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730 GMAT 3.

65 GPA Undergraduate degree in computer science at a good European university Work experience includes three years as a software engineer for a big Silicon Valley company (think Google, Facebook or Twitter); first job out of college on an H1B visa in the U.S. Have had a leadership position on two projects and a lot of interaction with product management across different teams; also mentored interns and new hires at company Extracurricular involvement mentoring a group of eighth grade girls who built a mobile app and created a business plan as part of an international contest meant to introduce more girls to the tech world; also mentored a woman as part of the Hackbright program designed to introduce more women to programming; speaker at universities for women engineers Short-term goal: To move into product management for a tech company in Silicon Valley Long-term goal: To return to my home country in Eastern Europe as a senior manager in a tech company (the country has very good engineers, but lacks good managers) 25-year-old white female from Eastern Europe, first person in my family to go to college

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