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Open-minded (Receptive to new and different ideas or the opinions of others) Is the opposite of narrowness and rigidity Flexible

exible Willingness to try out new ideas Generating alternative options and explanations Looking beyond Looking at things/situations from different perspectives

Curious (Eager to learn more, inquisitive) Asks questions Wonders Involves finding the interesting and puzzling in the everyday, the mundane, and the ordinary and the unexpected Acts as an engine for thinking Fuels our interests Helps us generate questions and pose problems It gives us something to think about

Metacognitive (Thinking about ones thinking or mental processes) Actively monitor, evaluate, regulate and direct our thinking Evaluate understanding of something new Reflective

Seeking truth and understanding (The attempt to discover deep truths) Reasoning based on the evidence we are able to uncover Involves weighing of evidence Considering its validity To build up a theory Testing the theory Examine things/findings more closely Looking for connections between bits of evidence Exploring application and consequences Pushing ideas to the limit Pulling ideas apart Contrasting one idea with another (comparing) Building explanations We build our understanding and arrive closer to the truth

Strategic (Important or essential in relation to a plan of action or intended objective) Thinking is carefully planned, anticipatory and methodical Organise and direct our situations and problems Devise plans of attack Set personal goals Consider options and choose tactics to best meet our goals A move to efficiency

Sceptical (Not convinced that something is true) Probing below the surface of things Looking for proof and evidence Not accepting things at face value Follow the thoughts and reasoning of others and examine them carefully Become discerning consumers of ideas Forces us to take a stance towards new information, rather than act passively

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