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Glassdoor sifted through tens of thousands of interview reviews to find the 50 most common questions. They are: 1. 2. !. $. 5. &.

(. ). *. 11. 12. 1!. 1$. 15. 1&. 1(. 1*. 21. What are your strengths? What are your wea nesses? Why are you interested in wor ing for "insert company name here#? Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? Why do you want to leave your current com%any? Why was there a ga% in your em%loyment 'etween [insert date] and [insert date]? What can you offer us that someone else can not? What are three things your former manager would li e you to im%rove on? +re you willing to relocate? Tell me a'out an accom%lishment you are most %roud of. Tell me a'out a time you made a mista e. What is your dream ,o'? -ow did you hear a'out this %osition? What would you loo to accom%lish in the first !0 days.&0 days.*0 days on the ,o'? /iscuss your resume. /iscuss your educational 'ac ground. Tell me how you handled a difficult situation. Why are you loo ing for a new ,o'?

10. +re you willing to travel?

1). /escri'e yourself. 20. Why should we hire you? 22. Would you wor holidays.wee ends? 2!. -ow would you deal with an angry or irate customer? 2$. What are your salary requirements? 25. Give a time when you went a'ove and 'eyond the requirements for a %ro,ect. 2&. Who are our com%etitors? 2(. What was your 'iggest failure? 2). What motivates you? 2*. What0s your availa'ility? !0. Who0s your mentor? !1. Tell me a'out a time when you disagreed with your 'oss. !2. -ow do you handle %ressure? !!. What is the name of our 123? !$. What are your career goals? !5. What gets you u% in the morning?

!&. What would your direct re%orts say a'out you? !(. What were your 'osses0 strengths.wea nesses? !). 4f 4 called your 'oss right now and as ed him what is an area that you could im%rove on5 what would he say? !*. +re you a leader or a follower? $0. What was the last 'oo you0ve read for fun? $1. What are your co6wor er %et %eeves? $2. What are your ho''ies? $!. What is your favorite we'site? $$. What ma es you uncomforta'le? $5. What are some of your leadershi% e7%eriences? $&. -ow would you fire someone? $(. What do you li e the most and least a'out wor ing in this industry? $). Would you wor $08 hours a wee ? $*. What questions haven0t 4 as ed you? 50. What questions do you have for me?

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