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It's Saturday morning where I live and i'm thinking of you--how I can inspire you more, create even

richer value for you and be of even more service. So I wanted to share one of the simplest and most powerful tactics I teach at my live events like "The 48 Hour Transformation" coming up this June. Inspiration is great fuel for your dreams. But you need tactics to execute them.... The Tactic: "The Daily 5 Protocol". --first, please remember that small daily wins done over time lead to genius-level results (Kobe Bryant practiced religiously like Kobe Bryant before he ever became Kobe Bryant; remember Anders Ericsson's famous 10 year Rule--it takes 10 years of practice before the FIRST signs of genius). --ok: so then all you do is set 5 small goals every morning between 5-6 am (when you are most focused and your unconscious mind is most set to do what your conscious brain tells it to do...and PLEASE remember that the brain will never do what it thinks it can't do). --don't go to sleep until your Daily 5 are done. We're wiring in willpower into the pre-frontal cortex of your brain here. You need to stay with these 5 goals until they are done. Yes, it will be hard at first but with dedication it'll become a new habit as your self-discipline muscles become more muscular. --5 little victories each day lead to 150 wins in a month. And 150 a month lead to 1850 in a year. --it's simple not possible for this not to be your best year yet if you achieved 1850 meaningful, focused and important little wins. --even more key is the discipline, focus, grit, mastery and patience you'll develop mentally and personall achieving 1850 little wins in 12 months. Run "The Daily 5 Protocol" for the next 14 days. Measure the value of my technique after that. Oh--please share YOUR Daily 5 right here now so you start this new habit and also so you inspire all 650,000 of us! Examples: #1. Run 30 minutes #2. Watch another module of the online course I signed up for on productivity #3. Write a thank you note to my best client #4. Family meal tonight at 7 pm #5. Write in my journal this evening. Be great. Robin

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