mates. 8 PtoQ4, ch. K the R. @) fee 1. KtoB4. 2 PtoBe. 2. BtoQ Bag. BtoK8 3, Ktto R6, ch. K moves. 8. BtoR8, ch. Binterp. 4. Mates. 4, Mates. @) Nomex 180, 1 B tke Kt P. 1. QtoQ7. KtoK7. 2. R tka B. RtoB4, etc. 2. B tks P, ch. KtoKs. 3. Kt to Q7, ch. K moves. 8. BtoKBeq. K tks B. 4. Mates. 4. Mates. 2 P Queens. « 8, Blo Bt, ch Rinterp. ff Kwks. tteetad 2 QtoQé KwKe. 8, B tke P. K moves. Nomen 178. aes 1, KtoK2. R ths Q, ch. 2, KtoBs. Bto K7, ch. 2 KtoBa. 3. KtoK8. Any. 8. BtoR7, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. 4, Mates. (4) ®) 1. RtoKt5, ch. 1. PtoBe. 2. KwBa BtoK7, ch. 2 BBs bade ioe 3. Qtke B. ree 8. Q checks. K moves. 4. Mates. 4. Mates. @) Nomper 181. 1. R to Kt 2, ch. 1. BtoQBa QtoK Kt2. 2 KtK3. R ths Kt. 2. B tks Q. K tke P. 8. PtoB4, ch. K ths B. 8, Q tks P, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. 4. Mates. 510 @ 1 K tks P. 2 QtoQ4, ch. BtoQ4. 8. Qto K 5, ch. K ths Kt. 4, Mates. 2 KtoB2. 8. BtoR6, ch. K moves. 4, Mates. 2. KtoK2. 8. Q tks Q, ch. K moves. 4, Mates. Nomper 182. 1. QtoK7. PtoBe. 2. QtoQR7, ch. KtoB3. 3. BtoK 6. Any. 4. Mates. @) 1 KtoQs. 2. Kto Kt4. P moves. 3. BtoR?. Pp“ 4, Mates. @) L KtoBa. 2. Boks. K to B4, ete. 8. QtoQR7. Any. 4. Mates. 2 Pgs 3. BtoQBB. Any. 4. Mates. Nomegr 188. 1. Bto QKt7, ch. KtoB4." 2. BtoR2. P moves, 8. R tks PL ee 4. Mates. @) 1. K tke P. 2. RtoQ7. Pto Kt6. 3. P tke P. PtoB4. 4. Mates. Nomusr 194. 1. Rtks KP. B tks R. 2. Q tke RP, ch. K tks Q. 8. RtoR6, ch. K moves, 4. Mates. 1 2 8. 4. 1. 2 8. 4. 1. 2 8. 4. a 2 3. 4. AMERICAN CHES8-NUTS. @ R ths QB 2d P. RwoKR6 R tks QBP, etc. Qo QB8, ch. Interp. Mates. ® R the K P. R ths R, ch. KtoBa. QtoR7, ch. K moves. Mates. Noneer 185. RtoQ7, ch. ~ K tke Kt. R the Kt, ch. P ths R. P tks BP. P moves. Mates. @) KtoB3. Kt to K 5, ch. K to Kt3. Kttks P,atB5. Any. Mates. Ktokts . Rito Kt 7, ch. K moves. Mates. (B) Ktwks. . Kt tks BP, ch. KtoB3. P to Kt5, ch. K moves. Mates. Nomper 186. QtoQRs. Kt to Kt4. RtoQe. Rio Q sq. QtoK3, ch P tks Q. Mates. “® KtoQ4. R to Q6, ch. KtoBo. P to Q 8, ch. K moves. Mates. @) PtoQe. Rt Qe. Kt toQs. QtoQBa. Any. Mates, pepe Nomeer 187. 1. Bto QKt&, ch. KtoQe. 2 KRtK4 PwB4. 8. BtoB4 P tke R. 4. Mates. 2 Pto Bs. 3. BtoR7. Any. 4. Mates. ic) 1 KtoQs 2 RtoQ2, ch. KBs. 3. PtoR6. Any. 4. Mates. 2 KtoK3. 8. RtoK 4, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. Nompen 188. 1. Kt toK 7, ch. KtoRa 2 QtoBé, ch. KtoR4. 3. KttoKB5. Any. 4. Mates. @) 1. K to Raq. 2 QtoBe. B tks P. 8. Qt R6, ch. R interp. 4, Mates. Nomaer 189. 1. RtoKKte. K ths R. 2. PtoKts. P moves. 8. P to B5, ch. kK“ 4. Mates. «@ 1. KtoR5. 2 KttoBe. PtoR4. 8. Kt to Kt4. P tke Kt. 4. Mates. Nomser 190, 1 RtoQBs. KwKs. 2 RtoKKta. KwQ5. 8. KR toQBa. Any. 4. Mates. @ 2. KtoBs. 3. QRtoKKts. Any. 4. Mates. SOLUTIONS. bi Nomper 191. 1. PtoRts. Pto Kets. 2. Kt to QB6, ch. KtoQd. 8 Btokts KtoBs. 4. Mates. @) 2 KtoBs. 3. KtoB3. P moves. 4. Mates. Nomen 192, 1. RwQ2 K moves. 2 BtoQKt2 kK“ 3, KttoK2 K« 4. Mates. Nomper 193. 1. RtoKB6. PtoK7. 2. BtoQKt sq. PtoR3. 8. RtoB2 K moves, 4. Mates. (A) 1. PtoR3. 2. BtoQR?. PwK7. 8. RtoQKté. K moves. 4. Mates. Numpsr 194. 1. R ths Kt. P tks QEtP. 2. BioKBS P tke BP. 3 RK? KtoBs 4. Mates. @) 1, P tks BP. 2 BtoQkts. P tke Kt P. 8. RtoQB7. KwK4. 4. Mates. Numpes 195. 1. BwoQRe KtoQs. 2. K to Kes. KtoK4. 8 KtoB4. KtoK3. 4. Mates. Nownze 196. 1. PtoR4, ch. KtoR3. 2, Kt to Kt 8, ch. R ths Kt. 8, P tks R, bee. Kt,ch. K toR2. 4. Mates. 67 512 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. @® 1. KtoB5. 2. KttoQs, ch. KtoB4. 3. QtoK4, ch. K tks Q. 4. Mates. Numper 197. 1. R tke B, ch. K tke R, 2 PtoQ4, ch. KtoB4. 8. QtoKB6, ch. Kt tke Q. 4. Mates. (a) 2 KtoQs. 3. Bto Kt, ch. Q interp. 4. Mates. Numser 198. 1. KtoKts. Pto Kt4. 2 Qto Raq. Kt tke P. 8, B tks RP. Any. 4. Mates. (ay 1. Kt the P. 2. QtoBB. B moves. 3. Q or B tks B. Any. 4, Mates. ®) L Kt to R4, ete. 2. P to Kt4, ch. Kt to B38. 8. Q the Kt, ch. P tks Q. 4. Mates. (Cc) 1. BtoQs. 2. B tks B. KttoR4. 8 QtoB3. P tks B. 4. Mates. Nomser 199. - 1. QtoB7, ch. K the Kt 2. QtoK5, ch. K ths Q. 8, Rto Kt 5, ch. K tke R- 4. Mates. 2 KtoBo. 8 BtoR6, ch. KtoKt5. 4. Mates. @ 1. KtoKt4. "2, RtoKts, ch. KtoR5. 3. RtoR6, ch. K tke R. 4. Mates, Nonorr 200. 1. KttoQ2. KttoB4. 2. Btke R. B tks B. 8, Bto Kt4, Any. 4. Mates. 2. Et to Qs. 8. Bto Kt7. Any. 4. Mates. 2. P tks P. 8. Kt to Kt 8, ch. Kw Kt8. 4. Mates. ) 1 R ths P. 2. Bto Kt7, ch. R tks B. 8. Kt to Kt 3, ch. Ktokts. 4. Mates. Number 201. 1. R tks P. K tks R. 2. Kto Rte. PtoR6. 8. Kt to R 2, eb. K moves. 4. Mates. Nomper 202. 1. BtoK 8, ch. Q the B. 2, BtoQ6, ch. B tks R. 8. P tka Q. P moves. 4. Mates. Nomper 208. 1. KtoBs. KtoQa. 2. Keto Kt 4, KtoB5. 3. Kt to K 8, ch. KtoQe. 4. Mates. Numprr 204. 1. RtoQ5, ch. BtoK4. 2. RtoQRs. Any. 8. Kt toQ 5. “ 4. Mates. Nomper 205. 1. RtoQ7, ch. KtoK6. 2. QtoKKt8, ch. Rinterp. 8. RtoQ8, ch. PtkeR 4. Mates. SOLUTIONS. ois Nomagr 206. Nomeer 214, 1. QtoB6. R ths P. 1. QtoQB4. PtoKs 2 RtoKR4,ch. RtkeR. 2. QtoQKt4. Pto Bo. 8 Kt to Kt7, ch. K moves. B. Q to. Q2, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. 4. Mates. Nome 207. Nomper 215. 1. RwKB6. B tke R. 1, RtoQB6, ch. Ras R. 2 RwWK8 BtooK4. 2.-Q to Q 4, ch. Takes Q. 8. Ries KB ‘Any. 8. Kt toQ5, ch. Q ths Kt. 4, Mates. 4. Mates. N 208. Numper 216. jOMBER 208. 1. Q0Q8. QtoKKts. eee a ee 2. Kt to Ba. PtoKt7, ch. : mince ae . 8. KtoR2. Any. = i 4, Mates. 4. Mates. oe Nomoer 217. 1. KttoK 6, ch. P ths Kt. 1. RtoK sq, ch. K moves. 2 Boke P tke B. 2, BtoQ7. KtoB4. 3. QtR&, ch. eae: 8. Rto QKt aq. ‘Any. a aaaiea! 4. Mates, . @ Nomser 218. 2 BtoBs. 1. R tke KP. P moves. 3. Q tks B, ch. K moves. 2, RtoK eq. P ths P. 4. Mates. 8. R to QR aq. P moves. 4. Mates. Nummer 210. 1. Kto Kt2. P to B6, ch. Nope 219. 2. KtoR2. P moves. 1, Btks QP. Kt to K 8, ete. 8. RtoKt6. , Any. 2. Kt to Kt 8 ch. B tks Kt. 4. Mates, 8. RtoK BS, ch. P tks R. 4. Mates. Nomper 211. 1. BwQs. BwoQ7. abet 2. BwBe. Q to Reg, ch. 1. QtoKB6. Kt to B sq. 3. B tks Q. Any. 2 Qto B4, ch. Pinterp. 4. Mates. 8. Q tke Kt Any. 4. Mates. Nowore 212. Nomexr 221. 1. KttoQBS ch. = Rtke B. 1. QtoK7. PtoKt7. 2. KttoQReé, B tke Kt. 2 QtoK 4, ch. K to Kt 6. 8. KttoK6. Any. 8. Q tks BP, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. 4, Mates. Nompgr 218. @ 1. KttoKB5,ch. —P ths Kt. 1. KtoKt7. 2 Q to QKt7. R moves. 2, K the P. Ktokts. 3. Q to. Q6, ch. Any. 3. QtoK2 + Any. A. Mates, 4. Mates. bie AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 8. K tks P. K moves. 4. Mates. Nomper 222. 1, RtoK Kt2. PtoR4. 2. B tks P, ch. P tks B. 8. Kt to Q6. Any. 4. Mates. @® 1 BtoB2. 2. Kt tks P. BtoK Kt6. 8. R ths B. Any. 4, Mates. Nomper 228. 1, P tks B, bec. Kt. P to Kt5. 2. KttoB7. P tks P. 8. BtoQB7. Any. 4. Mates. Nomeze 224. 1. Kt the BP. Kt to Kt 6. 2 QtoQ4. P the Q. 8. Kt to K 4, ch. B tks Kt. 4. Mates. @) 1. B tks B. 2. KtwQR4. PwK4 8. Q tke BP, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. @) 1. P Queens. 2. Kt to K 4, ch. B tke Kt. B. QtoQ4, ch. Any. 4. Mates. (c) L KttoB4. 2. Q tks K B tks B. 8 QtoK 5, ch. K moves, 4. Mates. Nomper 225. 1. BtoB3. P moves. 2. KttoKB8. eee 8. R tks QB 2d P. 7 4. Mates. 2 K toB8,orR8. Numer 226. 1. QtoBS. P moves. 2 Q tks QP. P tks Q. 8. BtoB2 P tke R. 4. Mates. Nomper 227. 1. Kt to Kt 8. P moves. 2. PtoB4. Bee 8. Kt to Kes. Pe 4. Mates. Nomprr 228. 1. QP bec. Kt. P bee. Q. 2. Kt toQB6, ch. K tke Kt. 8. BtoB &, ch. Qinterp., ch. 4, Mates, Nomper 229. 1, BtoKB7. KwK 5. 2. B to Kt 6, cb. P interp. 8. KtoB2. Any. 4. Mates. @ . 1 PtoR 5. 2 Pto Kt4, eb. K moves. 8. KtoB2. Any. 4. Mates. Numper 230. 1, R ths Kt. P moves. 2. RBs. P tks R. 8. PtoK7. P moves. 4. P bec. Kt, mate. Nomser 281. 1. R the Kt. KtoQe. 2. RtoQs, ch. KtoB5. 3. RtoQe. K moves. 4. Mates. Noumper 282. 1. RRS. K ths Ke. 2 PtoR4 K moves. 8. RtoR7. 7 4, Mates. Number 288. 1. PRs. P moves. 2. RtoR5. K tks Kt. 3. Rto R6, ch. K moves. 4, Mates. SOLUTIONS. 515 Nomper 234. 1. BtoB4. K tks P. 2. Kt to B 8, ch. K moves. 8. BtoQ2 P tks B. 4. Mates. Nompsr 285. 1. RwKS P to Kt 4, ete. 2 BtQ2 Moves. 8. P to Kt8, ch. “ 4. Mates. @) 1. Pto Kte3. 2. P to Kt8, ch. K moves. 8. KtoKt2. Any. 4. Mates. Nomper 286. 1. Kt to Kt 4, ch. K moves. 2. BtoBS. RB tks P. 8. Kt tks R, ch. K moves. 4, Mates. @) 2 Rw kKt6. & KttoK8, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. Numper 287. 1. Qt KBB. PwQs. 2 KtoB4. PtoQ4, ch. 8. Kto Ke4. - P moves. 4, Mates. @ 1 KtoQs. 2 QtwK2 P moves. & QtoBs. “ 4, Mates. Nomper 288. 1. KtoK2 P moves. 2. Kt tks QP. K tks Kt. 8. RtoBS. P moves. 4. Mates. Numper 289, 1.QtoQ2 PtoB 6, ch. 2. Kto Ke4. Pegs. 8. Rtks R, ch. P ths R. 4. Mates. Nowper 210. 1, RtoB7. BtoK2. 2. R tke B. KtoR38. 8. Kt to B 5, ch. K moves. 4, Mates. @) 2 Otherwise. 8. Bto B5, ch. K moves. 4, Mates. Nomper 241. 1, Kt to K 6, ch. KtoK6. 2. QtoQ4, ch. K moves. 8 RtoKB2, ch, K« 4, Mates. @ 1 KtoBe. 2. QtoB2, ch. K moves. 8. RtoQ 4, ch. ie 4. Mates. (B) 1. P tke Kt. 2 QtoB2, ch. K to Kt4. 8. Qto Kt 8, ch. K moves. 4, Mates. Nomper 242, 1, Pt Q8, ch. K tks B. 2 RBs. P moves. 8B RtQR4. eae 4, Mates. Nomper 243. 1. RtoKB7. PtoK4 2. BtoBS. P moves. 8. B tks KP. Any. 4, Mates. Numper 244, 1. BtoK oq. P moves. 2. PwoBs Pe 8. Kt to Kt3. Pies 4. Mates. Nomper 245. 1. PtoQ4. P bee. Kt. 2. Bto Kt 4. PBs 8. B tks P. Any. 4. Mates. 516 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. @) 2 Kt to QB6. 8. Btke Kt Any. 4. Mates. ®) 2 Kt to Rta. 3. BioBS Any. 4. Mates. Nomper 246. 1. Bto Ktog. RP bee. Q. 2. Kt to B4, ch. K moves. 8, RtoQR2, ch. PtkeR, 4. Mates. Nompee 247. 1, BtoK2. Poke. 2. KttoQBs. P moves. 8. KtoK6. Pp « 4, Mates. Nomper 248. 1. BtoQ4, ch. KwK6. 2. Qtw0B2. Moves. 8. KttoQ6. Any. 4. Mates, @) 1 K ths B. 2 QwK2 PtoKs. 8. QtKBS. Any. 4. Mates. 2 KwB4. 8. Q the KP. K moves. 4. Mates. Nomper 249. 1. R tke Kt, ch. P tke B. 2, B tks QP, ch. K ths B. 8 QtoQ 6, ch Q ths Q. 4. Mates. Numper 260. 1. KKt tks QP. R to Bag. 2. Q the B. *BtoK Bog. 8. QtoKRB. Any. 4. Mates. Nompsn 21. 1. QwQ2. RtksQ. 2 RtoB4, ch. Btks BR. 8. Kt tke R, ch. K moves. 4, Mates. @) 1. K ths R. 2. QtoKB2, ch. KtoK5. 8, B tks KtP, ch. KtoQ4. 4. Mates, @) 1 P tke R. 2. Qt. QB2 P ths Kt. 8. QtoBé, ch. PtoQa. 4. Mates. © 1 Pts KRP. 2. Bto Q5, ch. K ths R. 8. PtoK 4, eh. KtoKts. 4, Mates. @) 1. BtoK4. 2 KttoQB5, ch. K the R. 8. Qto K B2, ch. BtoK B5. 4, Mates. «) 1 PtoK Kt4. 2. BtoKKts. B the Kt. 8, RtoKB4, ch. KtoQ4. 4. Mates. ® 1 Kt to QKta. 2. RP Queens, ch. Kt ths Q. 3. BtoQ5, ch, K tes R. 4, Mates. 2 PtoQBs. 8. Qto K8, ch. BtoK4. 4. Mates. @) 1. PtoQB3. 2. B tke K KtP. Rt QB6,ch. 8. B tke R. Any. 4, Mates. a 1. RtoQB6,ch. 2, BtksR. BuK4 8. R tks B, ch. P tke R. 4. Mates. 2. K the R. 8. Pto K 4, ch. KtksP. « 4. Mates. 2 Bto Q6, etc. 3. Qto K Kt2,ch. K moves. 4. Mates. Nomper 252. 1. Kt toQe. B tks Q. 2. KttoKR5. Any. 3. BtoK B4, ch. R ths B. 4, Mates. @ 1. BtoK Kt3. 2 QtwoQs. Kt tke QBP. 8. Q ths Kt, ch. Kt toQ5. 4. Mates. 2 KttoKB7. 3. Q to Q4, ch. Kt tks Q. 4. Mates. @) 1. Kt to QKt7. 2. Kt tks B, ch. Kt tke Kt, ch. 8. Q ths Kt. ‘Any. 4, Mates. Noumper 258. 1. RtoK4. PtoKtd. 2 BtoKs. Pto Kt6, ch. 3, P tke P. K the R. 4. Mates. Nomser 254. 1. KttoQ7. B tks QKt. 2 PtoBS. BtoK Kt4. 8 PtoB6. Any. 4. Mates, «@ 1 B tks R. 2. PtoBS. B tke P, ch. 8. K tke B. Any. 4, Mates. SOLUTIONS. Number 266. 517 1, BtoK Kt6. PtoB4. 2. R to Kt aq. KwKkK5. 8. R to Kt 4, ch. KtoQ4. 4. Mates. @ 1. PtoQ4. 2. R to Kt aq. PtoBs 8. Rio Kt2 KtK5. 4. Mates. Numper 256. 1, KtwKB6. PtoR4 2 BtoK Kt4. P tke B. 8. Ktokt2. Pto Kto. 4, Mates. ' Nomper 257. 1. Rt QRS. R tke R. 2 QtoBé6, ch. RtoB4. 8. KttoQB2. R tks Q, ete. 4. Mates. @ 1. : B tks R. 2 Qto Kt7. R to Kt, ote. 8. Q tks R. Any. 4. Mates. @) 1. PtoK5. 2. KttoQB2. R tks R. 8. Qto BG, ch. RtoB4, 4, Mates. (©) 1 K Kt to B 5, ete 2. KttoQB2 P tks Kt. 8. B to Bq, ch. Kt interp. 4, Mates. Nompex 258. 1, RtoR4,ch. P tks R. 2 QtoK Bs. P the Kt. 3. QtoK Beq. Any. 4. Mates. Nomper 259, 1 QtoK7. RtksQ, ch. 2. Kt tks R, ch. KtoQa. 3. KKttoBs,ch KtoKs. 4. Mates. @ 1 Kt ths QP. 2. Kt to K 3, ch. Ke tks Kt. 8. Qt0.Q7, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. (B) 1. Buok4 2 Kt ths R. KttoK 8. 38. Kt to KB6, ch. B tks Kt. 4. Mates. Nomper 260. 1, KttoQB4. P tks Kt. 2 BtoQBs. B tks B. 8. KttoKB7. Any. 4, Mates. @) 2 Btks KP. 38. RtoK 5, ch. KtoBs. 4. Mates. Nomper 261. 1. RtoQRaq. R tks R. 2 QtoQr BtkeQ. 8. Kt toQB5. Any. 4. Mates. @) 1. PtKBS. 2. Ktto QBs. P to B6, ch. 8. KtoRaq. Any. 4, Mates, Nomper 262. 1. Qt QBS. Btks Q. 2. Kt tks BP, ch. KtoQ4 8. Kt to K B6, ch. K ths Kt. 4. Mates. @) 1 B tks Kt. 2 QtoB5, ch. KtoBs. 8. Q tks KtP, ch. K tksQ. 4, Mates. 2 BtoQs 3, Kt tke BP, ch. K toB3. 4, Mates. @) 1 P tks KP. 2. Qto BS. P ths B. 8. Kt the BP, eh. KtoB5. 4, Mates. Nomper 268. 1. PtoKté. P moves. 2. Ktto Kt5, P tks P. 3. KttoQs “ 4. Mates. Nomper 264. 1 RRs. K moves. 2 KttoQs. KtoB4. 8. BtoR8, ch. Any. 4. Mates. () 2. Kwk4 3. RtoR4, ch. K ths BP. 4. Mates. Nowner 265. 1. KttoBs. PtoR4. 2 BtoKR4. P tks B, 3. BtoR3. Any. 4. Mates. (A) 1. P tke P. 2. P tke P. PtoR4. 3. BtoR4. Any. 4. Mates. Numper 266. 1. Kt toQBy, ch. R the Kt. 2. Rto K 6, ch. Ket the R. 8 Qt Q6, ch. K tha Q. 4. Mates. Nomene 267. 1. BtoK2. PtoBé. 2 KttoQa. P the B. 8. Ktto K5. Any. 4. Mates. Nomner 268. 1, BtoR8. K moves. 2. KttoR7. kK 8. PtoBd. Kk « 4. Mates. Nomser 269. 1, Kt to QB7, ch. B tke Kt 2. BtoK2, eh. Q tks B. 8. P tks B, ch. Any. 4, P tks R, bee. Kt, mate. Mumper 270. 1. BtoB5, ch. K ths B. 2. PtoKB8. PwQs 8. KttoK4 Any. 4, Mates. cc) 1. KtoR4, 2 PtoRS. PwQs 8. Bto Kt 4, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. (B) 1 KwR6. 2, Kt to B8, ch. K moves. & PtoR’ Any. 4. Mates. Nomeee 271. 1, KetoK 8 BwQs. 2. Qo KBE. Q the B. 8 Kt to Kt 7, ch. B tks Kt 4, Mates. Nomper 272. 1. BtoB4, ch. P tks B. 2. RtoQ6, ch. Q tks B, ch. 8. K toB4, ch. R tks Q. 4. Mates. Nomper 278. 1. BtoQs. P moves. 2. Bto Kt8. P tks B. 8. P the P. P moves. 4. Mates. Nomsge 274. 1. Kt to Q8, ch. KtwK5. 2. QtoQB4, ch. K moves. 8 QtoKB4, ch. K « 4. Mates. @ 1 KtoB4. 2 QtoB7, ch. Kwks. 8B QtoKB4, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. SOLUTIONS, Nomexe 275. 1L QtQRa RtksQ 2. B the P, ch. Rtgs. 8. B tks R, ch. K moves. 4, Mates. Nomperr 276. 1. KttoQ Ets. Bto Kt5. 2. Kt tke P, ch. _B tks Kt. 8. BtoQaq. B moves. 4. Mates. Nomper 277. 1. RwKS8. K moves. 2 BtooB4s - 8. Kt tks P, ch. “ 4, Mates. Noussr 278. 1. P tks B. KttsR 2 KwBe KwQ2 8, BtoK 6, ch. K moves, 4. Mates. Nomeer 279. 1. Q tks R, ch. KttoK4 2. QtoQ6, ch. K tks Q. 8. Kt to B4, ch. K tke P. 4. Mates. Nomper 280. 1. BtoQs. B tks B, ete. 2. P to Kt3, ch. P tke P. 8. Kt to Kt7. Any. 4. Mates. Noumeee 281. 1. PtoKt 5. P moves. 2. Ktto Kt4. K moves, 8. KtoR3. = 4, Mates. Noumpee 282. 1. K to kts. Kt to B&, ch. 2 KtoB4 Kt tks Q. 8. Kt to Kt 7, ch. B tks Kt. 4. Mates. Number 288. 1, BtoQs. KBs 2 QtoB6, ch. KtoBs. 8. BtoK4, ch. K moves. 4, Mates. 68 619 @ 2 KtoQs. 8. Bto QKté, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. @® 2. K to Kt 5. 8 BtoK7, ch. K moves, 4. Mates. Nomper 284. 1. KtoQs. K moves. 2 Boge K to Kt 5. B RtoQR5. Any. 4. Mates. Nomper 285. 1. Qto Kt6, cb. PtoBs. 2 QtoKt7. QtoKte. 8. Q tke R, ch. K the Q. 4, Mates. @ 2 PtoBs. 8. Q to Kt 6, ch. K moves. 4, Mates. @) 2 PwQz. 8. Q to Q 5, ch. K ths Q. 4. Mates. Nompen 286. 1. Kt to Q6, ch. KtoK6. 2 BtoQ4, ch. Kt the B. 8. Q to Q 8, ch. Q tks Q. 4, Mates. : @) 1. Kt ths Kt. 2. Qt0Q4, ch. K moves. B. QtoKB6, ch. “ 4. Mates. Nope 287. 1. Bto K5, ch. P tks B. 2. QtoK6, ch. Q tks Q. 8. R tke B, ch. R tke R. 4. Mates. Nomper 288, 1, RtQRS. R to QB8, ch. 2. KtoQs. B tks P, ch. 3. K the B. Any. 4, Mates. AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. @ L B tks P, ch. 2, Kt tks B. RtoKt7, ch. 8. BtoK BQ, ch. RB interp. 4. Mates. 2 Rtokt5. 8. Btok 8. Any. 4, Mates. Nomuer 289. 1. BtoK Kt 3. P tks B. 2 PtoB4, Kto kes. : B. BtoQaq, ch. Moves. 4. Mates. NumBer 290. 1. Q the Kt, ch. Q tks Q. 2. KttoQ4, ch. KtoQz 8. R tks B, ch. K moves, 4, Mates. Nomner 291. 1. RtoB4 K ths R. 2. K tke K moves. 8. RtoR2 « 4. Mates. Nomprr 292. 1. KttoQKt2,ch, KtoB4. 2 RwQs. K moves. 8. RtoQB3, “ 4. Mates. Nomper 293. 1. QtoQB6, ch. KwK2. 2. KttoK 5. KttoK 8. 8, PtoKt5. Any. 4. Mates. NUMBER 294. 1. Q to Qaq, ch. K moves. 2. Qt0.Q5, ch. K tksQ. 8. Kt to K 3, ch. R ths Kt. 4, Mates. Numper 295. 1. QtoQ2, ch. KtoKte. 2. Kt to Ba, ch, K moves. 3, Kt to R 6, ch. . “ 4. Mates. SOLUTIONS. Nombre 296. 1, PtoRts. KwQe. 1. 2. RtoQ5, ch. K moves. 2 8. BtoQR4. Any. 8. 4. Mates. 4. Numer 297. 1, BtoKB6, ch. Q ths Re = 2. Q to QB aq, ch. KtoB4. 8. 8. QtoKKt5, ch. K moves. 4. 4, Mates. Nomper 298, 1. 1. KtoKts R tke Q. 2 2. Kt to QB 4, ch. K moves. 8. 8. Bto K 6, ch. kK 4. 4. Mates. Nomper 299, 1 1. Kt to K6, ch. KwKks. 2. 2 QtoK8, ch. KtoB4. 3. 3. Q tke B, ch. R ths Q. 4. 4, Mates. Nomper 300. 1 1. PwB4. KtoK5. 2 2 QtoK Rta. K moves. a 3 BtoQs. K« 4. 4. Mates. Nome 301. 1 1. QtoR2, ch. KwQs. 2 2. Kt to B6, ch. R the Kt a 8. Q tks B. Any. 4 4. Mates. Nomper 302. 1. KttoKKt6,ch Q ths K. 1. 2 Ktto B4, ch. P ths Kt, 2 3 RtoQs. Any. 8 4, Mates. 4 Numere 908. 1. QtoK6, ch. KtoQs. 1. 2. QwQB4, ch. KtoKe. 2 3. RtoK Raq. Any. 3. 4. Mates. 4 Numper 304. 1. QwQe R(fr B2)toB4. | 1. 2. QtoQaq. RwBs. 2 3, Ktto Q Kt 4, Any. 3. 4. Mates. 4. Nowszs 905. PtoK4. PtoR7. R toga, P tke R. BtoR4, ch. R interp. Mates. @) RtoR3, ch. P tke R, Any. Mates. Nompxe 906. Kt os. K moves. KttoKBich, = KO BtoK7. K“ Mates. Nompes 307. R ths B. Pto Kta. RtoQR7. PwoK7. Ro Qi, ch. K moves. Mates. Noman 808. Bto Kt4. PRs. . B tks RP. PtoBe. B tks P. K the Kt. Mates. Nomen 209, QtwoKRs Qto K'sa, ote. Q ths R, ch. Qtks Q. BtoKt7, ch. K the Kt. P to K 8, bec. Kt, mate, Nomper 810. PtoBs. Any. Ko Kt2. “ KtwoBs, “ . Mates. Nompre 811. BtoB P moves. BtoKeq. Pp « PtoB4. K ths R, Mates. Nomsun 812. Kt to Raq. Ptokts, BtoB2, ch. P the B. K to Bag. Any. Mates. baz ‘ AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Number 818. 1. PtoBS. PtoR4. 2. KtoQ2 PtoRs. 8, P tke P. K the Kt. 4. Mates. Nomurr 314. 1. KtoBa. P moves. 2, KtoQeq. kK « 8 Bok 5. Any. 4. Mates. Nompsr 315. 1. PtoKed. PtoR4. 2. BtoKR4. P tks P. 8. BtoQR4. P moves. 4. Mates. Nomprr 316. Add a Black Pawn at Black's Queen's 5th. 1, B tks Kt, ch. R tke B. 2. Q tke Kt ch. K tks Q. 8, Kt to KB7, ch. Interp. 4. Mates. @ 1. KtoB4. 2 QtoB6, ch. K moves. 8. QtoR4, ch. Kk « 4. Mates. (@) 1. : Kt the B. 2 Qto Kt6, ch. K moves. 8, Kt to B7, ch. Interp. 4, Mates. Nowner 817. 1. PtoB4s. KtoBo. 2. Kt toB8. PRs. & PRS. P moves, 4. Mates. @ 1 PtoRS. 2. PtoR3. K moves. 8. KttoBs. P moves. 4. Mates. Noxper 818. 1. RK4. Ptokt4. 2 RtoKR4, ch. P tks R. 8. PtoKt4. Any. 4. Mates. Nompan 619, 1. KttoK6. KtoB4. 2 QtwoQb, ch. Kto Kes. 8. QtoKR6, ch. KiesQ 4. Mates. Nomerr 820. 1. Kt (fr Kt7)toR5. PtoBs. 2 BtoQRs. P moves. 8. Bto Kt2. Pecks B. 4. Mates. ( 1. : PwoQs. 2. BtoK Kt5, P moves. 8. BtoQ2. P tks B. 4, Mates. Nompee 321. 1. QKtto K 5. KttoK Bb. ete. 2. BtoK Kt6, ch. Kt ths B. 8. Kt the R. Kt moves. 4, Mates. Numper 822. 1. B tke Kt. K ths P. 2 Q tks B. KtoK4. 8. Q tke Kt P. KBs. 4. Mates. 2 P moves. 8. KtoQé. “ 4. Mates. ) 1. BtoK6, or Be 2 QtoKR8. B tks P, 8. Qto K Ke 8, ch. KtoB4. 4. Mates. Numpar 838. 1. Kt toQBo. BtoQkta. 2 KttoQB4, ch. B tks Kt. 8. Rtks R, ch. B tka R. 4. Mates. Nuwper 824. 1. K moves. P moves. 2, BoR2 o 8. Plo Eta, & moves. 4, Mates. SOLUTIONS. is Momsae 825. Nompua 688. 1 Ptokts Pus. 1. KtwoQ7, eh. KtoR4. 2. Kt to Kt7. P moves. 2. Bto Kt6, ch. P tke B B PtoR4 “ 8. Ktto Ks. P moves. 4. Mates, 4. Mates. Noupen 826. Nowesn 834. 1. BtoKte2 PtoBe, 1 RtoQkte. P tks P. 2 BtoQReq. K moves. 2. KtoKt2. P moves. 8. Ktto Kes, P moves: 3. PoBs. P tke P. 4. Mates. 4. Mates. Nowzes 827. Number 885, 1. BtoK BS, ch. KtoB4. 1. PteoBs. KtoQ7. 2. BtoQ Rt. PtoBs. 2, Bogs. Poke. 8. PtoKt4. + Any. 8. PtoBs. K moves. 4. Mates. 4. Mates. Nomper 628. Nompze 386. 1, KtoBS. PQs 1. KttoR6. BtoQ2, ch. 2. Kt to K 6, ch. K moves. 2 KtB4 QwQ7, ch,, ete. 8. BtoK Kt 5. Any. 8. Rto K8, ch. Kt interp. 4. Mates. 4. Mates. ® a) 1 Kt toB4. + 2, Bto KR, ch. ba are ee plaaien 8. RwoKKts,ch. Kt interp. 8. BtoKt 5. Any. ee 4. Mates. eee ee Nompsn 887. Pool Kas. 1. B tks P, ch. KtoB2. 2. BtoB7, ch. K to Kt 4. 2 Bok. Q the Kt, ch. B. BtoQ2 K the Kt. 8. RtoQ8, ch. K the R. pier 4. Mates. Nomper 890. @® eral i "9. 1. KtoK7. KtoB5. ea ge a roe eee ee 8. K toBT, ch K moves. 8 RtoKt6, ch. K moves. ae - 4. Mates. : 2 = QtoK SG 1. QtoK8, t the Q. era Pore 2. B tks P, ch. K moves. 8. KttoB2. K moves. ci baat a . Mates. Noman 882, Nowosn 889. 1. BtoQB8. K moves. 1, B tks P, ch. P tks R. 2. BtoQ6, ch. “ 2. Bio Bd, PtoR7. 8. Kt toQ7. K tks P, 8. Kt to B 6, ch. K moves. 4, Mates. 4. Mates, 504 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nuwprr 840. Nome 1 KttoRs. R tks R, ch. 1. QtoQB2, ch. KtoQs. 2. KtoR2. QtkeKtatRe. | 2 KttoKt4, ch. K tks KP. 3. Kt the P. Any. 8. Qt KKte. Any. 4. Mates. 4, Mates. 2 KtoQs. Nompre 341. 3. Boge. Any. 1. Q tke KEtP. KtatR7tksQ. | 4. Mates, 2. KttoQ2. Q ths B. 3. KttoKB3. Any. @ 4, Mates. 1 Kwokte2. 2. Q to B7, ch. K ths Kt. w 8. Bogs. Any. 1 Kt at RB 3 tke Q. ooo 2. KttoQ6. Q ths B, ete. Nomper 844. 8. Kt tke B. Any. 1. Qto K Kt aq. B moves. 4. Mates. 2. BuoKB2. PtoQkts. 8, B tke QKtP. Any. @®) 4. Mates. 1. BtksQ. Nomnge 345. feared: panda 1. Qt0.Q6, ch. K tks P. . Qist P. Any. a 2. KwB2. Kt moves. 8, BtoK BS. Any. 4, Mates. 0 1 et oe a F . oR. 2 RtoQBs. Kwok 5. eae 3. KttoKBé,ch. K moves, 2. PtoR6, ch. K wB oq. para 8. Q to QB, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. 2. BwoKB& 2 KtoR2. 8. Kt to K 6, ch. K moves. 3. BtoQ4, ch. K moves 4. Mates. 4. Mates. : 2 K toR eq. (A) 8. QtoQB6, ch. K moves. L Boga. 4. Mates. 2. KtoR6. BtoQB3. (B) 3. Kt to K 6, ch. K moves. i: Ktok2 aes 2 QtoQKtéch, KtoReq. 8. QtoQR6, ch. K moves. 2 BtoQBs. 4. Mates. 8. KRtoB3, ch. K moves. ae Numper 346. ‘The stipulation to this Problem should hare been—“ Either to mate in four moves."* (B) White. 1 BtoBs. 1. RtoQ8, ch. K tke R. 2. KR tks B, ch. Kto Ets. 2. QtoKt 8, ch. KwKk2. 8. Kt toB6, ch. K moves, 8. QtoKB8, ch. Any. 4. Mates. 4. Mates, 2 Kt to QB aq. 8. BtoR4, ch. Q interp. 4. Mates. Black. 1. R tks Kt, cb. KtoR2. 2. Rt QR6, ch. KtoKr2. 8. BtoQB6, ch. K the R. 4. Mates. 2. K tks R. 8. RtoQR8, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. @ 1 KtoKte2 2. Bto B6, ch. K ths R. 8. RtoB8, ch. B interp. 4. Mates. Nomner 847. 1. Pto Kt5. K tks P. 2 Boks, KtoR38. 8. QtoKB7. Any. 4. Mates. @ 2 KtoR5. 8. BtoKB7. ‘Any. 4, Mates. Noumuer 848. 1. KtoK8. KtoBs, 2. BtoK5. Any. 3. BtoK Kt3. K moves. 4. Mates. @) 1 KwQs.- 2. BtroQBs. K moves. 8. BtoQR2. Rees 4. Mates. Nomeer 849. 1. QtoKR6, ch. P tks Q. 2. Rto K Raq, eb. RtoKRS. 3. KttoK RB. Any. 4. Mates. Nomper 350. 1. PtoB8, ch. K moves. 2. RwoQBe b Satta 8. B(frB8)toB5,ch. K “ 4. Mates. SOLUTIONS. Noumper 361. 1. K to Kt 6, K moves. 2, PtoQ4, ch. Re 3. RwoQs. ree 4. Mates. Nomper 352. 1. BtoQBa. P moves. 2. KtoB3. Paes 8. BtoQKta. P the B. 4. Mates. Nomper 858. 1. R tks Kt, eh. K tke R. 2. RtoQ2, ch. K tks R. 8. Q to K aq, ch. K tksQ. 4. Mates. Nomper 354. 1. Ke tks P. PtoR4s 2. Qto Bs. PtoR5. 8. QtoQB6, ch. KwB4. 4. Mates. Nomper 355. 1. Qto K Et aq. K the Kt. 2% QwB2 P moves. 8. QtoKts. Po 4. Mates. @ 1 PtoB4. 2. Q to B2, ch. K moves. 8. Q to Kt 3. Moves. 4, Mates. (®) 1 KtoB4. 2. KtoQb. K moves. 8, Q to Kt 8, ch. “ 4, Mates. ©) 1 KtwBe. 2 KtoQa K moves. & QtoKKté. Any. 4, Mates. Nomper 856. 1. QtoQKts. K moves. 2. KtoKe4, - 8. QwQBE. i 4. Mates. 525 536 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. ‘None 857. 1. KtoBs. K ths Kt. 2 BtoQaq, ch. K moves. 8. BtoK Kt 4. 7 4. Mates. Nownrn 858. 1. B ths Kt, eh. P tke R. 2 KtoBe. K to Kt. 8. QtwQ2 Any. 4. Mates. 2. RtwoQs. 8. Q to K Kt 8, ch. Any. 4. Mates. @) 1 K tks R. 2. QtoQ4, ch. K to Kt4. 8. Kt to Kt 2, Any. 4. Mates. 2. KtoKkté. 8. QtoB8, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. Numpen 859. 1. QtoK Kt 6. Kt to Bs. 2 Kt toQ7. Kt to Q6, ch 8, R tke Kt, ch. ‘Any. 4, Mates. 2 Kt to K 7, ch. 8. KtoB2. Any. 4. Mates. @) 1. Kt tke R. 2. Kt to K 6, ch. KtoBe. B. QtoQ2, cb. K moves. 4. Mates, @) 1. PtoBe. 2 KtoB2 K toBs. 8, KttoR6. Any. 4, Mates. Numper 360. 1, BtoQReq. P moves. 2, KtP bec. R. — 8. tks P. K ths Kt. 4. Mates. Noon 861. 1. KttoR8, ch. KtoR8 2. B to Kt oq. P ths P. a ROKR4 Any. 4. Mates. @ 1. K ths P. 2 Kt to Kt eq. K moves. 8 BtoKS Kk « 4. Mates. Nowear 862, 1. QtoK sq. Any. 2. RtoK2 7 & BwKs. “ 4. Mates. Nompne 868. 1. KtoQaq. Kto Rog, ete. 2 QtoR6, ch. K moves. 8. KttoQ 2. K « 4. Mates. Nomomr 864. 1. BtoK2. P tks QKt 2. RtoBe. K the Kt. 3. RtoK6. Any. 4. Mates. @ 1. KttoB7. 2. Kt to B8, ch. K ths Kt 8. RtoB6, eh. P interp. 4. Mates. @®) 1 Pts K Kt 2. Kt to BB, ch. Kwke. 8. RtoQ7. Any. 4. Mates. © 1. K ths Kt 2. Rio B4, ete. Nomnsr 865. 1, R tke B, ch. Kwke. 2. BtoQ 5. Q tks B. 8, Kt to BB, ch. Q ths Kt. 4. Mates. 2 "QR as B. 8. Kt to Q eq, oh. R the Kt. 4. Mates. _ 2 KR tks B. 8. Kt to KB 5, ch. R ths Kt 4, Mates. @) 1 KtoK4 2. Rto K 2, ch. KtoQs. 8. Kt to K 8, oh. K moves. 4. Mates. 2 K tke R. 8 RtoK4,ch K moves. 4, Mates. Noumper 866. 1. BtoQBS. RtoR5. 2. B tke B. R tke B. 8, Kt tke KtP. Any. 4. Mates. (A) 1 R tks Kt P. 2 Pts R QKt moves. 8. KttoQs. Any. 4. Mates. 2 E Kt moves. 8. KttoQR2. Any. 4, Mates. @) 1. B moves. 2. Kt tka QKtP. R ths Kt P. 3. Ptks R. Any. 4. Mates. (C) L Q Kt to B3, ete. 2. KttoQs. R the Kt P. 3. Ptke R Any. 4, Mates. @) 1. QEt to Kt3. 2 KttoQs. RtoR6. 8. P ths Kt. Any. 4, Mates. Nomszn 367. 1, Bto Ke2. Pto Kee. 2 QtoQKt7. KtoQs. 8. QtoKr4. Any. 4, Mates. 2 KwQe. 8 QtoQKteq,ch. K moves. 4. Mates. 2 K ths P. 8 QtoKR7, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. ‘ @ 1. P tke Kt. 2. B to Req. K moves. 3. PtoQa. P moves. 4. Mates. Nomper 368. 1. RtKR6 KtoBs. 2. Kt the P. K the Kt. 8. KttoR5. K moves. 4, Mates. Nomner 869. 1. PtoK6. KttoB2. 2. Q the Kt. KwoQs. 8. Qto KBaq. K moves. 4. Mates. 2 KtoBb. 3. Qi B6. Any. 4. Mates. 2. PtoQi. 3. QtoKR7. Any. 4. Mates. (A) 1. Kt to Kt a. 2. Q the Kt. K to Kt. 8. QtoQKteq,ch — K moves. 4. Mates. a Kgs. B QtoQs. K moves. 4. Mates. () L K to B5, ete. 2. QtoKts. PQs 8. Qto Kt, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. ©) 1. PwQs. 2. Q tw QKt7. KtoBo. 8. QtoKt8, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. 69 528 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nope 870. 2. QBs 1. Kt ths B, ch. P the Kt 8. RtoR 4, ch. Any. 2, BtoK Rt4. B ths B. 4. Mates. 8. QtoB 8, ch. K moves. 2. Q to B6, ch. oe eae 8. Kt tke Q, ch. Kr ths Kt. 2 KttoK kta, a 8. Q ths Kt, eh. K moves. ‘. QtoK7, ch. 4. Mates. 8. R tks Q. Any. 4. Mates. @® 1 KwQ2. @ 2. KttoKs. K the Kt. L P tks Q, ch. 8. BtoQR4, ch. B interp. 2. K to Bea. Qto kts. 4, Mates. & KttoQKt5,ch. Rtke Kt. - PtoRS. 4. Mates. 8. BtoK Kt 4. Any. 2 P ths KtP. 4. Mates. 8. KKttoKé6,ch, Rtks Kt. 4. Mates. fe 2 Q tks QP. 1 Kt tke Kt. 7 ; 2. BtoQR4, ch. Kt to Kt4. ore a Interp. 8. B ths Kt, ch. B interp. + 4. Mates. Nomper 878. Nowezr 871. Touone: oe : : *9. 1. Qto Kets, K ths P. 2. BtoQBaq. KtoBé. Cee — 8. QtoQR4. B moves. areaaet 4. Mates. 2 K to Bag. 8. Qt QB6, ch. K moves. 2 BtoBe. Hpi : 8, BtoK 8, ch. K moves. A. Mates. @ 1. P moves. 2 Bto Kt7. 2 QtoQB7, ch. KtoB3. 8. B tke B, ch. K moves. 8. QtoKB7, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. 4. Mates. «) ®) 1. K the B. 1 KtoQ2. 2 PtoR4 K to Kt 65, ete. 2 BtoQRs. KtoK2. 8. Qto K Kt 6, ch. K moves. 8. QtoK Kt7, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. 4. Mates. Nomper 872. Nomper 874. 1. Q the QKt, ch. Q the Q, ch. 1. Kt to Q2, ch. KtoK6. 2. KtoQeq. Qtks P, ch, otc. | 2. RtoQBS. R ths P. 8. K tksQ. Any. 8. Kt to B oq, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. 4. Mates. SOLUTIONS. @ Noxaze 877. 2 R tke R, 1. RtoK 8, ch. Ketek 8. KttoQ4. Any. 2. P tks QP, ch. KwoQaa. 4. Mates. 8 QtoK7, ch. Any. 4. Mates. ®) 2 KtoB oq. 2 B tks B. 8. QP bec. Q, ch. Any. 8. KttoKts. K moves. 4, Mates. 4, Mates. @) Nowpee 875, 1 Kt tks B 1. Kt toga. KwK4. Scns oe 2 QtoR7. K to BS, ete. a. 8 B, el ny. 8. KtwKKt4. K moves. smear 4. Mates. Nomene 878. 1 RtoQkt2,ch KtoBs. 2 Kgs. 2. Bto Kt7. Q ths B. 3. QwQR7. K moves. 2 RisQ. Any. fo S manent 4. Mates. ; @® @ 1 KtoQ2. 2 Q to RB, ch, ete. 2 QtoR7, ch. K tke Kt. 8, B the Q, eto. 8. KttoQ5. * Kmoves 4, Mates. @) 2 Q ths P. 2 KtoKaq. 8. RtoB2, ch. Qinterp. & QtoQB7. K moves. 4. Mates. 4. Mates. Nompan 879, 2 K to Bag. 1, RoQR8. QtoRs, 3B. QtoK?7. K moves. 2. Kt the KtP. P tke Kt, 4. Mates. 8. R tks Q. P moves. 4. Mates. @) w@ 1 KtoB4. 1 KtoKa. Sane richie 2. Rtke KBP. Q ths QP, ch. 8. Q to QB6, ch. 8. Kt tks Q. Any. 4. Mates : 4. Mates, ©) (B) 1 KtoB2, L Q tes P, oh. 2, QtoR7, ch. K to Kes. 2 Kt tks Q. Any. 8 QtoQKt7, ch. — K moves. a KttoKBS a 4. Mates. 4. Mates. : Nompee 876. Nomper 880. 1. Btks QP. P tks B, 1. KtoR2, P moves. 2, BtoBs P moves. 2, RtoQRaq. Pp“ 8 BtwoK7. K tke B, 8, Kt to QKteq. Be 4, Mates. 4, Mates. 880 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomsrr 381. Nomoer 886. 1, P tks P, ch. KwBs. 1. QtoR4, ch. K tks Kt. 2 QtoQs P tke Q, ch. 2. QtoR7, ch. KtoB3. 8. P to K 6, ch. Any. 8. BtoR2. R moves. 4. Mates. 4. Mates. @ Nomere 887. 1. ws. KtoKs. 1, Q to QReq. BtksQ. 2. Q to KR8, ch. KtoB2 2, RtoKB7. RtoR&, ch. B. QtoR7, ch. K moves. 8. KtoR2. Any. 4. Mates. 4. Mates. ®) 1 Kt0Q3. Numpee 888. 2. QtoQ2, ch. Kt interp. 1. BtoKB6. Kt to K 6 ch. 8. Q tks Kt, ch. K moves. 2, KtoR3. Kt moves, etc. 4. Mates, 8. P tke P. Any. 4. Mates. (c) 1. K toBs. ® 2 RtoQB8, ch. BtoB2. 1 Et to K 8, ch. 8. R tks B, ch. K moves. 2 KtoReq. B moves, ete. 4. Mates. 8. P tke P. Any. 4. Mates. Nomper 882. 1. QtoQ2, ch. K tks B. Nunwer 889. 2. Kt to Kt 6, ch. Kt the Ke. 1. RtoKR2 K ths R, at R7. 8 QtoK 2, ch. K moves. 2 KtoB2. P moves. 4. Mates. 8. B tke R 2d P. kK“ 4 Nompen 883, ae 1. BtoQRt4. K moves. (a) 2. Kt to BB. K to Q5. - Pika ye prieaa K moves. 2. R (et R 2) tks P, ch. K moves. . Mates. 8. KtoK2. kK “ 4. Mates. (9) 2. KtoQ7. @) 3. RtoB2, ch, K moves. : K ts R, at B : 6. a: Meter 2 KtoB4. PtoRs. Nomper 884. : wie . ates 1. RtoR2. PtoRs. 2. K to Kt7. P moves. Nome 890, o Bio R6. bes 1. Bto K oq. B tks B, 7 : 2. PtoKKt4. Kt to B6, ch. 8. K to Reg. Noman 385. es Any. 1, RtoQ5, ch. K the Kt. 2. Q to Kt, ch. K tks Q. 2 Kt to Q6. 8. RtoQKt5, ch. K moves. 8. P tke Q. Any. 4. Mates. | 4. Mates. SOLUTIONS. 581 ® 2. K the P. 1. B tke Kt. 8. R tks QP, ch. K moves. 2. RtoK7, ch. KtoQs. 4, Mates. 8. Bto Ke4, ch, P interp. 4. Mates, Nompen 894. = 1. QtoKB2 P tks Q. ®) 2. PtoK 8, ch. K moves. 1. PwQBs 8 KtoK7. Any. 2. Ptks QBP. KtP ths P. 4. Mates. 8. BoQkts. Any. 4. Mates. . «@ - L RtoK Kt. Nowper 391. 2. Qto BE, ch. RtoK4. 1. Btke RP. P tks B, ch. 8. RtoBS. Any. 2. PtoKt7. Qwuks. 4. Mates. 8. QtwoQBa Any. 4. Mates. @) 1. RtoBs, ch. @® 2. Q tks R. Any. 1 Ptogs. 8. QtoBE. Moves. 2, B tke KtP. Q the B, ch. 4. Mates. 8, K tks Q. Any. 4. Mates. © 1 + BtoBe Nownue 892. 2, Q tke P, ch. K moves. 1. Qt Q6, ch. P tks Q. 8. KtoK7. Any. 2. KttoQ4. P to Kt4, ch. 4. Mates. 8. KtoQs. Any. oe Nomen 896, (a) 1. QtoR3. BtoKB2. : SOEs 2, Rtks RP. B tks P. 8. Kt to Kt6, oh. K moves. peered oe 4. Mates. 2 R tks B. @) 8. Qto Kt4, ch. XK moves. 2, RtwoK Kt. 4, Mates. 3, Kt to K6, ch. K moves. 4, Mates. 2 KtoQo. : 8. Qto QB 8, ch. K moves. Nomper 898. 4. Mates. 1. BoK Raq. Kt tks QP. 2. B tke P, ch. K ths B. 2. P tke Kt, ote. 8. Qto Kt, ch. K tks Q. 8. Q to BS, ch. Kmoves. - 4, Mates. 4. Mates, @ @ 1. KttoK B6 1. R ths B. 2. Qto KB eq, ch. KtoK5. 2 QtoR4, ch. K the R. 8. B tks Kt, ch. Moves. 3, Bto R7, ch. K moves. 4, Mates, 4, Mates. 582 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. @) Nomen 897. 1. P ths Kt (Q). 1. RwKBR KtP the R 2, RtoB4, ch. KtoQs. 2. BtoKBaq. Any. 8, Q tke B, ch. K moves. 8 BtoKRS. Moves. 4. Mates. 4, Mates. © @ 1. PtoKB8(Q). | 1 KP ths R. 2 Qto K8, ch. K tks R. 2. Bogs. Any. 8, B tks B, ch. K moves. .8. Bto KB5. Moves. 4. Mates. 4. Mates. @) : @) 1. KtoQs. 1. Rtks P. 2. B tks B. P ths Kt (Q). 2. RtoKBE. Poe. 8. QtoB8, ch. K moves. 8. Rtks QP. Any. 4. Mates. 4. Mates. ®) Numpsr 898. 1 RtoK2 1. RtoKt7. BisR 2 QtoK8, ch. K ths R. 2 KtoBe KttoB3. 8. QtoQ 8, ch. K moves. 8. Kt to Q4, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. 4, Mates. ® 2 BtoB - ae sed Any. 2. QtoKB8,ch. K moves. Es 8. QtoK 8, ch. Kk « 2 PtoR7. 4, Mates. 8. KtoQa. Any. @) 4. Mates. 1. Kt toKKt2. @. 2 QwK8, ch. K the R. L RtoKes. 8. BtoR7, ch. K moves. 2. RtoQR6, ch. P tks R 4 Mates. 3, RtksQKtP,ch. K moves. ce 4, Mates. 1. Ktto QBs. K the Kt. Nummer 899. 2. Bto Kt5. Rooks. 1. KttoQ5. K tks P. 8. Kt tks QBP. Any. 2. Ktto QB 7, ch. K to Kt 5. 4, Mates. 8. QtoQR2 Any. KttoKB7. — 8. KttoQKt4. Any. « 4, Mates. ae BwoQ7. 2 KttoKB3. 2 QtoKBS. P ths P, etc. 8, Ktto QEte. Any. 8. KtoK6. Any. 4, Mates. 4. Mates. @® Nunpre 400. 1. P tke P. 1. Q tke QR K tks Kt. 2. Bto Kt6, ch. K ths Kt. 2 QwK4 KtoR2. 8. Kt toQB7. Any. 8. QtoKR4, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. 4. Mates. 2 K to Kt aq. 8. Qto K oq, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. 2. KttoKt8, orB7. 8. Rtke Kt Any. 4. Mates. 2 KttoK 8, orB5. 8. Bchecks. K moves. 4. Mates. w® 1. : RtoQB7. 2 QtoK Kt 8, cb. KtoBs, 8. RtksR. ‘Any. 4. Mates. 2. K tke Kt. 8. RtoKR6, ch. B interp. 4. Mates. @) 1. Rto Kt 8. 2. QtoB2, ch. K tks Kt. 8. RtoQBeq, ch. R interp. 4. Mates. : Nomsre 401. 1. BtoQKt5. P tke B. 2. Qto KB sq. K tks P. B. QtoKB6, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. @® 1 PtoR4. 2 Boks BtoB4. B. BiKKté Any. 4. Mates. @) 1. KtoB4. 2 QtoB8, ch. KtoKs. 8. BtooK8& Any. 4. Mates. 2 KtoKkt4. B. QtoB4, ch. K ths P. 4. Mates. Nomser 402. 1. R tks Kt, ch. K ths R. 2, Kt toQ7. Pto Kt 4. B. QtoQ5, ch. P tks Q. 4. Mates. SOLUTIONS. 2 RtoR7. 8 QtoR7, ch. BeksQ. 4. Mates. 2 BtoK 4, ch. 8. Q the B. Any. 4. Mates. 2 BtoB2. 8 Q tke R, ch. B interp. 4. Mates. @ 1. RtksR 2. KttoR7. B tks Kt, ch. 8. K ths B. Any. 4 Mates. Noumper 408. 1, BtoK2. P moves, 2. BoKR5. K ths BR. 8. KttoR4, K moves. 4. Mates. Nowper 404, 1. KttwoK 3. RB tke Kt. 2 RtoKB6. K thy QR. 8. Kt to B 6, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. @® 2 Kites KR. 8. KttoQ8, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. @) 2 RtoRaq. 8. KttoQ7. Any. 4. Mates. Nompze 405. 1. BtoQ Kté. KtoB5b. 2. B tke Kt. Kt toB7. 8. B tke Kt. K moves. 4. Mates. () 1. Kt to Kt 6. 2. Kt to Kt 2, ch. K ths P. 8. Kt to Q 2 ch. K moves. 4. Mates. 584 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 2. KtoQe. 0) 8. Kt to B65, ch. K moves. 7 Q tks Kt. 4. Mates. 2. Q ths Kt, ch. KtsQ. 8. Kt toQ4, ch. 7 Noere 406. anes an 1. Q the Kt, ch. K tks Q. 2. KtoBe, K moves. 2 KtQs 3. Pbec. R. K« 8 QtoB4, ch. K moves. oM 4. Mates. @ ©) 1. K the P. 1. PtoB7. 2 QtoR7, ch. K to K eq. 2. R tks K Kt P. Q tke R. 3. KtoK6. K moves. 8. B tks Q. Any. 4. Mates. 4. Mates. Nompes 407. Numper 410. 1. Ket the P. P moves, ete. 1. PtoKt6. PtoRd. 2 RtoKKt7. Moves. 2. BtoK Kts. QtoK B2, ch. 8. Ktto B3. Any. 8. P tke Q. K moves. 4. Mates. 4. Mates. @ 1. Ktokts 1 “ qua: 2. KttoB 3, ch. K to Kt7. 2 Biba ch. c : a KtoK2. Any. faterp 4, Mates. 3. Pto Kt7. Any. 4. Mates. Numpee 408. 1 KttoK4. P tks Kt. Noxean 411. 2. KttoB3. P moves. 1. QtwQRs BtooBs. 8. Rto Ba, ch. P ths RB. 2. PtoKt8, bec. Kt. BtoK 4. 4. Mates. 8. Kt tke Q. Any. 4. Mates. Nomare 409. 1, QtoR4. P ths P, ch. @) 2. B tks P. Q ths P, ch. 2. QtwKR5. 8. K ths Q. Any. 8. Kt the B. Any. 4. Mates. 4. Mates. 2 KtQs. : 3. RtoQ4, ch. Any. Nomsre 412. 4. Mates. 1. QtoR 6, ch. K ths Kt, 2 QtoK 5, ch. K ths Q. 2. Q tks Kt. 8. PtoK 3 Any. 8. Q the Kt, ch. Any. 4, Mates. 4. Mates. (a) Noper 418. 1 KwQ4 1. Bto K2, ch. K tks Kt. 2KttoKB4,ch KtoQo. 2 BtoKRS. Pto Kt4. 3. P tke P, ch. K moves, 8 BtoKts. Any. 4. Mates. 4. Mates. v t 2. 8. KtoB3. K moves. 4. Mates. @ 1 KBs. 2. KtoB2 K moves. 8. BtoB 8, ch. kK “ 4. Mates. Nowere 414. 1. BtoB8, ch. Kt tks B. 2. Q to Kt 6, ch. K moves. 8. KtoR5. Any. 4, Mates. Numper 415. 1. KttoQs. KtatReq moves. 2 KttoQ4. Kt to B4. 8, Kt the Kt. Kt moves. 4. Mates. (A) 1 Kt to Kt6, ch. 2. Kt tke Kt. Kt moves. 8. K to Bag. Any. 4. Mates. Nomwer 416. 1. QtoB8, PtoK3. 7% Qto QBS. R tks Q. 8. KtoB8. Any. 4. Mates. 2. KtoK 5. 8. Q tke R, ch. Any. 4. Mates. 2. Kto B 5, or Kt5. 8. QtoB2 Any. 4, Mates. 2. Takes Q Kt. B QtoKS. Any. 4. Mates. 2. Kt toQs. 8. Q the KKt. Any. 4. Mates, 6 @) 1. Kt toQs. 2, Qtke KP. Kt to K 3. 8. KtoBs. Any. 4. Mates. SOLUTIONS. 585 Nower 417. 1. Bto B4, ch. KwBs. 2 QtoK8, ch. KtoKt2. 8. Q to QB8, ch. Any. 4. Mates. «@ 1 KtoK4. 2. Kt to Kt 6, ch. KtoK5. 8 QtoK 2, ch. K moves. 4. Mates, @) L K tks B. 2. QtoK2, ch. KtoQ4. B. QtoQKt5, ch. K moves. 4, Mates. (@) 1 KtoK5. 2. Kt ths Q, ch. K moves. 8. Pto B38. Any. 4. Mates. Nomwer 418. 1, QtoKR6. K ths Kt. 2. BtoB4. PtoKt4. 8. Q to K2, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. 2. PtoBé. 8 QtoK Ktb. Any. 4. Mates. @® 1. PtoBe. 2 QtoKKts,ch. K tha Kt. 8. BtoB4. Any. 4, Mates. Nowper 419. 1. KKttoK3. B tks Kt, ch. 2. KtoB7. B tks Kt. 8. P tke Q Kt (Q). Any. 4. Mates. 2 QKtto Kea. 3. PtoKt8(Q),ch. Kt interp. 4. Mates. () 1. R tke Kt. 2, P tke QKt (Q). B tke Kt. 8. KtoB7. Any. 4. Mates. 70 536 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. @) ® 1 B ths K Kt. 1. K tks QEt 2. Kt to B7, ch. KtoQz. 2 QtwoQKt4ch Ktwoks. 8, Ptke Kt (Kt),ch, -KtoQa, 8, Kt to Kt7, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. 4. Mates. Nomper 420. 2 KtoK5. 1, RtoB2 KtoB4. 8. Kt to Kt 3, ch. K moves. 2. RtoQ6, ch. K toBs. 4. Mates. 8. QtkeR. Any. feet want = = Q i . 5 Q. 2. K the R. 2. PtoR8. P the P. 8. QtoQ7, ch. K moves. 8, P to Kt4, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. 4. Mates. 2 R tie R. "aw 3. hea Any. 1 KtoRa. ene 2. BtoB 8, ch. K moves. 2. B tks R. 3. QtoK2 Any. 8. Q tke R. ‘Any. 4. Mates. 4. Mates. w ie (B) 1 Rto Kt 3, ete. 1. KttoR7. Fomra Fone [EQS Tee 8. Q to B7, ch. Binterp. Th ch. 4. Mates, Eb es 1. QtoR4. — Kt. 1. Kt to ete. i i 2. Rtke B, ch. rane 2. P bec. Kt. K to K 4, ete. 3. Q tke R,ch. ‘Any. 8, Kt to B7, ch. K moves. nae 4. Mates. 2. Ktoks. © 8. QtoQ7, ch. K moves. 1. KtoKt4. 4, Mates, 2, Q ths RP. KttoR7. 8. Q to Kt 6, ch. K moves. ® 4. Mates. 1 P the Kt. @) 2, KtoQ7 Kor EP moves. : RasQp. a Qroaat 4. Any. 2. Q tks B, ch. K to Kt 4. cae 8. R tks B. Any. Nowser 424. 4, Mates. 1. QtoR8. P to Kt7. Nomnge 421. 2 QtoK Ets QP moves. 1. KttoKB6,ch, —-K the KKt. 8. QtoQ 5. K moves. 2. QtoKR6, ch. Ktwks. 4. Mates. . 8. Kt to B7, ch. K moves. Nowpen 425. — 1. Kt to Kt, K ths Kt. 2. KtoK5. 2. Q the P. K moves. 8, Kt tke B, ch. K moves. 3. QtoQB2. K 4. Mates, 4. Mates, @ 1. KtoQ4 2 KttoR6. Poke 8. QtoQB4, ch. K moves. 4, Mates. ae KtoB4. 8. QwBe. K moves. 4, Mates. a . K to Q8, ete. 8. Qto Ki, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. ° @) 1. KtoQe. 2. KttoQ4. KtoBo. 3. Q the P, K moves. 4, Mates. © 1 Ktokt4. 2 QtoKR6. KtoBs. 8. Kt to R6, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. Nusper 426. 1. BtoK Kt7. RB to Raq, ch. 2. KtoB7. R checks. 8. B ths R, ch. K moves. 4, Mates. @) 1 KwQs. 2. BtoK 5, ch. KtoB4. 8. RtoQB3, ch. Any. 4. Mates. Numer 427. 1, BtoQ2. K tks B 2. BtoKBS. KtoK6. 3. QtoR4 + Moves. 4. Mates. 2 P moves. B. Q to Kt2, ch. kK «“ 4. Mates. @® 1. KtoKs. 2 QtoQé P moves. B. BtoQB3. cae 4. Mates. SOLUTIONS. * @) ee KtoB7. 2 QtoQB8, ch. K moves. ' 8. BioQBag. Any. . 4. Mates. ©) 1 KtoBB. 2. Bto K 2, ch. KtoQ4. 8. BtoK 3. Any. 4. Mates. 2 K to Kt. 3. QtoQReq. P moves. 4. Mates. Numer 428. 1. QwQ4. RtoQBéor Keg. 2. QtoQ6, ch. K the Kt, ete. 8. KttoR5. Any. 4. Mates. ® 1. RtoK3. 2 Kt to R6, ch. K moves. 3. QKttoKts,ch K “ 4. Mates. Numper 429, 1, RtoQB4. RtoR7, ch. 2. K to kts. R checks. 3. K the R. Any. 4. Mates. @) 1 PtoKs. 2. Btks R. Poke. 3, B tks P. Any. 4. Mates. Numer 430, 1. BtoK2, ch. K the Kt. 2 Rto Kt2, ch. K ths R. 3. KttoR3. K the Kt. 4. Mates. 2 KtoKe 8. BtoQBi. Kok 6. 4. Mates. @ 1. K toQ7. 2, RtoQBa. KtoK 8, 8. BtoK Kt3. KtoQz. 4. Mates. Nomeee 431. 1. Btks RP. RtoK Ktag,ete. 2. KBs. R checks. 8. B covers, Any. 4. Mates. 2 KtoR7. 8 Bto Kté Any. 4. Mates. @) 1 RtoBs. 2. BtoB2. R tks B. 8. Bto Qaq,ch. K moves. 4. Mates. 2. Rto K sq, ch. 3 KwB4 Any. 4. Mates. Noumper 482. 1. KtoR4. KttoB7. 2. Keto Kes, KttoK7. 8. KttoBe. Kt moves. 4. Mates. @ 2 KtetoQ4. 8. Q tke R P, ch. K moves. 4, Mates. Nompee 493. 1. BtoB sq. B moves. 2 B tks P. B to Bag. 8. Bto Kté. B moves. 4. Mates. Number 434. 1, Kt to Q 4, ch. K tks P. 2. RwQkKts. P tks R. 8. Kt to QB 65, ch. K moves, 4. Mates. @) 1 KtoR6. 2. Ke tke BP. KttoB 5. 8. Kt to Kt 2, ch. Kt tke Kt. 4. Mates. Nemprr 435. 1, KRtoBé6. BtoK 2. 2 QRwQs. B moves. 8. R tke B. K tks P. 4. Mates, AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. - @® L BtoB2 2 KRtQ6 B moves. 8. R tks B. K ths P. 4. Mates. Nomner 436. 1. KttkeKtP,ch, = Rtke R. 2. RB tks Kt, ch. R ths B. 8. Ktto K7. Any. 4. Mates. 2 K the R. 8. Kt to R4, ch. K moves. 4, Mates. ) 1 Kt the R. 2. R tke Kt P, ch. R tks B. 8. RtkeR. Any. 4, Mates. Nomper 487. 1. PtoK4. P Queens. 2. Kt to B4, ch. KtoBs. 3. Kt to R 5, cb. KtoQa 4. Mates. Nomuen 438. 1, PtoQs. P tke QP. 2. Kt to Kt6. PtoQ3, ete. 8. Kt the P, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. Numper 489. 1. Kt to B4, ch. P tke Kt. 2. Qt0QB8. Q tks Q. 38. RtoQR7, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. Numper 440. 1. Kt to Kt 2, ch. K moves. 2 BtoK 5,ch. K « 8. QtoQR5, ch. KisQ. 4. Mates. Nummer 441. 1. PtoK4. K moves. 2 BtoRG. kK“ a, BBR K« 4. Mates. Nomper 442. 1. Kt tke BP, ch. Q tks Q. 2. RtoQs, ch. K ths R. 8. Ktw K8, ch R ths Ku 4, Mates. Nomper 443. 1. QtoR4, ch. K ths Kt. 2 QwKKt4,ch. K moves. 8. QtoK Kt8, ch. Ke 4. Mates. Nomprr 444. 1. Rtks QP, ch. KtoB4 2. RtoQ5, ch. KtoB3. 8. RtoB6, ch, K tksR. 4. Mates. Nomper 445. 1. PtoB4. K moves. 2. BoKR4. kK“ 3. Bto Kts. K “ 4. Mates. Numper 446. 1. BtoQ2, ch. KtoQ4 2, BtoQKt4. P moves. 8. PtoB4, ch. Kk“ 4. Mates. Nompsr 447. 1. BtoQé. Rooks, 2. Qto K Kt aq. Q ths B. B. QtoKKt7. Any. 4. Mates. Noumper 448. 1. Btke KP. P tke R. 2. Btks KBP. P ths P. 8. B tks KtP. P moves. 4. Mates. Numper 449, 1. BK 5. K moves. 2. KtoB6. tad 3. Kt toQ6. 7 4. Mates. Numper 450. 1. BtoK6, ch. K moves. 2 RtoK 4, ch. K tks R. B&B Pegs Kt moves. 4, Mates. SOLUTIONS. Nomper 451. 1. Kt to Kt 4, ch. Q tks R. 2 Q ths B, ch. KtoBs. 8. Qt Q4, ch. P tks Q. 4, Mates. Nomner 452, 1. Kt to B8, ch. KtoBs. 2 QtoR6, ch. B interp. 8 QtoR8, ch. R tks Q. 4. P to Q8 (Kt), mate. Nomper 453. 1. Kt to KB4, ch. Kiok4 2 QtoK3, ch. Q ths Q. 8. RtoQ 5, ch. K ths Kt. 4. Mates. Nompze 454. 1. BtoQKte. PtoBs. 2 KtoB2. KtoQ5. 3, Rto Kt 4, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. cS) 1 P tks B. 2. Kwk4. P moves, 8. Bto KB sq. pani 4. Mates. Numoer 455. 1, QtoB8, ch. K moves. 2, RtoQ3, ch. k « 8. Q the KP, ch. Qtks Q, ch. 4, Mates. Nomper 456. 1, PtoKt3, ch. K ths Kt. 2. B to QB eq, ch. BtksQ. 8. R tks P, ch. Any. 4. Mates. Noumser 457. 1. BtoQ6, ch. K ths P. 2 PtoQ4, ch. K ths R. 8 BtoK4. K moves. 4, Mates. Nomen 458, 1. Bto QKt5, ch. Q tks Q. 2 RtoB7, ch. Kt the B. 8. B tks Q, ch. B tks R, 4. Mates. 540 AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Noumpzr 459. 1. BtoKB4, ch. K toB sq. 2 Qto K&, ch. K ths Kt 8. Q the K Kt, ch. K tksQ. 4. Mates. Numore 460. 1. BtoK5. K moves. 2. Rto Kt eq. ce 8. RtoK Bag. ne 4. Mates. Nompen 461. 1. BtoB4, ch. KtoKs. 2 RtoQs. K ths R. 8. Kt to K B6, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. Nomper 462. 1. Ktto K Kt4. K tke Kt. 2 KtoQ7. K ths R. 3. KtoBé. P moves, 4. Mates. Nomper 468. 1. QtoKKteqch. KtoBS. 2. Q to QB aq, ch. KtoK4. 8 QtoQB&, ch, K moves. 4. Mates. Numper 464. 1. Q tks KtP. P tks Q. 2. Boks. RB to Q Kt aq. 8 BtoK 5. RB moves. 4. Mates. 2 Pooks 3, B tks Kt P, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. ) 1. RtoQ eq. 2 QtoQR4 RtoQ8, ch. 8. Q tke R. Any. 4. Mates. (@B) 1 PtoK4. 2. Kt tke BP. P ths Kt, 8. QtoR6, ch. K moves. 4, Mates. Nuwsre 465. 1. QtoQRsq,ch. KtoBs. 2. Kt to Q2, ch. K moves. 8. QtoK 5, ch. P tks Q. 4. Mates. Nowser 466. 1, RtoQR2, ch. RB tke R. 2. Kt to Q 6, cb. Interp. 8. Kt to Kt 4. Moves. 4. Mates. Numaer 467. 1. Kt toQ5, ch. KtoKt4. 2. Kt to Kt 4, ch. K the Kt. 8, Bto B8, ch. K moves. 4, Mates. @) 2 KtoBs. 8. PtoQ8, ch. K moves. 4, Mates. Nomuer 468. 1, Rto.QB4, ch. Btks R 2, R tks Kt, ch. B tks R. 3 QtoK Kt7. Any. 4. Mates. Nomezn 469. 1. Qto Kt7, ch. Kt to Ba. 2, Kt to Kt 4, ch. KtoBo. 3. QtoR6, ch. K the Kt. 4, Mates. @ 2 KtoK4, 8. QtoB7, ch. K ths P. 4. Mates. Nomper 470. 1. QtoB4. PwKks 2 QtoB7, ch. Kt toK 3. 3, KtoB8. Any. 4, Mates. Numer 471. 1, KttoR2. KtoBs. 2 Q to Kt aq. K P moves. 3. QtoQ3. Any. 4. Mates. SOLUTIONS. 5A ) 2 K to kts. 8. QtoK Kteq,ch. K moves. 4. Mates. @) 2. PwoQge 8. Qto Kt 8, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. Nomaze 472. 1. QtoR eq. PtoQBs. 2. QtoQR6. P tks KP. 3. Q tks QB P. ‘Any. 4. Mates. Nomper 473. 1. QtoR5, ch. K to Q3, or K 8. 2 RtoBs. KtoQ2. 8. QtoK B5, ch. Any. 4, Mates. 2 Ktto Kt8, orK2. 8 Qt K65, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. @ 1 KwKs5. 2. Qto BB, ch. KtoK4. 8. R to BS, ch. KtoK3. 4. Mates. Nompsr 474, L QtK6. K to Kt 5. 2. Q the K BP, ch. K moves. 8. R tke KtP. Any. 4. Mates. ) 1. KtoBo. 2 R tks Kt P. K to BG, ete. 8. QtoK2. Any. 4. Mates. 2 Pte. 3, Kt to K Beg. Any. 4, Mates. @) L KtoR5. 2 Q the KKt P. KtoR6. 8, Kt anywhere. Any. 4. Mates. Nowser 476. 1. BtoQ5. K moves. 2 K to Rts. K # 8. Bto Kt2, ch. ce 4. Mates. Nusper 476. 1. Qto Kt 2, ch. KtoK6. 2 Rto R83, ch. K moves. a. Q to B6, ch. kK“ 4, Mates. (@) 1. PtoBé. 2. Q to Kt6, ch. K moves. 8. Q to Kt 5, ch. kK «“ 4. Mates. Nownsr 477. 1. BtoKB6. K the Kt. 2 Kt toQ7, ch. KtoQ4 8, B tks BP, ch. K moves. 4. P ths R, bec. Kt, mate. 2 KtoK5. 8. Kt to B6, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. (A) 1 K to Kt7. 2. Kt to Q 8, ch. K to kta 8, Bto BQ, ch. K moves. 4, Mates. 2 KtoR8. 8. Kt to B 2, ch. K moves. 4. Mates, 2 P tke Ke. 8. Kt to Kt 6, ch. K moves. 4, Mates. 2 K toB6. 8. Kt to K 6, ch. K ths Kt. 4. Mates. @) 1. KttoK Kee. 2. Kt tke QB P. KtoQé. 8, Kt to K 6, ch, K moves. 4. Mates. 2 Kt to K 7, ch. 8. Kt tks Kt, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. 5AD AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. 2. B tks Kt. 8. Kt to K 6, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. ©) 1. Rto Kes. 2. Kt the R. KtoKt7. 3. Kt tka BP, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. @) i R ths R, ete. 2 KttoQKts,ch Ptke Kt 8. KttksQBP,ch. K moves. 4. Mates. 2. KtoKt7. 8. Kt to Q 8, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. @) 1 RtoKts. 2. Kt to K 2, ch. P the Kt. 8. Kt to Q7, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. Numer 478, 1. BtoK8,ch. " Kttks B. 2. QtoKt7, ch. KttoK 4. 8. Qto QR7, ch. K moves, 4. Mates. Nompsx 479. 1. Kt the QP, ch. KtoK4. 2. Ke to K 6, eb. KtQ4. 8. KttoQB7,ch. K moves. 4. Mates. Nomner 480. 1. Kt(frB2)to Kt4,ch. K to K 5. 2 KttoKs. K ths Kt. 8, RtoK7, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. 2. PtoBe. 8. QEt to Qa. Any. 4. Mates. 2. Pwgs 8. RtoK7. Any. 4. Mates. 1 2 8. 4 1. 2 8. 4 peren herr Pers spp pep pee L 2 8. 4 ) KwBo. BtoB7, ch. P interp. B tks P, ch. ‘Any. Mates. Nomper 481. RtoR8. P moves. PtoKt8,bec.B. oP “ BtoR7. B tks P. Mates. Nomper 482. KtoBb. PtoR6 Ro Kt3. Pto Kto. Kt tks Kt P. PtoR7. Mates. Nownse 483. R tks P, ch. K ths BR. BtoB3. K ths B. RwQz K moves. Mates. Nomper 484. KwKs. KtoK 4, BtoB2 KtoQ4. Bto K 4, ch. KtoK4. Mates. Nomper 485. KtwoQs. K the Kt. K to Q7. K moves. Kt to R5. x“ Mates. Numner 486. QtoKKt7. Q ths Q. Kt to K Kt4. B moves. Kt to Q 4, ch. Q ths Kt. Mates. QtoB2, ch. B tks Q. Any. Mates. @) Q tks B, ch. K ths R P. Qto R sq, eb. Q tks Q. Any. Mates. SOLUTIONS. 4s 2. Qto K3, ch. @® 3. P tksQ. Any. 1 BtoB7, ch. 4. Mates. 2. Kt tke R, ote. 2 QtoR4, ch. 3. K tks Q. Any. Nomper 491. 4. Mates. 1. KtoR2. PtoK 4, ch. 2, K to Raq. Kt to Kt 6, ch. Nemnax 437. 3. KtoKt2. Any. * 1. Rto Q8, ch. P the R. 4, Mates. 2 PoBs PoK4. 3. RtoK 4, ch. Kt tks R. @) 4. Mates. 1. KE Bto Kt, ete. 2, Kt toQ 5, ch. K moves. Nomern 488. 8. Kt tke P, ch. Moves. 1 QtwoKRte P tks Q, ch. 4. Mates. 2. K toB6, ch. BtoQ4, ch. 3. R tks B, cb. K moves. @) 4. Mates. 1. Kt to Kté. 2. BtoBG, ch, Binterp. @ 8. Kt tke R, ch. K moves. 1. K to K aq. 4. Mates. 2, KtoBe. K to Bog. 3. Qto Kt 7, ch. K moves. Nomper 492. 4, Mates. 1. Kt tks KsP, ch. Q the Ke. @) 2 PtoQs, ch. Kt ths P. i Rt Bea. fee S K tus B. 2. Q tks B, ch. KtoB2. Z Z 8, P ths R (Q), ch. K moves. Nomemn 498, 4. Mates. 1. RwBe. Ritts Q. : © 2 BtoK 5. ‘Takes R. i: BtoR3. 8 RtoK 8, ch. P tks R. 2. K to B6, ch. K toK aq. ae: i 8. gust B, ch. B interp. . ee 8, RtoQB8, ch. Kt interp. @) 4, Mates. 1. BtoR2. 2, K to B6, ch. K to K eq. @) 8. Kt to Kt7, ch. K moves. 1, P the Kt. 4. Mates. 2 BtoQ2 BioKKt2, 8. Rto K 8, ch. Ptks Nomper 489. 4. Mates. 1. BtoQ7, ch. KtoB3. 2. RtoQRe R tks B. 2 K to Kt6. 8. Kt to Kt 4. Any. 8. B tke P, ch. K moves. 4, Mates. 4. Mates. Nomaer 490. Nummer 494, “1. QtoR5. R tks Q. 1, Kt tke RP. P tke Kt. 2. KtoR2. RtoQkt4. 2 Rtoke2 P tks R. 8, Bto Kt 4. Any. 3. Ktto B3. Any. 4. Mates. 4. Mates. 7 Bae AMERICAN CHESS-NUTS. Nomper 495. 1. Kt to Q4, ch. KwQs 2. Bto Qs, ch. K ths B. 8. BtoBS. Any. 4. Mates. ) 2 . K tke P. 8, Kt to Kt 6, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. Nomex 496. 1. PtoK 4, ch. K tks R. 2. RtwoKKts. Kt the R. 8. Kt to Kt7, ch. R tks Kt. 4. Mates. @) 2 B ths B. 8. RtoKt 6, ch. B interp: 4, Mates. (B) 2. KttoK4. 8. Kt to Q8, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. Nomszr 497. 1. QwQs K KttoBs. 2.QtkeaKKt . KttkeQ. 8. KttoK 5. Any. 4. Mates. @) 1. KR the Kt. 2. Kt to Kt 6, ch. K moves. 3. Q to Kt 6, ch. K 4, Mates. Nomser 498. 1. B to Bog, ch. KtoK5. 2, Btokt2 KRtoK2. 8. R to K 6, ch. R tks B. 4. Mates. @ 1. KtoKts. 2. Rto Bt6, ch. KtR3. 8. B tks R. Any. 4. Mates. @) 1. Kto Kt5. 2. Rto Kt, ch, KtwR6, 3. Kt to B 4, ch, K moves. 4, Mates. Nompee 499, 1, Ke tka KP. P tks Kt. 2 QBs K the P. 8 QtoK7. Any. 4. Mates. @) 2 KtoBs. 8. Q to B aq, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. @®) 2 B moves. 8. QtoQ6, ch. kK “ 4. Mates. . Noumper 500. 1. RtoKB4. B tks R. 2, Kt tke B, ch. K moves. 3, RtoB4, Any. 4. Mates. Nomper 601. 1. Kt toQB6, ch. KwoQs. 2 Ptogs. RwQs. 8. Bto K 6, ch. Any. 4. Mates, () 2. BtoR6, ete. 8. Qto Bz, ch. Moves. 4, Mates. @B) 2 Q tke BP. 8. Q to QB 5, ch. KwKa. 4, Mates. Nomurr 502. 1, RtoQ4, ch. K ths R. 2 RtoK5. K the R. 3. QtoK 8, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. @) 2. B tke Kt. 8. QtoK 3, ch. K moves. 4. Mates. Nomper 503. 1, Q tke KP, ch. R tke Q, ch. 2. K tke R. BtoB2, ch. 3 KtoQ6. Any. 4, Mates.

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