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March 13, 2014 Mr.

Joseph Aoun President Northeastern University Dear President Aoun: The American Muslims for Palestine, a national education and advocacy organization, is appalled that Northeastern University officials have banned its chapter of the Students for Justice in Palestine and are threatening expulsion against two SJP members for participating in constitutionally guaranteed political speech. Though not an SJP-sponsored action, students were fully within their rights to post mock eviction notices as a way to raise awareness of the Israeli militarys demolition of Palestinian homes and the frequent eviction of Palestinian families from their houses. AMP considers the universitys response to be inappropriate and disproportionate to the student actions. These measures will have a serious negative impact on academic freedom, freedom of speech, and they unfairly target those who support human rights for Palestinians. Such actions by the university chill free speech and create a hostile environment for Arab and Muslim students and their supporters. Rather than encouraging students to participate in the free and open marketplace of ideas, the administration has decided to sanction well-meaning and engaging students and to silence a particular point of view. Therefore, we ask that Northeastern University reinstate Students for Justice in Palestine as a student organization, with full rights and benefits, and issue an apology for the police interrogations and intimidation enacted against SJP members. We also ask the university drop all charges against the two SJP members facing individual sanctions and expulsion. We ask for assurances that SJP will not be held to more stringent standards than other organizations and that it receives appropriate support from university faculty and staff. Finally, we ask that Northeastern University Police cease to investigate student organizations lawfully expressing their free speech rights. Sincerely, Dr. Hatem Bazian Chairman American Muslims for Palestine

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