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Classroom Management : tips to silent noisy class


Ask for silent

classsroom management: tips to silent a noisy class

Definite rules

settling work

control entry

Some Tips On How to Teach English

Teach on listening and pronunciation Get more info on how to teach English Teach them how to speak the language

Prepare a course outline and lesson plan

Some Tips On How to Teach English

Avoid interruption when they speak

Improve Grammar and Punctuation

Teach how to read English

4. Social Issues

Why Do Bullies Bully ? The Reasons Why People Bully Others

dominance over others

unable to self-regulate emotions

Why Do Bullies Bully? The Reasons Why People Bully Others

family backgrounds

lack empathy

3. Health Health benefits of fiber

your hearth prevent diabetes cancer prevention

incresases energy

lowering cholesterol

Health benefits of fiber

regulate Bowels gallstones and kidney prevention

weight management preventing stroke

healthy skin

5. Tourism Top 5 Holiday Destination In Mexico


Isla de Cozumel

Top 5 Holiday Destination In Mexico




Reasons to Visit Munich

the Marienplatz

Nightlife scene

the Frauenkirche


the Weisswurst

Reasons to Visit Munich

the Deutsches Museum

Rich sporting history

the Musical Culture the Weissbier

Hellabrunn Zoo

2. Environment Air pollution particulates promote hardening of the arteries and cardiovascular disease

Speed up atherosclerosis

Time of exposed to air pollution

Air pollution particulates promote hardening of the arteries and cardiovascular disease

Air pollution level

slower the progression of blood vessel thickness

Health Benefits of Sunflower Seeds

Contain Vitamin E

Health Benefits of Sunflower Seeds

Contain Copper

Provide Thiamine


About cyberbullying Online harassment. Reaction is what the harasser wants. Hasher cyberbullying involve the outside professional help. experience made victim stronger.

Solution creation reduce the disinhibition effect. increase the empathy factor. A prevention Curriculum.

Global warming may raise tundra wildfire risk

Increase the amount of vegetation available to burn

Drying out of Tundra vegetation

Global warming may raise tundra wildfire risk

Drier climate increse the risk of fires

Temperature increase

Denser Tundra burned every 140 years

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