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</COMMENT Establishing Shot for Terran Level 9> </FADESPEED 100> </DISPLAYTIME 16000> </COMMENT #############################################################> </BACKGROUND glue\palta\Blank.

pcx> </FONTCOLOR glue\palta\tfont.pcx> </SCREENLEFT> The Zerg, lured by the Psi Emitter's signal, descended upon the unsuspecting Con federate forces and annihilated them. Once again, the Protoss fleet, under the command of High Templar Tassadar, arriv ed and incinerated the planet. </PAGE> </COMMENT #############################################################> </DISPLAYTIME 5000> </BACKGROUND glue\paltc\TerranC.pcx> </FONTCOLOR glue\paltc\tfont.pcx> </SCREENLOWERLEFT> "THE BIG PUSH" Command Ship Hyperion Holding perimeter orbit over Confederate Capitol World Tarsonis </PAGE>

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