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FAMOUS CHARACTERS & PEOPLE The Beast (The Beauty and the Beast) Donald the Duck Cinderella

Cruella de Vil Dr Who Robin Hood Shrek MacGyver Superman Batman

Gandalf Gollum Hamlet Heathcliff Huckleberry Finn Humbert Humbert (Lolita) Iago Jane Eyre Jeeves Job Julien Sorel (The Red and the Black) King Arthur

Uriah Heep Moby Dick Dr Jekyll& Mr.Hide

Jesus Christ Richard the Lionhearted King Henry VIII Albert Einstein Gandhi Mother Teresa Margaret Thatcher

Don Juan King David Jessica Rabbit King Salomon James Bond Little Prince Forrest Gump Madame Bovary Homer Simpson Bridget Jones Miss Havisham (Great Expectations) Mr Darcy (Pride and Prejudice) Anna Karenina Mr Pickwick Anne of Green Gables Philip Marlowe Aragorn Richard III Don Quixote Robinson Crusoe Dr. Watson Saint Peter Ebenezer Scrooge Shere Khan Elizabeth Bennett (Pride and Prejudice) Emma Frodo Sherlock Holmes Toad (Frog and Toad) Tom Jones

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