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As per the technical specification of a generator shaft, specification specifies that - " individual values of Charpy V Notch impact

test shall not be less than 3.5 daj/sq cm " What does 3.5 daj / sq cm indicates ?. Is it deca joule per squre centimeter ?. What area to be taken into considerartion to convert it to the Joule ?. Is it the standard test sample cross section area (10 mm X 10 mm as per ASTM-370) ?. Generally test results for Charpy V Notch Impact tests is reported in the energy unit Joule. This ancient (113 year old)ductility test is meant to empirically detect the brittle transition temperature for a particular metallic specimen. Results are in units of energy FOR A PARTICULAR SIZE OF SPECIMEN. Look up the standard specimen size on Wikipedia and in ASTM 370. One decajoule (which I think your abbreviation means) is 10 joules. I don't think it is a commonly used or standard unit. dJ=deci-Joule (0.1*J) while daJ=deca-Joule (10*J), 'a' making the difference Unlike the use of lower/upper case in milli- and Mega- to differentiate

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