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Down Syndrome Trisomy 21 occurs after non-disjunction of the chromosomes.

. It occurs more frequently in later ages when ova and/or sperm are produced. Other irregularities can occur especially in the sex chromosomes e.g. XO equals Turners syndrome, appearance of a female however, usually mentally retarded, webbed hands and low neck. XXY, Kline Felters syndrome, appearance of a male, mentally retarded, and psychological problems.

Meiosis Prophase 1 1. Chromosomes become visible as the DNA becomes more compact. 2. Homologous chromosomes, also called homologues, are attracted to each other and pair up - one is from the individuals father, the other from the mother. 3. Crossing over occurs. 4. Spindle fibers made from microtubules form. Metaphase 1 1. The bivalents (another name for the pairs of homologous chromosomes) line up across the cells equator. 2. The nuclear membrane disintegrates. Anaphase 1 1. Spindle fibers from the poles attach to chromosomes and pull them to the poles of the cell Telophase 1 1. Spindles and spindle fibers disintegrate. 2. Usually, the chromosomes uncoil and new nuclear membranes from. 3. Many plants do not have a Telophase I stage. At the end of meiosis I, cytokinesis happens, the cell splits into two separate cells. The cells at this point are haploid because they contain only one chromosome of each pair. However, each chromatid still has its sister chromatid attached to it, so no S phase is necessary. Now meiosis II takes place in order to separate the sister chromatids. Prophase II 1. DNA condenses into visible chromosomes again.

2. New meiotic spindle fibers are produced. Metaphase II 1. Nuclear membrane disintegrates 2. The individual chromosomes line up along the equator of each cell in no special order, and this is called random orientation. 3. Spindle fibers from opposite poles attach to each of the sister chromatids at the centromeres. Anaphase II 1. Centromeres of each chromosome split, releasing each sister chromatid as an individual chromosome.

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