Good Vs Evil: Deypalubos 1

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Are your faith strong enough?
This paper wants to know information from the research about The Illuminati or
the Anti-Christ that basically scattered around the world, including the celebrities
related to the said worldly religiously group. This paper also answers the controversial
information about the celebrities with their Illuminatic movies, the government under the
rule of Illumin atis puppet (Adolf Hitler), the Illuminatic artists in music industry and the
symbols exploiting the Anti Christ Identities
The infamous Illuminati secret society has remained the focus of so called
conspiracy theorists for hundreds of years. They have been called the puppet masters
who secretly pull the strings of the world`s events from elections to revolutions, and
from business monopolies to stock market crashes. A significant number of researchers
and ordinary citizens have varying degrees of suspicion that somehow, somewhere, a
secret agenda is continuously lurking behind the scenes. When unexpected events
occur in the world, these people don`t see them as a random occurrence, but as the
work of unseen hand which has orchestrated or encouraged these events to happen for
the personal, professional, or financial gain of certain individuals. Often such
speculation is given the label of a conspiracy theory and dismissed as imaginative
thinking. Yet many of the world`s events don`t make complete sense, even to the so
called experts who study them. Something is missing from a solid explanation. There is
more to the story than meets the eye, but these supposed experts are often afraid to
speculate on what missing piece of the puzzle is.(Dice,2009,p.1)
According to the book of Johnson (2012), the Illuminati started the renaissance
in Italy against the Pope of Rome who was against scientific exploration the secret
society composed of astrometry, art, engineering, and math as the disciplines

represented in the secret society. It was not until later that the Illuminati moved to
Bavaria, Germany that they became interested in espionage activities led by Adam
Weishap meaning the first to lead the wise. The Illuminati in France worked with the
Free Masons to come up with our Nation`s constitution and then mysteriously vanished.
The Free Masons are doing very little to prevent unfortunate events from occurring and
that is why we need a rise of Illuminati. We need Illuminati to see evil for what it is, and
to prevent events from occurring in the first place. (p.5)
Simpson (1963) stated that the Illuminatis presence is supposedly everywhere:
their use of a dot within a circle as an emblem dates back to Weishaupt`s group and
apparently can be found in multiple places. Their links with Free Masonry means that
the two terms are often used interchangeably, and the Masonic symbol on the United
States Great Seal and the dollar bill are now regarded as signs of the Illuminati. The
novels of Dan Brown haven`t helped; Brown created a completely fictional backstory for
the Illuminati that features in his first Robert Longdon novel Angels and Demons, but he
claimed that the brotherhood of Illuminati is also factual in his author`s note is only
true in that there were Illuminati. It`s just that they were nothing like the Satanists that
he portrays. Try to put the term Illuminati into web search engine, and you get over 17
million hits. Everyone from pop singer Lady Gaga and some artists is apparently a
The evil Illuminati Adolf Hitler Clone Society is a secret Society of clones of
former Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler intent on world conquest. Under the leadership of Evil
Elvis, Noam Particular and Eva Braun II, they have become one of the greatest
nuisances to the earth in years and are very close to being considered an actual threat
by the FBI. Despite it`s name, the society is in fact no longer connected to Illuminati, as
they had been expelled from the organization for not taking their goal of world
domination seriously enough. Membership of Evil Illuminati Adolf Hitler Clone Society
was originally limited to 12,500 people worldwide but this number was increased during
the rule of clone number 630 to 12,666 because it looks cooler. Although the society
was originally only open to clones of Adolf Hitler or his associates, during the
tumultuous years after Emotional Hitler`s resignation these rules were relaxed as many

members were killed by each other or exposed by the United Nation or the conspiracy
theorists. Non clones currently make up approximately 12 percent of the Society`s
membership, although they are subject to a more rigorous entrance exam, their
membership dues are twice as much as clone dues and in the initiation ceremony they
are required to hop on one leg (there is no reason for this. They just think it`s funny).
They preferred recruiting targets of the society appear to be Klansmen and Illuminatus
Holywood isnt just a matter of big games. Fame and talent do not, on their
own, operate as part of the actor selection process. For example Al Pacino and Robert
de Niro are two of the most sought after actors in history but they have not been, in
general, tapped for serious Illuminati production or projects. There are other actors
whose participation in Illuminati production is clearly conscious and explicit. Nearly
every film these actors show up in is a heavily invested Illuminati production. These
include Natalie Portman, Angelina Jolie, Nicholas Cage, Johnny Depp, Robert Downey
Jr., Matt Damon, Russell Crowe, Liam Neeson, Denzel Washington, Geoffrey Rush,
Shia Labeouf, Tom Cruise, Dennis Quaid, Will Smith, Chris Evans, Keanu Reeves,
Megan Fox and more recently Jeremy Renner. Have you ever wondered how it is that
former fringe actors far past the prime youth, like Jeremy Reener left (or, for that matter
Geoffrey Rush) suddenly enjoy the proverbial meteoric rise to fame. And others,
equally talented, don`t ? It`s because they were selected based on incredibly
sophisticated algorithms that establish their selective marketability.Initially they are
approached with the promise of a short itinerary of films that they must agree to. This is
rote Hollywood procedure. Later some of them are brought into the inner circle. Only a
very few dare to resist.
Do you recall Randy Quaid, wife seek Asylum in Canada, saying they fear for
their lives. The increasingly eccentric duo, who are wanted in California for allegedly
speaking out on a hefty hotel bill and for vandalizing a house they once owned, fled
North of the border earlier this month and now claim they are the targets of a mysterious
clan they believe murdered actors Heath Ledger and David Carradine . (Ledger died of
a drug overdose in 2008 and Carradine was found dead, apparently from accidental

asphyxiation last year). Hollywood is murdering it`s movie stars, Evi Quaid said in
Vancouver last week. They wouldn`t go with the program.(Makow,2014)
Makow (2014) also emphasized that while Bettany is not a broadly recognized
actor (as Brad Pitt is), he has participated in outrageously explicity Illuminist production
that make the subtle thematic toying of the UNDERWORLD series look like scrambled
crayon drawings. Examples (taken from Internet Movie
Database, His role: Charles Darwin. Here is the FILM
SYPNOSIS: What happens when a worldrenowned scientist, crushed by the loss of
his eldest daughter, formulates a theory in conflict with religious dogma ? This is the
story of Charles Darwin and his master work `The Origin of species`. It tells of a global
revolution played out the confines of a small English village; a passionate marriage torn
apart by the most dangerous idea in history; and a theory saved from extinction by the
logic of a child. INTERPRETATION: Double speak Evolution is fact creation.
Illuminati Science. LEGION His role: Archangel Michael. Here is the FILM
SYPNOSIS: The archangel Michael turns his back on god, to protect the birth of the
AntiChrist. God used the ancient flood to wipe out Humanity once before and he`s
determined to do it again. If the AntiChrist is born, Humanity will survive. Michael cuts
off his wings and mounts a campaign to defend the coming child from a massive horde
of ANGELpossessed) weakminded humans who aim to cut the baby from it`s mother.
PRIEST His role: A futuristic Catholic priest. Here is the FILM SYYPNOSIS:
Christians and vampires have been fighting for centuries. Vampires have been
suppressed and resettled in dank subterranean reservations. When the daughter,
Lucy (read: Lucifer and Lucy in the sky with Diamonds ), of a warriorpriest is taken
captive by a VampireHuman HYBRID, the warrior priest states his intension to go
against the will of God and rescue the girl. Other of Paul Bettany`s film involvements are
revealing, including Master and Commander (with Russell Crowe), a Beautiful Mind
(with Russell Crowe), the Da Vinci Code (Illuminati and Infinitum), Dead Babies
(referred to in a line from LEGION), the suicide Club, The Reckoning (medieval
Christian justice), stories of Lost Souls, Iron Man 1,2,3 (techno superiority),The
Avengers and Blood.(Makow,2014)

The only way to penetrate these films is to review the dialogue line by line. We
don`t have that time here, but I will offer some choice examples. From Priest :I want
the same thing you want: to follow my every desire and not have it called a sin. After all,
if you are not sinning, you`re not having fun. I accepted the blood of the |vampire|
Queen and I was turned into something never seen before a Human Vampire. From
LEGION .When I was a child, my mother told me that God was merciful and just.
After my father left us, I asked my mother why God had turned His back on Humanity,
why He was no longer merciful and just. My mother said, `I don`t know. I guess He was
fed up with all the bullshit`. (Makow,2014)
Here are some research according to
(, LADY GAGA: The poisoning of youth:
Lady Gaga once stated in an interview that she has no relation to the lyrical content of
her songs, and that these songs are merely vessels. Vessels for what? To delude
people into thinking that she is merely singing songs that others can relate to. When she
is really incorporating messages that affect your subconscious mind and NLP (Neuro
Linguistic Programming).
MILEY CYRUS: From Children`s Icon to Porn Star retarded: Miley Cyrus has
been a brain washed puppet her entire life. Her handlers have given her new brain
washed role so they can keep making money off her. And she buys
Beyonce finally admitted that she was a member of New World Order, also
known as the Illuminati. Rumors have swirled many fans wondered why Oprah never
questioned the star about her alleged Illuminati ties and commented that it might be due
to Oprah`s own participation in Illuminati activities. Less than 3 seconds into the
interview, Oprah turned to Beyonce and said, So you know now what I`m gonna say to
you...the Illuminati. From there Beyonce delved into her beginnings with the group,
their assistance in her to fame, and her recent promotion to the highest ranks of the

The Illuminatic VIDEO of EMINEM ft RIHANNA THE MONSTER: The video
starts out with Eminem in what is presumably a psychiatrist (played by Rihanna) office
and being shown various themes that his life has revolved around, like violence, family,
insanity etc. This is mere we find the first piece of symbolism. So we are shown Eminem
being confronted with his past demons, when all of the sudden we get a shot of All
Seing Eye of Horus. This eye sandwiched between the themes of insanity and death
which is also telling of the grip the Illuminati had on him during older tracks such as
Rainman and here are the lines, Cause I ain`t got no legs! Or no brain, nice to meet
you, Hi my name is?Oh I forgot my name! My name was not to become what I became,
with this level of fame. My soul is possessed by this devil. My new name is Rain man.
The other symbolism that we noticed (it flashes quickly) is Rihanna throwing up the
pyramid diamond.(,htm)
(,htm) stated that the goal of the
depraved Illuminati criminals is to make all girls into sluts so there can be much illicit sex
as possible to keep men and women stupid. Young girls emulate Madonna, Lady
Gaga , Beyonce and experiment and become addicted to experimental sex and tie in
their self image with being hot. When people are deluded or distracted, they become
disempowered slaves. Clear headed people who have control over their desires would
be a threat to our bankster masters. In the music industry, it looks like being lost in
sexual temptation is working. Sex is tied into music to captivate our attention. We spend
more time listening to mp3 player or smart phone and following celebrity gossip then
watching the war crimes of congress paid for with our tax! Meanwhile most of the songs
are about heart break. Since when will dark energy lead to a happy relationships, we
are made weak and less able to resist tyranny. So what does dark sexual assaulted and
subverted. She is not sexy, she is sick.
(Henry,2003) emphasized in his book that people at catastrophic events like
attacks of the World Trade Center 9/11 and wonder how such thing could happen
without law enforcement and intelligence agencies knowing about it. People look at the
mortgage collapse of 2008 and the following economic repercussions of bank failures
and government bailouts and wonder how such a thing could happen. People see their

standard of living going down and two income household barely able to get by and
wonder how can this be? People hear on the news that child molesters and rapists get
out of prison after only a few years, yet others are locked up for decades after getting
busted with some marijuana. So people turn to the television to keep their mind off such
things. With the push of a button their mind is relaxed with soothing images watching
beautiful contestants compete to be this season`s American Idol, or they get an
adrenaline rush as their favourite football team scores a winning touchdown with just
seconds left on the clock. These things make sense to them, and it`s what others will
talk about the next day at work and if they want to feel connected with others then they
had better participate in these pointless activities.(Henry,2003,p.1)
According to the book of (Henry,2003) the word Meru appears in many forms.
As mero, it means waters and Motherlove in Egyptian. Coincidentally, or perhaps
not, Nashville was originally called the Mero district. Based upon the interchangeability
of the words Meru and Mero, I refer to the Nashville pillar as Meru `Axis of Love`. Like
the Buddhist pillar, Nashville`s Meru is composed of two primary elements, a ring (the
most basic Femine symbol), and a pillar, mound, pyramid or cone , the universal
symbol for Meru, which happens to be the Egyptian hieroglyph for bread and `offering`.
The Meru pillar is topped by a , the symbol for a door. Similarity, two rays or horns
that are suggestive of a vortex shapes form an inverted cone or pyramid at the top of
Nashville Meru pillar.(p.4)
A Masonic writer pointed out that this eye is SolOeil ...the Suneye , or
Spiritual Sun, which lay hidden behind the French word for the Sun,soleil? The spiritual
sun is the Healing Sun at the center of our Milky Way galaxy. Many associations
illuminate the numerous portrayals of Jesus as young shepherd with a lamb, the symbol
of wisdom, on his shoulders. The Christosthe tone frequency or vibrationis literally the
white or pure carrier wave for this wisdom. This coding is carried forward in the term
INRI, nailed to the cross of crucifixion by Pontius Pilate. The Bible says it means Jesus
the Nazarene King of the Jews . In the Gnostic tradition, however, INRI means Igen
Natura Renovatura Integra. by fire nature is renewed whole ,pointing to `Jesus` role
as a deliverer of higher frequency knowledge or fire.(Henry,2003,p.6)

The Illuminati, including the Rosicrucians, altered the mening of INRI to Igne
Nitrum Roris Inventur or the baptism or cleansing power of dew is only discovered by
fire. In the Book of Revelation, the return of INRI covers the Earth like fresh dew and
triggers a thousand years of Peace, or the rebirth of Earth.( Henry,2003,p.6)
Illuminati loves taunting the profane by putting their symbols in plain sight for all to
see. Only the Illuminati insiders are privy to symbols true meaning. Symbols of the
Illuminati, are present on our currencies and are plastered all over our television,
movies and newspapers. Here are the TOP TEN ILLUMINATIC SYMBOLS: No. 1 THE
ALL SEING EYE: The all seing Eye or the Eye of Providence is the preminent symbol
and most widely recognized. No.2 PYRAMID: The Illuminati Elite is represented by the
capstone of the pyramid and the profane by the stones. No.3 EL DIABLO: The devil`s
horn, El Diablo, Diabolicus, II Cornuto, sign of horns. No.4 THE OWL: The owl was the
symbol for Minerva. The godess of wisdom. The enlightened ones see themselves as
the wise rulers of the planet. No.5 THE PENTAGRAM: The Illuminati, and the practice
and promotion of black magic. No. 6 THE 666: The Illuminati, the number of the Beast
and the AntiChrist.No. 7 FIRE: The eternal flame is a powerful symbol of the
enlightment (New World Order) Illuminatis. No. 8 SKULL: A symbol of Mortality and
the Illuminati`s mark on the skulls and bones. No. 9 OBELISK: The Illuminati has raised
Obelisk in all it`s major power centers. No. 10 NAZI SALUTE: Hitler as an Illuminati`s
puppet introduce the Nazi Salute.(
If your faith is really strong, you must be aware of the things around you
especially to the symbols and avoid doing idolatry or having an idol whom an
Illuminati.98% of the population do not have any idea as to what is happening in todays
issue or in the New world Order. As long as you are equipped, you yourself can avoid
those and dont just do what are told and accept what you see and hear. This will serve
as a study to warn people in the society to be aware of what theyre doing specifically if
it is worldly, so that we will not be deceived by their ways of persuading the humanity
and also to prevent from agreeing to things that could impact our eternity safety, privacy
or religious rights. Open up your minds folks and be vigilant enough!


Dice, Mark (2009). The Illuminati: Facts and Fiction. San Diego, California:
The Resistance
Henry, William (2003). Cloak of the Illuminati. Kempton, Illinois USA:
Adventures Unlimited
Johnson, Gabriel (2012). Rise of the Illuminati. Victoria BC, Canada:
Friesen Press
Makow, Henry Ph.D (2014). Hidden History, Zionism and Anti Semitism
Retrieved from
Simpson, Paul (1963). That`s what they want you to think. Minneapolis. MN USA:
Zenith Press music industry.htm

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