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uring 1997, in an effort to do something different, I decided to try to book up an action weekend, and some White Water Rafting seemed to fit the bill. When surfing the Net for anything related to trips of this type, I noticed that of all the white water rafting references that the search engine found, including those in exotic locations around the world, one was in Scotland, from a unit known as Splash White Water Rafting. This, as it was closer to home, seemed practical. Contacting Splash, we arranged a three-man two-day tour for October, allegedly the best time of year to catch the rivers in spate. We booked a trip on the Orchy - the best river for rafting in the country - according to Splash. To quote them This is not a river for the faint of heart - raft it if you dare!! The Orchy is a fullon Alpine style river that has no respect for anyone daring to travel along its twisting path. This must be the UKs best rafting river. All this sounded very interesting....
8 Whitewater August 2014

None of us had never done anything like this before, so we did not know what to expect. As it happened, we were not disappointed. Just prior to the planned weekend though there had not been much rain. When we arrived in Glen Orchy on the Friday evening, and took a look at the river, it looked pretty low

Because of the low water, our river outing on Saturday was on the River Awe. However, it was raining and things looked hopeful - and the forecast was for more rain overnight. Whilst quite tame, the River Awe trip was a useful precursor to the trip down the River Orchy, This was Fantastic. Wonderful Welsh Water...........

Wow!, this river was much better! It was this that we had come for! Swollen by the rain, the water flowed fast and wild.
Whitewater August 2014 9

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