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This is for a MF Summon Necromancer I must have made 15 summon necros, and with each one I was trying

to perfect each and evey skill point you get in the game This is a Mf necro and can !et tons of great stuff in the game I kill andy and meph in hell all the time with ease with this char I also can kill "aal and dia"lo it #ust takes longer for the runs $ou want a guy that can get you every item in the game its this one, no immunes to worry a"out and no hastle This char is not really made for %v%, "ut he can definely kick some ass if used properly, almost un"eata"le So if you also want to stop some noo"s like killin cockroaches, you&ll get a laugh if you do this to em as well Sti'N(one) *v* +, Necromancer -n#oy For your skills M./ Summon Skeleton, Skeleton Mastery, Skeleton Magi 0Ma' Magi only after you finish mastery and skeleton1 %ut 12 %oints into Summon 3esist %ut 12 into revive 0or if your video card can handle it go hog wild41 "ut "efore you go hog wild with your revives I only needed 1 point in amp damage 0It makes 1 army as strong as 541 then I put 12 in Iron Maiden 6hy7 If some dum"ass "ar" or any melee %v% attacker comes at you, get em with a good iron maiden curse and they should die rather easily after teleporting your army on top of them 0tricky to do, "ut if successful they are screwed completely, or if they are stupid enough to hit one of your skeltons thats a riot you dont even have to teleport much after that Its funny to see how easily you can kill someone when moving 52 8ell 3evives, and 59 skeletons and a stong merc with a small iron golem in one tight spot so they all can hit em at the same time can totally kick someones ass4 : 1 Its really hard for your opponent to escape from the spot "ecuase of the hit recovery after that is damn near impossi"le ;ucks in a "arrel, ducks in a "arrel Stats 0here are mine1 <2 Str +2 ;e' 192 =it 1,5 -nergy 8ere is the gear you will need: I am a MF necro and I found this suits me the "est 8elm: Shako or ;elerium Sheild1: ;arkforce, (oneflame, or 8omonoculus 0Socketed with a % ;iamond for 3es1 Sheild5: ;arkforce, (oneflame, or 8omonoculus 0Soc with a Ist or % topa) for MF1 6eapon 1: .rm of >ing *eoric 6eapon 5: Ist Ist (.(. or !ull ;agger .rmor: -nigma No e'ception !loves: ?hanceguard (elt: !oldwrap 3ings: 5 nagel MF or So#s (oots: 6ar Traveler or Marrowweave .mmy: @A Summon or Maras -nigma pretty much the "ack"one for this character, get it If you cant tele, Magic Finding is 12' more of a hassle

8ave phun with you new godly mf Necro, and show him the proper attention he deserves

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