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My first paper in this class was sort of difficult to write. I did the rhetorical analysis of a Chef Boyardee commercial.

I had to write how the rhetorical devices, such as logos, ethos, and pathos, effected the audience. I had to also determine who the commercials intended audience was and how they attracted their attention. I wrote about how the commercial used different strategies to widen their audience. This paper was much different than most papers I have written before because I was analyzing the commercial instead of writing about a certain topic. I had some difficulties coming up with main topics to write about. I wrote how the commercial used the Pathos as a rhetorical device, and I wrote how it did not use ethos or logos. I also explained the commercial and how each object effected the audience the way it did. I think I did the best on explaining why the commercial used pathos and also explaining why it did not use logos and ethos. I think I did the worst on my introduction paragraph and conclusion paragraph. I can never seem to structure those two paragraphs strong enough. My second paper was very difficult. It was so much different than anything I have ever wrote before. I found that coming up with any topic of my choice to be a bit overwhelming. I would think of an idea and then had difficulties making up enough false information to make the page requirements. I finally came up with reasons why guns should be illegal, however sense I disagree with the statement, I wrote ridiculous facts that were not true. I came up with made up resources for me to use as supporting evidence. That part seemed to be fairly easy, because instead of having to search for the information on a website or in a book, I could just make a name and the other information needed. I think this paper helped me with the proper citations and a stronger structure of my paper. It was a fun and unique assignment overall.

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