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P. O. Box 130 ~ St. Croix Falls ~ Wisconsin 54024 ~ (715) 483-9823 ~ Fax (715) 483-3695

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Cn uecember 10
, 2013 Lhe SL. Crolx lalls School 8oard voLed Lo go Lo referendum on Lhe Aprll 1
for Lhe purpose of provldlng one Lo one compuLers Lo all sLudenLs ln Lhe upper grades and grade level
seLs of compuLers for sLudenLs ln Lhe lower grades. 1he dlsLrlcL ls currenLly plloLlng several dlfferenL
devlces (chrome books, lads, and lapLops) aL Lhe dlfferenL schools ln Lhe dlsLrlcL Lo gaLher more
lnformaLlon as Lo whaL devlce ls mosL sulLable for Lhe dlfferenL grade levels.
234 56 738 693::; <567=597 >:5?> 7: :?8 7: :?8 9:@AB78=6C
Movlng Lo one Lo one compuLers wlll:
Allow sLudenLs Lo engage ln auLhenLlc lnLellecLual learnlng where Lhey can see Lhe relevance of
and make Lhe connecLlons wlLh whaL Lhey are learnlng Lo Lhe world Lhey llve ln.
Lxpands Lhe effecLlveness of Leachers Lo beLLer meeL Lhe unlque educaLlonal needs of all
sLudenLs, sLruggllng sLudenLs as well as glfLed and LalenLed sLudenLs.
Wlll beLLer prepare sLudenLs for Lhelr college and career cholce upon graduaLlng from school,
mosL of whlch wlll requlre Lhe use of Lechnology aL some level.
Allows for anyLlme, anywhere learnlng, sLudenLs wlll no longer be conflned Lo learnlng ln Lhelr
classroom, Lhe world wlll be Lhelr classroom.
Allows sLudenLs Lo delve deeper lnLo Lhe conLenL area and have a beLLer undersLandlng of Lhe
courses Lhey Lake.
rovldes all sLudenLs wlLh Lhe necessary Lools Lo excel academlcally, no maLLer whaL Lhelr
background ls.
ulglLal Lechnology access for all sLudenLs wlll allow Leachers Lo expand currlcula and learnlng
experlences for Lhelr sLudenLs.
Wlll provlde sLaff wlLh more real-world opporLunlLles Lo Leach and model approprlaLe and
efflclenL use of Lechnology.

rovldlng one Lo one compuLers Lo our sLudenLs wlll change Lhe culLure of educaLlon ln our dlsLrlcL,
helghLen Lhe level of commlLmenL by our communlLy Loward educaLlon and mosL lmporLanLly enhance
Lhe quallLy of educaLlon of our sLudenLs.

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1he LoLal non-recurrlng referendum dollar amounL ls 240,000.00 per year for flve years. 1hls wlll resulL
ln an approxlmaLe lncrease ln your mll-raLe of 38 cenLs per 1000 dollars of equallzed value, however Lhe
dlsLrlcL ls paylng off lLs flnal bond paymenL for Lhe mlddle school Lhls year. 1he bond paymenL ls/was
approxlmaLely 190,000.00 dollars per year. 1aklng LhaL decrease ln bond paymenL sLarLlng nexL year
lnLo accounL, Lhe neL levy amounL lncrease needed over Lhls currenL year's levy amounL ls abouL 8 and
1/2 cenLs per 1000 dollars of properLy value. 1hls equaLes Lo an annual lncrease ln properLy Laxes of
$8.30 cenLs for every 100,000 dollars of home value. lf your home value ls 130,000 dollars your
properLy Lax lncrease would be $12.73 cenLs, for a 200,000 dollar home Lhe lncrease would be 17.00
dollars. lease noLe LhaL Lhe 8 and 1/2 cenLs lncrease per 1000 dollars ln your mll-raLe ls only for LhaL
porLlon LhaL goes Loward your local school dlsLrlcL. ?our mll-raLe also may go up or down dependlng on
whaL happens ln Lhe oLher areas LhaL your properLy Laxes fund, l.e. Lhe clLy, counLy, and Lhe local
Lechnlcal college.
$8E 7DF =D78 5@AD97 :? 6D@A;8 A=:A8=74 GD;B86H
value of properLy new Lax lmpacL MonLhly Lax lmpacL
$100,000 $8.30 71 cenLs
$200,000 $17.00 $1.42 cenLs
$300,000 $23.30 $2.13 cenLs

lollowlng are Lwo bar graphs. 1he flrsL one shows Lhe debL servlce Lhe dlsLrlcL has from pasL bulldlng
pro[ecLs. lease noLe Lhe drop of almosL $200,000 dollars per year beglnnlng nexL year. 1he second one
shows Lhe LoLal Lax levy dollars collecLed by Lhe dlsLrlcL over Lhe pasL slx years. noLe Lhe drop ln local
properLy Laxes collecLed over Lhe pasL 4 years by over $800,000 dollars.

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1here are several lnformaLlonal meeLlngs seL up for communlLy members and parenLs Lo learn more
abouL movlng Lo provlde one Lo one compuLers Lo our sLudenLs. 1he flrsL one wlll be held ln Lhe
elemenLary gym on lebruary 4Lh sLarLlng aL 7:00 M. 1he second one wlll be held ln Lhe Plgh
School/Mlddle School medla cenLer on lebruary 20Lh sLarLlng aL 7:00 M.
AddlLlonal lnformaLlon can also be obLalned by posLlng quesLlons Lo Lhe school dlsLrlcL webpage,, (cllck on one Lo one compuLers) or by conLacLlng Lhe dlsLrlcL admlnlsLraLor, Clenn
MarLln aL 713-483-9823, exL.2401
2013 2014 2013 2016 2017 2018 2019
School ulsLrlcL of SL. Crolx lalls
CuLsLandlng uebL Servlce
lund 39 lund 38
2008 -
2009 -
2010 -
2011 -
2012 -
2013 -
All lund 1ax Levy for Lhe SL. Crolx lalls
School ulsLrlcL

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