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Unit 18 print based media LO1 Stencil printing Stencil printing is printing technique for a pattern or word onto

o a material. This can be done with a few different ways on different materials using different in!. "t is when you use a stencil to then create a pattern by brushing stippling or spraying in! or paint onto a material. Stencil printing in#ol#es cutting out a pattern then using in! or paint to then co#er the stencil howe#er because there are parts cut out the in! will go through onto the piece of material behind. $ere is a step by step guide to stencil printing using stippling as the technique. 1. &. %irstly you draw a stencil that you thin! will wor! well and are easy and effecti#ely cut out to get the best possible outcome of the finished result. Secondly you ha#e to cut out the stencil neatly with all the necessary details to create a good stencil that will wor! well. 'hen it came round to cutting out my stencils " found it much easier to use a fine art cutting !nife instead of attempting it with scissors. Using the !nife is a lot easier as it allows you to go round more tric!y shapes with a lot more detail and get finer lines( this will impro#e your finished wor! as the lines will be neater and not )iggered so the lines of where the paint will go will be more defined. This can be shown in my attempts of stippling where we used scissors instead of a !nife. +fter you ha#e cut out the stencil you then put the stencil onto of another piece of card paper or other material and used a blunt brush to dap the paint off the brush onto the material. ,ou don-t want to use too much paint because if it too wet it could run and lea! through the stencils so the line won-t be defined and it wouldn-t ha#e the same effect. Lastly once the whole stencils and the parts you want to the in! to go on are co#ered you pull of the stencils carefully. This should li#e you with a good and interesting piece of art with clear defines parts of in! to create a picture or a pattern.



The ad#antages of using stencil printing are( you can re/use the stencil as many times as you li!e the pattern will not change or alter the more times you use it therefore you can ma!e consistent prints that are e0actly the same. +lso it is relati#ely cheap and #ery easy to do and do well because it is easy you can do it quic!ly therefore it can be repeated rapidly but also well because the pattern will be the same and consistent. The disad#antages of stencil printing are( it is hard to create complicated designs and patterns therefore you can really only use simple designs. This can sometimes wor! well because the reason you would use it is to ma!e a good consistent design howe#er if you wanted to a more complicated design it would get difficult. +lso another disad#antage is sometimes it can be hard to get the correct amount of in! or paint so that is isn-t too wet and then lea!s underneath the stencils onto the material to then not ma!e an unstraight line. This can be bad because it means the pattern won-t be as effecti#e because the lines of it would ha#e lea!ed through the stencil onto the material in the wrong place. This can be easily sorted though by using less in! and being more careful towards the edge where the lines are.

Stencil printing is used for many different things( posters patterns postcards maga1ines brochures or art. These can all using stencil printing to create an image pattern or letters. This can be used affecti#ely in all these things as it can be used to ma!e multiple copies and done effecti#ely to ma!e good and consistent copies. + famous artist that uses stencil printing to ma!e art is 2an!sy he is a graffiti artist who uses a lot of stencils to ma!e his artistic graffiti as neat as possible. This is a s!ill that he has to get the right amount of in! or paint and also cutting out the stencils neatly and using spray paint neatly.

The cost for stencil printing can #ary depending on the materials you want to use and the quality of the equipment. 3eally e0pensi#e materials and good quality paints will wor! better howe#er the price will increase. + good spray paint such as 4obra costs 5..86 for a big can and you can get pac!s 5**.76 this may not seem e0pensi#e howe#er depending on the amount you need it can add up. +lso for stencil printing you need the materials to ma!e the stencil and what you are going to be putting the stencil on to. This can also add a lot of money a lot of basic stencils is made using a stencil made out of card howe#er the better ones can be made of plastic and be cut out using a machine. This will ob#iously add to the cost because of the raw material cost and the machinery used. Stencils can be printed on many different materials mostly different paper and cards are used depending on the si1e and quality of the material will determine how much it will cost. The process of stencil printing is a #ery quic! process compared to other ways of manual printing. The longest part to the process of stencil printing is the cutting out of the stencil neatly( you need to ma!e sure you are cutting the correct part to ma!e the pattern that you and do it neatly to get the best effect. This can ta!e more time depending on how

complicated the stencil is and can become harder if it has lots of small parts to cut out. On the other hand if you cut the stencil out mechanically the speed will be a lot quic!er this will speed up the whole process. $owe#er once you ha#e cut it out manually or mechanically the rest of the process is #ery simple and quic! as all you do is place it on the material in the position you want it in then spray or paint o#er the whole area to then peel away and ha#e your print. Once you ha#e done this once you can !eep using it o#er and o#er to ma!e lots of copies. ,ou could at least ma!e 76 166 copies howe#er the more times you use the stencil the more paint will co#er it and it will begin to weir and become less effecti#e. Linocut printing Lino cut printing is a printing technique that using an indented piece of wood or linoleum to print in! on to another material to transfer to a can#as. Lino surface with a sharp !nife 8/

shaped chisel or gouge with the raised areas representing a re#ersal of the parts to show printed. Step by step guide to lino printing.
9raw or trace your design onto the linoleum. Then you need to cut out your design or pattern into the lino using the #/shaped tool Once you ha#e done this you use a roller to co#er it in in!. Then press paper or a material onto the lino and press it in with a clean roller to then ma!e a print onto the paper. The ad#antages are that once you ha#e made one you can re/use it but change the colours each time also an ad#antage is that if it is done well can be #ery effecti#e type of printing. The disad#antages are that it is quite e0pensi#e and ta!e up a lot of time to car#e the lino. ,ou could use linocutting for many different things some of the most common uses for it are in#itations and posters. This type of printing is used for this because you can ma!e really complicated and interesting patterns that can be re/used continually and consistently. + famous artists that uses linocut printing for his art wor! is :arl ;ugen 4eel his art is #ery 1. &. *. ..

interesting as he uses lino printing to ma!e complicated and unique images. $e has cut it out so the layers are at different le#els( this gi#es it a specific style. $e tends to use #ery dar! colours which represent his indi#iduality. +s well as ma!ing the theme of his art wor! #ery dar! and sinister at times but on the other hand some of his wor! has used #ibrant colours which come across as up lifting. %or me " en)oy the abstract feel to his art wor! and thin! the way he uses lino printing is efficient and effecti#e. The cost of lino printing can also depend on the quality and quantity you want. Ob#iously the better and more professional equipment will be more e0pensi#e howe#er it will be better quality therefore will impro#e the final product. The equipment you will need is linoleum 8/ shaped car#ing tool and the material you want to use to print onto.

The speed of the process for lino printing is #ery long it ta!es a lot of time to car#e out the pattern or design but then from then becomes a lot simpler as all you need to do is then press it on to the other material to then print the design or pattern. 'ith lino printing the stencil and car#ed shape into the linoleum will ne#er change or weir therefore you can repeat the process many times with consistently hundreds of times. Screen printing Screen printing is a printing technique that uses a wo#en mesh to support an in!/bloc!ing stencil to create a picture or image onto another material. <ostly screen printing is used for printing on clothes or fabric based materials. Step by step guide to screen printing. 1. <esh is stapled to a wooden or metal frame &. <as!ing tape stuc! around underside of the screen *. Stencil design cut .. Stencil placed under frame but abo#e paper 7. Line of in! placed at one end of screen =. Use squeegee to draw in! across screen pressing firmly >. :arefully lift screen

The ad#antages of screen printing are( that it is cheaper the price of hand screen printing is

comparati#ely lower than other screen printing. +lso no big or hea#y machinery is used therefore it is cheaper and also it is easy to print a multi/colour design can be made. The disad#antages for screen printing are( Slow ?roduction 3ate Small Scale ?roduction and Labor "ntensi#e ?rocess.

+n artist that has used screen printing is +ndy 'arhol he was one of the first artists to use screen printing in art. " really li!e +ndy 'arhols art wor! as " lo#e the colours he uses and how he has uses screen printing. Screen printing originated from china as :hinese people used it to create interesting patterns. Screen printing is the most effecti#e way for printing large quantities of t/shirts with a pattern or design on. The cost of screen printing is #ery cheap compared to other printing techniques. The equipment needed for screen printing is( a mesh board a staple gun a lamp and paint ort in!. The speed of the process is slow because the in! or paint used has to dry. 'hen using screen printing you can only ma!e one indi#idual copy. "f you want to ma!e multiple copies you ha#e to go to a shop to get it done professionally then they can ma!e hundreds at a time using a machine. Letter ?ressing Letter pressing is the oldest form of printing and is also !nown as mechanical printing( this is the in#ention of the printing press. "t is when you use indi#idually cut out letters put in the order of words to then pun in! onto and press them onto paper to create te0t. Step by step guide to letter pressing 1. %irstly you need to pic! the letters you need to ma!e the words in your te0t or words. &. Secondly in the time this was made they would ha#e use fabric to print the letters on too to ma!e it howe#er now days we can now use paper. *. Then roll U8 in! o#er the letters and press paper onto it to ma!e a print of the words. The ad#antages of letter pressing are( you can create proper ordinated pages of te0t or illustrations. This is good because it means you can ha#e full pages of te0t then re/use the same letters in a different order to ma!e different words. The disad#antages are that the process is #ery time consuming and we ha#e updated technology therefore ne#er use it. Letter pressing is used for illustrations and te0t. "t was used years ago to ma!e the first e#er printed boo! that was the bible. @ohann Autenberg in#ented the first printing press in the 17.6s and printed && copies of the bible using the printing press.

The cost of letter pressing is #ery e0pensi#e due to the cost of the in!. The equipment you will need is the pressing machine the car#ed out of wood or metal letters and in!. The speed of the process for letting pressing is quite quic!( howe#er it ta!es long time to put the letters in to the correct order to ma!e the words. Then once that is done you need to place them in a frames this doesn-t ta!e #ery long. Once that it done you roll in! o#er them and press paper on top and use the machine to press it down to ma!e the in! off the letters print on to the paper. The last bit doesn-t ta!e #ery long as all you are doing is pressing it down for a few seconds. Using letter pressing you can ma!e 166s of prints of the same words or rearranging them round to ma!e new words. ?hotocopying ?hotocopying is a type of printing where you can use a photocopier to create one or more of the same document or image. "t lets you ta!e a document or image from any !ind of de#ice such as a camera or phone. The ad#antages are( you can ma!e as many copies as you want the quality is #ery good consistent and it is quic!. The disad#antages are that it is e0pensi#e and the more you print the more e0pensi#e it gets. "t is used( wor! places school businesses homes leaflets and poster. This can be done easily with photocopying because you can ma!e hundreds of copies that are good quality that are then easy to gi#e out to people. So many people use photocopiers daily therefore it is hard to find one specific artist that using them in their art. + lot of artists use them to ma!e copies to then ha#e copies to gi#e out or show people. There is one artist that uses photocopiers in #ery unique way. Sofia 3omero using a technique called photocopy transfer. This is when you use either blac! and white or colour photos to transfer onto different types of paper. This can ha#e an interesting affect as different paper can ma!e the in! change therefore effect the image. 2y using a photocopier you can copy the original print but change the paper it prints out on by e0perimenting with different in!s and paper you can change the effecti#eness of using photocopy transfer. The cost of photocopying can #ary depending on( how many copies you want if they are in blac! and white or colour Bcolour costs moreC the si1e of the paper or print and the quality of paper or material that is used.

The equipment you need to photocopy is( a photocopier sheets of paper and the in! to use. ?hotocopier machines can also #ery some printers will ha#e them built it or they will be a smaller separate machine that is then connected to the printer. <ore larger or industrial

machines are more e0pensi#e howe#er are better and can prints hundreds and hundreds of sheets these are mainly used in schools or businesses. The speed process of photocopying is #ery simple and quic! it will only ta!e a few seconds to photocopy and print a small document such as +. si1e. $owe#er the bigger the document the longer it will ta!e. +lso the time can #ary depending on how complicated the document is because of it has more detail it might ta!e the photocopier longer to get all the detail from it before it can print it.

Laser printing laser printing is the digital process of printing. "t wor!s by printing graphics or te0t by passing a laser beam o#er a charged drum to the define a differently charged image. Once the laser has gone o#er the drum it then pic!s up the charged toner and transfers the image or te0t to paper which. That then get heated and permanently fi0ed to the image and page.
Step/by/step guide to laser printing 1. because laser printing is mostly done with a computer you ha#e to ha#e your images or te0t already in document on the computer. &. Then you can go to print on your cmputer and use that and the printer setting to then change the page si1e or using blac! and white or colour. *. Once you ha#e changed the setting to what you want it to print li!e you can clic! print pre#iew so see what the document will print li!e and if you are happy then clic! print. .. Once you ha#e clic!ed this the te0t or image will print e0actly as you want it.

The ad#antages of laser printing are( how quic!y it can print documents precisions as it will print e0actly as you want it in good quality and economy because it doesnDt use up too much power and is efficient. +lso the amount of copies you can print. The main disad#antage of laser printers is how e0pensi#e the in! is compared to in!)et printers howe#er this can be made up by how much cheaper laser printer are to run. Laser printers are often used in businesses school and other en#ironments that need printed documents to be completed quic!ly and in large quantities. These printers are mostly used in bigger companies instead of peoples homes because they are more used for printing out large quantities quic!er. + lot of digitally based artists and photographers will use laser printers as the quality of the printing is better.

The equipment you will need for laser printing is a lot li!e what you need for photocopying. ,ou will need a laser printer paper and the in!. Laser printers can come is #ery different si1es and can change depending on the quality of them. The cost can also #ary depending on the type of laser printer. The most e0pensi#e part to laser printing is again the in! and the laser printer itself howe#er it is cheaper to run and therefore more economic. The speed process for laser printing is #ery quic! this is one of the main ad#antages of using one is that you can print large quantities of images te0t or whole documents #ery quic!ly. This means that you can print hundreds and hundreds of a document in a few minutes and the quality will be consistent throughout.

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