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1. The Guptas were
a.vaishyas b.shudras c.brahmans d.kshatriyas
2.Si-yu-ki is written by
a.It-sing b.Fahien c.Hieun Tsang d.Wee-Li
3.Who among the following was the last Gupta ruler to mint silver coins in Western
a.Purugupta b. Skandagupta c.Kumaragupta-1 d.Chandragupta -11
4.Which of the following works is written in Prakrit?
a.Uttara Ramacharita b.Mahaviracharita C.Gaudavaho d.Malatimadhava
5.The Panchatantra was written during the
a.Gupta period b.Maurya period c.Sultanate period d.Later Vedic period
6.Who among the following was the inventor of zero
a.Bhaskaracharya b.Varahamihira c.Aryabhatta d.None of these
7.What were Rajukas in charge of in the Ashokan empire?
a.justice b.muncipal administration c.religious matters collection
8.Who among the following was the founder of Afghan rule in India?
a.Sikander Lodhi b.Ibrahim Lodhi c.Shershah Suri d.Bahlol Lodhi
9.Who among the following was the most famous Saka ruler in India?
a.Kadphises-11 b.Rudradaman-11 c.Menander d.Gautamiputra Satkarni
10.When did the Gupta era start?
a.78 AD b.320 AD c.312 BC d.58 BC
11.Who was mainly worshipped in the Rig vedic period?
a.Indra b. Vishnu c.Surya d.Trimurti
12.The Pallavas ruled in
a.Kashmir b.Kanchi c.Vatapi d.Vijayanagar
13.Angkor Vat, a Vishnu temple, is in
a.Cambodia b.Japan c.Ceylon d.India
14.Which among the following are the finest specimens of Pallava architecture?
a.Kailashanatha temple of Ellora
b.Rock cut rathas of Mahabalipuram
c.Temples of Tanjore
d.Temples of Madurai
15.Who among the folllowing was the founder of the Chalukya dynasty at Badami?
a.Pulakesin-1 b.Vijayadita c.Kirtivarman-11 d.Vikramaditya-1
16.Hieun-Tsang, a Chinese pilgrim visited India during the reign of Harsha
a. as a Chinese ambassador to India study the life of the Indian people collect Buddhist texts fromIndia study at the Buddhist university of Nalanda
17.Kautilyas Arthashashtra is a treatise on
a.economic policy b.state craft c.interstate relations d.ethics
18.Kalidasa was the court poet of
a.Harshavardhana b. Kanishka c.Chandragupta d.Chandragupta Vikramaditya
19.Which of the following is known as the Golden Period in ancient India
a.Vardhana period b.Kushan period c.Gupta period d.Mauryan period
20.Who among the following is considered to be the greatest of the Chola kings
a.Vijayalaya b. Kullotunga c.Rajendra d.Rajaraja

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