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Role: Web API Developer

Assessment Task
The following task is expected to take around one hour to complete. Once youve completed the task please submit two files: (a) containing the XSLT code (b) a sample of the output. The submissions should be made within 24 hours. Youre also advised to take notes on your code to help discussion at interview.

Test data
<bets> <event>Grand National</event> </bets>

Using XSL, transform the test data into the equivalent JSON format. Use XSLT version 2.0. Your solution should anticipate the effect of the test data being updated how would this impact your outputs? Also consider implementing a feature so that root node can be supressed - it may not be required in the output.

Configure the transformation with a list of elements that should appear as arrays in the JSON output. The element type is fixed (e.g. a string) and does not need to contain any siblings. Your output should be similar to the below.

{ "bets": { "event": [ "Grand National" ] } }

Good luck!

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