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Prepractice Teacher: Ana Larisa De Mara Aguilar Rodas, Mara Andrea Paredes Prez Date: February 28th/2014 Grade:

Kinder Subject: Social and Natural Environment

Core Skills Written, verbal and nonverbal communication. Logical, reflexive, and analogical reasoning. Metacognition Social development and proactive leadership. Information and technology use and management. Moral, ethical, religious, civic, cultural, and ecological values. Cooperative work.

Enduring Understanding: Students have to understand why families are important. Time: 15 minutes. Theme: The Family Poem, rhyme or chant: The Finger Family. Value: Respect, tolerance and participation of all the classroom members. Required Materials and Equipment: Drawings of the family members.

Days Subjects/ Pages Performance Expectations Warm up Essential question Practice

Friday 28 Meaning of family Recognizes and distinguish the meaning of the family, in order to know the importance of it in a social field, by sharing experiences, giving opinions and expressing themselves in a participative and respectful way. Teachers are going to play a song about the family, called The Finger Family, then they are going to ask to the students about which member of the family they coexist the most. What is a family? P: Students have to draw her hand in a sheet of paper and draw faces to each finger in order to create their family members. If it is necessary and the fingers are not enough, they can draw two hands. Also, they have to write the members names. P: Teachers are going to paste in disorder, drawings of the family members on the board and their names. Students have to link the drawings with the correct name. This will help them to identify each member of the family. P: Teachers are going to pick out 5 students to make a performance by interpreting each member of the family, implying why they are important. The rest of the class has to guess who they are. Students have to write a letter to their families, and then some of them are going to share the letter to their classmates.

Wrap up

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