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</COMMENT Establishing Shot for Terran Level 11> </FADESPEED 100> </DISPLAYTIME 22000> </COMMENT #############################################################> </BACKGROUND glue\palta\Blank.

pcx> </FONTCOLOR glue\palta\tfont.pcx> </SCREENLEFT> Like a beacon, the combined power of the Psi Emitters reached out to the far cor ners of the Terran Sector, luring billions of Zerg to the capitol world of Tarso nis. The Zerg, overrunning the Confederacy's best defences, proceeded to lay waste to Tarsonis' major cities and industrial centers. </PAGE> </COMMENT #############################################################> </DISPLAYTIME 5000> </BACKGROUND glue\paltc\TerranC.pcx> </FONTCOLOR glue\paltc\tfont.pcx> </SCREENLOWERLEFT> "NEW GETTYSBURG" Command Ship Hyperion Holding close orbit over Confederate Capitol World Tarsonis </PAGE>

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