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Language Commons 3018 Lift 2 Orange Room

Time 2:00 2.20 2.40 Candidates Lin Shan & Samuel Anita & Sonia Vincent & Chelsea


Farera & Jimmy

Language Commons 3018 Lift 2 Orange Room

Time 3.30 3.50 4.10 Candidate Cherry & Hugo Ken & Rebecca Firenze & Elaine

Logistics for Tomorrow

LOCATION Language Commons, 3018 Lift 2 Orange Room Please arrive 5 mins before the assigned timeslot. In pairs, wait outside until you are invited to come in the

examination room. Student marked in RED first (Student marked in RED: After your test, fill in the questionnaire) BLACK student please fill in the questionnaire before your test BLACK student will have test when RED student is done. IMPORTANT! Please dont talk about the contents of the test UNTIL everybody is done!

Putting everything together IELTS speaking test

Make a positive impression

Maintain eye contact

Reduce nervous body language

Putting everything together IELTS speaking test

Speak at a reasonable pace and volume
Talk to the examiner, not at the tape recorder
Dont rush, speak at a normal pace If your voice is too soft, you may not be heard clear;ly

Dont memorise!
LISTEN to the questions

Putting everything together IELTS speaking test

Dont panic if you are asked about an unfamiliar subject
Use thinking-time strategies Use bridging vocabulary gap strategies Speak about related subject areas Ask for repetition and clarification politely

Putting everything together IELTS speaking test

Be Prepared
Be familiar with the test format Think about the possible topic areas Practise with a friend

Stay calm, think positive and RELAX!

Additional Resources
Language Commons Room 3018, Lift 2
Contains PLENTY of IELTS practice material use it!
iSpeak Advisers Book an appointment for further practice
Online Material via the Language Commons website

Additional Resources
Pronunciation practice Online HKUST-designed

Fluency, Vocabulary & Grammar Practice Join an

iLANG Activity

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