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Womens Role in Saudi Arabia

Process Paper Maria Santos Per. 1

Creating a topic fitting the History Day theme, "Rights and Responsibilities," happened by accident when I was watching a new coverage about Saudi Arabia's ban against women driving. I knew then that I had found my topic. I became drawn to my topic because of the continuous conflict between the government and women. My topic is not only perfect for the theme but, it has a wide variety of information about the rights and responsibilities involved.

I conducted my research through the use of primary and secondary sources obtained during visits to the Torrington Library and through many informative websites. I also had the chance to interview Ramona Forrest, an expert in the topic and the author of "Lifting the Veil of Secrets in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia." Many of my sources gave my enough information for my topic, but a topic that provided me with information is the HRW (Human Rights Watch) article about women's rights.

Because of the wide variety of information available, I felt a website would be best to convey my ideas. I could accurately inform the readers about my topic in a website. I also can place videos and voice memos to "entertain" the audience.

Women's suffrage in Saudi Arabia proved to be an ideal topic for the theme, "Rights and Responsibilities." The topic provides information concerning the rights and responsibilities involved. I could of picked another country to talk about but Saudi Arabia is the only country in the Middle East that prohibits women to drive. Also, the controversy between women and the government needs some recognition from other countries since the mistreatment of women in Saudi Arabia is extreme.

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