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Whittney Lapham Edu 395- Field Experience Professional Goals March 25, 2013

Goals: 1. I would like to improve my classroom management skills when dealing with a large group of students. 2. I would like to become more organized in writing lesson plans and planning my schedule for the day. Action Plan: 1. I plan to achieve this goal by using the techniques that I observed my supervising teacher using during my time in the classroom. I will keep a good record of classroom management techniques that she used and use them when it is appropriate. I also plan to observe other teachers throughout the semester, to provide myself with as many resources as possible when it comes to managing a classroom. 2. I plan to achieve this goal by using a daily planner that organizes my schedule by the hour. I also plan to write objectives each day that will remind me of what I planned to achieve that day in my classroom. I will keep file cabinets in my future classroom to help keep all of my documents and papers organized.

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